
UPDATE: Listen to a podcast I did on Comics and the move to Digital Comics for Fanboy Radio.

更新:收听我在Comics上做过播客,以及转播给Fanboy Radio的Digital Comics

Like most folks my age, I grew up reading comic books. I remember the first early printings of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in the spring of 1984, long long before they were a big thing, toys, or a movie. Most of my favorite memories of "flashlight reading" (reading under the covers with a flashlight because I was supposed to be sleeping) were with early copies of X-Men or X-Factor.

像我这个年龄的大多数人一样,我从小就读漫画。 我记得1984年春天,《忍者神龟》的第一批早期印刷品,早在它们成为大物件,玩具或电影之前就已经很久了。 我最喜欢的“手电筒读物”(因为我本应该在睡觉时用手电筒在书本下阅读)的大部分记忆都是X战警或X因子的早期副本。

But as with time, life happens, wife happens, and I moved away from my weekly visit to the comic book store.


Fast forward and over the last four years I've been reading digital books more than ever. Digital reading just totally works for me. I have one Kindle device to read on, which is convenient, but I've also (slowly) learned to trust the cloud. I realize that DRM is evil and that I'm not supposed to trust the cloud, but I do so far. Regardless, I've built up a nice little digital library of Kindle books that I've enjoyed very much.

飞速发展,在过去的四年中,我比以往任何时候都更阅读电子书。 数字阅读完全适合我。 我有一台Kindle设备可供阅读,很方便,但我也(慢慢地)学会了信任云。 我意识到DRM是邪恶的,我不应该相信云,但是到目前为止我还是这样做。 无论如何,我已经建立了一个非常喜欢的Kindle电子书图书馆

A year or so ago I discovered that comics had made the leap to digital and I tried subscribing to Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited. It promised a reasonably priced annual plan and 10,000 comics online. Netflix for Comics. Sounds great, right? Sure, but you could only access the comics on a desktop computer. There is no access from portable devices like iPads. This is still the case a year later. What a silly limitation given the fact that a tablet device is tailor-made for comics.

大约一年前,我发现漫画已迈向数字化,我尝试订阅漫威数字漫画无限。 它承诺了一个价格合理的年度计划,并在网上提供10,000部漫画。 Netflix漫画。 听起来不错吧? 可以,但是您只能在台式计算机上访问漫画。 无法从iPad等便携式设备访问。 一年后仍然如此。 鉴于平板电脑是为漫画量身定制的事实,这是多么愚蠢的限制。

Then I found Comixology. Digital comics done right, in my opinion. You buy them at reasonable prices (there's lots of 99 cents and most are under $3) and they are in your account in the cloud. The client application manages your local storage and you can always bring old comics back.

然后我发现了混合论。 我认为数字漫画做得对。 您以合理的价格购买它们(有很多99美分,大多数都在3美元以下),并且它们在您的云帐户中。 客户端应用程序管理您的本地存储,您始终可以将旧漫画带回来。

The most amazing part about Digital Comics is the "Guided View." I've told friends that they should check out comics before and they've said "meh" then I've brought out a reader and showed them how to really appreciate the art and detail with a panel by panel zoomed view and they immediately got it. "Oh, wow. THAT changes things." Here's what it looks like.

关于数字漫画的最神奇的部分是“引导视图” 。 我告诉朋友,他们应该先检查漫画,然后说“嗯”,然后我带出一位读者,向他们展示如何通过逐个面板缩放视图真正欣赏艺术和细节,然后他们立刻它。 “哦,哇。这改变了一切。” 这是它的样子。

It's a brilliant way to make up for a relatively low resolution portable screen. It almost is like turning a standard paper comic book into a motion comic. The panels are smart and you never miss the text. It's optional, to be clear, but GuidedView is really worth checking out.

这是弥补分辨率相对较低的便携式屏幕的绝妙方法。 这几乎就像将一本标准的纸质漫画书转变成运动漫画一样。 面板很聪明,您不会错过任何文字。 显然,它是可选的,但GuidedView确实值得一试。

Comixology is a book reader, and as such has all the usual UX of a standard reader. Swipe forward and backward, but double-tap starts GuidedView. Embedded in the book is the correct direction to move, not only from panel to panel but also within panel. The camera always knows the optimal direction to move and ensures you can always view the text and appreciate the art. Additionally you can choose to show the whole page in full-screen either on enter, or exit of the page. The controls and interface stay completely out of your way. They aren't even visible in the tablet version. Surprisingly the GuidedView interface works extremely well even on a 3.5" phone screen.

