

Do you want to create WordPress backup using JetPack (formerly VaultPress). VaultPress help you create automatic real-time WordPress backups and store them in the cloud. In case of a mishap, you can easily restore your WordPress website with just a few clicks. In this article, we will show you how to easily create real-time WordPress backup using JetPack (formerly VaultPress).

您是否要使用JetPack(以前是VaultPress)创建WordPress备份。 VaultPress帮助您创建自动实时WordPress备份并将其存储在云中。 万一发生意外,您只需单击几下即可轻松恢复WordPress网站。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何使用JetPack(以前称为VaultPress)轻松创建实时WordPress备份。

Creating WordPress backup using JetPack + VaultPress
为什么要使用JetPack(VaultPress)的WordPress备份? (Why Use WordPress Backups by JetPack (VaultPress)?)

VaultPress is one of the best WordPress backup plugins. It was rebranded to merge with JetPack, and it is now called JetPack Backups.

VaultPress是最好的WordPress备份插件之一 。 它被更名为与JetPack合并,现在称为JetPack Backups。

JetPack offers backups as a paid subscription service. Their pricing plans start from $39 per year for JetPack Personal (which is lower than what VaultPress cost previously). This plan comes with:

JetPack提供备份作为付费订阅服务。 他们的定价计划从JetPack Personal的每年39美元起(低于VaultPress以前的价格)。 该计划附带:

  • Automated daily backups with unlimited storage

  • 30-day backup archive

  • Easy site-migration and 1-click restore

  • Expert support provided by email

  • and other powerful features like image CDN, lazy loading, etc.


We use VaultPress on WPBeginner for backups, and we have found it to be an extremely reliable solution. The primary reason why we use VaultPress is because they offer a seamless real-time backup solution which is very important for a large site like ours.

我们使用WPBeginner上的VaultPress进行备份,我们发现它是一个非常可靠的解决方案。 我们使用VaultPress的主要原因是因为它们提供了无缝的实时备份解决方案,这对于像我们这样的大型站点而言非常重要。

That being said, let’s take a look at how to create WordPress backups using JetPack (formerly VaultPress).


使用JetPack创建WordPress备份(以前为VaultPress) (Creating WordPress Backups Using JetPack (Formerly VaultPress))

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the VaultPress plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活VaultPress插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Upon activation, click on the VaultPress menu item in the WordPress admin sidebar. This will bring you to the plugin’s settings page. Click on the ‘View plans and pricing’ button to continue.

激活后,单击WordPress管理员侧栏中的VaultPress菜单项。 这将带您进入插件的设置页面。 点击“查看计划和价格”按钮继续。

View VaultPress plans and pricing

This will take you to VaultPress website where you will see pricing for JetPack Personal plan. Click on the Get Started button to continue.

这将带您到VaultPress网站,在该网站上您将看到JetPack个人计划的价格。 单击“入门”按钮继续。

Select JetPack plan and continue

On the next screen, you need to enter your website address and then click on the ‘Start Installation’ button.


JetPack enter site address

Next, you will be asked to provide your WordPress website’s administrator username and password. This information is used for installation and will not be stored anywhere.

接下来,将要求您提供WordPress网站的管理员用户名和密码。 此信息用于安装,不会存储在任何地方。

Enter your WordPress website's admin username and password

JetPack will now be automatically installed on your WordPress site, and you will be redirected to the payment page. After providing your payment information, click on the ‘Pay’ button to continue.

现在,JetPack将自动安装在您的WordPress网站上,您将被重定向到付款页面。 提供付款信息后,点击“付款”按钮继续。

JetPack payment

After payment, the setup will continue and automatically configure backups for your website. Once finished, you can click on the ‘Back to your site’ button.

付款后,设置将继续并自动为您的网站配置备份。 完成后,您可以点击“返回您的网站”按钮。

JetPack setup finished

This will take you back to your WordPress website’s admin area. From here you need to visit JetPack » VaultPress page to view and manage your WordPress backups.

这将带您回到WordPress网站的管理区域。 从这里您需要访问JetPack»VaultPress页面以查看和管理您的WordPress备份。

VaultPress dashboard

Note: Depending on the contents of your website, VaultPress may take a few minutes to finish the first backup before it appears on this page.


授予VaultPress访问服务器的权限 (Giving VaultPress Access to Your Server)

VaultPress needs access to your server to restore backups and be more efficient. To do that, you need to visit the VaultPress dashboard.

VaultPress需要访问您的服务器以还原备份并提高效率。 为此,您需要访问VaultPress仪表板。

Visit dashboard

From here you need to visit the Settings page and enter your SSH or SFTP credentials. You can find this information in the email you received from your hosting provider when you signed up.

在这里,您需要访问“设置”页面并输入SSH或SFTP凭据。 您可以在注册时从托管服务提供商收到的电子邮件中找到此信息。

Give VaultPress access to your server

VaultPress will also ask you to add SSH Keys to your server. If you are on a shared hosting provider, then chances are that you don’t have access to create that file.

VaultPress还将要求您将SSH密钥添加到服务器。 如果您使用共享主机提供商,则很可能您无权创建该文件。

This file adds an additional layer of security. However, if you can’t add those SSH Keys, then VaultPress would still be able to connect to your server using SFTP information that you provided.

该文件增加了一层额外的安全性。 但是,如果您无法添加这些SSH密钥,那么VaultPress仍然可以使用您提供的SFTP信息连接到服务器。

Don’t forget to click on the Save button to store your credentials.


Note: you can continue using Jetpack without providing access to your WordPress hosting server. The advantage of adding your SFTP access is that it helps VaultPress work more efficiently, and if you have a large site, then this will help you restore faster.

注意:您可以继续使用Jetpack,而无需提供对WordPress托管服务器的访问权限。 添加SFTP访问的优点是,它可以帮助VaultPress更加有效地工作,如果您的站点很大,则可以帮助您更快地还原。

通过JetPack和VaultPress恢复WordPress备份 (Restoring WordPress Backup by JetPack and VaultPress)

VaultPress allows you to easily restore your WordPress site from a backup. Simply go to JetPack » VaultPress page and then click on the ‘Visit Dashboard’ button.

VaultPress允许您轻松地从备份还原WordPress网站。 只需转到JetPack»VaultPress页面,然后单击“访问仪表板”按钮。

Visit dashboard

This will take you to your VaultPress dashboard where you need to click on ‘Backups’.


VaultPress dashboard backups

You will see a page showing your most recent backups. You can click on the restore button next to the backup that you want to restore.

您将看到一个页面,显示您的最新备份。 您可以单击要还原的备份旁边的还原按钮。

Restore a backup

VaultPress will now prepare your backup to be restored, and you will be able to see the progress on screen.


VaultPress restore progress

Once finished, you will see a success message.


VaultPress restore successful

You can now go back to your WordPress site’s admin area to see if everything is working as expected.


We hope this article helped you learn how to create WordPress backup using JetPack + VaultPress. You may also want to see our ultimate step by step WordPress troubleshooting guide for beginners.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何使用JetPack + VaultPress创建WordPress备份。 您可能还希望查看针对初学者的终极WordPress逐步故障排除指南

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。



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