
Are you looking for ways to recover WooCommerce abandoned cart sales? On average 60 – 80% of people who “add to cart” do not end up buying. This means if you have an online store, then you’re losing out on a lot of sales. In this article, we will share proven tips to recover WooCommerce abandoned cart sales with real examples.

您是否正在寻找恢复WooCommerce放弃的手推车销售的方法? 平均而言,“加入购物车”的人中有60-80%的人最终没有购买。 这意味着,如果您有在线商店 ,那么您将损失很多销售​​额。 在本文中,我们将通过实际示例分享经过验证的技巧来恢复WooCommerce放弃的购物车销售。

Recovering abandoned cart sales in WooCommerce
为什么要在WooCommerce中恢复被遗弃的购物车销售? (Why Recover Abandoned Cart Sales in WooCommerce?)

When a user adds a product to the cart, they start a transaction process. In physical retail stores, people rarely abandon their carts. However, in online shopping, the rate of shopping cart abandonment is quite high (between 60-80%).

当用户将产品添加到购物车时,他们开始交易过程。 在实体零售商店中,人们很少放弃购物车。 但是,在在线购物中,购物车放弃率很高(在60-80%之间)。

A lot of factors contribute to reasons why people abandon shopping carts without completing the purchase. According to a study conducted by Business Insider, shipping costs, slow checkout, login / account creation requirement, and lack of payment methods are just some of those contributing factors.

许多因素导致人们放弃购物车而未完成购买的原因。 根据Business Insider进行的一项研究,运费,缓慢的结帐,登录/帐户创建要求以及缺乏付款方式只是其中的一些因素。

Business Insider - Shopping cart abandonment factors

If you want to reduce cart abandonment rate, then you need to address these factors on your eCommerce website. By making small tweaks, you can recover a significant portion of sales that you are losing right now.

如果要降低购物车放弃率,则需要在电子商务网站上解决这些因素。 通过进行一些小调整,您可以恢复当前损失的很大一部分销售额。

That being said, let’s take a look at some of the most effective ways to recover WooCommerce abandoned cart sales.


1.使用退出意图弹出窗口提醒购物车项目的用户 (1. Remind Users of Cart Items with Exit-Intent Popups)

Exit-intent popups appear when a user is about to leave a website (precisely when their mouse leaves the browser window). You’ve likely seen one of these overlays on many top websites. That’s because these exit popups deliver results!

当用户即将离开网站时(确切地说是鼠标离开浏览器窗口时),会出现退出意图弹出窗口。 您可能已经在许多顶级网站上看到了这些重叠式广告之一。 这是因为这些退出弹出窗口可提供结果!

Cart Abandonment Popup Example

Often you can recover between 3 – 8% of abandoning cart sales by offering customers an exclusive discount or free shipping.

通常,通过为客户提供独家折扣或免费送货,您可以在放弃购物车的销售额中获得3 – 8%的补偿。

But what if you’re already offering a discount, and it’s applied on the cart?


Often users start to doubt their purchase decision last minute. Sometimes they have a question that’s not answered which leads to abandoned cart. Other times, they just need reassurance that they’re making the best decision.

用户通常会在最后一分钟开始怀疑他们的购买决定。 有时,他们有一个无法解决的问题,导致购物车被遗弃。 其他时候,他们只需要放心他们正在做出最佳决定。

We ran into this issue on our WordPress Form plugin website, so we created the following exit popup:


WPForms Exit Popup

This popup is converting at 4.56%.


Basically it reassures the users that WPForms is the best WordPress form plugin in the market. If they click Get WPForms Now, then the popup simply closes and allows the user to finish the purchase.

基本上,它向用户保证WPForms是市场上最好的WordPress表单插件 。 如果他们单击立即获取WPForms,则弹出窗口仅关闭并允许用户完成购买。

Alternatively, if they have a question, then they can click on I have a few questions first which simply loads a contact form inside the popup. The question gets sent to our support team, so we can assist the customer.

或者,如果他们有问题,则可以先单击“我有几个问题”,然后将其简单地加载到弹出窗口中。 该问题已发送给我们的支持团队,因此我们可以为客户提供帮助。

This single popup has helped us recover tens of thousands in lost sales just in the last month!


Want to add exit-intent popup on your WooCommerce store? We recommend using OptinMonster because it is the best WordPress popup plugin and conversion optimization software on the market. OptinMonster helps you convert abandoning website visitors into subscribers and customers.

