.net 调用rfc参数_RFC:新的Beta.ASP.net网站

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Before I worked for the ASP.NET team as I do now, I worked for MSDN. While I was over there, part of my time was spent working on the http://asp.net team. I led the charge to move the site over to Umbraco, and we did. Over the last two years, we have continually made improvements to the .NET (asp.net, silverlight.net, windowsclient.net) sites. In July, the MSDN team announced the release of a new Silverlight site, and today I'm happy to announce the Beta launch of a redesigned ASP.NET website at http://beta.asp.net.

在像现在一样为ASP.NET团队工作之前,我曾为MSDN工作。 在那边的时候,我的一部分时间花在了http://asp.net团队上。 我负责将站点移至Umbraco ,我们做到了。 在过去的两年中,我们不断对.NET( asp.netsilverlight.netwindowsclient.net )站点进行了改进。 7月,MSDN团队宣布了一个新的Silverlight网站的发布,今天我很高兴地宣布重新设计的ASP.NET网站(位于http://beta.asp.net)Beta版发布。

This redesign is still a work in progress, but we wanted everyone to see where we are heading with not just a new look and feel, but also improved organization and navigation that will hopefully make content easier to find. We'll be collecting feedback on UserVoice.

重新设计仍在进行中,但是我们希望每个人不仅看到新的外观和感觉,而且还改善了组织结构和导航方式,以期更容易找到内容,以了解我们的发展方向。 我们将收集有关UserVoice的反馈

重新设计的新功能 (What's new with the redesign)

You'll notice that the top-level navigation is similar to the current site (http://www.asp.net/) to keep the familiarity, however we have significantly improved the site design and navigational framework around Learn and Community content in an effort to make it easier to discover and find information on the site. The issue is that there's piles of great content on the site but it's hard to find. Here are some highlights of the redesign:

您会注意到,顶层导航与当前网站( http://www.asp.net/ )相似,以保持熟悉度,但是我们在以下方面大大改进了围绕学习和社区内容的网站设计和导航框架:努力使在网站上发现和查找信息更加容易。 问题是网站上堆满了很多精彩的内容,但很难找到。 这是重新设计的一些重点:

  • A newer Information Architecture (IA) that scales with different types of content. Trying to get you somewhere useful quickly.

    一种更新的信息体系结构(IA),可以根据不同类型的内容进行扩展。 试图让您快速找到有用的地方。

  • Content organized into relevant topic areas (Overview, Videos, Tutorials, etc.) to make information easier to find and to learn a technology.


  • Improved on boarding experience – Developers new to ASP.NET should find it easier to get started and download what they need.


  • Important Samples and Tutorials are positioned prominently in the structure of the site so that they are easier to find.


  • Textual Tutorials are as important as videos - We've heard people want text tutorials more than videos, so we're finding balance between these two kind of content.


  • Improved Social Integration – Community info, pulling from Twitter, Facebook and blogs.


  • A less cluttered user experience to get you where you need to go in fewer clicks.


  • Open Source and Samples - We're looking for new ways to showcase great open source projects and excellent samples.


下一步 (Next Steps )

Not all the content and features are in place yet! The ASP.NET Website team will continue to iterate over the information architecture, layout, and content (with lots of new video and text content) in the coming weeks, and we are targeting to launch the final site by the end of November.

并非所有内容和功能都就绪! ASP.NET网站团队将在接下来的几周内继续迭代信息体系结构,布局和内容(包括许多新的视频文本内容),我们的目标是在11月底之前启动最终网站。

I know, more than anyone, that the #1 piece of feedback has been that folks don't like the ads. You don't need to tell me, as you're preaching to the (powerless) choir. Instead, make yourself heard - both positive and negative - at the ASP.NET Website section of our User Voice site.

我比任何人都知道,反馈的第一名是人们不喜欢广告。 在宣扬(无能为力的)合唱团时,您无需告诉我。 相反,请在“用户语音”网站的“ ASP.NET网站”部分中听到自己的声音(肯定和否定)

I hope you like the site and find it useful. It's at http://beta.asp.net.

希望您喜欢该网站并发现它有用。 在http://beta.asp.net上

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/rfc-new-betaaspnet-website

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