wordpress插件_哪个是最好的WordPress画廊插件? (性能比较)


Are you looking for the best WordPress gallery plugin for your website?


There are so many WordPress photo gallery plugins available, but the problem is that most will either slow down your website, or they’re extremely difficult to use.


To help you pick the right solution, we have created a detailed comparison of the performance, features, and quality of the best WordPress photo gallery plugins.


Our goal is to help you find the WordPress photo and video gallery plugin, that is fast, easy to use, and has all the features you will need.


Best WordPress Gallery Plugins
我们关于最佳WordPress画廊插件的标准 (Our Criteria for the Best WordPress Gallery Plugin)

In our opinion, a perfect WordPress gallery plugin should be fast, easy to use, and have all the necessary features that you need to create beautiful galleries (such as lightboxes, image navigation, albums, pagination, etc).


The gallery plugin should offer a great user experience and help improve your image SEO as well.


4 Best WordPress Gallery Plugins


We have hand-picked the four most popular WordPress photo gallery plugins on the market.


In our comparison, we will look at the speed, features, ease of use, and reliability of these plugins:


Let’s get started with our comparison.


速度 (Speed)

Speed is crucial when you are choosing a WordPress photo gallery plugin. Not only does it affect your WordPress SEO, but it also affects user experience on your site.

当您选择WordPress图片库插件时,速度至关重要。 它不仅会影响您的WordPress SEO ,而且还会影响您网站上的用户体验。

If you are using a gallery plugin for a portfolio or photography site, then you simply cannot afford to compromise on speed.


We ran a speed test for each of these plugins using the same images without modifying any default settings. Below are our results:

我们使用相同的图片对这些插件中的每个插件进行了速度测试,而没有修改任何默认设置。 以下是我们的结果:

Gallery PluginPage Load TimeRequestsPage Size
Envira Gallery655 ms23988KB
Modula696 ms28948 KB
NextGEN867 ms351.0 MB
FooGallery917 ms27591 KB
图库插件 页面加载时间 要求 页面大小
环保画廊 655毫秒 23 988KB
模数 696毫秒 28 948 KB
下一代 867毫秒 35 1.0兆字节
Foo画廊 917毫秒 27 591 KB

As you can see in the above results, Envira Gallery came out as the fastest loading WordPress image gallery plugin. Modula came as a very close second with barely few milliseconds difference and with smaller page size.

正如您在上述结果中看到的那样,Envira Gallery成为加载速度最快的WordPress图像画廊插件。 Modula以非常接近的秒数出现,仅相差几毫秒,页面大小也较小。

The reason why Envira Gallery and Modula are so fast is that they are both well coded and highly optimized for speed. If performance and speed is your main concern (which it should be), then Modula and Envira Gallery are both great options.

Envira Gallery和Modula之所以如此之快是因为它们都经过了很好的编码,并且在速度上进行了高度优化。 如果您主要关心性能和速度 (应该如此),那么Modula和Envira Gallery都是不错的选择。

Winner: It’s a tie between Envira Gallery and Modula

优胜者:这是Envira Gallery和Modula之间的纽带

使用方便 (Ease of Use)

Creating image galleries is not as simple as uploading a single image to your posts. You need to choose layouts, select columns, add thumbnail sizes, choose lightbox animations, etc.

创建图像库并不像将单个图像上传到您的帖子那样简单。 您需要选择布局,选择列,添加缩略图大小,选择灯箱动画等。

Most beginners find the process quite overwhelming. The goal here is to find a WordPress photo gallery plugin that is both powerful and beginner friendly at the same time.

大多数初学者发现该过程非常繁琐。 这里的目标是找到一个功能强大且对初学者友好的WordPress照片库插件。

环保画廊 (Envira Gallery)

Envira Gallery follows and adheres to the WordPress coding standards and best practices. It provides a user interface that seamlessly blends into your WordPress admin area.

Envira Gallery遵循并遵守WordPress编码标准和最佳实践。 它提供了一个可无缝融合到您的WordPress管理区域中的用户界面。

Creating a new gallery is quite simple and beginner friendly.


