

Do you want to create an IDX real estate website using WordPress? A real estate website requires specific features that are not normally available in ready-made websites, but don’t worry we got you covered. In this article, we will show you how to easily create an IDX real estate website using WordPress.

您要使用WordPress创建IDX房地产网站吗? 房地产网站需要一些特定功能,这些功能通常在现成网站中不可用,但是请不要担心我们会被您覆盖。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何使用WordPress轻松创建IDX房地产网站。

How to create IDX real estate website using WordPress
什么是IDX? (What is IDX?)

IDX or Internet Data Exchange is a software standard used by realtors, brokers, and their teams to display frequently updated listings from MLS (multiple listing services).


Why is IDX Important for Real Estate Websites?


Real estate websites use IDX to showcase property listings with up-to-date information that’s pulled directly from MLS. IDX allows you to showcase a wide range of properties, so you can generate more leads for your business.

房地产网站使用IDX展示具有直接从MLS直接获取的最新信息的房地产清单。 IDX允许您展示各种属性,因此可以为您的业务吸引更多潜在客户。

如何制作IDX房地产网站? (How to Make an IDX Real Estate Website?)

Typically you would have to hire a developer to build an IDX real estate website which would cost you thousands of dollars.


But that’s not ideal if you’re just starting out.


Luckily there is an easier solution that you can use to make an IDX real estate website by yourself (without any coding knowledge).


We’re going to walk you through each step, one by one. But before we do, you will need the following things to get started.

我们将一步一步地引导您完成每个步骤。 但是在开始之前,您需要满足以下条件。

  • A domain name (This will be your website’s address that your users will type in their browsers to visit your website i.e

  • A web hosting account (This is where your website’s files will be stored)

  • A real estate website template

  • An IDX WordPress plugin

    一个IDX WordPress插件

Ready? Let’s get started.

准备? 让我们开始吧。

步骤1.房地产网站入门 (Step 1. Getting Started with Your Real Estate Website)

First, you need to choose the right platform for your website. WordPress is the world’s most popular website builder used by tens of thousands of real estate websites.

首先,您需要为您的网站选择合适的平台。 WordPress是世界上最受欢迎的网站构建器,被成千上万的房地产网站使用。

When we refer to WordPress, we’re referring to (software), not the (hosting service). Often beginners confuse these two due to the name. See our article on vs for a side-by-side comparison.

当我们指的是WordPress时,我们指的是软件),而不是 (托管服务)。 通常,初学者由于名字而混淆了这两个。 请参阅我们在WordPress.com和WordPress.org上的文章,以进行并排比较。

We recommend using self-hosted because it gives you access to all the WordPress features out of the box.


To get started with WordPress, you will need to register a domain name and get a WordPress hosting account.


Normally, a domain name costs $14.99 / year and website hosting costs $7.99 / month.

通常,域名费用为$ 14.99 /年,网站托管费用为$ 7.99 /月。

This is a lot for small business owners who’re just starting out.


This is why we convinced Bluehost to offer WPBeginner users a free domain name, free SSL certificate, and 60% discount on hosting.


Basically, you can get started for as low as $2.75 per month.


→ Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Offer ←


Note: Bluehost is an officially recommended hosting provider of WordPress, and we also use Bluehost for several of our own websites.

注意: Bluehost是官方推荐的WordPress托管提供商,我们还将Bluehost用于我们自己的多个网站。

Once you have signed up for hosting, you will get an email with a link to your hosting dashboard.


Bluehost will automatically install WordPress for you, and you will be able to login to your WordPress site directly from the hosting dashboard.


Bluehost hosting dashboard

Once logged in, you will see the WordPress admin area. This is where you will manage your website, change settings, and add new content.

登录后,您将看到WordPress管理区域。 在这里,您将管理网站,更改设置和添加新内容。

WordPress admin area
第2步。选择一个房地产WordPress主题 (Step 2. Choose a Real Estate WordPress Theme)

The best thing about WordPress is that it gives you access to thousands of pre-made templates also known as WordPress themes. However, a real estate website has different needs than a regular business website.

WordPress的最好之处在于,它使您可以访问数千个预制模板,也称为WordPress主题。 但是,房地产网站与常规商业网站有不同的需求。

Luckily, there are tons of beautiful WordPress themes that you can use to make a real estate website. See our expert pick of the best real estate WordPress themes.

