.net 调用rfc参数_RFC:.NET Core和ASP.NET 5的服务器端图像和图形处理

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.net 调用rfc参数


The .NET Core and the Core Libraries are open source and run on Windows, Mac, and Linux. In fact, you can run them with support, today, in production on Windows and Linux (Mac is for development, not production).

.NET Core和Core库是开源的,可以在Windows,Mac和Linux上运行。 实际上,您现在可以在Windows和Linux上的生产环境中使用support运行它们(Mac是用于开发,而不是生产环境)。

Head over to http://get.asp.net to get ASP.NET 5 with .NET Core on any platform. Also get the free cross platform editor Visual Studio Code as well.

转到http://get.asp.net,以在任何平台上使用带有.NET Core的ASP.NET 5。 还可以获得免费的跨平台编辑器Visual Studio Code

Because .NET Core runs anywhere, there are things that it doesn't have. It doesn't have a UI layer (no WinForms, for example, because that makes no sense on Linux) or Registry Access (that's only on Windows, so it's simply omitted). While these omissions make sense, others don't exist because of lack of times, changing priorities, or peoplepower.

由于.NET Core可以在任何地方运行,因此有些东西是它没有的。 它没有UI层(例如,没有WinForms,因为在Linux上没有意义)或Registry Access(仅在Windows上,因此将其省略)。 尽管这些遗漏是有道理的,但由于时间紧缺,工作重点不断变化或人手不足,其他遗漏并不存在。

Currently, as of the time of this blog post's writing, .NET Core has no good built-in option for image resizing or image generation/creation. There is no System.Drawing because there is no Win32 GDI. There are some options, that I'll point out later, but this clearly hasn't been a priority so it's not done yet. There has been some work on System.Drawing.Graphics, but it seems stalled.

目前,截至撰写本博客之时,.NET Core还没有用于图像大小调整或图像生成/创建的良好内置选项。 因为没有Win32 GDI,所以没有System.Drawing。 有一些选项,我将在后面指出,但是显然这并不是优先事项,因此尚未完成。 关于System.Drawing.Graphics已有一些工作,但似乎停滞了

Nathanael Jones is the very accomplished author of ImageResizer and the primary at Imazen, an imaging software company. I've talked about ImageResizer before, it's fantastic. Nathanael has been pushing hard to get folks at Microsoft to commit to a story around Server-side Graphics in ASP.NET 5 and recently updated his own roadmap with respect to ImageResizer and the new ASP.NET 5 (that runs on .NET Core as well as the full .NET Framework). Take a moment and read it, there's a lot there. Concerns about how to call native code, how to distribute managed code that has to call native code, and lots more. I've worked with Nathanael for the last year trying to work out some way to solve this problem but it hasn't worked out well. Big company, sigh.

纳塔奈尔·琼斯( Nathanael Jones)ImageResizer的非常有成就的作者,也是成像软件公司Imazen的主要作者。 之前我已经谈论过ImageResizer ,这太棒了。 纳萨奈尔(Nathanael)一直在努力促使Microsoft的人们致力于有关ASP.NET 5中服务器端图形的故事,并且最近针对ImageResizer和新的ASP.NET 5(在.NET Core上以以及完整的.NET Framework)。 花一点时间阅读它,那里有很多东西。 有关如何调用本机代码,如何分发必须调用本机代码的托管代码等问题。 去年,我与Nathanael合作,试图找到解决该问题的方法,但效果并不理想。 大公司,感叹。

Another library in the .NET imaging space is called ImageProcessor by James M. South. Jim also wants to solve the program of server side image manipulation. He's currently working on a re-write of his ImageProcessor as a cross-platform library and I'm sure he would appreciate your help.

.NET映像空间中的另一个库被James M. South称为ImageProcessor 。 Jim还想解决服务器端图像处理程序。 他目前正在将ImageProcessor重写为跨平台库我相信他会感谢您的帮助

Jim himself says:


Is this wise? Honestly... I don't know. I could be writing code that may be suddenly obsolete. There has been little feedback on questions I've asked but it's a nice learning process if anything and I will definitely be releasing the code for consumption.

这明智吗? 老实说...我不知道。 我可能正在编写可能突然过时的代码。 我提出的问题反馈很少,但是如果有的话,这是一个很好的学习过程,我肯定会发布该代码以供使用。

Over in the Microsoft corefxlab repo Jim has asked some questions and tried to push as well, but the issue is currently closed. Fortunately it is just closed for lack of interest. Krzysztof Cwalina from Microsoft says:

Jim在Microsoft corefxlab存储库中询问了一些问题,并尝试进行推送,但是该问题目前已解决。 幸运的是,由于缺乏兴趣,它刚刚关闭。 微软的Krzysztof Cwalina说

We have nobody working actively on this. It's a interesting problem space, but it does not align with our current priorities. I will close this for now. Please let me know if anybody wants to work on it and I will reopen.

我们没有人为此积极地工作。 这是一个有趣的问题空间,但与我们当前的优先重点不符。 我现在将关闭它。 请让我知道是否有人要工作,我将重新开放。

Enter, you, us, the community. Jim has asked for help, and I'm also asking for help. Is Server-Side graphics manipulation in ASP.NET 5 important? Jim asks:

输入您,我们,社区。 吉姆寻求帮助,我也在寻求帮助。 ASP.NET 5中的服务器端图形操作重要吗? 吉姆问:

Please... Spread the word, contribute algorithms, submit performance improvements, unit tests. Help me set up CI for nightly releases.

请...传播这个词,贡献算法,提交性能改进和单元测试。 帮我设置每晚发布的CI。

Performance is a biggie, if you know anything about the new vector types and can apply some fancy new stuff with that it would be awesome.


There's a lot of developers out there who could write this stuff a lot better and faster than I and I would love to see what we collectively can come up with so please, if you can help in any way it would be most welcome and beneficial for all.


So, two things.


First, head over to https://github.com/JimBobSquarePants/ImageProcessor/tree/V3 and talk to James M. South on Twitter. If you can, offer support. Perhaps help with a AppVeyor setup, or offer your own CI server for builds. Do you have a need for server-side image work now or perhaps you have a cache of unit tests? See what you can offer. Even if you're a First Timer to Open Source.

首先,转到https://github.com/JimBobSquarePants/ImageProcessor/tree/V3并在Twitter上与James M. South交谈。 如果可以,请提供支持。 也许对AppVeyor设置有帮助,或者提供您自己的CI服务器进行构建。 您现在是否需要服务器端映像工作,或者您是否有单元测试缓存? 看看您能提供什么。 即使您是开源的初学者

Second, if you want to work on it, either with James, or with Microsoft, check out the closed issues on GitHub at https://github.com/dotnet/corefxlab/issues/86#issuecomment-158459437 and engage there. It'd be awesome to see this problem solved.

其次,如果您想与James或与Microsoft合作,请访问GitHub上已解决的问题,网址https://github.com/dotnet/corefxlab/issues/86#issuecomment-158459437并参与其中。 看到这个问题解决了,真是太棒了。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/rfc-serverside-image-and-graphics-processing-with-net-core-and-aspnet-5

.net 调用rfc参数





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