wordpress ftp_适用于Mac和Windows WordPress用户的6个最佳FTP客户端

wordpress ftp

Recently while discussing how to use FTP to upload files to WordPress, one of our users asked us to recommended the FTP clients for Windows and Mac. There are plenty of free and paid FTP clients available. In this article, we have hand-picked some of the best FTP clients for WordPress beginners. The goal here is to find the most reliable, secure, and easy to use FTP tool for all your WordPress file editing and uploads.

最近,在讨论如何使用FTP将文件上传到WordPress时,我们的一位用户要求我们推荐适用于Windows和Mac的FTP客户端。 有许多免费和付费的FTP客户端可用。 在本文中,我们为WordPress初学者精心挑选了一些最佳的FTP客户端。 目的是为所有WordPress文件编辑和上传找到最可靠,安全和易于使用的FTP工具。

Best FTP clients for Mac and Windows WordPress users
什么是FTP客户端? 为什么需要它? (What is an FTP Client? Why You Need it?)

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) allows you to upload files from your computer to your WordPress site. In order to use FTP, you will need an FTP client which is a desktop app that connects your computer to your WordPress hosting account.

FTP(文件传输协议)使您可以将文件从计算机上传到WordPress站点。 为了使用FTP,您将需要一个FTP客户端,这是一个桌面应用程序,可将您的计算机连接到WordPress托管帐户。

It provides an easy to use graphics user interface, so that you can perform all FTP functions such as copy, upload, delete, rename, and edit files / folders on your WordPress site.


It is not necessary to install an FTP client to use WordPress. However, an FTP client can help you quickly fix common WordPress errors when you are not able to access WordPress admin area.

无需安装FTP客户端即可使用WordPress。 但是,当您无法访问WordPress管理区域时,FTP客户端可以帮助您快速修复常见的WordPress错误

如何使用FTP客户端? (How to Use an FTP Client?)

You will need a FTP username and password in order to connect to your WordPress site.


This information can be found in the email you got when you first started your blog and signed up for a web hosting account.


You can also get this information from your web hosting cPanel dashboard or ask the support, and they will email it to you.


Once you have this information, you can connect to your website.


First, you will need to launch your FTP client and enter your FTP username, password, host (usually your website address e.g. wpbeginner.com), and then click on the connect button.


Connecting your FTP client

Host is usually your website’s URL (e.g. wpbeginner.com).


If you do not enter anything in the port field, then your FTP client will connect using the plain FTP protocol on port 21.


You can use port 22 to connect to your server using SFTP which encrypts information before sending it to your web server. This reduces the chances of hackers stealing your FTP password or sniffing on information.

您可以使用端口22通过SFTP连接到服务器,该SFTP在将信息发送到Web服务器之前对其进行加密。 这样可以减少黑客窃取您的FTP密码或嗅探信息的机会。

Having said that, let’s take a look at some of the best FTP clients available for WordPress users on different platforms.


WordPress用户的最佳FTP客户端 (Best FTP Clients for WordPress Users)

There are several paid and free FTP clients available for different platforms and operating systems. Each one of them comes with an easy to use interface and additional features that will make it easier for you to edit WordPress files.

有几种付费和免费的FTP客户端,可用于不同的平台和操作系统。 它们每个都有一个易于使用的界面和其他功能,使您可以更轻松地编辑WordPress文件。

1. WinSCP (1. WinSCP)


WinSCP is one of the most powerful and easy to use FTP client for Windows users. It feels like there are too many things on the user interface, but it is actually quite easy to learn.

WinSCP是Windows用户最强大且易于使用的FTP客户端之一。 感觉用户界面上有太多东西,但是实际上很容易学习。

On your left, you have the files on your computer and on the right, you see the files on your server. Just click on a file to download, upload, or edit it.

左边是计算机上的文件,右边是服务器上的文件。 只需单击文件即可下载,上传或编辑它。

For advanced users, WinSCP has all the features that you would need from a powerful FTP client. It supports SFTP, SSH, and of course the plain old FTP. Handling files and assigning default editors is quite easy with WinSCP.

对于高级用户,WinSCP具有功能强大的FTP客户端所需的所有功能。 它支持SFTP,SSH,当然也支持普通的旧FTP。 使用WinSCP,处理文件和分配默认编辑器非常容易。

Platform: WindowsPrice: Free

平台: Windows 价格:免费

2.赛鸭 (2. Cyberduck)


CyberDuck is an extremely easy to use FTP client suitable for beginners as well as advanced users.


