

Often WordPress beginners get confused between posts and pages. By default, WordPress comes with two content types: posts and pages.

WordPress初学者通常会在帖子和页面之间感到困惑。 默认情况下,WordPress具有两种内容类型:帖子和页面。

As a beginner, you are probably wondering what’s the difference between posts vs pages? They seem to look similar in the WordPress dashboard as well as on the website.

作为一个初学者,您可能想知道帖子与页面之间有什么区别? 它们在WordPress仪表板以及网站上看起来相似。

Readers often ask us: Why do I need both? When should I use posts? When should I use pages?

读者经常问我们:为什么我需要两者? 我什么时候应该使用帖子? 什么时候应该使用页面?

In this article, we will explain the difference between posts vs. pages in WordPress.


WordPress Posts vs. Pages - What's the difference
WordPress中的帖子是什么? (What are Posts in WordPress?)

Posts are blog content listed in a reverse chronological order (newest content on top). You will see posts listed on your blog page.

帖子是按倒序排列的博客内容(最新内容在顶部)。 您将在博客页面上看到列出的帖子。

If you are using WordPress as a blog, then you will end up using posts for the majority of your website’s content.

如果您将WordPress用作博客 ,那么最终您将在大部分网站内容中使用帖子。

You can add and edit your WordPress posts from the ‘Posts’ menu in your dashboard. Here is how Add New Post screen looks.

您可以从信息中心的“帖子”菜单中添加和编辑WordPress帖子。 这是“添加新帖子”屏幕的外观。

New WordPress Post Screen

Due to their reverse chronological order, your posts are meant to be timely. Older posts are archived based on month and year.

由于时间顺序相反,您的帖子发布及时。 旧帖子根据月份和年份进行存档。

As the posts gets older, the user has to dig deeper to find them. You have the option to organize your posts based on categories and tags.

随着帖子变老,用户必须更深入地挖掘才能找到它们。 您可以选择根据以下内容来整理帖子 类别和标签。

WordPress Post Categories Tags

Because WordPress posts are published with time and date in mind, they are syndicated through the RSS feeds. This allows your readers to be notified of the most recent post update via RSS feeds.

由于WordPress帖子的发布考虑了时间和日期,因此它们通过 RSS订阅。 这使您的读者可以通过RSS feed获知最新的帖子更新。

Bloggers can use the RSS feeds to deliver email broadcasts through services like Constant Contact, Aweber or MailChimp. You can create a daily and weekly newsletter for your audience to subscribe to.

博客可以使用RSS提要通过诸如Constant ContactAweber MailChimp。 您可以 创建每日和每周的新闻通讯,以供您的受众订阅。

The very timely nature of posts make it extremely social. You can use one of the many social sharing plugins to allow your users to share your posts in social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest etc.

职位的及时性使其非常社交。 您可以使用众多社交共享插件之一来允许您的用户在社交媒体网络(如Facebook,Twitter,LinkedIn,Pinterest等)中共享您的帖子。

Posts encourage conversation. They have a built-in comment feature that allows users to comment on a particular topic. By default, comments, pingbacks, and trackbacks are enabled.

帖子鼓励对话。 它们具有内置的评论功能,允许用户对特定主题发表评论。 默认情况下,启用注释,pingback和引用。

WordPress Post Comments Enabled

You can go to your Settings » Discussion to turn off comments on older posts if you like.


WordPress posts usually have the name of the author and published/updated date.


The best example of a WordPress post may be this article which you are reading now. Go to the top, and you can see the post category ‘Beginner’s Guide’ above the article title. Below the title, there is the last updated date, author’s name, and social share buttons.

WordPress帖子的最佳示例可能是您正在阅读的这篇文章。 转到顶部,您可以在文章标题上方看到文章类别“初学者指南”。 标题下方有最后更新日期,作者姓名和社交分享按钮。

WordPress Post Example WPBeginner Blog

After the main article content, there is the comments section. You cannot usually find these on a page.