Comixology是一本书的阅读器,因此具有标准阅读器的所有常用UX。 向前和向后滑动,但是双击以启动GuidedView。 嵌入在书中的是正确的移动方向,不仅可以在面板之间移动,而且可以在面板内部移动。 相机始终知道最佳的移动方向,并确保您始终可以查看文字欣赏艺术品。 另外,您可以选择在页面进入或退出时以全屏显示整个页面。 控件和界面完全不影响您的操作。 在平板电脑版本中甚至看不到它们。 令人惊讶的是,即使在3.5英寸的手机屏幕上,GuidedView界面也能很好地工作。

There's Desktop, iOS, Windows Phone 7, and Android  versions of the application. It's a nice solid combination storefront and reader. It's quick organized and has a number of features that really showcase why digital comics are so clever. Of course, the experience is optimized to sell comics, but it's also optimized so that that engaged reader can continue reading.

有该应用程序的台式机,iOS,Windows Phone 7和Android版本。 这是一个很好的实体店面和阅读器组合。 它组织Swift,并具有许多功能,可真正展示数字漫画为何如此聪明。 当然,对体验的销售进行了优化,但也进行了优化,以使感兴趣的读者可以继续阅读。

The store interface is rich with metadata. You can view comics not only by the obvious Series, Title, and Author, but also more comic-specific things like Story Arc. Often comics have a multi-issue plot arc and just as we're used to seeing MP3s tagged with compilation metadata, these comics are as well. You can pivot from author to penciler, creator to story to story arc. It also includes collected editions which are the best "price per page" deal going.

存储界面中包含丰富的元数据。 您不仅可以通过明显的系列,标题和作者来查看漫画,还可以通过诸如Story Arc之类的漫画特有内容来查看漫画。 漫画通常具有多问题图弧,就像我们习惯于看到带有编译元数据的MP3一样,这些漫画也是如此。 您可以从作者转到铅笔工,从创建者到故事再到故事弧。 它还包括收集的版本,是最好的“每页价格”交易。

For example, in this screenshot I'm at the end of a Compilation (many individual issues in one collected volume) and as I turn the last page I'm offered the choice to purchase and immediately continue reading the next. It's clean and seamless. Once the purchase is made, I can immediately start reading as soon as the first page is downloaded and the rest of the book streams in the background, buffered, similar to a video. I've actually burned through $20 this way reading entire story arcs of Superman and The Walking Dead.

例如,在此屏幕快照中,我正处于编译的结尾(一个收集的卷中有许多个别问题),当我翻到最后一页时,可以选择购买并立即继续阅读下一页。 干净无缝。 购买完成后,下载完第一页后,我便可以立即开始阅读,而其余的书本则在后台像缓冲的视频一样在缓冲中流过。 我实际上已经用这种方式烧掉了20美元,阅读了《超人》和《行尸走肉》的故事情节。

Ironically my new digital obsession with comics also has me visiting the local library more often, checking out collected works and large graphic novels like Compendium One of the Walking Dead:


I've always been a big reader and I devour books on my Kindle but I feel like I've rediscovered comics with the convenience of reading them on a tablet. I've found that if you read the right ones and do your research, Comics (Grpahic Novels) are as engrossing and mind-expanding as a traditional novel.

我一直是一个大读者,我会在Kindle上大量阅读书籍,但我觉得自己已经很方便地在平板电脑上阅读漫画,从而重新发现了漫画。 我发现,如果您阅读正确的文章并进行研究,那么漫画(格拉巴希小说)将像传统小说一样令人着迷且思维开阔。

My 5 year old recently discovered comics and we've used them to teach him how to read. There's lots of little kid appropriate books that are an inexpensive and highly engaging way to get kids stoked about reading.

我5岁的男孩最近发现了漫画,我们用它们教他读书。 有许多适合小孩子阅读的书籍,它们是使孩子们沉迷于阅读的廉价且高度吸引人的方式。

我最喜欢的漫画和图画小说 (My New Favorite Comics and Graphic Novels )

Here's my favorite comics of the last year. Some of these like The Walking Dead, Invincible, Irredeemable and Chew are still continuing stories so I've used both the Comixology application as well as the local library to catch myself up and am now following them monthly. It's been so worth it.

