vhd虚拟硬盘作用_如何从VHD(虚拟硬盘)引导和安装Windows 8 Consumer Preview的指南



The Windows 8 Bootloader

So Windows 8 Consumer Preview is out today. You probably read the Windows 8 Consumer Preview Announcement by Steven Sinofsky and then rushed off to Download it.

因此,Windows 8 Consumer Preview今天发布。 您可能已经阅读了Steven Sinofsky撰写Windows 8 Consumer Preview公告,然后急忙下载它。

Disclaimer: Hopefully you are a technical person or you are not afraid of totally destroying your computer with new preview software. Even better, you aren't the kind of person to rage on a stranger's blog when his totally unsupported instructions on how to install the Windows 8 Consumer Preview onto a VHD delete everything you know an love. You're on your own, friend. I don't work for the Windows team and you don't know me. Remember that as you edit your boot records and destroy your PhD thesis. To the cloud!

免责声明:希望您是技术人员,或者您不担心会因新的预览软件而彻底破坏计算机。 甚至更好的是,当一个陌生人的博客上关于如何将Windows 8 Consumer Preview安装到VHD上的完全不受支持的说明删除了您所知道的所有内容时,您并不是那种在陌生人博客上大怒的人。 你一个人,朋友。 我不在Windows团队工作,您也不认识我。 请记住,在编辑启动记录并销毁博士学位论文时。 到云!

First, what's the idea here? I'm assuming that:

首先,这里的想法是什么? 我假设:

  • You want to try out Windows 8 on your machine

    您想在计算机上试用Windows 8
  • You don't want to take any chance with dual booting or getting a slower experience inside a regular Virtual Machine.


Cool. If you have Windows 7 now then you can "boot to a virtual hard disk (VHD)" and get all the loveliness of Windows 8 running on hardware without any risk to your hard drive. Don't like it? Delete the VHD and update your boot record.

凉。 如果您现在拥有Windows 7,则可以“启动到虚拟硬盘(VHD)”并获得在硬件上运行的Windows 8的所有优点,而对硬盘驱动器没有任何风险。 不喜欢吗删除VHD并更新您的启动记录。

HUH? What does this mean? What this means is that ONLY the Hard Drive will be virtualized. Your Windows 8 system will run ON THE HARDWARE with your real video card, real CPU, real network card, etc. However, it will NOT run directly from your hard drive - it will run from a file on your hard drive. Windows 8 will live and run on its own personal "virtualized hard drive" which is the VHD.

这是什么意思? 这意味着仅将对硬盘进行虚拟化。 您的Windows 8系统将与您的真实视频卡,真实CPU,真实网络卡等一起在硬件上运行。但是,它不会直接从硬盘驱动器运行-它将从硬盘驱动器的文件运行。 Windows 8将在自己的个人“虚拟硬盘”(即VHD)上运行并运行。

Ok, now that that disclaimer and expectation setting is done. I don't work for the Windows team, and you don't know me. I am just a guy who loves Boot to VHD. I wrote the Guide to Installing and Booting Windows 8 Developer Preview off a VHD (Virtual Hard Disk) that you may have used last year to play with the build of Windows 8 that was released at the BUILD conference.

好的,既然免责声明和期望设置已经完成。 我不在Windows团队工作,您也不认识我。 我只是一个喜欢Boot to VHD的人。 我写了《 VHD(虚拟硬盘)安装和引导Windows 8开发人员预览版指南》 ,您去年可能会使用它来参与在BUILD会议上发布的Windows 8版本。

从Developer Preview更新? 删除并重新开始! (Updating from Developer Preview? Delete and start over!)

If you want to now try using the Windows 8 Consumer Preview and you already have a VHD setup with the Developer Preview from last year, you can simply delete the existing VHD from your hard drive, then run "msconfig.exe" as administrator and delete the existing boot entry as seen in this screenshot.