是否想在您的WooCommerce商店中添加退出意图弹出窗口? 我们建议使用OptinMonster,因为它是市场上最好的WordPress弹出窗口插件和转换优化软件。 OptinMonster可帮助您将放弃网站访问者转化为订阅者和客户。

WPBeginner’s founder, Syed Balkhi, created OptinMonster to solve the problem in our business, and now it’s the leading solution in the industry serving billions of impressions each month.

WPBeginner的创始人Syed Balkhi创建了OptinMonster来解决我们业务中的问题,现在它已成为业界领先的解决方案,每月提供数十亿次展示。

For detailed instructions, see our article on how to convert WooCommerce visitors into customers.


2.使购物车可见且引人注目 (2. Make Cart Visible and Noticeable)

Many customers simply want to save items to review later as they browser your shop. However, human attention span is very short specially when it comes to the internet.

许多客户只是想保存商品以便以后浏览您的商店时进行查看。 但是,特别是在涉及互联网时,人类的注意力跨度非常短。

Your customers may forget that they have added items in their shopping cart. Displaying a shopping cart icon and making it more noticeable will remind users of items they have saved.

您的客户可能会忘记他们已经在购物车中添加了商品。 显示购物车图标并使之更引人注意,将使用户提醒他们已保存的商品。

This is why you see a clean and simple shopping cart icon on every screen of Amazon.com website.


Amazon.com showing the sopping cart icon

Almost every good WooCommerce theme comes with a dedicated shopping cart icon at the top of the page or in the navigation menus. However, if your theme doesn’t have one, then you will need to add it separately.

几乎每个好的WooCommerce主题都在页面顶部或导航菜单中带有专用的购物车图标。 但是,如果您的主题没有主题,则需要单独添加主题。

Simply install and activate the WooCommerce Menu Cart plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

只需安装并激活WooCommerce菜单购物车插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Upon activation, you need to visit WooCommerce » Menu Cart Setup page to configure plugin settings. On this page, you will need to select the navigation menu where you want to display the cart icon.

激活后,您需要访问WooCommerce»菜单车设置页面来配置插件设置。 在此页面上,您需要选择要在其中显示购物车图标的导航菜单。

Menu Cart settings

Don’t forget to save your settings.


You can now visit your store to see the cart icon in the navigation menu.


Cart icon preview
3.避免隐藏的成本意外 (3. Avoid Hidden Cost Surprises)

Shipping cost is one of the top reasons for shopping cart abandonment. Customers often complain that they didn’t complete a purchase because they were surprised by higher shipping cost and wanted to compare it with other stores.

运费是放弃购物车的主要原因之一。 顾客经常抱怨他们没有完成购买,因为他们对较高的运输成本感到惊讶,并想将其与其他商店进行比较。

You can tackle the shipping cost factor by showing the shipping cost right away. If you know the exact shipping cost, then you can easily show that in product description or on the pricing page. However, many stores sell products with variable pricing which makes shipping estimates difficult.

您可以通过立即显示运费来解决运费因素。 如果您知道确切的运输费用,则可以轻松地在产品说明或定价页面上显示该费用。 然而,许多商店以可变的价格出售产品,这使得出货量估算变得困难。

Luckily, there are several WooCommerce add-ons that you can use for variable pricing and shipping cost calculations.


We recommend using Table Rate Shipping because it allows you to define variable shipping costs for every single product in your store.

我们建议使用“ 表价运输”,因为它允许您定义商店中每种产品的可变运输成本。

Table Rate Shipping settings

This allows your users to see shipping costs even for products with variable pricing before adding it to their cart.


Alternatively, you can build the shipping cost in your product price, and then advertise free shipping to boost your conversions.


4.启用访客结帐而无需创建帐户 (4. Enable Guest Checkout without Account Creation)

Many eCommerce stores want users to create an account for faster checkouts in the future. However, a large number of customers don’t want to create another account just to buy a product.

许多电子商务商店都希望用户创建一个帐户,以便日后更快地结帐。 但是,许多客户不想为了购买产品而创建另一个帐户。

By enabling guest checkout feature in WooCommerce, you allow customers to buy the products they like without signing up.


Enable guest checkout

Don’t worry, you will still be able to store customer information that you need to process the order while eliminating a blocking step from your checkout process.


This brings us to our next tip.


5.加快结帐速度 (5. Make Checkouts Faster)

Ever noticed how blazingly fast Amazon.com is? That’s because a single second delay in the page load can cost the company millions of dollars.

