

Do you want to create a custom landing page on your WordPress site? Landing pages help businesses convert website visitors into customers and leads. In this article, we will show you how to easily create a landing page in WordPress.

您要在WordPress网站上创建自定义登录页面吗? 登陆页面可帮助企业将网站访问者转化为客户和潜在客户。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何轻松地在WordPress中创建登录页面。

Creating a landing page with WordPress
什么是登陆页面? (What is a Landing Page?)

A landing page is a purpose-built page designed to increase sales or generate leads for a business. It is used in paid marketing, email, and social media campaigns. Users coming from these sources will land on this page first, which is why it is called landing page.

着陆页是专门用于增加销售额或为企业产生潜在客户的页面。 它用于付费营销,电子邮件和社交媒体活动。 来自这些来源的用户将首先登陆此页面,这就是为什么它被称为登陆页面的原因。

What is the difference between the homepage and a landing page?


A homepage is your website’s front page and what users will see when they enter your domain name in their browser. On the other hand, a landing page can be a standalone page where most visitors land from paid or third-party traffic sources.

主页是您网站的首页,是用户在浏览器中输入您的域名时看到的内容。 另一方面,目标网页可以是独立网页,大多数访问者从付费或第三方流量来源中进行登陆。

A homepage is designed for visitors to engage with your website, explore other pages, browse products, or sign up. It has more links and provides users with more choices.

主页是专为访问者设计的,用于与您的网站互动,浏览其他页面,浏览产品或注册。 它具有更多链接,并为用户提供更多选择。

On the other hand, a landing page is built for conversion. It has fewer links and is designed for users to make a purchasing decision or give their information for future outreach.

另一方面,将建立目标页面以进行转换。 它具有较少的链接,旨在供用户做出购买决定或提供其信息以供将来推广。

Normally, your website can have only one homepage, but you can create as many landing pages as you want for different campaigns. For example:

通常,您的网站只能有一个首页,但是您可以根据需要为不同的广告系列创建任意数量的目标网页。 例如:

  • A landing page for your paid advertising campaigns

  • Visitors coming from specific traffic sources like email list, social media, and more

  • Users landing on a specific product or service page

  • and many more…


That being said, let’s take a look at how to create a beautiful custom landing page in WordPress. We will show you two solutions, and you can choose the one that suits you best.

话虽如此,让我们看一下如何在WordPress中创建漂亮的自定义登录页面。 我们将向您展示两种解决方案,您可以选择最适合的一种。

使用Beaver Builder在WordPress中创建登录页面 (Creating a Landing Page in WordPress using Beaver Builder)

Beaver Builder is one of the best WordPress landing page plugins. It allows you to easily create a landing page using ready-made templates that you can modify with simple drag and drop tools.

Beaver Builder最好的WordPress登陆页面插件之一 。 它使您可以使用现成的模板轻松创建登录页面,可以使用简单的拖放工具对其进行修改。

First, you need to do is install and activate the Beaver Builder plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

首先,您需要做的是安装并激活Beaver Builder插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Upon activation, you need to visit Settings » Beaver Builder page to configure plugin settings.

激活后,您需要访问设置»Beaver Builder页面来配置插件设置。

Beaver Builder license

Under the License tab, click on the ‘Enter License Key’ button to add your license key. You can find this information under your account on Beaver Builder website.

在“许可证”选项卡下,单击“输入许可证密钥”按钮以添加您的许可证密钥。 您可以在Beaver Builder网站上的帐户下找到此信息。

Next, you need to head over to Pages » Add New page to create your first landing page. Many WordPress themes now include a page builder or a full-width template. These templates are designed to work with page builder plugins.

接下来,您需要转到页面»添加新页面以创建您的第一个登录页面。 现在,许多WordPress主题都包含页面构建器或全角模板。 这些模板旨在与页面构建器插件一起使用。

If your theme doesn’t have such a template, then you can create one on your own. For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to create a full width page in WordPress.

如果您的主题没有这样的模板,则可以自己创建一个。 有关详细说明,请参见有关如何在WordPress中创建全宽页面的指南。

Select a page builder or full-width template from the ‘Page Attributes’ box in the right column and now save your page to apply the changes.


Select a template

You are now ready to make a landing page. Click on the Beaver Builder tab above the post editor to launch the builder interface.

现在,您可以制作登录页面了。 单击帖子编辑器上方的Beaver Builder选项卡以启动构建器界面。

Launch Beaver Builder

Beaver Builder will open with your existing page template. You need to click on the add button on the top right corner of the screen and switch to the templates tab.

Beaver Builder将使用您现有的页面模板打开。 您需要单击屏幕右上角的添加按钮,然后切换到模板标签。

Choose a template

Beaver Builder comes with several ready-made templates. Select ‘Landing Pages’ from the group drop-down menu and then choose a template that looks close to what you have in your mind.

Beaver Builder附带了几个现成的模板。 从组下拉菜单中选择“着陆页”,然后选择看起来与您的想法相近的模板。

Once you select a template, Beaver Builder will load it in the preview window.

选择模板后,Beaver Builder将在预览窗口中加载它。

Point and click to edit

You can now point and click on any item to edit it. You can change the text, change background color or images, adjust width and height of the rows and columns.