如果您现在想尝试使用Windows 8 Consumer Preview,并且已经从去年开始使用Developer Preview进行了VHD设置,则只需从硬盘驱动器中删除现有的VHD,然后以管理员身份运行“ msconfig.exe”并删除现有的启动条目,如此屏幕截图所示。

Then just setup a new VHD all over again for this new Consumer Preview version of Windows 8. That's the magic of boot to VHD. You can just remove the VHD. You can even have multiple versions if you have the disk space. Just make sure your boot record is up to date.

然后,只需为Windows 8的新Consumer Preview版本重新设置新的VHD,这就是启动VHD的魔力。 您可以删除VHD。 如果您有磁盘空间,甚至可以有多个版本。 只要确保您的引导记录是最新的即可。

MSConfig and the GUI Boot Manager

设置启动到VHD (Setting up Boot to VHD)

Works on My Machine Badge

The original instructions on how to boot Windows 8 from a VHD still work and are valid for the Consumer Preview. They work on my machine. I did want to slightly update the post with additional information with the help of a number of people internally with some techniques that may make things easier for you. Thanks to Iain and friends.

有关如何从VHD引导Windows 8原始说明仍然有效,并且对Consumer Preview有效。 他们在我的机器上工作。 我确实想在内部许多人的帮助下使用一些可能使您更轻松的技术来稍微补充一些信息。 感谢Iain和朋友。

为什么要启动到VHD? (Why Boot to VHD?)

I boot to VHD all the time. It works great, and the idea of booting to some VHD is a supported thing to be doing on Windows 7. Boot to VHD is a great actual feature of Windows 7 and Windows 8.  Why do it?

我一直都启动到VHD。 它运行良好,并且在Windows 7上支持启动到某些VHD的想法。Windows 7和Windows 8的强大功能是启动到VHD。为什么这样做?

I could do a few things to work with Windows 8. I could:


  • Try a virtualization solution, but it might not work, I may not have the drivers I need and it won't be as shiny as running "on the metal."


    • In fact, the Windows 8 team says this:  "Our recommendation for the Consumer Preview is to run it natively on hardware if you intend to run Windows 8 on hardware when the product is final. Some of you will run virtualized environments for enterprise workloads or specialized purposes, but we strongly recommend that you experience Windows 8 on hardware, as it was designed to run for the majority of consumer experiences. "

      实际上,Windows 8团队这样说: 对于Consumer Preview,我们的建议是,如果您打算在产品最终交付时在硬件上运行Windows 8,则可以在硬件上本地运行它。有些人将为企业工作负载或虚拟环境运行虚拟环境。专用,但是我们强烈建议您在硬件上体验Windows 8,因为Windows 8旨在满足大多数消费者的体验。

    Try a virtualization solution, but it might not work, I may not have the drivers I need and it won't be as shiny as running "on the metal."


  • Sacrifice a machine I have lying around. I'll probably do that at some point, but I'd like to try it out on my actual hardware that I use all day long.

    牺牲我躺在附近的机器。 我可能会在某个时候这样做,但是我想在整天使用的实际硬件上进行尝试。

  • Swap out my C: drive and use my main machine. I don't have a tool-less case, and I'm also very lazy, so, um, ya.

    交换我的C:驱动器并使用我的主机。 我没有没有工具的情况,而且我也很懒,所以,嗯。

  • Dual boot. Dual booting may feel ninja but it ALWAYS ends on tears. And sometimes blood.

    双启动。 双启动可能会让人感到忍者,但它总是以眼泪结束。 有时还有血。

  • Boot on real hardware from a Virtual Hard Disk


It's that last option that is the best one, in my opinion. Windows 7 included the ability to boot windows from a Virtual Hard Disk File (.vhd). You can read more about the Windows 7 VHD boot capability and recommendations from the TechNet article here. The Windows  8 developer preview was downloaded millions of times and the word on the street is that there was a huge increase in installations in virtualized environments. I think booting to VHD is way better than installing in a truly Virtual Machine because it allows Windows 8 (and you) to really access the native hardware and shine.