It is available for Mac and Windows computers. Unlike other cross platform applications, it actually integrates beautifully with your native Mac environment. It also supports Mac features like storing your login credentials in keychain and locating files in finder.

它适用于Mac和Windows计算机。 与其他跨平台应用程序不同,它实际上与您的本机Mac环境完美集成。 它还支持Mac功能,例如将登录凭据存储在钥匙串中以及在finder中定位文件。

You can select your preferred code editor and open files for editing with the click of a button.

您可以选择首选的代码编辑器 ,然后单击按钮打开文件进行编辑。

Platform: Windows, MacPrice: Free

平台: Windows,Mac 价格:免费

3.传送 (3. Transmit)


Transmit is the most popular FTP client for Mac, particularly among web developers. It comes with an extremely powerful set of features like folder syncing, disk feature, and higher speeds.

传输是Mac上最受欢迎的FTP客户端,尤其是在Web开发人员中。 它具有极其强大的功能集,例如文件夹同步,磁盘功能和更高的速度。

Transmit beautifully integrates into your native Mac environment which makes it super easy for Mac users to learn quickly. You can add your transmit shortcuts to Finder as favorites and quickly access them.

完美地将Transmit集成到您的本机Mac环境中,这使Mac用户可以非常轻松地快速学习。 您可以将发送快捷方式作为收藏夹添加到Finder,然后快速访问它们。

It supports SSH, SFTP, FTP, FTPs connections. It also comes with a neat code editor for quick file edits.

它支持SSH,SFTP,FTP,FTPs连接。 它还带有一个简洁的代码编辑器,可用于快速文件编辑。

Platform: MacPrice: Free, Paid version for $34

平台: Mac 价格:免费,付费版本为34美元

4.免费的FTP (4. Free FTP)

Free FTP

Free FTP by Coffee House is a popular FTP client among Windows users. It is very beginner friendly and quite easy to use.

Coffee House提供的免费FTP是Windows用户中流行的FTP客户端。 它非常适合初学者,并且非常易于使用。

It supports FTP, SFTP, FTPS, and beautifully integrates into your operating system. It has a history feature which allows you to remember where you stored a file.

它支持FTP,SFTP,FTPS,并完美地集成到您的操作系统中。 它具有历史记录功能,可让您记住文件的存储位置。

There is a paid version available as well which is called Direct FTP. It has extra features like code editor, autocompletion, image viewer, etc.

还有一个付费版本,称为直接FTP。 它具有额外的功能,例如代码编辑器,自动完成,图像查看器等。

Platform: WindowsPrice: Free, Paid version for $39

平台: Windows 价格:免费,付费版本为39美元

5. FileZilla (5. FileZilla)


FileZilla is a popular free FTP client for Windows, Mac, and Linux.


It is perhaps, the most easy to use FTP client. However, the reason we have placed it on the fifth position is because Windows users have reportedly found adware or spyware packaged into FileZilla downloads.

这也许是最容易使用的FTP客户端。 但是,之所以将其排在第五位,是因为据报道Windows用户已经发现打包在FileZilla下载中的广告软件或间谍软件。

You can uncheck the box during the installation to opt-out from adware, but since many of our users are beginners, we are afraid that they may miss it and eventually end up with an adware on their computer.


Our experienced users can install FileZilla from official website. Linux users will find Filezilla available in their distro’s official repositories.

我们经验丰富的用户可以从官方网站安装FileZilla。 Linux用户将在其发行版的官方存储库中找到Filezilla。

Platform: Windows, Mac, LinuxPrice: Free

平台: Windows,Mac,Linux 价格:免费

6. WS_FTP专业版 (6. WS_FTP Professional)

WS_FTP Professional

WS_FTP Professional is a popular commercial FTP client for Windows. It offers enterprise grade security with SSH, and 256-bit AES, FIPS 140-2 validated cryptography and OpenPGP file encryption for transfers.

WS_FTP Professional是Windows上流行的商用FTP客户端。 它通过SSH和256位AES,FIPS 140-2验证的加密技术以及用于传输的OpenPGP文件加密提供企业级安全性。

It comes with powerful file search, drag and drop transfers, faster speeds, scheduled transfers, and many more advanced features.


Platform: WindowsPrice: From $49.95

平台: Windows 价格: $ 49.95起

We hope this article helped you find the best FTP client for uploading files to WordPress. You may also want to take a look at our beginner’s guide to pasting code snippets in WordPress.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到最佳的FTP客户端,用于将文件上传到WordPress。 您可能还想看看我们的初学者指南,以WordPress粘贴代码片段

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/6-best-ftp-clients-for-wordpress-users/

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