有没有注意到Amazon.com的速度如此之快? 那是因为页面加载的一秒钟延迟可能使公司损失数百万美元。

According to a StrangeLoop case study that involved Amazon, Google, and other larger sites, a 1 second delay in page load time can lead to 7% loss in conversions, 11% fewer page views, and 16% decrease in customer satisfaction.


Strangeloop study

For overall WooCommerce speed and performance, follow the step by step instructions in our guide on how to speed up WordPress.


For faster checkouts, you may also want to take a look at YITH WooCommerce One-Click Checkout plugin. It allows your users to checkout with a single click without affecting any functionality.

为了更快地结帐,您可能还想看看YITH WooCommerce一键式结帐插件。 它使您的用户只需单击一下即可结帐,而不会影响任何功能。

6.提供多种付款方式 (6. Offer Multiple Payment Methods)

Payment methods are another reason that forces customers to abandon their saved carts. This is why conversion experts always recommend adding multiple payment methods to reduce cart abandonment.

付款方式是迫使客户放弃保存的购物车的另一个​​原因。 这就是为什么转换专家总是建议添加多种付款方式以减少购物车放弃的原因。

WooCommerce makes it easy to add multiple payment methods like credit card, PayPal, and more.


However, each payment gateways have different fees and charges on transactions that you need to review as a business owner.


For example on our MonsterInsights website, we offer both credit card and PayPal as an option.


Add multiple payment methods
7.有效利用紧急和稀缺技巧 (7. Effectively Use Urgency and Scarcity Tricks)

Scarcity and urgency are tricks used by sellers since ancient times. Ecommerce websites use this tactic by showing limited stocks or limited time discount offers.

自古以来,稀缺性和紧迫性是卖家所使用的把戏。 电子商务网站通过显示有限的库存或有限的时间折扣优惠来使用此策略。

Take a look at Booking.com for some great examples of using urgency and scarcity techniques. In the screenshot below, they have used both tricks for a hotel listing.

看看Booking.com,了解一些使用紧迫性和稀缺性技术的绝佳例子。 在下面的屏幕截图中,他们使用了两种技巧来列出酒店。

Booking.com using scarcity and urgency

You can implement urgency and scarcity tricks on your store using OptinMonster. It comes with a countdown timer feature which allows you to create beautiful campaigns where you can use scarcity with a countdown timer to build anticipation and urgency.

您可以使用OptinMonster在商店上实施紧急性和稀缺性技巧。 它具有倒数计时器功能,可让您制作精美的广告系列,并在其中使用稀缺性和倒数计时器来建立预期和紧迫性。

For instructions, see the article on how to create countdown timer campaigns in OptinMonster.


8.使用FOMO劝阻购物车放弃 (8. Use FOMO to Discourage Cart Abandonment)

FOMO or ‘fear of missing out’ is a psychological term used to describe anxiety about missing out on something exciting and trendy.


As a WooCommerce store owner, you can take advantage of this human behavior with your marketing strategy to discourage cart abandonment.


There are many ways to implement FOMO. The basic goal is to create a sense of urgency while giving users confidence that other folks are making the same purchase.

有多种方法可以实施FOMO。 基本目标是营造一种紧迫感,同时让用户有信心其他人也进行相同的购买。

Using FOMO with social proof

To learn more see our guide on how to use FOMO to increase conversions and sales


9.轻松提出问题 (9. Make it Easy to Ask Questions)

Another big reason for cart abandonment is lack of information. Your customers may have a question about the product, and if they cannot find answers, then they will simply leave.

放弃购物车的另一个​​重要原因是缺乏信息。 您的客户可能对产品有疑问,如果他们找不到答案,他们只会离开。

An easy way to answer user questions is by adding product FAQs. You can use Custom Product Tabs plugin to add a separate tab with FAQs.

回答用户问题的一种简单方法是添加产品常见问题解答。 您可以使用“ 自定义产品标签”插件添加带有常见问题的单独标签。

Adding a product faqs tab

However, you cannot cover all the questions in a FAQ. This is where Live Chat support can help.

但是,您不能在FAQ中涵盖所有问题。 这是实时聊天支持可以提供帮助的地方。

See our step by step guide on how to add LiveChat to your WooCommerce store and boost sales.


Tip: the above guide also has a solution on hiring affordable live chat agents to boost your sales.