我认为,最后一种选择是最好的选择。 Windows 7包括从虚拟硬盘文件(.vhd)引导Windows的功能。 您可以在此处从TechNet文章中阅读有关Windows 7 VHD引导功能的更多信息和建议。 Windows 8开发人员预览版已被下载了数百万次,并且在大街上可以看到,虚拟化环境中的安装量大大增加了。 我认为引导到VHD比在真正的虚拟机中安装要好得多,因为它允许Windows 8(和您)真正访问本机硬件并发挥作用。

要求(阅读这些!) (Requirements (read these!))

Here's the requirements if you want to try this.


  1. You will need to be an Administrator on your Windows 7 system

    您需要成为Windows 7系统上的管理员
  2. You will likely need at least 40gb free disk space on the volume that the VHD is going to be stored. As you're likely creating your own VHD and installing Windows 8 Consumer Preview on it, then you will need free space at least equal to the virtual disk size of the VHD that was created

    VHD将要存储的卷上可能至少需要40gb的可用磁盘空间。 由于您可能要创建自己的VHD并在其上安装Windows 8 Consumer Preview,因此您将需要至少等于所创建VHD虚拟磁盘大小的可用空间。
  3. Boot VHDs need to be on an internal drive. USB drives won’t work.

    引导VHD必须位于内部驱动器上。 USB驱动器无法正常工作。
  4. If your system has Bitlocker enabled, you need to suspend Bitlocker while editing boot settings


    更重要的是,请阅读WINDOWS 8消费者预览常见问题解答

开始使用 (Get Started)

If you like doing things manually, you should directly the Windows 8 Consumer Preview ISO. I'd recommend burning Windows 8 Consumer Preview to a DVD or a USB Flash drive so you can easily install it on other machines easily. You can certainly do other ISO mounting tricks with other tools if you want to, but honestly it's just cleaner and easier to go download the Windows 8 Consumer Preview ISO and do it the regular way. There's less moving parts and all that.

如果您喜欢手动处理,则应直接使用Windows 8 Consumer Preview ISO 。 我建议将Windows 8 Consumer Preview刻录到DVD或USB闪存驱动器,以便您可以轻松地将其安装在其他计算机上。 当然,如果需要,您当然可以使用其他工具来执行其他ISO安装技巧,但是老实说,下载Windows 8 Consumer Preview ISO并按常规方式进行会更干净,更轻松。 移动的零件更少了。

From their site:


如何从ISO映像安装Windows 8 Consumer Preview (How to install Windows 8 Consumer Preview from an ISO image)

The easiest way to convert an ISO file to a DVD in Windows 7 is to use Windows Disc Image Burner. On a PC running Windows XP or Windows Vista, a third-party program is required to convert an ISO file into installable media—and DVD burning software often includes this capability. One option is the USB/DVD download tool provided by the Microsoft Store. You can also download Windows 8 Consumer Preview Setup, which includes tools that allow you to create a DVD or USB flash drive from an ISO file (Windows Vista or Windows 7 required).

在Windows 7中将ISO文件转换为DVD的最简单方法是使用Windows Disc Image Burner 。 在运行Windows XP或Windows Vista的PC上,需要第三方程序才能将ISO文件转换为可安装的媒体-DVD刻录软件通常包含此功能。 一种选择是Microsoft Store提供的USB / DVD下载工具。 您还可以下载Windows 8 Consumer Preview安装程序,该工具包含的工具可让您从ISO文件创建DVD或USB闪存驱动器(需要Windows Vista或Windows 7)。

飞跃 (Take the Leap)

Read the disclaimer at the top again. I don't know you and you're installing Beta software. .

再次阅读顶部的免责声明。 我不认识您,您正在安装Beta版软件。 。

Here's the general idea in broad strokes. The tiny details we'll be following are on my Guide to Installing and Booting Windows 8 off a VHD (Virtual Hard Disk).

这是大致思路。 我们将关注的微小细节在我的《从VHD(虚拟硬盘)安装和引导Windows 8的指南》中

  • First:  Go Get the Windows 8 Consumer Preview Download

    第一:转到获取Windows 8 Consumer Preview下载

  • Remember: Have a lot of disk space (40gigs or more)


  • Either burn your downloaded ISO to a DVD or make bootable USB Key manually.


