

We are often asked by our users about what tools we use to manage and grow our WordPress blogs. We have listed some of them in our WPBeginner Blueprint, but there are some more that we use on our different projects. Below is a list of 40 useful tools to manage and grow your WordPress blog.

用户经常向我们询问有关我们使用哪些工具来管理和发展WordPress博客。 我们已经在WPBeginner蓝图中列出了其中的一些,但是在我们的不同项目中还有更多使用。 以下列出了40个有用的工具来管理和发展WordPress博客。

Useful tools to manage and grow your WordPress blog
想要建立博客(Looking to start a blog?)

Want to start your own WordPress blog? We know that it can be a terrifying thought specially if you’re not geeky. Guess what – you’re not alone.

想建立自己的WordPress博客吗? 我们知道,如果您不怪异,这可能是一个可怕的想法。 猜猜是什么-您并不孤单。

At WPBeginner, we have helped over 130,000+ users start a blog. And you can too!

在WPBeginner,我们已经帮助超过13万名用户创建了博客。 而且您也可以!

Read our comprehensive step by step guide on how to start a WordPress blog without any technical knowledge.

阅读我们全面的分步指南, 了解如何在没有任何技术知识的情况下启动WordPress博客

1. VaultPress (1. VaultPress)


Backups are extremely crucial for any online business to grow. We use VaultPress on WPBeginner and all our websites. It is a subscription based service with different plans and pricing. VaultPress offers automated real-time cloud backup solution with one click restore option.

备份对于任何在线业务的增长都至关重要。 我们在WPBeginner和所有网站上使用VaultPress。 这是一项基于订阅的服务,具有不同的计划和价格。 VaultPress提供带有一键还原选项的自动化实时云备份解决方案。

Alternatives: See 7 best WordPress backup plugins compared (pros and cons)

备选方案: 比较7个最佳WordPress备份插件(优缺点)

2. Sucuri (2. Sucuri)


Any website can get hacked or attacked by malware or denial of service attacks. Sucuri is a website monitoring and security service. It provides real time alerts for any suspicious activity on your website. It not only prevents your website from malware but can also detect and remove them.

任何网站都可能受到恶意软件或拒绝服务攻击的攻击或攻击。 Sucuri是网站监视和安全服务。 它会为您网站上的任何可疑活动提供实时警报。 它不仅可以防止您的网站受到恶意软件的侵害,还可以对其进行检测和删除。

Take a look at how Sucuri helped us block 450,000 WordPress attacks in 3 Months. You may also want to see our article comparing Sucuri vs CloudFlare to find out which one is better for your business.

看看Sucuri如何帮助我们在3个月内阻止了450,000次WordPress攻击 。 您可能还想看一下我们的文章,比较Sucuri与CloudFlare,以找出哪一种更适合您的业务。

3. Google Analytics(分析) (3. Google Analytics)

Google Analytics

Understanding your audience is the key to success for any online business. Google Analytics provides you the statistics you need to understand your audience. It is very easy to install Google Analytics in WordPress and it is free.

了解您的受众是任何在线业务成功的关键。 Google Analytics(分析)为您提供了了解受众群体所需的统计信息。 在WordPress中安装Google Analytics(分析 )非常容易,而且它是免费的。

Alternatives: 7 best analytics solutions for WordPress.

替代方案: WordPress的7种最佳分析解决方案

4. Yoast SEO (4. Yoast SEO)

Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress

Yoast’s WordPress SEO plugin is the complete website optimization solution for WordPress. It is packed with features and eliminates the need of installing several other plugins. It is also very easy to install and setup Yoast SEO plugin in WordPress. See why we use WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast.

Yoast的WordPress SEO插件是WordPress的完整网站优化解决方案。 它具有很多功能,并且不需要安装其他几个插件。 在WordPress中安装和设置Yoast SEO插件也非常容易。 了解为什么我们使用Yoast的WordPress SEO插件。

Alternative: All in One SEO Pack. Also see our comparison of Yoast SEO vs All in One SEO Pack.