幸运的是,您可以使用大量精美的WordPress主题来制作房地产网站。 请参阅我们精选的最佳房地产WordPress主题专家。

Finding a real estate theme

Some tips on choosing a theme for your real estate website.


  • Strive for simplicity in design.

  • Keep in mind that theme demos use a lot of images that don’t come pre-installed. You will have to replace them with your own.

    请记住,主题演示使用了很多未预先安装的图像。 您将不得不用自己的替换它们。
  • Make sure the theme works on all screen sizes and devices.

  • Look for IDX / MLS integration and compatible themes with your IDX plugin.

    查找IDX / MLS集成以及与IDX插件兼容的主题。
  • Check for theme reviews and performance.


For more details, see our guide on how to choose the perfect WordPress theme for your website.


After choosing a real estate theme for your website, you can go ahead and install it. For detailed instructions, see our beginner’s guide on how to install a WordPress theme.

为您的网站选择房地产主题之后,您可以继续进行安装。 有关详细说明,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress主题的新手指南。

步骤3.选择一个IDX WordPress插件 (Step 3. Choose an IDX WordPress Plugin)

There are plenty of WordPress IDX plugins on the market. You will need to carefully choose the plugin that works with your MLS provider.

市场上有很多WordPress IDX插件。 您将需要仔细选择与您的MLS提供程序一起使用的插件。

We recommend using the dsIDXpress plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

我们建议使用dsIDXpress插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Upon activation, the plugin will add a new menu item labeled ‘IDX’ to your WordPress admin bar. Clicking on it will take you to plugin’s settings page.

激活后,插件将在您的WordPress管理栏中添加一个标记为“ IDX”的新菜单项。 单击它会将您带到插件的设置页面。

IDX activation key

You will need to enter your activation key. You can find this information on the plugin’s website or the email they sent you when you registered the plugin.

您将需要输入激活密钥。 您可以在插件的网站上或注册插件时他们发送给您的电子邮件中找到此信息。

After activation, the plugin offers multiple ways to add MLS content to your website. If you are using the demo version of the plugin, then you get access to fictional MLS listings. Paid users will be able to select their MLS provider from the plugin’s website.

激活后,该插件提供了多种将MLS内容添加到您的网站的方法。 如果您使用的是插件的演示版本,则可以访问虚构的MLS列表。 付费用户将可以从插件的网站上选择其MLS提供商。

Once you have added your MLS provider, you can go ahead and start adding MLS content. The easiest way to do this is by using the IDX widgets.

添加MLS提供程序后,就可以继续添加MLS内容。 最简单的方法是使用IDX小部件。

Head over to Appearance » Widgets page, and you will see multiple IDX widgets that you can add to your website. This includes IDX listings, IDX area, IDX search, and IDX single listing widgets.

转到外观»小部件页面,您将看到可以添加到网站的多个IDX小部件。 这包括IDX列表,IDX区域,IDX搜索和IDX单列表小部件。

IDX widgets

You can also add MLS content to your WordPress posts or pages. Simply create a new post or page, and you will notice the IDX listings button in the Visual Editor.

您还可以将MLS内容添加到WordPress帖子或页面。 只需创建一个新帖子或页面,您就会在Visual Editor中注意到IDX列表按钮。

IDX shortcode buttons

Another way to generate content from your MLS listings is by visiting IDX Pages page and clicking on the ‘Add New’ button.


IDX Pages work just like regular WordPress pages, except that they will display your MLS listings. To choose what you want to show on the page, you can use the IDX Data Filters section at the bottom of the page.

IDX页面的工作方式与常规WordPress页面一样,不同之处在于它们将显示您的MLS列表。 要选择要在页面上显示的内容,可以使用页面底部的“ IDX数据过滤器”部分。

IDX data filters

Don’t worry if your listings don’t look aesthetically pleasing in the beginning. Just focus on adding the listings you want to display at first.

如果您的商家信息一开始看起来就不美观,请不要担心。 只需专注于添加要首先显示的列表即可。

Once you are done setting up your MLS content, you may need your theme’s support team to help you tightly integrate it using custom CSS.