在主要文章内容之后,有评论部分。 通常,您无法在页面上找到这些内容。

Now that you know what are posts, let’s take a look at pages and how they are different.


WordPress中的页面是什么? (What are Pages in WordPress?)

Pages are static “one-off” type content such as your about page, privacy policy, contact page, etc. While the WordPress database stores the published date of the page, pages are timeless entities.


For example, your about page is not suppose to expire. Sure you can go back and make updates to it, but chances are you will not have about page 2012, about page 2013 etc. Because there is no time and date tied to pages, they are not included in your RSS feeds by default.

例如,您的“关于”页面不应过期。 当然,您可以返回并对其进行更新,但是您可能没有关于2012年页面,关于2013年页面等的信息。由于没有时间和日期与页面相关,因此默认情况下,它们不包含在您的RSS feed中。

You can add and edit pages in WordPress from ‘Pages’ menu in your dashboard. Here is how Add New Page screen looks like:

您可以从信息中心的“页面”菜单中添加和编辑WordPress中的页面。 这是“添加新页面”屏幕的外观:

Add New Page WordPress Screen

Pages are not meant to be social in most cases thus do not include social sharing buttons. For example, you probably don’t want others to tweet your privacy policy page in most cases.

页面在大多数情况下并不意味着是社交的,因此不包括社交共享按钮。 例如,在大多数情况下,您可能不希望其他人发布您的隐私政策页面。

Similarly, pages also don’t include comments. You don’t want users to comment on your contact page or your legal disclaimers page. There is an option to enable comments, however, it is disabled by default for your WordPress pages.

同样,页面也不包含评论。 您不希望用户在您的联系页面或法律免责声明页面上发表评论。 有一个启用注释的选项,但是默认情况下,您的WordPress页面已禁用它。

Comment Options in WordPress Pages

Unlike posts, pages are hierarchical by nature. For example, you can have subpages or child pages within a page. You can easily turn a page into subpage by choosing a parent page from Page Attributes when editing a page.

与帖子不同,页面本质上是分层的。 例如,您可以在页面中包含子页面或子页面。 通过在编辑页面时从“页面属性”中选择父页面,可以轻松地将页面转换为子页面。

Page Attributes WordPress

A key example of this in action would be our Blueprint page. This feature allows you to organize your pages together, and even assign a custom template to them.

实际行动的一个关键例子就是我们的 蓝图页面。 此功能使您可以将页面组织在一起,甚至可以为它们分配自定义模板。

WordPress by default comes with a feature that allows you create custom page templates using your theme. This allows developers to customize the look of each page when necessary.

WordPress默认具有一项功能,可让您 使用您的主题创建自定义页面模板。 这使开发人员可以在必要时自定义每个页面的外观。

In most themes, post and pages look the same. But when you are using your page to create a landing page or a gallery page, then the custom page templates feature comes in very handy.

在大多数主题中,帖子和页面看起来都是相同的。 但是,当您使用页面创建登录页面或图库页面时,自定义页面模板功能将非常方便。

Pages also have this archaic feature called ‘Order’ which lets you customize the order of pages by assigning a number value to it. However, this feature is extended by plugins like Simple Page Ordering that allows you to drag & drop the order of pages.

页面还具有称为“顺序”的古老功能,可让您通过为其分配数字值来自定义页面的顺序。 但是,此功能已通过类似插件的扩展 简单页面排序,使您可以拖放页面顺序。

WordPress页面与帖子(主要区别) (WordPress Pages vs. Posts (Key Differences))

To summarize, following are the key differences between posts vs pages in WordPress.


  • Posts are timely vs. Pages are timeless.

  • Posts are social vs. Pages are NOT.

  • Posts are organized using categories and tags vs. Pages are hierarchical and can be organized as child and parent pages.

  • Posts are included in RSS feed vs. Pages are not.