替代方案: 一站式SEO打包 。 另请参阅我们的Yoast SEO与一站式SEO打包”比较

5.编辑流程 (5. Edit Flow)

Edit Flow

Managing a multi-author WordPress site can be a mess if you don’t know what everyone is working on. Edit Flow offers a smooth editorial workflow management system for WordPress powered websites. It allows you to add custom statuses, leave editorial feedback, view editorial calendar, and execute your content strategy like a pro.

如果您不知道每个人都在做什么,那么管理多作者WordPress网站可能会一团糟。 Edit Flow 为WordPress支持的网站提供了一个流畅的编辑工作流管理系统 。 它使您可以添加自定义状态,留下编辑反馈,查看编辑日历并像专业人士一样执行内容策略。

Alternative: Content Progress

选择: 内容进度

6. TablePress (6. TablePress)


TablePress allows you to add tables into your WordPress posts and pages without writing any HTML or CSS. It is simple to use and comes with advance features like sorting columns, exporting data, and using formulas in your tables.

TablePress允许您将表添加到WordPress帖子和页面中,而无需编写任何HTML或CSS。 它使用简单,并具有一些高级功能,例如对列进行排序,导出数据以及在表中使用公式。

Learn more in our guide on how to add tables in WordPress posts and pages.


7. Polldaddy (7. Polldaddy)


As the name suggests, Polldaddy allows you to add polls, surveys and quizzes to your WordPress site. Polldaddy makes it very simple to create polls and quickly embed them into your posts. The only downside is that it asks you to connect to your WordPress.com account.

顾名思义,Polldaddy允许您向WordPress网站添加民意调查,调查和测验。 Polldaddy使创建民意调查并将其快速嵌入您的帖子变得非常简单。 唯一的缺点是它要求您连接到WordPress.com帐户。

Alternative: Gravity Forms, SurveyMonkey

备选方案: 重力形式 ,SurveyMonkey

8.渴会员 (8. ThirstyAffiliates)


Affiliate marketing is the main source of income for many website owners. Adding and managing affiliate links can be a time consuming task, this is where ThirstyAffiliates comes in.

联盟营销是许多网站所有者的主要收入来源。 添加和管理会员链接可能是一项耗时的任务,这是ThirstyAffiliates的来历

It is an affiliate link manager which allows you to easily add affiliate links, cloak links with pretty URLs, and auto-insert links for keywords. See our guide on how to add affiliate links in WordPress with ThirstyAffiliates.

它是会员链接管理器,可让您轻松添加会员链接,带有漂亮URL的隐身链接以及自动插入关键字的链接。 请参阅我们的指南, 了解如何使用ThirstyAffiliates在WordPress中添加会员链接

9.截止日期之后 (9. After the Deadline)

After the Deadline

After the deadline allows you to check your WordPress posts and pages for grammar and spelling mistakes. Developed by Automattic, it also checks your posts for style which allows you to improve readability of your content.

在截止日期之后,您可以检查WordPress帖子和页面的语法和拼写错误 。 它由Automattic开发,还检查您的帖子的样式,从而使您可以提高内容的可读性。

10.浮动社交栏 (10. Floating Social Bar)

Floating Social Bar

Most social media plugins for WordPress slow down your site’s page speed. Floating social bar is the best WordPress social media plugin which only loads your social media buttons when needed. It adds a sticky floating bar on your WordPress posts to maximize your social media visibility.

大多数适用于WordPress的社交媒体插件都会降低您网站的页面速度。 浮动社交栏是最好的WordPress社交媒体插件,仅在需要时才加载您的社交媒体按钮。 它在WordPress帖子上添加了一个粘性浮动条,以最大化您的社交媒体可见性。

See how to use Floating Social Bar


11.另一个相关的帖子插件(YARPP) (11. Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP))

Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP)

Yet Another Related Posts Plugin aka YARPP is one of the most popular WordPress related posts plugin with more than 300,000+ downloads. It supports both thumbnail and text display of related posts and is quite easy to use even for beginners.

