

We are often asked by beginners how to choose between free vs premium WordPress themes. What are the advantages and disadvantages? If you too had those questions, then you’re in the right place. In this article, we will discuss free WordPress themes vs premium WordPress themes (pros and cons).

初学者经常问我们如何在免费还是高级WordPress主题之间进行选择。 优点和缺点是什么? 如果您也有这些问题,那么您来对地方了。 在本文中,我们将讨论免费的WordPress主题与高级WordPress主题(优缺点)。

Free vs Premium WordPress Themes
免费WordPress主题的优点 (Pros of Free WordPress Themes)

First, we would like to mention that when we say free themes, we mean free WordPress themes that are listed in the official WordPress.org Themes directory.


We DO NOT recommend users to download and install any free themes that are distributed by other unreliable sources.


Free WordPress themes

It’s Free


The biggest benefit of a free WordPress theme is the cost, free. It lowers the barrier of entry to starting a blog.

免费WordPress主题的最大好处是免费。 它降低了创建博客的入门门槛。

However hearing the word free makes many people cautious. Why would someone give you a free WordPress theme when others are selling premium themes? What’s the catch?

但是,听到“免费”一词会使许多人保持谨慎。 当其他人出售高级主题时,为什么有人会给您免费的WordPress主题? 有什么收获?

Often people think free themes are low quality. It’s quite the contrary.

人们常常认为免费主题的质量较低。 恰恰相反。

Strict Review Process


Free WordPress themes are actually held to a higher quality standard. All themes in the official WordPress theme directory go through a strict theme review process.

实际上,免费的WordPress主题符合更高的质量标准。 官方WordPress主题目录中的所有主题都经过严格的主题审查过程。

There are some very talented folks in the theme review team who examine and test these themes before they are included into the directory.


You can see this checklist of the theme review process.


Free WordPress themes are tested for standard compliant code, support for standard WordPress features, quality HTML and CSS, security, privacy, etc.


As you can imagine, it takes talented developers to build a quality WordPress themes that get approved in the official directory.


But why are they giving it away for free?


There are lots of benefits of giving and sharing.


It helps theme developers sharpen their skills because during the review process, the theme review team audits their code and suggest improvements.


It also gives them a chance to make their theme available to a large user base where people can use it, give feedback, and suggest improvements.


Other advantages are building reputation as a skilled developer, building a portfolio, getting paid jobs for customization of those free themes or even develop custom theme for clients.


So while the free themes are definitely good, there are some disadvantages.


免费WordPress主题的缺点 (Cons of Free WordPress Themes)

Free WordPress themes usually have fewer options

Disadvantages of free or premium WordPress themes can be very subjective. What one person would consider a disadvantage, may not be a cause of concern for many others.

免费或高级WordPress主题的缺点可能非常主观。 一个人认为不利的事情可能不会引起其他许多人的关注。

These are some common disadvantages of using a free WordPress theme:


  1. Limited support options – Free WordPress theme developers offer support through WordPress forums, but they are not obliged to reply to support queries.有限的支持选项 –免费的WordPress主题开发人员通过WordPress论坛提供支持,但他们没有义务回复支持查询。
  2. Limited Features and Functionality – Even though free themes support most standard WordPress features, many of them don’t offer extra features like creating buttons, using shortcodes, create landing pages, etc.有限的功能和功能 –尽管免费主题支持大多数标准的WordPress功能,但许多主题并未提供额外的功能,例如创建按钮,使用简码,创建登录页面等。
  3. Not so Unique – Free themes are used by a lot of websites and blogs, so your website will not have a unique design. Also there are usually limited options to customize the visual appearance of free themes.并非如此独特 -许多网站和博客都使用免费主题,因此您的网站不会具有独特的设计。 通常,通常也只有很少的选项可以自定义免费主题的外观。
  4. No Obligation – Free themes are distributed with no warranties, so if something goes wrong, you are pretty much on your own.没有义务 –免费主题的分发没有任何保证,因此,如果出现问题,您几乎可以完全依靠自己。
    1. If you use a free theme, and it doesn’t have a specific functionality that you’re looking for (please don’t leave a 1 star rating). You didn’t pay anything for this theme.

      如果您使用的是免费主题,并且没有所需的特定功能(请不要给1星评分)。 您没有为此主题支付任何费用。

      Instead if you ask nicely or make a small donation, the developers are much more likely to add that feature in.


      Here’s how to properly ask for WordPress support and get it.


      高级WordPress主题的优点 (Pros of Premium WordPress Themes)

      Premium WordPress themes

      Unlike free themes, premium WordPress themes are available for purchase from numerous third-party WordPress theme shops and marketplaces.


      More features and customization options


      Elements you can drag and drop in Divi - A premium WordPress theme

      The biggest advantage of a premium theme is that you get more features and customization options.


      Due to the competition in the premium theme industry, theme shops are always trying to offer more features at lower prices.


      As a customer, you get themes that contain options like drag and drop builders, shortcodes, multiple layouts and templates, and unlimited color choices.