这是去年我最喜欢的漫画。 其中一些像《行尸走肉》,《无敌》,《不可赎回》和《咀嚼》仍在继续,因此我既使用了Comixology应用程序,也使用了本地图书馆来追赶自己,现在每月都对它们进行跟踪。 非常值得。

  • The Walking Dead - The definitive Zombie book. The world has ended and the story follows a small town sheriff as he wakes up in the middle of the end of the world, having slept through the entire thing while in a coma. It's now a great TV as well.

    《行尸走肉》 -权威的僵尸书。 世界已经终结,故事讲述了一个小镇警长,他在世界尽头醒来时昏迷了整整一晚。 现在它也是一台很棒的电视。

  • Y: The Last Man - A story of Yorick Brown who becomes literally the Last Man on Earth after he survives a plague that kills every one with a Y-chromosome on the planet.

    Y:最后一个男人-约里克·布朗(Yorick Brown)的故事,他在瘟疫中幸存下来,实际上这个星球上的最后一个男人杀死了每个Y型染色体上的人。

  • DMZ - A gripping story of a near-future world that explores what would happen if America, while fighting wars overseas, neglected the home front and literally lost control of Manhattan. New York itself becomes a DMZ.

    DMZ-一个关于未来世界的令人难忘的故事,该故事探讨了如果美国在海外战争中却忽视了本国阵线并从根本上失去了对曼哈顿的控制,将会发生什么。 纽约本身成为DMZ。

  • Elephantmen - "In the year 2162, a madman named Kazushi Nikken creates giant hybrids of humans and animals - elephants, rhinos, camels, giraffes - and brainwashes them into an army of fearless killers. But the United Nations liberates the 'elephantmen' and integrates them into society."

    Elephantmen- “在2162年,一个名叫Kazushi Nikken的疯子创造了人类和动物的巨大混合体-大象,犀牛,骆驼,长颈鹿-并将其洗净成为无所畏惧的杀手。但是联合国解放了'大象'并融入其中他们进入社会。”

  • Invincible - Possibly the greatest superhero comic ever. It starts largely derivative but quickly expands to an homage to every superhero story ever. A young man is the son of the world's most beloved superhero and one day he develops powers. He eventually learns the story behind his fathers powers and the story moves to other worlds.

    无敌-可能是有史以来最伟大的超级英雄漫画。 它在很大程度上是衍生产品,但很快就扩展为对每个超级英雄故事的致敬。 一位年轻人是世界上最受欢迎的超级英雄的儿子,有一天他会发展力量。 他最终了解了父亲权力背后的故事,并将故事转移到其他世界。

  • Irredeemable - What happens when the greatest super hero the world has ever known finally cracks? If a Superman-type turned into the world's greatest villain and started killing millions, how could we stop him?

    不可挽回-当世界上最伟大的超级英雄最终崩溃时会发生什么? 如果超人型变成了世界上最大的恶棍并开始杀死数百万人,我们怎么能阻止他?

  • Watchmen - Possibly one of the great comics of the 80s, if not one of the greatest graphic novels ever. A complex and clever a story as any novel.

    守望者-可能是80年代最伟大的漫画之一,如果不是有史以来最伟大的图画小说之一。 像任何小说一样复杂而聪明的故事。

  • Chew -  "Tony Chu is a detective with a secret. A weird secret. Tony Chu is Cibopathic, which means he gets psychic impressions from whatever he eats. It also means he's a hell of a detective, as long as he doesn't mind nibbling on the corpse of a murder victim to figure out whodunit, and why." Irreverent and disgusting but always gripping.

    咀嚼-“朱古力是个有秘密的侦探。一个怪异的秘密。朱古力Cibopathic ,这意味着他会从吃的东西中得到心理印象。这也意味着他是个地狱般的侦探,只要他不介意on食谋杀受害者的尸体以弄清whodunit及其原因。” 不礼貌和令人作呕,但总是令人作呕。

What are you favorites comics, Dear Reader? Are you enjoying Comics' move to digital as much as I?

亲爱的读者,您最喜欢哪些漫画? 您是否像我一样喜欢漫画向数字化的迁移?

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/good-ux-in-the-wild-a-comic-book-geek-returns-after-twenty-years-away-to-a-brave-new-digital-world

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