另一个相关帖子插件,又名YARPP,是最受欢迎的WordPress相关帖子插件之一,下载量超过300,000。 它支持相关帖子的缩略图和文本显示,即使是初学者也非常易于使用。

Alternatives: 5 Best Related Posts Plugins for WordPress

替代方法: 5个最相关的WordPress插件

12.海狸生成器 (12. Beaver Builder)

Beaver Builder

Beaver Builder is the best drag and drop WordPress page builder plugin. It allows you to easily create any kind of page with your own custom layout regardless of your WordPress theme.

Beaver Builder是最好的WordPress拖放页面构建器插件。 它使您可以轻松地使用自己的自定义布局创建任何类型的页面,而无需考虑WordPress主题。

It comes with several advanced and basic modules which are like blocks that you can use in your pages to add different functionalities.


Alternatives: 5 best drag and drop page builders for WordPress.

替代方案: 5个最佳的WordPress拖放页面构建器

13. OutreachPlus (13. OutreachPlus)


OutreachPlus allows you to efficiently run email outreach campaigns for your business. You can track and follow up prospects more easily and track all your leads under one dashboard.

OutreachPlus使您可以有效地为您的企业运行电子邮件扩展活动。 您可以更轻松地跟踪和跟踪潜在客户,并在一个仪表盘下跟踪所有潜在客户。

It comes with features like automated replies, action based triggers, auto-personalization, email insights, and more. You can connect multiple email accounts and use a single inbox with a bird’s eye view of your outreach campaigns. It is a must-have tool for reaching out to get backlinks, press mentions, connecting with influencers, building authority, and generating traffic for your website.

它具有自动回复,基于操作的触发器,自动个性化,电子邮件见解等功能。 您可以连接多个电子邮件帐户,并使用一个收件箱,鸟瞰您的推广活动。 它是伸手去获得反向链接,新闻提及,与影响者联系,建立权威并为您的网站吸引流量的必备工具。

14.轻松的数字下载 (14. Easy Digital Downloads)

Easy Digital Downloads

Easy Digital Downloads is the easiest way to sell digital goods with WordPress. It comes with multiple payment gateways, recurring payments, discount codes, reports, and dozens of addons. It is easy to set up, even for beginners, and strong enough for developers to customize easily.

轻松数字下载是使用WordPress销售数字商品的最简单方法。 它带有多个付款网关,定期付款,折扣代码,报告和许多附加组件。 即使对于初学者来说,它也很容易设置,并且足够强大,可以使开发人员轻松自定义。

Alternatives: See 5 best WordPress eCommerce plugins compared

替代方案: 比较5个最佳WordPress电子商务插件

15.持续接触 (15. Constant Contact)

Constant Contact

Constant Contact is one of the best email service provider. It allows you to build your email list, design emails, and send it to your users. It is very beginner friendly and at the same time powerful enough for experienced users.

持续联系最好的电子邮件服务提供商之一 。 它使您可以构建电子邮件列表,设计电子邮件并将其发送给用户。 它非常适合初学者,同时对于有经验的用户来说功能足够强大。

Alternatives: Aweber, GetResponse

替代方案: AweberGetResponse

16. OptinMonster (16. OptinMonster)


OptinMonster is the best WordPress lead generation plugin. It allows you to add beautiful optin forms into your WordPress site and helps you get more subscribers (see how we increased our email subscribers by 600% with OptinMonster). It comes with page level targeting, split testing, analytics, and exit-intent technology which allows you to display a lightbox popup when a user is about to leave your website.