Envira Gallery user interface

Envira Gallery also comes with a Gutenberg block allowing you to easily add photo galleries into any WordPress post and page. You can also change gallery settings right from the post edit screen.

Envira Gallery还带有一个Gutenberg块,使您可以轻松地将图库添加到任何WordPress帖子和页面中。 您也可以直接在帖子编辑屏幕上更改图库设置。

Gutenberg block for Envira Gallery

Classic editor users can use the shortcode or the button above the post editor to quickly add any gallery or album in your post/page.


Aside from that Envira Gallery also shows you the template tag that you can use it in your WordPress templates. This is particularly handy if you are developing a site for a client and want to include galleries straight into the theme.

除此以外,Envira Gallery还会向您显示模板标记,您可以在WordPress模板中使用它。 如果您正在为客户开发网站,并希望将画廊直接包含在主题中,则这特别方便。

模数 (Modula)

Modula Gallery uses a similar approach to create new photo galleries. You can simply upload your files or select them from the media library to create a photo gallery.

Modula Gallery使用类似的方法来创建新的照相馆。 您可以简单地上传文件或从媒体库中选择文件来创建照片库。

Modula Gallery user interface

Below the images, you will find all gallery settings organized in tabs. From here you can change gallery style, theme, lightbox, and other settings.

在图像下方,您将找到在选项卡中组织的所有图库设置。 在这里,您可以更改图库样式,主题,灯箱和其他设置。

To insert the gallery into WordPress posts and pages, you will need to copy the gallery shortcode and insert it using the Shortcode block in the Gutenberg editor.


There are no sidebar widgets or Gutenberg blocks at the moment to make it easier for users to insert Galleries.


Foo画廊 (FooGallery)

FooGallery takes the similar approach as Envira Gallery and Modula. They use a simple user interface that looks and feels like WordPress.

FooGallery采用与Envira Gallery和Modula类似的方法。 他们使用外观和感觉像WordPress的简单用户界面。

FooGallery user interface

After uploading your photos, you can adjust the gallery settings in great details below the images.


FooGallery also makes it easy to insert photo galleries. You can use the built-in Gutenberg block, shortcode, or sidebar widget to display your photo galleries anywhere in WordPress. It also adds a button on top of the Classic Editor to select and insert galleries.

FooGallery还可以轻松插入照片库。 您可以使用内置的Gutenberg块,简码或侧边栏小部件在WordPress中的任何位置显示照片库。 它还在“经典编辑器”的顶部添加了一个按钮,用于选择和插入画廊。

Unlike Envira Gallery, FooGallery does not show the template tag to insert your galleries into theme files or templates.

与Envira Gallery不同,FooGallery不会显示用于将画廊插入主题文件或模板的模板标签。

NextGEN画廊 (NextGEN Gallery)

NextGEN is a little different than our other three contenders. It brings its own user interface, database tables, and separate folders to store your images. This is why NextGEN user interface looks a bit complicated in WordPress.

NextGEN与我们其他三个竞争者略有不同。 它具有自己的用户界面,数据库表和单独的文件夹来存储图像。 这就是为什么NextGEN用户界面在WordPress中看起来有点复杂的原因。

NextGen UI

It does offer a gallery wizard which can be helpful for beginners. However, it will take users some time to understand how to upload images and create a gallery. You may also find it a bit difficult to add the gallery into your post/page.

它确实提供了一个画廊向导,可以对初学者有所帮助。 但是,用户将需要一些时间来了解如何上传图像和创建图库。 您可能还会发现将图库添加到帖子/页面中有点困难。

NextGen adds a Gutenberg block which allows you to create and add galleries from the post edit screen. For classic editor users, it adds a button to the post editor.

NextGen添加了一个Gutenberg块,该块允许您从后期编辑屏幕创建和添加画廊。 对于经典编辑器用户,它向帖子编辑器添加一个按钮。

Winner: No clear winner. Envira, Modula, and Foo Gallery all offer easy to use interface.

获胜者:没有明确的获胜者。 Envira,Modula和Foo Gallery均提供易于使用的界面。

特征 (Features)

In order to create a beautiful photo gallery, you need functionality like lightboxes, full-screen mode, albums, pagination, navigation, slideshow, password protection, EXIF metadata, social media sharing, and more.


