Are you looking for the best plugins to manage images on your WordPress site? Images help bring life to your content and boost engagement. In this article, we will share some of the best WordPress plugins for managing images more efficiently on your website.
您是否正在寻找最好的插件来管理WordPress网站上的图像? 图片有助于使您的内容栩栩如生,并提高参与度。 在本文中,我们将分享一些最佳的WordPress插件,以更有效地管理您网站上的图像。

1. Envira画廊 (1. Envira Gallery)

Envira Gallery is the best WordPress photo gallery plugin in the market. It allows you to create beautiful and mobile-responsive image galleries in WordPress with just a few clicks.
Envira Gallery是市场上最好的WordPress照片画廊插件 。 它使您只需单击几下即可在WordPress中创建美观且具有移动响应功能的图像库。
Envira is optimized for performance, so your galleries load fast. It is also the most SEO friendly photo gallery plugin for WordPress. Envira has tons of features like albums, image tagging, watermarking, proofing, and so on.
Envira针对性能进行了优化,因此您的画廊可以快速加载。 它也是WordPress最适合SEO的照片库插件。 Envira具有大量功能,例如相册,图像标记,水印,校对等。
There is also a WooCommerce addon which allows you to add an online store to sell your photos.
2.自言自语 (2. Soliloquy)

Sliders allow you to drive user’s attention to your most important content with beautiful image slideshows accompanied by text, call to action, and animation. However, Sliders can also slow down your website speed which affects user experience and SEO.
滑块使您可以通过精美的图像幻灯片,文字,号召性用语和动画来吸引用户的注意力来关注最重要的内容。 但是,滑块也会降低您的网站速度,从而影响用户体验和SEO。
Soliloquy is the best WordPress slider in the market today. It is noticeably faster than any other WordPress slider. It is also the most easy to use with tons of features like featured content slider, carousel, slider themes, lightbox, etc.
Soliloquy是当今市场上最好的WordPress滑块 。 它比任何其他WordPress滑块明显更快。 它也是最易于使用的功能,包括大量功能,如特色内容滑块,轮播,滑块主题,灯箱等。
3. EWWW图像优化器 (3. EWWW Image Optimizer)

Images take longer to load than text, and this affects your website speed and performance. The best way to deal with this is by optimizing your images for the web.
图片加载时间比文本加载时间长,这会影响您的网站速度和性能 。 解决此问题的最佳方法是优化网络图像 。
EWWW Image Optimizer is the best WordPress plugin to automatically optimize your images in WordPress. It comes with powerful tools to compress images without affecting quality.
EWWW Image Optimizer是最好的WordPress插件,可以自动优化WordPress中的图像。 它带有强大的工具来压缩图像而不影响质量。
Alternative: WP Smush
替代品: WP Smush
4. Smart Slider 3 (4. Smart Slider 3)

Smart Slider 3 is available as both paid and free WordPress slider plugin. It comes with a beautiful drag and drop customizer which allows you to quickly create a slideshow.
Smart Slider 3可作为付费和免费的WordPress滑块插件使用 。 它带有漂亮的拖放自定义程序,可让您快速创建幻灯片。
It is easy to use and includes a ton of features like animations, beautiful transitions, mobile-friendly slider, and more.
5.精神错乱 (5. Imsanity)

Imsanity allows you to set a maximum image height and width for WordPress uploads and automatically resizes large image files. It can also perform bulk resize on older uploads based on your settings.
Imsanity允许您为WordPress上传设置最大图像高度和宽度,并自动调整大型图像文件的大小。 它还可以根据您的设置对较早的上传内容进行批量调整大小。
For detailed instructions see our guide on how to bulk resize large images in WordPress
6.需要特色图片 (6. Require Featured Image)

Sometimes you or another author on your site may forget to add a featured image to the blog post before publishing. This may affect your site’s layout, and if you are automatically sharing posts on social media, then those sites will just pick any image from the article as post thumbnail.
有时,您或您网站上的另一位作者可能会忘记在发布之前在博客文章中添加特色图片。 这可能会影响您网站的布局,并且如果您是在社交媒体上自动共享帖子 ,则这些网站只会从文章中选择任何图片作为帖子缩略图。
Require Featured Image plugin does not let you publish a post until you add a featured image. It will remind you that you haven’t added a featured image and will disable the publish button until you add a featured image.
Require Featured Image插件不允许您发布帖子,除非您添加了特色图片。 它会提醒您您尚未添加特色图片,并且将禁用发布按钮,直到您添加特色图片。
For more details, see our guide on how to require featured images for posts in WordPress.
7.默认精选图片 (7. Default Featured Image)