OptinMonster是最好的WordPress潜在客户生成插件。 它使您可以在WordPress网站中添加漂亮的optin表单,并帮助您吸引更多订阅者(请参阅我们如何通过 OptinMonster将电子邮件订阅者人数增加600% )。 它具有页面级定位,拆分测试,分析和退出意图技术 ,可让您在用户即将离开您的网站时显示灯箱弹出窗口。

See how to build your email list in WordPress with OptinMonster.


17. WPForms (17. WPForms)


WPForms is the most beginner friendly contact form plugin for WordPress. This drag & drop online form builder allows you to easily create contact forms, email subscription forms, order forms, payment forms, and other type of online forms with just a few clicks.

WPForms是适用于WordPress的最适合初学者的联系表单插件。 使用此拖放式在线表单构建器,您只需单击几下即可轻松创建联系表单,电子邮件订阅表单,订单,付款表单以及其他类型的在线表单。

We use it on WPBeginner and all of our other sites. There’s a free WPForms Lite version available for those who are looking for a simple solution.

我们在WPBeginner和所有其他站点上使用它。 有一个免费的WPForms Lite版本供那些正在寻找简单解决方案的人使用。

If you want more advanced features, then get the Pro version. Use this WPForms coupon to get 10% off your purchase.

如果您需要更多高级功能,请获取Pro版本。 使用此WPForms优惠券可获得10%的折扣。

Alternative: Gravity Forms, NinjaForms

替代方案: 重力形式忍者 形式

18. CC搜索 (18. CC Search)

CC Search

It is a proven fact that people find images more engaging than text. However, finding images that you are legally allowed to use is not that simple. CC Search allows you to search through creative commons licensed images. You can restrict the search to look for images you are allowed to use and modify. Check out our guide on how to find and insert creative commons licensed images for your WordPress blog posts.

事实证明,人们发现图像比文本更具吸引力。 但是,查找法律上允许使用的图像并不是那么简单。 CC搜索允许您搜索创作共用许可的图像。 您可以限制搜索以查找允许使用和修改的图像。 查阅我们的指南,了解如何为您的WordPress博客文章查找和插入创作共用许可的图像

Also checkout our guide on how to find royalty free images for your WordPress blog posts.


19. Canva (19. Canva)


Ever wanted to add professional looking graphics to your site? Canva allows you to create beautiful graphic designs, edit images, create posters, with a simple and intuitive drag and drop interface. It is extremely easy to use even for beginners.

是否曾经想过向您的网站添加专业外观的图形? Canva允许您使用简单直观的拖放界面来创建精美的图形设计,编辑图像,创建海报。 即使对于初学者,它也非常易于使用。

Alternative: Visage

选择: 面貌

20. PiktoChart (20. PiktoChart)


PiktoChart makes it possible for anyone to create beautiful infographics, charts, and presentations. It has hundreds of templates and allows you to upload your own photos. You can use the simple drag and drop interface to create any kind of infographic.

PiktoChart使任何人都可以创建漂亮的图表,图表和演示文稿。 它具有数百个模板,并允许您上传自己的照片。 您可以使用简单的拖放界面来创建任何种类的信息图。

Alternative: Infogr.am

另类: Infogr.am

21. Google云端硬盘 (21. Google Drive)


Google Drive makes it easier for you to share documents, collaborate with teams, and access your stuff from any device. Google’s cloud storage service is a reasonably good alternative to desktop office applications. It comes with 15 GB free storage which is shared with your Gmail and Google+ accounts.

Google云端硬盘使您可以更轻松地共享文档,与团队合作以及从任何设备访问资料。 Google的云存储服务是桌面办公应用程序的合理替代品。 它具有15 GB的免费存储空间,可与您的Gmail和Google+帐户共享。

Alternative: Dropbox

另类: Dropbox

22. TimeDoctor (22. TimeDoctor)


TimeDoctor is a productivity tool that allows you to see exactly how you spent time while working. It can be used by an individual as well as teams. As a time tracking tool it can monitor websites, applications, and idle time.

