在您的反馈仍然很重要的情况下下载Visual Studio 2013

That's a lovely scrollbar!

Lots of stuff is happening at MSFT right now. Windows 8.1 is around the corner (did you download the 8.1 Preview?) and development is still happening on Visual Studio 2013.

MSFT现在正在发生很多事情。 Windows 8.1即将来临(您是否下载了8.1 Preview ?),并且在Visual Studio 2013上仍在进行开发。

UPDATE: Don't like the Light Theme? The old VS2010 Blue Theme is back, use it instead. Use whatever Theme relaxes you and whatever text colors make you happy.

更新:不喜欢光主题吗? 旧的VS2010蓝色主题又回来了,取而代之。 使用任何使主题放松的主题任何使您快乐的文字颜色

Change your theme

Use whatever colors make you happy. Here's 2013 with the 2010 theme.

使用任何使您高兴的颜色。 这是带有2010年主题的2013年。


Anyway, the ASP.NET and Web Tools team is hard at work on VS 2013 with Web Tools. Remember that the tooling for ASP.NET was pulled out of VS in 2012 and remains an "out of band release." This gives us more flexibility than we had before and will let us get more time to put features in and fix bugs than some groups.

无论如何,ASP.NET和Web工具团队在使用Web Tools的VS 2013上都非常努力。 请记住,ASP.NET的工具在2012年从VS中撤出,并且仍然是“带外发行”。 与某些小组相比,这给了我们比以前更大的灵活性,并且使我们有更多的时间放置功能和修复错误。

Truth is, the next 4-6 weeks is when we need to be fixing bugs and finding any edge cases or weird stuff. For example, we know that Glimpse doesn't work well with Web Forms and FriendlyUrls. We are actively working on that now.

事实是,接下来的4-6周是我们需要修复错误并发现任何极端情况或奇怪内容的时候。 例如,我们知道Glimpse在Web Forms和FriendlyUrls中不能很好地工作。 我们现在正在积极努力。

Download Visual Studio 2013 (and ASP.NET with Web Tools) while your feedback still matters.

下载Visual Studio 2013(以及带有Web工具的ASP.NET),而您的反馈仍然很重要。

What we need from you is bugs and feedback. You can put suff on:

我们需要您提供错误和反馈。 您可以戴上:

你应该安装VS2013吗? (Should you install VS2013?)

I have it installed on all my four machines and nothing has broken yet.


Since Visual Studio 2013 installs side-by-side with VS2012 and VS2010, if you already have .NET 4.5 and VS2012 it's not that risky to install VS2013. This has a Go-Live license and includes .NET 4.5.1.

由于Visual Studio 2013与VS2012和VS2010并行安装,因此如果您已经拥有.NET 4.5和VS2012,则安装VS2013的风险并不大。 它具有Go-Live许可证,并包含.NET 4.5.1。

RISK: If you have only VS2010 and .NET 4.0, .NET Framework will upgrade your .NET 4.0 to 4.5.1. If you are shipping to a server with .NET 4 you'll likely be OK, but you ARE taking a risk, so don't use a work machine you deeply care about to test on if you also have to ship .NET 4.0 only code.

风险:如果只有VS2010和.NET 4.0 ,.NET Framework会将.NET 4.0升级到4.5.1。 如果要运送到带有.NET 4的服务器,您可能会没事,但是却冒着风险,因此,请不要使用非常关心的工作机器来测试是否必须仅运送.NET 4.0。码。

BENEFIT: That said, anything that breaks under 4.5.1 we DO want to know about. Meaning, if ASP.NET 4.5.1 breaks your ASP.NET 4 app we need to know and we will only find out if you test. But, don't use the only machine you have to work on every day if it's all you have to ship with.

好处:就是说,任何我们想知道的低于4.5.1的东西。 意思是,如果ASP.NET 4.5.1破坏了您的ASP.NET 4应用程序,我们需要知道,并且只有在您进行测试的情况下,我们才会知道。 但是,如果要携带所有东西,请不要使用每天唯一需要工作的机器。

We would REALLY appreciate folks testing ASP.NET 4.0 apps to run them up ASP.NET 4.5.1 and find bugs. It's that scenario that is the most interesting.

我们非常感谢测试ASP.NET 4.0应用程序以在ASP.NET 4.5.1上运行它们并发现错误的人们。 那个场景是最有趣的。

您需要什么? (What do you need to get?)

All this works in the Free Web Express version so you don't need to have a paid copy of Visual Studio to install VS2013.

所有这些都可以在Free Web Express版本中使用,因此您无需拥有Visual Studio的付费副本即可安装VS2013。

VS 2013的有用功能 (Useful VS 2013 features)

There's lots of new stuff (check the ASP.NET Release notes) but here's just a few highlights:


Edit and Continue for 64 bit applications - In VS2010 and VS2012, the edit and continue option is disabled by default when creating a new web application project. In VS2013 preview, we turned it on by default. You can find this option on the Web tab in the web project’s properties window.

针对64位应用程序的“编辑并继续” -在VS2010和VS2012中,创建新的Web应用程序项目时,默认情况下禁用“编辑并继续”选项。 在VS2013预览中,我们默认情况下将其打开。 您可以在Web项目的属性窗口的“ Web”选项卡上找到此选项。

One ASP.NET with Updated Templates - You'll see this in my talk at BUILD on What's New in ASP.NET and Visual Studio 2013. The dialog isn't done, but we are moving forward with lots of new improvements. Also, ASP.NET includes Twitter Bootstrap out of the box as the default template.