    帖子包含在RSS feed中,而页面不包含。
  • Posts have author and published date vs Pages do not.


The differences we listed above may have exceptions. You can use plugins to extend the functionality of both content types.

我们上面列出的差异可能会有例外。 您可以使用插件来扩展两种内容类型的功能。

Despite these differences, there are some similarities between pages and posts in WordPress.


First, they are both used for publishing content. You can add text, images, forms, etc. to both posts and pages. There is featured image meta-field in both pages and posts.

首先,它们都用于发布内容。 您可以在文章和页面上添加文本,图像,表格等。 页面和帖子中都有特色图像元字段。

You can build a website without ever using posts or blogging features of WordPress. You can also make a business website with pages and a separate blog section for your news, announcements, and other articles.

您无需使用WordPress的帖子或博客功能就可以构建网站。 您还可以通过页面和新闻,公告和其他文章的单独博客部分建立商业网站

经常问的问题 (Frequently Asked Questions)

Following are some of the most frequently asked questions we have heard from our users about posts vs. pages, and how to properly use them in WordPress.


1. How Many Posts and/or Pages Can I Have?


You can have as many posts and/or pages that you want. There is no limit on the number of posts or pages that can be created.

您可以拥有任意数量的帖子和/或页面。 可以创建的帖子或页面的数量没有限制。

2. Are there any SEO advantages to one or the other?


Search engines like content to be organized. Timeless content is considered to be more important; however, there is a lot of priority given to the latest timely content.

搜索引擎喜欢要组织的内容。 永恒的内容被认为更为重要; 但是,对最新及时内容给予了很多优先考虑。

In short, there may be a difference, but as a beginner, you do not need to worry about it. Focus on making your site organized for the user. To learn more, see our complete WordPress SEO guide for beginners.

简而言之,可能有所不同,但是作为初学者,您无需担心。 集中精力为用户组织网站。 要了解更多信息,请参阅针对初学者的完整WordPress SEO指南

3. Which pages I should create on my website or blog?


It really depends on what kind of blog or website you are making. However, you may want to see our list of important pages for all websites.

这实际上取决于您制作的博客或网站类型。 但是,您可能希望查看我们所有网站的重要页面列表

4. Can I switch posts to pages and vice versa?


Many beginners accidentally add content to posts when they actually wanted to create pages. Similarly, some new bloggers may end up saving blog posts as pages.

许多初学者在实际上想要创建页面时不小心将内容添加到帖子中。 同样,某些新博客作者最终可能会将博客文章另存为页面。

If you have just started out, then you can easily fix that by using the post type switcher plugin. For more details see our article on how to switch post types in WordPress.

如果您刚开始,那么可以使用post type switcher插件轻松解决该问题。 有关更多详细信息,请参见有关如何在WordPress中切换帖子类型的文章。

5. Are there other content types in WordPress besides posts and pages?


Yes, there are. However, these other default content types include attachments, revisions, and navigation menus which are normally not used the same way as posts and pages.

是的,有。 但是,这些其他默认内容类型包括附件,修订版和导航菜单,它们通常与帖子和页面使用的方式不同。

WordPress also allows developers to create their own custom post types. This feature is used by plugins to create additional content types in WordPress. For example, if you are running a WooCommerce store, then you will see a ‘Products’ post type in your WordPress admin area.

WordPress还允许开发人员创建自己的自定义帖子类型 。 插件使用此功能在WordPress中创建其他内容类型。 例如,如果您正在运行WooCommerce商店 ,那么您将在WordPress管理区域中看到“产品”帖子类型。

We hope this article helped you learn the difference between pages and posts in WordPress and how to use them. You may also want to see our list of important things to do after installing WordPress.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解WordPress中页面和帖子之间的区别以及如何使用它们。 您可能还想查看我们在安装WordPress之后要做重要事情的列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/what-is-the-difference-between-posts-vs-pages-in-wordpress/






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