      作为客户,您可以获得包含拖放构建器简码 ,多种布局和模板以及无限颜色选择等选项的主题。

      Support and Updates


      Premium WordPress themes come with regular updates and support.


      Primarily because these theme shops are actually making money vs doing it for free.


      More Unique


      Because there’s a cost associated to premium themes, they’re less frequently used when compared to free themes.


      Not to mention the customization options give you the ability personalize your theme.


      Combining the two, your website will stand out and look unique.


      高级WordPress主题的缺点 (Cons of Premium WordPress Themes)

      Performance of premium WordPress themes

      Not all premium themes are perfect.


      Here are some common issues that can be a disadvantage.


      1. Poor Code – Some times you may end up buying a premium theme that looks pretty but has poor coding standards which could make it incompatible with some plugins. Mainly because these themes don’t have to go through a strict review process.代码质量差 –有时您可能最终会购买外观漂亮但编码标准较差的高级主题,这可能使其与某些插件不兼容。 主要是因为这些主题不必经过严格的审查过程。
      2. Too many features – In order to sell more themes, theme developers can add too many unnecessary features into their themes. You will probably never use all those features, but they are still there making your website slow.功能太多 –为了销售更多主题,主题开发人员可以在主题中添加太多不必要的功能。 您可能永远不会使用所有这些功能,但是它们仍然存在,使您的网站运行缓慢。
      3. Crossing over into Plugins domain – Sometimes WordPress themes can cross over into plugins domain, offering functionality that they are not supposed to offer. For example, creating custom post types, shortcodes, and other things that would disappear as soon as you switch theme跨入插件域 –有时WordPress主题可以跨入插件域,提供不应提供的功能。 例如,创建自定义帖子类型,短代码以及其他在切换主题后便会消失的内容

      How to find premium themes that are really as good as promised?


      The easiest way to find a good reliable premium theme is by buying it from one of the trusted theme shops and developers.


      The two well-respected premium WordPress theme shops that we recommend are: StudioPress and Themify.

      我们推荐的两家备受推崇的高级WordPress主题商店是: StudioPressThemify

      For drag and drop page builder, we recommend using Beaver Builder.

      对于拖放页面构建器 ,建议使用Beaver Builder

      You can also check out our showcase sections for more theme shops that we like and trust.


      Know what you are buying


      Remember that when you are purchasing a premium WordPress theme, you are not hiring that theme shop or developer to set it up for you. You also don’t have an exclusive license and theme developer does not offer any warranty.

      请记住,当您购买高级WordPress主题时,您并没有雇用该主题商店或开发人员来为您设置主题。 您也没有专属许可,主题开发人员不提供任何保证。

      Most good theme shops will give you access to their documentation and support forums where you can get more help if needed. This preferential support is actually what you are paying for.

      大多数优质主题商店将使您可以访问其文档和支持论坛,在需要时可以获取更多帮助。 这种优惠支持实际上是您要支付的。

      Any good theme shop should have a good support system, documentation, and help available for you to set up your theme.


      我很困惑……我如何选择? (I am confused… How Do I Chose?)

      When chosing a WordPress theme for your site you need to ask yourself a few questions.


      1. Do you really need lots of features, custom theme admin options, sliders, and other goodies for your website?


      2. Can you troubleshoot WordPress issues on your own or you need help with them?


      3. Do you want a professional looking theme that’s not very common or you are fine with a basic layout?


      If you are just starting out with a personal blog or family website, then a free WordPress theme would be sufficient for your needs. Here is our list of 43 beautiful free WordPress blog themes to help you get started.

      如果您只是从个人博客或家庭网站开始,那么免费的WordPress主题就足够满足您的需求。 这是我们列出的43个精美的免费WordPress博客主题列表,可帮助您入门。

      On the other hand, if you are a small business, then we will recommend you to go with a paid theme. It gives you the extra customization features and options while giving you the peace of mind that support is available should you need it.

      另一方面,如果您是小型企业,那么我们建议您选择付费主题。 它为您提供了额外的自定义功能和选项,同时使您可以放心地在需要时可以使用支持。

      如何开始使用WordPress (How to Get Started With WordPress)

      If you are new to WordPress and are not quite sure how to get started, then check out our step by step guide on how to start a WordPress blog. It will walk you through setting up your first WordPress website like a pro.

      如果您不熟悉WordPress,但不确定如何入门,请查看有关如何启动WordPress博客的分步指南。 它将引导您像专业人士一样设置您的第一个WordPress网站。

      You can also see this guide on how to learn WordPress in a week (or less).

      您还可以查看本指南, 了解如何在一周或更短的时间内学习WordPress

      We hope this article helped you learn how to choose between free vs premium WordPress themes. You may also want to see our list of 24 must have WordPress plugins for your website.

      我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何在免费和高级WordPress主题之间进行选择。 您可能还想查看我们列出的24个必须为您的网站安装WordPress插件的列表。

      If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

      如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/decide-premium-free-wordpress-themes/






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