Preview of IDX listings displayed on a real estate website
步骤4.推广您的房地产网站 (Step 4. Promoting Your Real Estate Website)

You WordPress real estate theme and your IDX plugin provide you plenty of options to create targetted content for search engines.


For example, if you want to target a specific neighborhood, city, or housing community, then you can create specific pages for their listings.


Apart from displaying the listings, you can further optimize that page by adding useful information about that particular area.


Next, you would need to learn some basic WordPress SEO skills. We have a complete WordPress SEO guide with step by step instructions for beginners which will walk you through it.

接下来,您需要学习一些基本的WordPress SEO技能。 我们有完整的WordPress SEO指南,其中包含针对初学者的分步说明,将逐步指导您。

第5步。从房地产网站获取潜在客户 (Step 5. Capturing Leads from Your Real Estate Website)

Lead generation

Did you know that almost 75% of visitors who see your website will never see it again? It is not your fault, it is just that the internet is huge and more websites are joining each day to increase competition.

您知道吗?几乎有75%的访问者不会再看到您的网站? 这不是您的错,这仅仅是互联网巨大,每天都有更多的网站加入以增加竞争。

Instead of letting those potential buyers slip away, you need to get their information.


This is where OptinMonster comes in. It is the best lead generation software in the world and helps you convert casual visitors into leads and then clients.


See how WoodSide Communities made $249,435 in less than 2 months using OptinMonster.

了解WoodSide社区如何使用OptinMonster 在不到2个月的时间内赚到249,435美元。

To get started, you may want to see these practical lead generation tips for those in real estate.


Another useful tool you need in your arsenal is WPForms. It is the best WordPress contact form plugin and will allow you to easily add contact forms for each listing on your site.

武器库中需要的另一个有用工具是WPForms 。 它是最好的WordPress联系人表格插件 ,可让您轻松地为网站上的每个列表添加联系人表格。

步骤6.掌握WordPress技能 (Step 6. Mastering WordPress Skills)

WordPress is quite easy to use but from time to time you will need help. Luckily, there is plenty of help available online for free.

WordPress非常易于使用,但是您有时会需要帮助。 幸运的是,有很多免费的在线帮助。

WPBeginner itself is the largest WordPress resource site in the world. We offer tons of beginner’s guides, how-tos, tutorials, and videos (all of them are totally free).

WPBeginner本身是世界上最大的WordPress资源站点。 我们提供大量的初学者指南,操作方法,教程和视频(所有这些都是完全免费的)。

Here are some handy WPBeginner resources that you should bookmark to continue learning WordPress.


  • WPBeginner Blog – This is where we publish our WordPress tutorials, how tos, and step by step guides.WPBeginner博客 –我们在这里发布WordPress教程,操作方法和分步指南。
  • WPBeginner Videos – These step by step videos will help you learn WordPress FAST.WPBeginner视频 –这些循序渐进的视频将帮助您学习WordPress FAST。
  • WPBeginner on YouTube – Need more video instructions? Subscribe to our YouTube channel with more than 100,000 subscribers and 7 Million+ views. YouTube上的WPBeginner –需要更多视频说明吗? 订阅我们的YouTube频道,拥有超过100,000个订阅者和700万以上的观看次数。
  • WPBeginner Dictionary – The best place for beginners to start and familiarize themselves with the WordPress lingo.WPBeginner词典 –初学者入门并熟悉WordPress术语的最佳场所。
  • WPBeginner Blueprint – Check out plugins, tools, and services we use on WPBeginner.WPBeginner蓝图 –查看我们在WPBeginner上使用的插件,工具和服务。
  • WPBeginner Deals – Exclusive discounts on WordPress products and services for WPBeginner users. WPBeginner Deals –为WPBeginner用户提供WordPress产品和服务的独家折扣。

Many of our users use Google to find answers on WPBeginner by simply adding ‘wpbeginner’ at the end of their search term.

我们的许多用户都使用Google在WPBeginner上找到答案,只需在搜索词的末尾添加“ wpbeginner”即可。

We hope this article helped you learn how to create an IDX real estate website using WordPress. You may also want to see our list of essential WordPress plugins for business websites.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何使用WordPress创建IDX房地产网站。 您可能还想查看我们用于商业网站的基本WordPress插件列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。







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