一个具有更新模板的ASP.NET-您将在BUILD上关于ASP.NET和Visual Studio 2013的新增功能的演讲中看到这一点。 对话尚未完成,但是我们正在进行许多新的改进。 同样,ASP.NET包括开箱即用的Twitter Bootstrap作为默认模板。

Extensible Scaffolding Framework with new Web Forms Scaffolds and improved MVC scaffolders. You can now enable an ASP.NET app for MVC or Web API and get all the required packages via NuGet. This moves us towards One ASP.NET. There is no "MVC Project Type" or "Web Forms Project Type." There is just one and you can mix and match as you like.

具有新的Web窗体支架和改进的MVC支架的可扩展支架框架。 现在,您可以为MVC或Web API启用ASP.NET应用程序,并通过NuGet获取所有必需的程序包。 这使我们朝着一个ASP.NET迈进。 没有“ MVC项目类型”或“ Web窗体项目类型”。 只有一个,您可以随意混合搭配。


Entity Framework has Async Query and Save support, better POCO support, improved perf, connection resiliency, and Code First mapping to Stored Procedures (and more).


VS tooling enhancements - Editor enhancements, Browser Link. There's an all-new HTML editor that understands HTML5 at the core, lots of stuff there but you'll be most impressed with Browser Link (name will likely change)...it's a bi-directional link between ALL running browsers and Visual Studio, powered by SIgnalR.

VS工具增强-编辑器增强,浏览器链接。 有一个全新HTML编辑器,它的核心是理解HTML5的内容,但那里的内容很多,但是Browser Lin k给您留下了最深刻的印象(名称可能会发生变化)……这是所有正在运行的浏览器和Visual之间的双向链接Studio,由SIgnalR提供支持。


So you can do this:


Updating two browsers and an iPhone from VS2013

New Authentication & Identity Model - Auth and ASP.NET Identity is being fixed and rewritten with extensibility in mind. That includes the existing support for Google, Facebook, Microsoft ID, Twitter, Open Auth in general as well as Windows Auth and Windows Azure Activity Directory. (That last one means you can run an intranet app in Azure and authenticate it against your company's existing Active Directory! That means cloud-hosted intranet apps.)

新的身份验证和身份模型-Auth和ASP.NET Identity固定和重写时要牢记可扩展性。 这包括对Google,Facebook,Microsoft ID,Twitter,一般的Open Auth以及Windows Auth和Windows Azure Activity Directory的现有支持。 (最后一个意味着您可以在Azure中运行Intranet应用,并根据公司现有的Active Directory对其进行身份验证!这意味着由云托管的Intranet应用。)


New Web API and SignalR functionality - Web API now supports Portable Formatters that can be shared on client and server and you can create clients that work on Windows Phone and Windows Store apps. Web API is also updated to support easier Unit Testing of Controllers. Web API also supports AttributeRouting via an OSS contribution from Tim McCall, and CORS via an OSS contribution from Brock Allen. ASP.NET Web API also supports OWIN and OWIN hosts (it can be hosted outside IIS or in your own Service). SignalR now has iOS and Android support via MonoTouch and MonoDroid in Xamarin tools! SignalR also includes a Portable .NET Client.

新的Web APISignalR功能-Web API现在支持可在客户端和服务器上共享的可移植格式化程序,并且您可以创建在Windows Phone和Windows Store应用程序上工作的客户端。 Web API也已更新,以支持更简单的控制器单元测试。 Web API还通过Tim McCall的OSS贡献支持AttributeRouting,通过Brock Allen的OSS贡献来支持CORS。 ASP.NET Web API还支持OWIN和OWIN主机(可以在IIS外部或在您自己的Service中托管)。 SignalR现在通过Xamarin工具中的MonoTouch和MonoDroid具有iOS和Android支持! SignalR还包括一个可移植的.NET客户端。

We are also (quietly) making other changes moving towards bigger ones, including removing the "Windows-only" Restriction for the ASP.NET Project codenamed "Katana" that will be a big part of the next version of ASP.NET and is a part of the plumbing of this release of ASP.NET as well.

我们也正在(悄悄地)朝着更大的方向做出其他更改,包括删除对代号为“ Katana”的ASP.NET项目的“仅Windows”限制,这将是下一版ASP.NET的重要组成部分。该版本的ASP.NET的一部分也是如此。

A few of my favorite small Non-ASP.NET specific features are viewing method return values in the debugger (duh!)


Return Values

and "Peek Definition" which lets you look at a method definition without opening the file.


Looking at a method definition without opening the file

Also, the return of "RockScroll" in the scrollbar:

同样,在滚动条中返回“ RockScroll”:

That's a lovely scrollbar!

Consider also getting the newly open source "Web Essentials" - This is our "unofficial Labs" extension where we try crazy stuff. We hope you dig it and even better we hope you help us make it all better.

还可以考虑获取新开放源代码“ Web Essentials ”-这是我们的“非官方实验室”扩展,我们在其中尝试疯狂的东西。 我们希望您能挖掘它,甚至更好,希望您能帮助我们使它变得更好。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/download-visual-studio-2013-while-your-feedback-still-matters





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