
I'm writing this via a CDMA 9600bps cell phone modem in Arusha, Tanzania.

我正在通过坦桑尼亚阿鲁沙的CDMA 9600bps手机调制解调器写这篇文章。

It took us 3 days to get here. We went from Portland (PDX) to Seattle on Horizon Air, but apparently a plane fell off the runway and temporarily shutdown the airport for a bit, causing us to get in an hour late. Because we were late, we missed the Seattle (SEA) to Amsterdam (AMS) flight by four (4) minutes. Yes, they wouldn't open the door, and I found that a bit tacky. Consequently my wife, myself, Z and my parents (this is their first trip out of the country) had to stay at the lovely Airport Red Lion Inn for the night, wake up the next morning early and try again for the same flight, which, it so happens, we were again the last to board. It's non-trivial to travel with an infant and 400lbs of luggage (don't ask).

我们花了三天时间才能到达这里。 我们从波特兰(PDX)乘坐地平线航空公司(Horizo​​n Air)飞往西雅图,但显然一架飞机从跑道上掉下来,暂时关闭了机场一小段时间,导致我们迟到了一个小时。 因为我们来晚了,所以我们错过了西雅图(SEA)至阿姆斯特丹(AMS)的航班,时间为四(4)分钟。 是的,他们不会打开门,我发现这有点俗气。 因此,我的妻子,我自己,Z和我的父母(这是他们第一次出国旅行)必须在可爱的Airport Red Lion Inn过夜,第二天一早起床再试一次相同的航班, ,碰巧的是,我们再次成为最后一个登机的人。 带着婴儿和400磅的行李旅行是不平凡的(不要问)。

UPDATE:This is why I like blogging, and a good way to explain to folks why it’s such a neat aspect of my life. It’s about connecting with folks. It’s about community and sharing information. I just got this email from a reader of my blog.

更新:这就是为什么我喜欢写博客,也是向人们解释为什么这是我生活中如此整洁的一个好方法。 这是与人之间的联系。 它与社区和共享信息有关。 我刚刚从博客读者那里收到了这封电子邮件。

Hi Scott,
I was reading your blog today and read about your troubles getting from PDX - SEA. 
I am really sorry to hear that you guys missed the flight by 4 minutes. I am a Captain
at Horizon Air and a .NET developer on the side. I was flying that day and it was a total mess in Sea-Tac. 
Here is what happened. Sea-Tac was fogged in all morning with visibilities under 1/4 of
a mile. Horizon has special approval to do very low visibility landings using a special heads-up display. This allows us to get into SEA when the visibilities are below 1/4 mile. (We can land in visibilities down to 600 feet) Anyway the airplane in question flown by a friend of mine, landed in SEA and rolled down the runway to the runway exit. The visibility at the roll out end was extreamly poor and the missed the runway turnoff and went off the runway. SEA has only 1 runway that is capable of landing aircarft in low visibility and they had to close the runway and the airport until the disabled aircraft can be removed off the runway. 
Hope you are having a wonderful time on your vacation. Looking forward to the next
Hanselminutes when you get back. Take Care.

嗨,斯科特, 我今天正在阅读您的博客,并了解您从PDX-SEA获得麻烦。 听到你们错过了4分钟的航班,我感到非常遗憾。 我是Horizo​​n Air的机长,并且是.NET开发人员。 那天我在飞行,在Sea-Tac里真是一团糟。 这是发生了什么事。 整个上午,Sea-Tac的雾度都低于1/4英里。 Horizo​​n获得特殊批准,可以使用特殊的平视显示器进行低能见度降落 当可见度低于1/4英里时,这使我们可以进入SEA (我们可以降落到600英尺高的视野)无论如何,有问题的飞机是由我的一个朋友驾驶的,降落在SEA中,并沿着跑道滑下至跑道出口。 推出端的能见度极差,错过了跑道转弯并离开了跑道。 SEA只有1条跑道能够在低能见度下降落飞机,他们不得不关闭跑道和机场,直到可以将残障飞机从跑道上移走为止 希望您度过一个愉快的假期。 期待下一次回来的Hanselminutes。 照顾自己。

It means a lot to me that I have readers of all backgrounds, not just massive nerds ;), and that we can use blogging as a forum to connect. Thanks for the information about the flight! We all got a kick out of it here in Arusha.

对于我来说,这意味着我拥有各种背景的读者,而不仅仅是大量的书呆子;),对于我们而言,我们可以将Blog用作连接论坛的论坛。 感谢您提供有关航班的信息! 在阿鲁沙,我们所有人都受到了打击。

After a brisk 10 hour flight to Amsterdam, a short 4 hour layover, followed by a snappy 9 hour flight to Kilimanjaro, we boarded a caravan with our bags and drove and hour to Arusha.



Anyway, we're all here, we're healthy (so far) and the mosquito nets cover the baby's crib quite nicely. Z is a little (+/- 11 hours) jet-lagged, as are my retiree parents, and Mo has a sore throat. My continuous glucose meter is helping me manage my blood sugar excellently and I'm wondering how I ever lived without it.

My sister-in-law works here in Arusha with the United Nations on the Rwandan War Crimes Tribunal. It's a very different town than Bulawayo. I'll hopefully have time to write up some observations on culture and language.

无论如何,我们都在这里,我们很健康(到目前为止),蚊帐很好地覆盖了婴儿床。 Z和我的退休父母一样,有点滞后(+/- 11小时),而Mo嗓子疼。 我的连续血糖仪正在帮助我出色地管理血糖,我想知道如果没有它我将如何生活。

我的sister子在阿鲁沙与联合国一起在卢旺达战争罪行法庭工作。 这与布拉瓦约(Bulawayo)完全不同。 我希望我有时间就文化和语言发表一些看法。

KiSwahili is very different from Ndebele/Zulu - it's more like Shona.

KiSwahili与Ndebele / Zulu有很大的不同-更像Shona。

  • Mambo - hello to a peer

  • Safi - response, I'm OK

  • Chigamo - hello to an elder

  • Marahaba, ujambo - response, I'm OK


I'll try to post some photos as I can, bandwidth allowing. We shall see. I'll get more technical posts up at the beginning of the year. We do have two podcasts in the can, and they will appear in the next few weeks. Also, I've got a new Coding4Fun article up, I'll try to post about that also - otherwise, forgive me this month of non-technical content.

我会尝试尽可能地发布一些照片,并允许带宽。 我们将会看到。 我将在今年年初获得更多技术职位。 我们的确有两个播客,它们将在接下来的几周内出现。 另外,我还有一篇新的Coding4Fun文章,我也将尝试发布有关该文章的内容,否则,请原谅本月的非技术内容。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/arusha-tanzania-2006-day-3





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