wordpress谷歌字体_适用于WordPress网站的10种性能最高的Google AdSense标语尺寸和格式


One of the most common questions beginners ask after signing up with Google AdSense is which are the highest performing Google AdSense banner sizes? Some Google AdSense ad formats are more noticeable which means they get more clicks and bring more revenue. In this article, we will show you the highest performing Google AdSense banner sizes and formats, and where to place them for best results.

初学者使用Google AdSense注册后,最常见的问题之一是,哪种Google AdSense横幅广告的效果最高? 某些Google AdSense广告格式更引人注目,这意味着它们获得了更多的点击并带来了更多收入。 在本文中,我们将向您展示性能最高的Google AdSense标语尺寸和格式,以及将其放置在何处以获得最佳效果。

Google AdSense Banner Sizes
如何在WordPress中正确设置Google AdSense广告? (How to Properly Setup Google AdSense Ads in WordPress?)

Before getting started, you will need to sign up for a Google AdSense account. Once you have signed up, see our guide on how to properly add Google AdSense in WordPress.

在开始之前,您需要注册一个Google AdSense帐户。 注册后,请参阅有关如何在WordPress中正确添加Google AdSense的指南。

By default, you can easily place AdSense ads in your website’s sidebar. Some WordPress themes may also have dedicated areas to display ads.

默认情况下,您可以轻松地将AdSense广告放置在网站的侧边栏中。 某些WordPress主题可能还会有专用区域来展示广告。

However, the best way to manage your Google AdSense ads in WordPress is by using an ad management plugin. We recommend using AdSanity, it is super easy to use and allows you to easily insert ads into sidebars, post content, and anywhere else you want.

但是,在WordPress中管理Google AdSense广告的最佳方法是使用广告管理插件 。 我们建议您使用AdSanity ,它非常易于使用,可让您轻松地将广告插入侧边栏,发布内容以及您想要的其他任何位置。

为什么某些Google AdSense标语尺寸和格式效果更好? (Why Some Google AdSense Banner Sizes and Formats Work Better?)

Google AdSense comes with several banner sizes and ad formats that you can add on your website. However, not all of them produce the same level of results.

Google AdSense带有几种横幅尺寸和广告格式,您可以在网站上添加这些横幅尺寸和广告格式。 但是,并非所有人都能产生相同水平的结果。

Ads that are closer to the content and easily visible upon page load will get you a higher CTR (click through rate). You need to make sure that you choose the ad size that is easily noticeable. Some of the Google AdSense ad sizes are too small and some could be too large to affect user experience.

距内容更近且在页面加载时很容易看到的广告将为您带来更高的点击率(点击率)。 您需要确保选择易于理解的广告尺寸。 有些Google AdSense广告尺寸太小,有些可能太大而影响用户体验。

Next, factor that affects ad performance on your website is how many advertisers are running ads for that format. Some ad formats and banners are more popular among advertisers which means using them gets you a larger inventory and better paying ads.

接下来,影响您网站上广告效果的因素是有多少广告客户以该格式投放广告。 某些广告格式和横幅广告在广告客户中更受欢迎,这意味着使用它们可以为您带来更大的广告资源和更优惠的广告费用。

Lastly, some ad formats are optimized for mobile devices. If mobile users make the most of your traffic, then these ads are going to perform better on your website than other sizes.

最后,某些广告格式已针对移动设备进行了优化。 如果移动用户可以充分利用您的流量,那么这些广告在您的网站上的效果将优于其他尺寸。

效果最佳的Google AdSense标语尺寸和格式 (Top Performing Google AdSense Banner Sizes and Formats)

Most website owners try different banner sizes to determine which formats work best for their websites. Google AdSense engineers also continuously run their own tests to see how ads are performing on participating websites.

大多数网站所有者尝试使用不同的横幅大小,以确定哪种格式最适合其网站。 Google AdSense工程师还不断运行自己的测试,以查看广告在参与网站上的效果如何。

We have done several testing with Google AdSense over the years on our own websites. Below are the top performing Google AdSense banner sizes and ad formats that offer the best value for your advertising real estate.

多年来,我们已经在自己的网站上使用Google AdSense进行了多次测试。 以下是效果最佳的Google AdSense标语尺寸和广告格式,它们可为您的广告房地产带来最大的价值。

1.中矩形(300×250) (1. The Medium Rectangle (300×250))

Medium rectangle

This ad format supports both display / text ads, and it can also be used on mobile layouts. The best part about this ad size is that it’s easy to fit in the sidebar or inside the content area without annoying users.

