livechat 开源_如何将LiveChat添加到您的WooCommerce商店(并促进销售)

livechat 开源

Do you want to add LiveChat to your WooCommerce store? Live chat helps you connect with website visitors in real-time, so you can offer help, generate leads, and convert them into a customer. In this article, we will show you how to easily add LiveChat to your WordPress eCommerce store like WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, and more.

您想将LiveChat添加到您的WooCommerce商店吗? 实时聊天可帮助您实时与网站访问者建立联系,因此您可以提供帮助,生成潜在客户并将其转化为客户。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何轻松地将LiveChat添加到WordPress电子商务商店,如WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads等。

How to add LiveChat to your eCommerce store
为什么要将LiveChat添加到您的WooCommerce商店 (Why Add LiveChat to Your WooCommerce Store)

LiveChat helps you connect with your website visitors in real-time, and it’s proven to boost satisfaction levels. According to eConsultancy, live chat has the highest satisfaction levels of any customer service channel at 73%, compared to 61% for email and 44% for phone.

LiveChat可帮助您实时与网站访问者建立联系,事实证明,它可以提高满意度。 根据eConsultancy的统计 ,实时聊天在所有客户服务渠道中的满意度最高,为73%,而电子邮件为61%,电话为44%。

This is inline with our experience at OptinMonster because our live chat satisfaction score is at 85%.


But the biggest reason for adding LiveChat on your eCommerce website is the boost in conversion.


We saw a massive increase in overall conversion when we added live chat on OptinMonster website. A person who chats with us is 11x more likely to convert than an average website visitor.

当我们在OptinMonster网站上添加实时聊天时,整体转化率得到了大幅提高。 与我们聊天的人比普通网站访问者进行转化的可能性高11倍。

Now you might be thinking, isn’t adding live chat expensive? Don’t you need trained support and sales agents to successfully run live chat.

现在您可能在想,添加实时聊天是否昂贵? 您不需要训练有素的支持和销售代理才能成功运行实时聊天。

Yes, that’s actually the biggest challenge to Live Chat, but we solved the problem.


解决在线聊天的最大挑战 (Solving The Biggest Challenge of Live Chat)

The biggest challenge of adding live chat to your eCommerce store is to manage agents. You will need to add trained support and sales agents to run live chat.

向您的电子商务商店添加实时聊天的最大挑战是管理代理。 您将需要添加训练有素的支持和销售代理以进行实时聊天。

This is where LTVPlus comes in. They provide dedicated and well-trained live chat agents to manage your pre-sales live chat and simple support inquiries. These agents work with you to understand your product / business and act as an extension of your existing team.

这就是LTVPlus的用处 。他们提供专门且训练有素的实时聊天代理,以管理您的售前实时聊天和简单的支持咨询。 这些代理商与您一起了解您的产品/业务,并作为您现有团队的延伸。


LTVPlus is started by the co-founder of MaxCDN, the content delivery network that we use here on WPBeginner, so we decided to give them a try.

LTVPlus通过的联合创始人开始MaxCDN ,内容分发网络,我们在这里使用的WPBeginner,所以我们决定给他们一个尝试。

We use LTVPlus on OptinMonster and have witnessed significant increase in our eCommerce conversions. The best part is that we don’t have to worry about hiring or training agents.

我们使用LTVPlusOptinMonster和见证了我们的电子商务转化率显著上升。 最好的部分是,我们不必担心雇用或培训代理商。

Since the entire setup is out-sourced, it’s very affordable, and setting up livechat pays for itself within the first week.


如何轻松地将LiveChat添加到您的WooCommerce网站 (How to Easily Add LiveChat to Your WooCommerce Site)

On our eCommerce website, we use LiveChat as our chat software. You can use any of the top live chat software, but for the sake of this tutorial, we’ll only show the platform that we’re using ourselves.

在我们的电子商务网站上,我们使用LiveChat作为聊天软件。 您可以使用任何顶级的实时聊天软件 ,但是为了本教程的缘故,我们仅展示我们正在使用的平台。

First, you need to visit the LiveChat website and signup for an account.


LiveChat signup

LiveChat is a paid solution (starting from $16.99 per agent). They also offer a free 30-day trial allowing you to check out the features and see if its a good fit for your business.

LiveChat是一种付费解决方案(每个代理人16.99美元起)。 他们还提供30天的免费试用期,使您可以检查功能并查看其是否适合您的业务。

After registration, you will see the LiveChat dashboard. From here you need to click on the Settings button to customize the LiveChat window’s appearance.

