
Undoubtedly causing friction with the workers they render unnecessary, drones will be a huge part of this technological revolution as the adoption of aerial drones and drone technology are widespread day by day.

毫无疑问,与不必要的工人之间会产生摩擦,无人机将成为这项技术革命的重要组成部分,因为 空中无人机和无人机技术 的采用正 日益 普及。

One article, written in The Netherlands in 2019, suggests that the integration of drones could be better accepted by incorporating emotional expression and creating more natural human to drone interactions. These drones would not only recognize emotions, but they would also react to them, and hopefully build relationships with their human operators.

一篇于2019年在荷兰发表的文章建议,通过整合情感表达并创造更自然的人机交互,无人机可以更好地被接受。 这些无人机不仅可以识别情绪,还可以对情绪做出React,并希望与人类操作员建立关系。

Lately, this theory has been explored with the intention of creating drones that can not only mimic human expression but can also learn and react according to its user’s emotions. This element of emotion would be expressed by the drones using digital eyes and eyebrows, demonstrating four basic moods; happiness, sadness, anger, and a neutral state. The eye positions, used to communicate these impressions, were subject to two pilot tests to see which best represented each emotion. During which, different eyes were randomly generated and were categorized by students, highlighting the most pleasing aesthetically and the most likely to create a bond.

最近,人们一直在探索这种理论,目的是制造出不仅可以模仿人类表情,还可以根据用户的情感进行学习和做出React的无人机。 无人机将使用数字化的眼睛和眉毛来表达这种情感元素,展示出四种基本情绪; 幸福,悲伤,愤怒和中立状态。 用于传达这些印象的眼部位置接受了两次试点测试,以了解哪种表情最能代表每种情感。 在此期间,学生随机产生了不同的眼睛,并对其进行了分类,从而突出了最赏心悦目的美学和最可能产生联系的感觉。

But it's not just the ability to imitate emotion that is important, it is also important to attribute the correct emotions based on the user's facial expression, to bring a much more humanistic element to the drones. A program was therefore developed to analyze many different faces, and based on their slight variances, determine the person's current emotion so that the drone could respond accurately. To achieve this, researchers used factors such as brow raise, cheek raise and jaw drop, and overwhelmingly, an 87.4% recognition rate of facial emotions was achieved, meaning the program (with some fine-tuning) could eventually identify a person's mood consistently, based solely on facial expression.

但是,不仅要模仿情绪,更重要的是,还要根据用户的面部表情归因正确的情绪,从而为无人机带来更多的人文元素,这一点也很重要。 因此,开发了一个程序来分析许多不同的面Kong,并根据它们的细微差异确定人的当前情绪,从而使无人机可以准确地做出React。 为此,研究人员使用了眉毛抬高,脸颊抬高和下颚下降等因素,并且绝大多数情况下,面部表情识别率达到了87.4%,这意味着该程序(经过一些微调)最终可以始终如一地识别一个人的情绪,仅基于面部表情。

The drones would also eventually possess the ability to learn from users past expressions, creating a more longitudinal relationship and continuously increasing the accuracy of the facial and emotional recognition software. Similarly to human relationships, the drone will also register the state of the bond from how many positive or negative expressions it has recorded. Although very simplified, the drone user will see the relationship level on the screen as a numerical value, a low score means the relationship is mostly negative and high score meaning that it is positive.

无人机最终还将具有向用户学习过去的表情的能力,从而建立更纵向的关系并不断提高面部和情绪识别软件的准确性。 类似于人际关系,无人驾驶飞机还将根据记录的正向或负向表达数来记录键的状态。 尽管非常简单,但无人机用户会在屏幕上以数值形式看到关系级别,低分表示该关系大部分为负,高分表示该关系为正。

Ultimately, drones and other similar robots will be commonplace in some homes and potentially most professional spaces, sheerly due to their ability to be extremely productive. And the ability to create empathetic relationships with either its owner or its workplace operator could lead to a much smoother transition during integration, and eventually; too much wider social acceptance. However, professional drones are still in their preliminary phase, meaning society has years to adjust to the idea of this widespread automation and this kind of relationship-building technology can develop even further to assist at that time.

最终,无人驾驶飞机和其他类似的机器人在某些家庭和潜在的最专业的空间中变得司空见惯,因为它们具有极高的生产力。 与所有者或工作场所操作员建立移情关系的能力可能会导致整合过程中的过渡更加顺畅,最终; 被社会广泛接受。 但是,专业无人机仍处于起步阶段,这意味着社会需要多年的时间来适应这种广泛自动化的想法,并且这种建立关系的技术可以在那时进一步发展以提供帮助。

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/33854/Drones-With-Eyes-Expressive-Emotion-In-Human-Drone-Interaction.html





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