这种广告格式支持展示广告/文字广告,也可以在移动版式上使用。 有关此广告尺寸的最好之处在于,它很容易安装在侧边栏中或内容区域内,而不会惹恼用户。

That’s why this ad format gets a larger ad inventory which means more and better paying ads for your site. Since it’s perfectly-sized for in-content ads, it is also reported to have the best CTR for most websites.

这就是为什么这种广告格式拥有更大的广告资源,这意味着您的网站需要更多,更好的付费广告。 由于它适合内容广告 ,因此据报道,它对于大多数网站而言,具有最佳的点击率。

2.大矩形(336×280) (2. Large Rectangle (336×280))

Large rectangle

Large rectangle takes the second position on our list. It is larger and more noticeable than the medium rectangle ad above, but it may not fit in all website sidebars and is not mobile optimized.

大矩形排在我们列表的第二位。 它比上面的中矩形广告更大,更引人注目,但它可能并不适合所有网站侧边栏,并且未针对移动设备进行优化。

If your website’s sidebar or content area is a bit narrow, then the ad could squeeze the content which is not good for user experience.


That being said, the large rectangle could easily outperform medium rectangle on your website if placed inside the content area in between paragraphs. It supports both image and text ads.

话虽如此,如果将大矩形放在段落之间的内容区域内,则很容易在网站上胜过中等矩形。 它同时支持图像和文字广告。

Due to its size and ideal placement next to content, this ad size gets a better ad inventory as well.


3.页首横幅(728×90) (3. The Leaderboard (728×90))


The leaderboard is a traditional banner ad size that is perfect for website header. It supports both text and image ad formats but doesn’t support mobile ads.

页首横幅是一种传统的横幅广告尺寸,非常适合网站标题。 它同时支持文字和图片广告格式,但不支持移动广告。

Since the leaderboard is ideal to be placed on top (inside or immediately after the website header), it gets more ads which means better ads for your website. Due to its size and prominent placement, it performs fairly well on most websites.

由于排行榜非常适合放在顶部(网站标题的内部或紧随其后),因此可以获得更多广告,这意味着您网站的广告更好。 由于它的大小和突出的位置,它在大多数网站上都表现不错。

4.半页又名大型摩天大楼(300×600) (4. Half Page aka Large Skyscraper (300×600))

Half page

Large Skyscraper is a wide vertical banner also known as half page due to its size. It gets attention from advertisers who want more ad space to effectively communicate their message during retargeting.

大型摩天大楼是一种宽幅的垂直横幅,由于其尺寸而被称为半页。 广告主吸引了他们的注意,他们希望有更多的广告空间来在重定向期间有效地传达其信息。

It is becoming more popular among publishers because it tends to give more exposure for brands which means better paying ads.


You can place the large skyscraper in the sidebar or next to the content. However, due to its size it may not be a good fit for all websites.

您可以将大型摩天大楼放置在侧边栏中或内容旁边。 但是,由于其大小,它可能并不适合所有网站。

5.大型移动横幅(320×100) (5. Large Mobile Banner (320×100))

Mobile banner

Large mobile banner is a mobile ad format, and it is an equivalent of the leaderboard ad format in terms of effectiveness but for mobile devices. Ideally it works best when placed on top just below the header.

大型移动横幅广告是一种移动广告格式,就有效性而言,它等效于页首横幅广告格式,但适用于移动设备。 理想情况下,将其放在表头正下方的顶部时效果最佳。

Since mobile traffic makes up a good chunk of users for most websites, this ad format gets a better ad inventory.


It can be placed as a less intrusive ad and as an alternate to the medium rectangle ad format.


6.移动页首横幅(320×50) (6. Mobile Leaderboard (320×50))

mobile leaderboard

Mobile leaderboard is half in height compared to the large mobile banner ad format. It is slightly less effective but also less intrusive and offers even better ad experience on smaller mobile devices.

与大型移动横幅广告格式相比,移动页首横幅的高度只有一半。 它的效果略差,但干扰性较小,并且在较小的移动设备上提供了更好的广告体验。

Mobile ads are popular among advertisers which means it gets a sizable ad inventory. With proper placement, it can work really well with your mobile traffic.

移动广告在广告客户中很受欢迎,这意味着它可以获得大量广告资源。 如果放置适当,它可以很好地与您的移动流量配合使用。

7.宽幅摩天大楼(160×600) (7. Wide Skyscraper (160×600))


The wide skyscraper is a vertical banner ad that is designed specifically for narrow sidebars. It supports both image and text ad formats and is popular among advertisers.