As the name suggests, this handy plugin allows you to easily set a default featured image to use as fallback for posts that do not have a featured image available. Simply install and activate the plugin, and then head over to Settings » Media page to upload a default image.
顾名思义,这个方便的插件可让您轻松设置默认的特色图片,以用作没有特色图片可用的帖子的备用。 只需安装并激活插件,然后转到设置»媒体页面即可上传默认图片。
For alternate methods, see our article on how to set a default fallback featured image in WordPress.
有关其他方法,请参阅我们的文章,了解如何在WordPress中设置默认的后备精选图片 。
8.精选视频加 (8. Featured Video Plus)

This plugin allows you to add a featured video to your WordPress instead of a featured image. Simply add the video URL, and it will automatically fetch the video thumbnail. It supports YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Soundcloud, Spotify, etc.
此插件可让您向WordPress添加精选视频,而不是精选图片。 只需添加视频URL,它将自动获取视频缩略图。 它支持YouTube, Vimeo ,Dailymotion,Soundcloud,Spotify等。
For more details, see our guide on how to add featured video thumbnails in WordPress.
9.图像小部件 (9. Image Widget)

Normally, if you want to add an image to your WordPress sidebar you will have to manually add it inside a text widget using HTML. Image Widget plugin adds a widget that you can drag and drop to a sidebar and then select or upload an image.
通常,如果要将图像添加到WordPress侧边栏,则必须使用HTML在文本小部件内手动添加图像。 图像小部件插件添加了一个小部件,您可以将其拖放到侧栏,然后选择或上传图像。
For detailed instructions, take a look at our article on how to add an image in WordPress sidebar widget.
10. RSS和Mailchimp电子邮件中的特色图片 (10. Featured Images in RSS & Mailchimp Email)

As the name suggests, this plugin enables featured images for your RSS feed. If you are using MailChimp to send posts via email to your subscribers, then those users will also see featured images for posts.
顾名思义,此插件为您的RSS feed启用了特色图片。 如果您使用MailChimp 通过电子邮件将帖子发送给您的订阅者 ,那么这些用户还将看到帖子的精选图片。
For an alternate method, see our tutorial on how to add featured images to WordPress RSS feed.
有关替代方法,请参见我们的教程,该教程介绍如何向WordPress RSS feed中添加特色图像 。
11.重新生成缩略图 (11. Regenerate Thumbnails)

When you upload an image, WordPress automatically saves it into multiple sizes. These sizes are defined in Settings » Media page. WordPress themes can also add their own image sizes to be used for thumbnails. If you activate such a theme, WordPress will start saving images in those new sizes as well. However, it will not recreate new sizes for older images.
当您上传图片时,WordPress会自动将其保存为多种尺寸。 这些大小在“设置”»“媒体”页面中定义。 WordPress主题还可以添加自己的图像大小以用于缩略图。 如果您激活了这样的主题,WordPress也将开始以这些新尺寸保存图像。 但是,它不会为较旧的图像重新创建新的尺寸。
Regenerate thumbnail allows you to quickly regenerate all image sizes in WordPress. For detailed instructions, please take a look at our guide on how to regenerate thumbnails and new image sizes in WordPress.
重新生成缩略图可让您快速重新生成WordPress中的所有图像大小。 有关详细说明,请查看我们的指南,了解如何在WordPress中重新生成缩略图和新图像大小 。
12.外部媒体 (12. External Media)

This plugin allows you to link or import files from Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, Google Drive, Instagram and any other external file into WordPress. This offers you an easier way to work on images stored on your Google Drive or Dropbox accounts by accessing them directly from WordPress.
此插件可让您从Dropbox,Box,OneDrive,Google Drive,Instagram和其他任何外部文件链接或导入文件到WordPress。 通过直接从WordPress访问图像,这为您提供了一种更轻松的方式来处理存储在Google云端硬盘或Dropbox帐户中的图像。
For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to connect Google Drive to your WordPress media library.
有关详细说明,请参阅有关如何将Google云端硬盘连接到WordPress媒体库的指南 。
13.发表缩略图编辑器 (13. Post Thumbnail Editor)