TimeDoctor是一种生产力工具,可让您确切地了解工作时间。 它既可以用于个人,也可以用于团队。 作为时间跟踪工具,它可以监视网站,应用程序和空闲时间。

Alternative: RescueTime

选择: RescueTime

23.回旋镖 (23. Boomerang)


Ever wanted to schedule emails to send later? Boomerang allows you to schedule emails in your Gmail account. It also allows you to automatically send follow up emails if you don’t get a response in a given time. Boomerang is available as a browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. It is also available on mobile and android devices.

是否曾经想过安排电子邮件以后发送? Boomerang允许您安排Gmail帐户中的电子邮件。 如果您在给定时间内没有收到回复,它还允许您自动发送后续电子邮件。 Boomerang可作为Chrome,Firefox和Safari的浏览器扩展。 它也可以在移动设备和android设备上使用。

24.特雷洛 (24. Trello)


Trello is a project management tool. It offers a visual to organize and manage your projects. A typical Trello board is a list of lists displayed as cards. Add team members to any card, assign tasks, and get things done. Trello displays real time activity on the same board and you can everything that is happening on a project.

Trello是一个项目管理工具。 它为组织和管理项目提供了视觉效果。 典型的Trello板是显示为卡的列表的列表。 将团队成员添加到任何卡片中,分配任务并完成任务。 Trello在同一块板上显示实时活动,您可以执行项目中发生的所有事情。

25. LastPass (25. LastPass)


There is no excuse for using weak passwords or using the same password for different services. But the problem is how do you remember all these passwords? LastPass is a password manager that stores all your password under one secure vault. After installing LastPass, you can use it to auto generate strong passwords and save them in just one click.

使用弱密码或对不同服务使用相同密码没有任何借口。 但是问题是您如何记住所有这些密码? LastPass是一个密码管理器,可将您的所有密码存储在一个安全的存储库中。 安装LastPass之后,您可以使用它自动生成强密码并将其保存在一键中。

Alternatives: 1Password, Dashlane


26. Twitter搜索 (26. Twitter Search)

Twitter Search

Twitter is the chatter box of the web. Use Twitter search to find content ideas. See what users are talking about topics related to your website and then reach out to those users to engage them.

Twitter是网络的聊天框。 使用Twitter搜索来查找内容提示。 查看哪些用户在谈论与您的网站相关的主题,然后与这些用户联系以吸引他们。

27. Google搜索控制台 (27. Google Search Console)

Google Search Console

Google Search Console also known as Google Webmaster Tools allows website owners to check how the search engine sees their website. You can see the most commonly used queries where your site appears. It is a comprehensive set of tools which show reports on duplicate titles, crawl errors, search queries, indexed content, etc.

Google Search Console(也称为Google网站管理员工具)使网站所有者可以检查搜索引擎如何看其网站。 您可以在网站出现的地方看到最常用的查询。 它是一套全面的工具,可显示有关重复标题,抓取错误,搜索查询,索引内容等的报告。

See how to add your WordPress site to Google Webmaster Tools


28. Google关键字规划师 (28. Google Keyword Planner)

Google Keyword Planner

Google’s keyword planner tool gives you an estimate of search volume for keywords. Using this tool you can identify keywords worth writing for. You can also find long tail keywords with high search volume. This will allow you to easily rank your posts for these keywords.

Google的关键字规划工具可为您估算关键字的搜索量。 使用此工具,您可以识别值得编写的关键字。 您还可以找到搜索量大的长尾关键词。 这样一来,您就可以轻松为这些关键字的帖子排名。

29. EMV标题分析器 (29. EMV Headline Analyzer)

Emotional Marketing Value analysis

Emotional Market Value headline analyzer tool checks your post titles, headings, and headlines for emotional impact. Studies have shown that users find headlines with higher EMV much more appealing. Testing your headlines for EMV will teach you to write more persuasive titles and call of actions.