However it’s important to remember that too many features can slow down your site, so let’s take a look at how our contenders handle the balance in features and functionality.


环保画廊 (Envira Gallery)

Envira Gallery is built with a mobile first approach. This means that it is fully responsive out of the box.

Envira Gallery是使用移动优先方法构建的。 这意味着它具有开箱即用的完全响应能力。

It allows you to easily choose thumbnail sizes, animations, gallery layouts, add meta tags for your images all from the single user interface.


Apart from the built-in features, there are loads of features that you can add by installing addons such as: gallery templates, social sharing, videos, password protection, image protection, albums, slideshow, Pinterest, image proofing, WooCommerce support, and more.


Envira Gallery features
模数 (Modula)

Modula is the newest of all plugins on our list, so they do not have the advanced features. However the plugin does cover all the basic features you’ll want from a WordPress gallery plugin like lightbox popup, social sharing, custom styles, grid layouts, and more.

Modula是我们列表中所有插件中最新的,因此它们不具有高级功能。 但是,该插件确实涵盖了WordPress画廊插件所需的所有基本功能,例如灯箱弹出窗口,社交共享,自定义样式,网格布局等。

It comes with a custom grid feature which allows you to use simple drag and drop to create your own custom grid for galleries.


It also has a video addon for creating video galleries. However, Modula is lacking other features like albums, watermarking, proofing, and gallery templates.

它还具有用于创建视频画廊的视频插件。 但是,Modula缺少其他功能,例如相册,水印,校样和画廊模板。

Modula features
Foo画廊 (FooGallery)

FooGallery comes with a lot of powerful features however it is not mobile responsive out of the box. You can select the responsive template to add a responsive photo gallery.

FooGallery具有许多强大的功能,但是它不是开箱即用的移动响应。 您可以选择自适应模板来添加自适应相册。

Another feature that we missed is the lightbox. You can install the free Foobox plugin to add lightbox functionality, but we felt that it should have been packaged with the core gallery plugin.

我们错过的另一个功能是灯箱。 您可以安装免费的Foobox插件来添加灯箱功能,但我们认为它应该与核心图库插件一起打包。

FooGallery also comes with extensions that you can install to add more features such as custom branding, cube effect, lightbox, and more.


FooGallery features
NextGEN画廊 (NextGEN Gallery)

NextGEN Gallery is the oldest of all four plugins, and it comes with an extensive list of features.

NextGEN Gallery是这四个插件中最古老的一个,并且具有广泛的功能列表。

Many of the features that are available as addons in Envira and Foo, are available out of the box in NextGEN gallery. There are also premium addons with more features that you can install.

在Envira和Foo中可以作为附加组件使用的许多功能在NextGEN画廊中都是可用的。 也有具有更多功能的高级插件,您可以安装。

Most NextGen features require a certain level of familiarity with the plugin. Users will need some time to figure things out, reading the documentation, and posting questions in support forums.

NextGen的大多数功能都要求对插件有一定程度的熟悉。 用户将需要一些时间来解决问题,阅读文档并在支持论坛中发布问题。

Winner: Envira Gallery is the clear winner here with its extensive list of features that cover all the basics + advanced features for photographers, eCommerce websites, and portfolios. NextGEN is the close second with a matching set of features.

赢家: Envira Gallery在这里无疑是赢家,其广泛的功能列表涵盖了摄影师,电子商务网站和作品集的所有基础知识和高级功能。 NextGEN紧随其后,具有一系列匹配的功能。

相容性 (Compatability)

WordPress provides you the freedom to move your site from one web host to another and even to different competitors.

WordPress使您可以自由地将站点从一台虚拟主机迁移到另一台虚拟主机 ,甚至可以迁移到其他竞争对手

We need to see if you can easily import/export and backup your photo gallery data.


环保画廊 (Envira Gallery)

Envira stores all your photo galleries as custom post types in the WordPress database. It stores your media files using the default WordPress media location. This means if you backup your WordPress site, then you will have all Envira Gallery data backed up.