After uploading a featured image, sometimes you’d notice that WordPress has cropped it, or it is not showing up correctly with your theme. You can edit the image in your favorite image editing program, or you can use this plugin.
上载特色图片后,有时您会注意到WordPress已对其进行裁剪,或者该主题无法正确显示。 您可以在自己喜欢的图像编辑程序中编辑图像,也可以使用此插件。
Post Thumbnail Editor allows you to easily crop and resize featured images from your WordPress admin area. You can also edit previously uploaded featured images. For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to crop and edit WordPress post thumbnails.
发布缩略图编辑器可让您轻松裁剪和调整WordPress管理区域中特色图片的大小。 您还可以编辑以前上传的特色图片。 有关详细说明,请参阅有关如何裁剪和编辑WordPress帖子缩略图的指南 。
14.简易水印 (14. Easy Watermark)

Easy Watermark allows you to easily add watermarking to your WordPress images. You can choose to automatically watermark all images or manually add watermark to specific images.
轻松水印可让您轻松地将水印添加到WordPress图像中。 您可以选择自动为所有图像加水印或手动将水印添加到特定图像。
If you are already using Envira Gallery, then you don’t need this plugin. You can use Envira’s watermarking addon instead.
如果您已经在使用Envira Gallery ,则不需要此插件。 您可以改用Envira的水印插件。
See step by step instructions on using both plugins in our guide on how to automatically add watermark to images in WordPress
15.简单的全屏背景图片 (15. Simple Full Screen Background Image)

Simple Full Screen Background Image allows you to easily add full screen background image to any WordPress theme. Many WordPress themes already allow you to easily add full screen background images. However, if your theme does not support full screen background images, then you can try this plugin.
简单的全屏背景图像可让您轻松地将全屏背景图像添加到任何WordPress主题。 许多WordPress主题已经允许您轻松添加全屏背景图像。 但是,如果您的主题不支持全屏背景图像,则可以尝试使用此插件。
For step by step instructions, see our tutorial on how to add a fullscreen background image in WordPress.
16. WP首字母头像 (16. WP First Letter Avatar)

WP First Letter Avatar allows you to show a custom avatar using the first letter of user’s name. You can show it only for users who don’t have a Gravatar image or completely replace Gravatar with first letter avatars.
WP First Letter Avatar允许您使用用户名的首字母显示自定义头像。 您只能将其显示给没有Gravatar图像或用首字母头像完全替换Gravatar的用户。
Learn more about it in our guide on how to set custom avatar for users in WordPress.
17.分类图像 (17. Taxonomy Images)

Do you want to add image icons or thumbnails to your categories or tags? Taxonomy Images allows you to do just that. After activating the plugin, simply go to Posts » Categories page and click on the add button to upload your images.
您是否要将图像图标或缩略图添加到类别或标签 ? 分类图像可以使您做到这一点。 激活插件后,只需转到帖子»类别页面,然后单击添加按钮即可上传图像。
For detailed instructions, check out our guide on how to add taxonomy images in WordPress.
18.媒体文件重命名器 (18. Media File Renamer)

Ever wanted to change the file name of an image after uploading it? WordPress allows you to change image title and alt text, but you cannot change the file name. Media File Renamer plugin allows you to easily change any file name in WordPress media library. It also automatically rename file names based on file title you enter during upload.
曾经想过在上传图片后更改图片的文件名吗? WordPress允许您更改图像标题和替代文本,但不能更改文件名。 Media File Renamer插件可让您轻松更改WordPress媒体库中的任何文件名。 它还会根据您在上传过程中输入的文件名自动重命名文件名。
Renaming a file using the plugin also updates all references to the file in your WordPress posts and pages. For more details, see our guide on how to rename image and media files in WordPress.
使用该插件重命名文件还会更新WordPress帖子和页面中对该文件的所有引用。 有关更多详细信息,请参见有关如何在WordPress中重命名图像和媒体文件的指南。
19. ImageInject (19. ImageInject)