现在,您可以指向并单击任何项​​目以对其进行编辑。 您可以更改文本,更改背景颜色或图像,调整行和列的宽度和高度。

You can add or remove content items from your template. Simply click on the add button and switch to the rows tab. You can add either single or multiple columns.

您可以从模板中添加或删除内容项。 只需单击添加按钮,然后切换到行选项卡。 您可以添加单列或多列。

Add rows to your landing page

After adding a row, switch to the modules tab. Modules are content elements that you can add to your landing page. Beaver builder comes with all the essential modules including text, headings, buttons, video, audio, animated countdown timer, and more.

添加一行后,切换到“模块”选项卡。 模块是可以添加到目标页面的内容元素。 Beaver Builder具有所有必要的模块,包括文本,标题,按钮,视频,音频,倒计时动画等。

Add modules to your template

Once you are satisfied with the design, you can click on the ‘Done’ button at the top and then save or publish your page.


Save or publish your landing page

You can now visit the page to view your landing page in action. Feel free to edit it again if you need to adjust, add, or remove anything.

现在,您可以访问该页面以查看实际的着陆页。 如果您需要调整,添加或删除任何内容,请随时对其进行再次编辑。

Preview your landing page
使用Leadpages在WordPress中创建登录页面 (Creating a Landing Page in WordPress using Leadpages)

Leadpages is another easy to use platform for creating beautiful landing pages and adding them to your WordPress site.


Unlike BeaverBuilder, Leadpages is a standalone landing page builder which means you can use it with or without a WordPress site.


First, you need to visit Leadpages website and sign up for an account. After that you will see the Leadpages dashboard where you need to click on the ‘Create new Leadpage’ button.

首先,您需要访问Leadpages网站并注册一个帐户。 之后,您将看到Leadpages仪表板,您需要在其中单击“创建新Leadpage”按钮。

Creating a new landing page with Leadpages

On the next screen, you will be asked to choose a template. Leadpages comes with dozens of beautifully designed templates which are neatly organized into different categories.

在下一个屏幕上,将要求您选择一个模板。 Leadpages附带了数十个设计精美的模板,这些模板被整齐地分为不同的类别。

Choose a template for your landing page

Click on any template to preview it. You need to select a template that looks closest to what you have in mind and then click on the ‘Use this template’ button to continue.

单击任何模板进行预览。 您需要选择一个看起来最接近您想要的模板,然后单击“使用此模板”按钮以继续。

This will launch the Leadpages builder interface. It is a drag and drop interface where you can just point and click on an item to edit it.

这将启动Leadpages构建器界面。 这是一个拖放界面,您可以在其中指向并单击某个项目以对其进行编辑。

Leadpages builder

You can now point and click to edit any item on the page. You can replace images, text, background images, and more. You can also add new widgets from the left column.

现在,您可以指向并单击以编辑页面上的任何项目。 您可以替换图像,文本,背景图像等。 您也可以从左栏中添加新的小部件。

You can also adjust different sections of your landing page by clicking on the page layout tab. Simply drag and drop sections to adjust them on the page. You can also add new sections or remove them.

您还可以通过点击页面布局标签来调整着陆页的不同部分。 只需拖放部分即可在页面上进行调整。 您也可以添加或删除新部分。

Drag and drop page layout

Leadpages also connects with several third-party apps including all top email marketing services. Simply add a sign-up form to your landing page and then click on ‘Add Integration’ button.

Leadpages还与包括所有顶级电子邮件营销服务在内的多个第三方应用程序连接。 只需将注册表单添加到您的登录页面,然后单击“添加集成”按钮即可。

Add integrations

Once you are finished editing your landing page, you can click on the publish button to make it live.


After that you need to click on the ‘Publish Options’ button and switch to ‘Other publishing options’ tab. From here you can download the Leadpages WordPress plugin.

之后,您需要单击“发布选项”按钮并切换到“其他发布选项”标签。 从这里您可以下载Leadpages WordPress插件。

Get WordPress plugin

Next, you need to switch to your WordPress site to install and activate the plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

接下来,您需要切换到WordPress网站以安装和激活插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Upon activation, you need to visit the Leadpages menu in your WordPress admin area to login with your Leadpages account.


Once logged in, go to Leadpages » Add New page. You will be able to see your landing page listed there with few options.

登录后,转至Leadpages»添加新页面。 您将能够看到其中列出的登陆页面,其中包含很少的选项。

You can publish this page as a normal landing page, homepage, a welcome gate, or a 404 error page. You can also choose a URL slug for your landing page.

您可以将该页面发布为正常的登录页面,主页,欢迎页面或404错误页面。 您还可以为目标网页选择一个网址段。

Publish your landing page to WordPress

After reviewing the options, go ahead and click on the publish button. Leadpages will now publish the page on your WordPress site.

查看选项后,继续并单击“发布”按钮。 Leadpages现在将在您的WordPress网站上发布页面。

You can now visit this page on your website to see it in action. You can make any changes you want from the Leadpages website and those changes will show up on your site.

您现在可以在您的网站上访问此页面,以查看其实际效果。 您可以从Leadpages网站进行任何所需的更改,这些更改将显示在您的网站上。

We hope this article helped you learn how to create a landing page with WordPress. You may also want to see our tips on driving more traffic to your WordPress site.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何使用WordPress创建目标网页。 您可能还需要查看有关为您的WordPress网站吸引更多流量的提示。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-create-a-landing-page-with-wordpress/


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