10.添加安全封条以建立信心 (10. Add Safety Seals to Build Confidence)

People are cautious when shopping online, particularly when they are buying from a place they have never heard of before. In this case, customers look for trust signs to make sure that they are buying from a legit business, and that their information is secure.

人们在网上购物时要特别小心,尤其是从从未听说过的地方购物时。 在这种情况下,客户会寻找信任标志,以确保他们正在从合法企业购买商品,并且其信息是安全的。

This is where security badges can help. These are plain certificates that you can obtain from different internet security and trust agencies like Norton, McAfee, Better Business Bureau, and more.

这是安全徽章可以提供帮助的地方。 这些是普通的证书,您可以从诺顿,McAfee,Better Business Bureau等其他互联网安全和信任机构获得。

Security seals on a website

For details, see our article on add McAfee secure seal to your WordPress site for free.


11.易于联系 (11. Make it Easy to Contact)

LiveChat and FAQs are great. However, sometimes user don’t want to wait for a LiveChat person and are not in a rush to make a decision.

LiveChat和常见问题解答很棒。 但是,有时用户不想等待LiveChat的人,也不急于做出决定。

Those users would abandon their shopping cart if they cannot easily find a way to contact. This is why you need to add a contact form to your eCommerce store.

如果这些用户无法轻松找到联系方式,他们将放弃他们的购物车。 这就是为什么您需要在您的电子商务商店中添加联系表的原因。

Ecommerce contact page example

The easiest way to do that is by using WPForms plugin. It is the fastest growing form plugin for WordPress with over 1,000,000+ website using it.

最简单的方法是使用WPForms插件。 它是WordPress增长最快的表单插件,有超过1,000,000个网站正在使用它。

12.允许用户保存购物车 (12. Allow Users to Save Their Cart)

According to a study, less than 16% of website visitors add products to cart. Another study suggests that nearly 60-80% of those carts are abandoned.

根据一项研究,不到16%的网站访问者将产品添加到购物车中。 另一项研究表明,这些手推车中近60-80%被废弃了。

Most shoppers are often browsing multiple sites for price comparisons, reviews, and looking at different products. During this process they may close a tab or leave your website.

大多数购物者经常浏览多个站点以进行价格比较,评论和查看不同的产品。 在此过程中,他们可能会关闭标签页或离开您的网站。

By allowing users to save the cart for later, you can can provide a better shopping experience to your customers.


Simply install and activate the YITH WooCommerce Save For Later plugin. The plugin works out of the box and will add a save for later option to your shopping cart page.

只需安装并激活YITH WooCommerce的“以后保存”插件。 该插件可以直接使用,并会在您的购物车页面上添加一个保存以供以后使用的选项。

Save for later in WooCommerce
13.做出数据驱动的决策 (13. Make Data Driven Decisions)

Many beginners rely on their best guesses and simple traffic stats to recover abandoned cart sales. You don’t need to do that when you can get actual data to make your decisions. This is where Google Analytics comes in.

许多初学者依靠他们的最佳猜测和简单的流量统计信息来恢复废弃的手推车销售。 当您可以获取实际数据来做出决策时,就不需要这样做。 这就是Google Analytics(分析)的用武之地。

Google Analytics allow you to enable enhanced eCommerce tracking, which gives you access to customer’s shopping and checkout behavior. It even assigns a unique identifier to each customer.

Google Analytics(分析)允许您启用增强型电子商务跟踪,从而可以访问客户的购物和结帐行为。 它甚至为每个客户分配一个唯一的标识符。

Google Analytics user IDs

However, the problem is that the ID assigned by Google Analytics doesn’t accurately give you information about the user.

但是,问题在于Google Analytics(分析)分配的ID无法准确地为您提供有关用户的信息。

For that, you’ll need MonsterInsights. It is the most popular Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. The best part is that MonsterInsights makes it easy for you to setup enhanced eCommerce tracking (no coding needed).

为此,您需要MonsterInsights 。 它是最流行的WordPress Google Analytics(分析)插件。 最好的部分是,MonsterInsights使您可以轻松地设置增强的电子商务跟踪(无需编码)。

For more details, see our step by step guide on how to enable customer tracking in WooCommerce.


We hope this article helped you learn new ways to recover WooCommerce abandoned cart sales. You may also want to see our list of the best WooCommerce plugins for your online store.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习恢复WooCommerce放弃的手推车销售的新方法。 您可能还想查看我们为您的在线商店提供的最佳WooCommerce插件列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/ways-to-recover-woocommerce-abandoned-cart-sales/

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