unity3d教程_Unity 3D教程:到目前为止,我们已经学到了什么


We are almost finished with the beginning phase of this series. Let's have a quick review of what we have learned so far.

我们几乎完成了本系列的开始阶段。 让我们快速回顾一下到目前为止所学到的知识。

  • We have learned how Unity works in general, how to import sprites and useful assets into our projects.


  • We have learned how to add physics to our sprites so they interact with the game world properly.

    我们已经学习了如何向我们的精灵添加物理效果 ,以便它们与游戏世界正确互动。

  • We have learned what colliders and collisions are in the game, and how we can use them.

    我们已经了解了游戏中有哪些碰撞器碰撞 ,以及如何使用它们。

  • We have learned about instantiating, modifying and destroying gameObjects as we need to.


  • We have learned how to add our own UI elements to the game, and how to add sound effects and music.

    我们已经学习了如何在游戏中添加自己的UI元素 ,以及如何添加声音效果和音乐。

Of course, this is just scraping the tip of the iceberg in what you and Unity can do in your road to making awesome games. There's still far more to learn. But how, exactly?

当然,这只是刮起了冰山一角,您和Unity在制作出色游戏的道路上可以做的事情。 还有更多的东西要学习。 但是如何呢?

学习方法 (How to Learn)

So, what exactly do we mean by how to learn? Well, we mean to say how you should go about exploring your capabilities and how you can work with Unity. Like I've said, we've only just learned the basics of working with Unity. You will most likely be needing to learn additional stuff before you can make games ready to be published. Of course, learning doesn't necessarily mean acquiring knowledge about a new concept. It can also mean figuring out how to solve errors, how to make things work the way you want them to, and how to use features and assets in creative ways.

那么,我们到底该什么呢? 好吧,我们的意思是说您应该如何探索自己的功能以及如何使用Unity。 就像我说过的,我们只学习了使用Unity的基础知识。 在准备发布游戏之前,您很可能需要学习其他知识。 当然,学习不一定意味着要获得有关新概念的知识。 这也可能意味着弄清楚如何解决错误,如何使事情按您希望的方式工作以及如何以创造性的方式使用功能和资产。

Let's say we wanted to learn how to add our own mouse cursor to our game. The most instant answer that you might think of is to Google it. However, there's an art to Googling as well. Have a look at the following images. Which one do you think will yield a satisfactory result to our question?

假设我们想学习如何在游戏中添加自己的鼠标光标。 您可能想到的最即时的答案是给Google。 但是,谷歌搜索也是一种艺术 。 看下面的图片。 您认为哪一个会对我们的问题产生满意的结果?

A Quick Review
A Quick Review

In our opinion, the second query seems a bit better. Making your questions clear and short is the key to having them answered quickly. Be sure to add in Unity in queries where it can be easy to mistake your question for another program or game development environment. (Like in the below Google search, no, not what we are looking for.)

我们认为,第二个查询似乎更好。 使您的问题清晰明了是使他们Swift回答的关键。 确保在查询中添加Unity,这样很容易将您的问题误认为另一个程序或游戏开发环境。 (就像下面的Google搜索一样,不,不是我们想要的。)

A Quick Review

The next thing we want to mention is the forums. Unity has a massive, thriving forum full of people with ideas, people who have far more experience, and people who are just beginning their journey of game development. Most of our personal curiosity was satisfied because somebody had already asked that question in the forums. Many old-time developers regret not having this level of community interaction when they were in the heights of their career, since back in the old days of game development, you were pretty much on your own. That's why you should make use of the community forums as much as possible.

我们接下来要提到的是论坛。 Unity拥有一个庞大的,蓬勃发展的论坛,聚集了许多有想法的人,有丰富经验的人以及刚刚开始游戏开发之旅的人。 我们的大多数好奇心得到满足,因为有人已经在论坛中提出了这个问题。 许多旧时的开发人员感到遗憾的是,在他们的职业生涯高峰期没有这种水平的社区互动,因为在游戏开发的早期,您几乎是一个人。 这就是为什么您应该尽可能利用社区论坛的原因。

Next, another great resource for learning new stuff is YouTube. A simple search will point you to almost everything you could ever want to know about, because the Unity community remains ever so highly active on the video-sharing platform as well.

接下来,用于学习新知识的另一个不错的资源是YouTube 。 一个简单的搜索即可将您指向几乎所有您想了解的内容,因为Unity社区在视频共享平台上也保持着如此活跃的状态。

A Quick Review

Finally, we have Unity's official documentation. A series of extremely helpful articles and code examples covering all aspects of Unity's components and internal working, it's an excellent reference guide for when you can't wrap your head around something or need to figure out how code works. Unity's documentation is available both online and as a downloadable document. You will have the option of downloading the documentation when you install Unity, and you can also download it from here.

最后,我们有Unity的官方文档。 一系列非常有用的文章和代码示例,涵盖了Unity组件的各个方面和内部工作,当您无法全神贯注或需要弄清楚代码的工作原理时,它是一本极好的参考指南。 Unity的文档可以在线获得,也可以下载。 安装Unity时,您可以选择下载文档,也可以从此处下载。

翻译自: https://www.studytonight.com/game-development-in-2D/a-quick-review






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