注册后,您将看到LiveChat仪表板。 在这里,您需要单击“设置”按钮以自定义LiveChat窗口的外观。

Customize chat window

From here, you can choose the chat window colors and theme to match your website’s color scheme. After that, click on ‘Advanced window tweaks’ link to upload your own logo and add your social media profiles.

在这里,您可以选择聊天窗口的颜色和主题以匹配您网站的配色方案。 之后,点击“高级窗口调整”链接以上传您自己的徽标并添加您的社交媒体资料。

Next, you need to select an eye-catcher. These eye-catchers are images that are displayed when the LiveChat window is minimized.

接下来,您需要选择引人注目的。 这些引人注目的是当LiveChat窗口最小化时显示的图像。

LiveChat button or eyecatcher

LiveChat has several eyecatcher styles that you can use. Alternatively, you can also upload your own images and use them as your eyecatcher.

LiveChat有几种可以使用的醒目的样式。 另外,您也可以上传自己的图像并将其用作引人注目的对象。

Now that you are satisfied with the chat window’s appearance, its time to add LiveChat agents. Switch to the ‘Agents’ tab and then click on the ‘Invite teammates’ link.

现在您已经对聊天窗口的外观感到满意,现在该添加LiveChat代理了。 切换到“代理商”标签,然后单击“邀请队友”链接。

Invite teammates

This will bring you to add agent screen. You need to provide name, job title, and email address for the team member you want to invite.

这将带您添加代理屏幕。 您需要提供要邀请的团队成员的姓名,职务和电子邮件地址。

Add agent to LiveChat

Don’t forget to change ‘Permissions’ for the team member you are adding. You can add them as agents with limited control on your account or as an administrator with full access to the app. If you are unsure, then select agent.

不要忘记为您要添加的团队成员更改“权限”。 您可以将它们添加为对您的帐户具有有限控制权的代理,也可以将其添加为对应用程序具有完全访问权限的管理员。 如果不确定,请选择代理。

Your LiveChat setup is now ready, and you can add it to your WooCommerce store.


将LiveChat添加到您的网站 (Adding the LiveChat to Your Website)

LiveChat makes it super easy to add the chat window and buttons to your online store.


In your WordPress site, you need to install and activate the LiveChat plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

在您的WordPress网站中,您需要安装并激活LiveChat插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Upon activation, the plugin will add a new menu item labeled ‘LiveChat’ to your WordPress admin. Clicking on it will take you to plugin’s settings page.

激活后,插件将向您的WordPress管理员添加一个标记为“ LiveChat”的新菜单项。 单击它会将您带到插件的设置页面。

Connect LiveChat

From here you need to click on the ‘Sign in with LiveChat’ button to connect your WordPress site to your LiveChat account.


Once connected, you will see some basic LiveChat settings. You can turn it off on mobile devices, turn off sounds, or hide chat window from non-logged in users.

连接后,您将看到一些基本的LiveChat设置。 您可以在移动设备上将其关闭,关闭声音或对未登录的用户隐藏聊天窗口。

LiveChat WordPress settings

If you are unsure, then we recommend leaving these options as they are. You can now visit your website to see live chat in action on your website.

如果不确定,我们建议保留这些选项。 现在,您可以访问您的网站,以查看您网站上的实时聊天。

LiveChat preview

If you are running a non-WordPress website, then you can still easily add LiveChat to your website. Click on Channels » Chat Widget under your LiveChat settings.

如果您正在运行非WordPress网站,则仍然可以轻松地将LiveChat添加到您的网站。 单击LiveChat设置下的Channels»Chat Widget

Adding LiveChat to other websites

From here, you can copy the code snippet that you can add to your website or view other available integrations. LiveChat has apps and integrations for all popular WordPress alternatives like Shopify, Squarespace, Magento, and more.

在这里,您可以复制代码片段,然后将其添加到您的网站或查看其他可用的集成。 LiveChat具有适用于所有流行WordPress替代品(例如Shopify ,Squarespace,Magento等)的应用程序和集成。

Combined with Live Chat and LTVPlus, we’re seeing some really good results on our eCommerce website, and we will be adding LiveChat to more ofo ur websites.

结合Live ChatLTVPlus ,我们在电子商务网站上看到了一些非常不错的结果,并且我们将LiveChat添加到更多的我们的网站中。

We hope this article helped you add LiveChat to your WooCommerce store. You may also want to see our list of best business phone services for small businesses.

我们希望本文能帮助您将LiveChat添加到WooCommerce商店。 您可能还希望查看我们为小型企业提供最佳商务电话服务列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。


livechat 开源





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