宽阔的摩天大楼是一种垂直横幅广告,专门为窄边栏设计。 它支持图像和文字广告格式,在广告客户中很受欢迎。

It is a less intrusive ad option and can easily blend in with your website design. However, it is less effective than wider half page banner ads which tends to draw more user attention towards ad.

它是一种不太麻烦的广告选项,可以轻松地与您的网站设计融合。 但是,它的效果不如较宽的半页横幅广告,后者倾向于将更多的用户注意力吸引到广告上。

8.人像(300×1050) (8. Portrait (300×1050))


Portrait is a slightly wider and longer vertical banner. Due to its size, this ad format attracts brand-centric advertisers who want more ad space for their message.

纵向是稍宽和较长的垂直横幅。 由于尺寸大,这种广告格式吸引了以品牌为中心的广告客户,他们希望有更多的广告空间来传达信息。

It is ideally placed next to the content or in the sidebar where it is more noticeable as your users scan the contents of your page. The tricky part is to implement it without affecting user experience on your website.

理想情况下,它放置在内容旁边或侧边栏中,当用户扫描页面内容时,它会更引人注意。 棘手的部分是在不影响网站用户体验的情况下实施它。

9.广告牌(970×250) (9. The Billboard (970×250))


The billboard is another brand-centric ad format. It is a wide horizontal banner ad that can be ideally placed on top or bottom of your pages. It tends to get better ads due to the space it offers to the advertisers, but it has a smaller ad inventory.

广告牌是另一种以品牌为中心的广告格式。 这是一个水平横幅广告,可以理想地放置在页面顶部或底部。 由于它可以为广告商提供空间,因此往往会获得更好的广告,但广告资源却较少。

Depending on the content and keywords of your website, it could be a hit or a miss if it fails to attract enough ads for your website.


10.正方形(250×250) (10. The Square (250×250))

Generally larger ads are considered more noticeable. However, not all websites are designed in the same fashion. If you are using a minimalist WordPress theme, then this small square ad format could beautifully fit in your layout and still be noticeable.

通常,较大的广告被认为更引人注目。 但是,并非所有网站的设计方式都相同。 如果您使用的是极简主义的WordPress主题 ,则这种小方形广告格式可以很好地适合您的布局,并且仍然引人注目。

The downside is that it has a smaller ad inventory which could result into low paying ads. However, if your website is in a competitive industry, then it can work really well without affecting user experience.

缺点是广告资源较小,可能会导致低价广告。 但是,如果您的网站处于竞争激烈的行业中,那么它可以在不影响用户体验的情况下很好地运行。

充分利用广告空间的更多技巧 (More Tips to Make the Most out of Your Ad Space)

We are often asked by users how they can make more money with Google AdSense? Since each website is different, there is no single perfect answer to this question.

用户经常问我们,他们如何通过Google AdSense赚钱? 由于每个网站都不相同,因此没有一个完美的答案。

Here are some tips to make sure that you are fully utilizing your website’s potential when using Google AdSense to generate revenue.

以下提示可确保您在使用Google AdSense创收时充分利用网站的潜力。

  • Test different ad placements – Try different ad formats to figure out which formats give you a better CTR and which formats give you better ads.测试不同的广告展示位置 –尝试使用不同的广告格式,找出哪种格式可以为您带来更好的点击率,哪些格式可以为您带来更好的广告。
  • Display multiple ads – Google AdSense allows you to display multiple ad units on a page. Try different placements and ad formats to test which combinations work best for you.显示多个广告 – Google AdSense允许您在一个页面上显示多个广告单元。 尝试不同的展示位置和广告格式,以测试哪种组合最适合您。
  • Think of users first – While ad revenue is important for the survival of many websites, you also need to think of your users. Placing ads in a way that affects user experience would affect your website’s user engagement as well as your 首先考虑用户 –广告收入对于许多网站的生存至关重要,但您还需要考虑用户。 以影响用户体验的方式放置广告会影响您网站的用户参与度以及WordPress SEO.WordPress SEO
  • Optimize website performance – Research shows that faster websites usually get more engaged audience which means higher CTR for your ads. See how to 优化网站效果 –研究表明,速度更快的网站通常会吸引更多的受众,这意味着您的广告的点击率会更高。 了解如何speed up WordPress and boost performance.加快WordPress并提高性能

We hope this article helped you find the highest performing Google AdSense banner sizes and formats. You may also want to check out our comprehensive guide on other ways to make money online to supplement your Google AdSense income.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到效果最好的Google AdSense标语尺寸和格式。 您可能还需要查看有关其他在线赚钱方式的综合指南,以补充您的Google AdSense收入。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/highest-performing-google-adsense-banner-sizes-formats/






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