情感市场价值标题分析器工具检查您的帖子标题,标题和标题是否有情感影响。 研究表明,用户发现带有较高EMV的标题更具吸引力。 测试您的EMV标题将教会您编写更有说服力的标题和行动呼吁。

Also see: 700+ power words that will boost your conversions

另请参阅: 700多个有帮助的词,可助您提高转化次数

30.饲料 (30. Feedly)


Feedly is a modern news/RSS feed reader. It allows you to view and read content from all your favorite site in one place. Feedly is available on the web, as browser extension, and as app on Android and iOS devices.

Feedly是现代新闻/ RSS feed阅读器。 它使您可以在一处查看和阅读所有喜爱的站点中的内容。 Feedly可在网络上,作为浏览器扩展以及在Android和iOS设备上作为应用程序使用。

See also: 15 Must Have Mobile Apps for WordPress Users and Bloggers

另请参阅: 15个必须具有适用于WordPress用户和Blogger的移动应用程序

31.缓冲区 (31. Buffer)


BufferApp provides a better way to share your content across social media. It allows you to schedule and share your content across Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin from a single dashboard. You can plan your whole day’s tweets and status updates in one go.

BufferApp提供了一种更好的跨社交媒体共享内容的方式。 它允许您从单个仪表板在Facebook,Twitter和Linkedin上计划和共享内容。 您可以一次性计划一整天的推文和状态更新。

See our guide on how to schedule WordPress posts for social media with BufferApp.

请参阅我们的指南, 了解如何使用BufferApp安排社交媒体的WordPress帖子

32. BuzzSumo (32. BuzzSumo)


BuzzSumo helps you analyze what content performs best for any topic or even for your competitors. You can find key influencers to promote your content, monitor your brand mentions, and so much more.

BuzzSumo可帮助您分析哪种内容最适合任何主题甚至竞争对手。 您可以找到主要的影响者来宣传您的内容,监视您的品牌提及等。

This tool is a must have for all serious bloggers.


Alternative: Nothing compares.


33. Google URL构建器 (33. Google URL Builder)

Did you know that you can track outgoing links on your website in Google Analytics? All you have to do is embed a few strings in your URL and then see how this URL performs in your Google Analytics reports.

您是否知道可以在Google Analytics(分析)中跟踪网站上的传出链接? 您所要做的就是在网址中嵌入一些字符串,然后在Google Analytics(分析)报告中查看该网址的效果。

See our guide on how to track links in WordPress using Google Analytics.

请参阅我们的指南,了解如何使用Google Analytics(分析)跟踪WordPress中的链接

34. SEMRush (34. SEMRush)


SEMRush helps you find competitive search data, so you can rank high for the right keywords. You can get insights into your competitors’ strategies in display advertising, organic and paid such, as well as link building. Combining the tools from SEMRush, you can surely increase your traffic multiple folds.

SEMRush可帮助您找到有竞争力的搜索数据,因此您可以在正确的关键字上排名较高。 您可以洞悉竞争对手的自然展示广告,付费广告和链接建立策略。 结合使用SEMRush的工具,您肯定可以将流量提高数倍。

Alternatives: RavenTools

替代品: RavenTools

35. HARO (35. HARO)

Help a Reporter Out

HARO stands for Help A Reporter Out, its a free service which connects experts to reporters. Experts gets questions from reporters if they need any help in that particular area of expertise. When answering the question you can request the reporter to mention your name, blog, or startup in their story.

HARO代表Help A Reporter Out,它是一项将专家与记者联系起来的免费服务。 专家在特定专业领域是否需要任何帮助,会从记者那里得到疑问。 回答问题时,您可以要求记者在他们的故事中提及您的姓名,博客或创业公司。

36.适得其反 (36. Rapportive)


Rapportive allows you to see additional information about contacts right inside your Gmail inbox. Information such as their social media profiles, website, job, company, etc. It is available as an addon for Firefox and Google Chrome.