Most beginners have difficulty finding copyright free images for their blog posts. ImageInject plugin solves this problem by allowing you to search Flickr for creative commons licensed photos and add them to your posts with proper attribution.
大多数初学者很难为其博客文章找到无版权图像 。 ImageInject插件通过允许您搜索Flickr来搜索创作共用许可的照片并将它们添加到具有适当署名的帖子中,从而解决了此问题。
For detailed instructions, take a look at our article on how to find and add creative commons licensed images in WordPress.
有关详细说明,请看一下我们有关如何在WordPress中查找和添加受创作共用许可的图像的文章 。
20.启用媒体替换 (20. Enable Media Replace)

If you have to replace an image in your WordPress posts, normally you’d have to edit the post to add your new image and removing the old one. If you have used that image in multiple posts, then you will have to edit all those posts to add new image.
如果您必须替换WordPress帖子中的图片,通常必须编辑该帖子以添加新图片并删除旧图片。 如果您在多个帖子中使用了该图像,则必须编辑所有这些帖子以添加新图像。
Enable Media Replace plugin allows you to replace media files directly from the WordPress media library. Replacing an image automatically replaces it on your posts and pages where you have added the old image.
启用媒体替换插件可让您直接从WordPress媒体库替换媒体文件。 替换图像会自动将其替换为添加了旧图像的帖子和页面。
See our guide on how to easily replace images and media files in WordPress.
请参阅我们的指南,了解如何在WordPress中轻松替换图像和媒体文件 。
21.插件A / B图像优化器 (21. Plugin A/B Image Optimizer)

Featured images attract users to click on your articles. Ever wondered what kind of featured images work best on your site? A/B Image Optimizer plugin helps you figure this out. It allows you to add two featured images for a post and then it randomly shows those images to your users. You can see which featured image got more clicks by editing a post.
精选图片吸引用户点击您的文章。 有没有想过哪种特色图片最适合您的网站? A / B Image Optimizer插件可帮助您解决这一问题。 它允许您为帖子添加两个特色图片,然后向用户随机显示这些图片。 您可以通过编辑帖子来查看哪个特色图片获得了更多点击。
For more details, take a look at our guide on how to A/B split test featured images in WordPress.
有关更多详细信息,请参阅我们的指南,了解如何在WordPress中对A / B分割测试精选图片 。
22. Instagram饲料 (22. Instagram Feed)

Want to show your Instagram photos on your WordPress site? Instagram Feed allows you to easily display your Instagram feed using a sidebar widget or shortcode. Simply connect your website to your Instagram account, and it will automatically pull your feed. You can customize the feed using different display options in plugin settings.
想在您的WordPress网站上显示您的Instagram照片吗? Instagram Feed可让您使用侧边栏小部件或简码轻松显示Instagram feed。 只需将您的网站连接到您的Instagram帐户,它就会自动提取您的供稿。 您可以使用插件设置中的不同显示选项来自定义Feed。
If you’re using Envira Gallery, then you can do this with their Instagram addon.
如果您使用的是Envira Gallery,则可以使用其Instagram插件进行此操作。
奖金工具 (Bonus Tools)
These tools are not WordPress plugins, but they can help you improve the quality of images on your WordPress site.
23. Canva (23. Canva)

Canva allows you to create all kind of graphics with easy to use drag and drop tools.It comes with professional looking templates that you can use as a starting point. You can also purchase stock images, icons, and other resources directly from the app.
Canva允许您使用易于使用的拖放工具来创建所有类型的图形,它带有专业外观的模板,您可以以此为起点。 您还可以直接从该应用程序购买库存图像,图标和其他资源。
24. Shutterstock (24. Shutterstock)

Shutterstock is one of the largest online resource for stock photography, clipart, illustrations, and vector graphics. We are a customer of Shutterstock and can vouch for the quality of images.
Shutterstock是用于库存摄影,剪贴画,插图和矢量图形的最大的在线资源之一。 我们是Shutterstock的客户,可以保证图像的质量。
For more tools you may want to see our list of 16 tools to create better images for your blog posts
有关更多工具,您可能需要查看我们的16种工具列表, 以为您的博客文章创建更好的图像。
That’s all for now.
We hope this article helped you discover great WordPress plugins to manage images on your website. You may also want to see our how to fix common image issues in WordPress.
我们希望本文能帮助您发现出色的WordPress插件来管理您网站上的图像。 您可能还想看看我们如何解决WordPress中的常见图像问题 。
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。