Envira将所有照片库作为自定义帖子类型存储在WordPress数据库中。 它使用默认的WordPress媒体位置存储您的媒体文件。 这意味着,如果您备份WordPress网站 ,则将备份所有Envira Gallery数据。

Envira also allows you to import/export your individual galleries. This means that you can move a single gallery from one WordPress site to another.

Envira还允许您导入/导出自己的画廊。 这意味着您可以将一个画廊从一个WordPress网站移动到另一个。

Import / Export photo galleries using Envira Gallery

When you move your WordPress site, Envira will automatically detect it and will show you an option to fix the migration. All these features make Envira Gallery the most reliable photo gallery plugin for WordPress.

当您移动WordPress网站时,Envira会自动检测到它,并向您显示修复迁移的选项。 所有这些功能使Envira Gallery成为WordPress最可靠的照片库插件。

模数 (Modula)

Modula also uses a custom WordPress content type to store your photo galleries. This means you can save your photo galleries with your WordPress backup and restore them when you restore WordPress site from backup.

Modula还使用自定义WordPress内容类型来存储您的照片库。 这意味着您可以将照片库与WordPress备份一起保存,并在从备份还原WordPress网站时将其还原

Modula doesn’t allow you to import/export individual galleries.


Foo画廊 (FooGallery)

Similar to Envira, FooGallery also stores your galleries as custom post types in the WordPress database. If you backup your WordPress site, then you will have a FooGallery data backup as well.

与Envira相似,FooGallery还将您的画廊作为自定义帖子类型存储在WordPress数据库中。 如果您备份WordPress网站,那么您还将拥有FooGallery数据备份。

However, if you just want to export individual galleries, then there is no option for that because the plugin doesn’t come with an import/export feature.


NextGEN画廊 (NextGEN Gallery)

NextGEN gallery does not come with import/export feature. Since it stores your data in separate database tables, this means you will need to configure your WordPress backup plugin to include those tables.

NextGEN Gallery不具有导入/导出功能。 由于它将数据存储在单独的数据库表中,因此这意味着您将需要配置WordPress备份插件以包括这些表。

NextGEN also stores your images in a separate folder. If you want to create a backup for them, then you will need to download the folder separately to your computer.

NextGEN还将图像存储在单独的文件夹中。 如果要为其创建备份,则需要将文件夹单独下载到计算机上。

Both Envira and FooGallery offer NextGen importers to make it easy for users to switch to their platform.


Winner: Enivra Gallery offers the most comprehensive set of tools to import/export your photo galleries.

获胜者: Enivra Gallery提供最全面的工具集,用于导入/导出您的照相馆。

价钱 (Pricing)

All four plugins have a free WordPress gallery version available in the WordPress plugin directory. All four of them have paid upgrades available with more features. The pricing of your photo gallery plugin will depend on which plan you want to use for any of these plugins. You can choose a plan based on the features you need after trying the free versions.

这四个插件在WordPress插件目录中都有一个免费的WordPress图库版本。 他们四个人均已付费升级,并具有更多功能。 照片库插件的价格将取决于您要对这些插件使用哪种计划。 尝试免费版本后,可以根据所需功能选择计划。

Winner: No clear winners here – the pricing of products will vary based on what features you need and plan that you select.


结论 (Conclusion)

If you’re looking for a simple and fast solution, then Envira Gallery and Modula Gallery are both great options for a WordPress gallery plugin.

如果您正在寻找一种简单快速的解决方案,那么Envira GalleryModula Gallery都是WordPress Gallery插件的不错选择。

If you need the advanced features and don’t mind a learning curve, then NextGen gallery is your best option.

如果您需要高级功能并且不介意学习曲线,那么NextGen gallery是您的最佳选择。

We hope this article helped you pick the best WordPress gallery plugin for your website. You may also want to see our expert-pick of the must have WordPress plugins for all websites.

我们希望本文能帮助您为您的网站选择最佳的WordPress画廊插件。 您可能还希望看到我们的专家精选,其中必须包含适用于所有网站的WordPress插件

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials and join us on Facebook.


翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/best-wordpress-photo-gallery-plugins/






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