通过Rapportive,您可以直接在Gmail收件箱中查看有关联系人的其他信息。 诸如其社交媒体资料,网站,工作,公司等信息。它可以作为Firefox和Google Chrome的附件使用。

37.Camtasia (37. Camtasia)


Camtasia is a screen recording software available for Windows and Mac. Extremely useful for sites where you need to walk through users. It allows you to easily edit your videos, add graphics, animations, arrows, sounds, etc.

Camtasia是可用于Windows和Mac的屏幕录制软件。 对于需要遍历用户的站点特别有用。 它使您可以轻松地编辑视频,添加图形,动画,箭头,声音等。

Alternatives: Screenflow, CamStudio

替代方案: ScreenflowCamStudio

38. BuzzStream (38. BuzzStream)


BuzzStream allows you to manage relationships and run effective link building and outreach campaigns. It is a tool to manage your contacts and influencers in an efficient and personalized way. It helps you find influencers, run out reach and link building campaigns, and focus on your public relations goals.

BuzzStream允许您管理关系并运行有效的链接构建和外展活动。 它是一种以有效且个性化的方式管理您的联系人和影响者的工具。 它可以帮助您找到有影响力的人,扩大影响力并建立联系,并专注于您的公共关系目标。

39. Pingdom (39. Pingdom)


Your site’s uptime and speed are crucial for the success and growth of your business. Pingdom is a website performance and uptime monitoring service. It offers free tools that you can use to monitor website speed and uptime.

网站的正常运行时间和速度对于业务的成功与增长至关重要。 Pingdom是网站性能和正常运行时间监控服务。 它提供免费的工具,可用于监视网站的速度和正常运行时间。

40.无限WP (40. InfiniteWP)


If you manage multiple WordPress sites for yourself or for clients, then you would know how frustrating it could be to update them all one by one. InfiniteWP allows you to manage all your WordPress sites from a single dashboard. See our guide on how to manage multiple WordPress sites using InfiniteWP.

如果您自己或为客户管理多个WordPress网站,那么您将知道一次又一次地更新它们可能会令人沮丧。 InfiniteWP允许您从一个仪表板管理所有WordPress网站。 请参阅我们的指南,了解如何使用InfiniteWP管理多个WordPress网站

Alternative: ManageWP and iThemes Sync.

备选方案: ManageWPiThemes Sync

奖金工具 (Bonus Tools)

Here are some bonus tools to help you grow your WordPress powered website.


41.国际乒联 (41. IFTTT )


IFTTT is an online tool which allows you to put the internet on work for you. You can automate your social media sharing, organize your text messages, even handle your calls using IFTTT. Checkout our guide on how to automate WordPress and Social Media with IFTTT.

IFTTT是一个在线工具,可让您为自己的互联网工作。 您可以使用IFTTT自动化社交媒体共享,整理短信,甚至处理呼叫。 查阅我们的指南,了解如何使用IFTTT自动化WordPress和社交媒体

42.松弛 (42. Slack)


Slack is a messaging app for teams of all shapes and sizes. It allows you to create a slack for your team and then create chatrooms called channels. You can create private channels as well as public channels.

Slack是一款适用于各种规模和规模的团队的消息传递应用程序。 它允许您为团队创建一个闲暇,然后创建称为通道的聊天室。 您可以创建私人频道以及公共频道。

Team members can also send direct messages to each other and create group chats as well. Users can also send each other files, documents, images, etc.

团队成员还可以彼此直接发送消息,也可以创建群组聊天。 用户还可以互相发送文件,文档,图像等。

That’s all for now. We hope these tools help you manage and grow your WordPress blog.

目前为止就这样了。 我们希望这些工具可以帮助您管理和发展WordPress博客。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/40-useful-tools-to-manage-and-grow-your-wordpress-blog/


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