  • Create a VHD that you will attach and install Windows 8 into

    创建要附加的VHD并将Windows 8安装到

  • Boot your system of your newly created Windows 8 Consumer Preview DVD or USB Key

    启动新创建的Windows 8 Consumer Preview DVD或USB密钥的系统

  • Attach your VHD during the setup process


  • Select your VHD as the hard drive to install to (make very sure you know where you're installing to)


  • Reboot and pick your operating system with the new lovely Windows 8 boot manager.

    重新启动并使用新的可爱的Windows 8启动管理器选择操作系统。

Alright. Sound good? You have some bootable media (DVD/USB) all setup with Windows 8 Consumer Preview? Now head over to my original post and start at Step 2. Fun!

好的。 听起来不错? 您是否有一些可启动媒体(DVD / USB)与Windows 8 Consumer Preview一起安装? 现在转到我的原始帖子,然后从第2步开始 好玩!

掩盖你的声音 (Covering your Tush)

If you want to be super careful you can backup your Boot Manager Database to a safe place by doing this from an Administrator Command Prompt:

如果您要格外小心,可以通过管理员命令提示符将Boot Manager数据库备份到安全的位置:

BCDEDIT /export c:\bcdbackup.bak

BCDEDIT /导出c:\ bcdbackup.bak

and if you totally mess things up and you want to put things back the way they were, you can


BCDEDIT /import c:\bcdbackup.bak

BCDEDIT /导入c:\ bcdbackup.bak

Then delete the VHD and and reboot your system. If any of this is scary or you don't know what you're doing, then just stop and go here now.

然后删除VHD,然后重新启动系统。 如果其中任何一个令人恐惧,或者您不知道自己在做什么,那就停下来现在就走

常问问题 (FAQ)

But I use the LILO (LInux LOader) or GRUB (Grand Unified Bootloader).Boot loader

但是我使用LILO(LInux LOader)或GRUB(Grand Unified Bootloader)。

By running the BCDBOOT command, you’ll set the Windows Boot Manager writes the entry to the Master Boot Record (MBR) of system as the default. A system can only have one Boot manager at a time.

通过运行BCDBOOT命令,您将设置Windows引导管理器将该项默认写入系统的主引导记录(MBR)。 一个系统一次只能有一个启动管理器。

If you want to revert to your previous boot loader, just follow that software’s normal installation instructions.


I've heard some reports of GRUB supporting .VHD boot, but we have not tested it. You're on your own.

我听说过一些GRUB支持.VHD引导的报告,但我们尚未对其进行测试。 你一个人。

Can I do this on a Mac?


No. Apple MacOS uses Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) which locks the Guid Partition Table (GPT). The GPT holds a similar position in the UEFI systems as MBR for the BIOS systems.

否。AppleMacOS使用统一可扩展固件接口(UEFI),该接口可锁定Guid分区表(GPT)。 GPT在UEFI系统中的位置与BIOS系统的MBR相似。

Why does the VHD need so much space?


VHDs are created as dynamically expanding by default, up to 40gb which get expanded to their full size when used as a boot disk. Some people like them to be even bigger.

默认情况下,VHD被创建为动态扩展,最大可扩展到40GB,当用作引导磁盘时,VHD会扩展到其完整大小。 有些人喜欢他们变得更大。

Note: The reason why the boot VHD gets expanded to its maximum size run running is to avoid the case where the hosting volume runs out of space when it is being actively being used as a system disk. If the hosting volume does run out a space, it would result in an unexpected system reboot. The user would need to boot into an alternate OS or recovery partition to free up space on the hosting volume before he can boot into the VHD again.

注意:引导VHD扩展到其运行时的最大大小的原因是为了避免主机卷被主动用作系统磁盘时空间不足的情况。 如果托管卷确实用完了空间,则会导致系统意外重启。 用户可能需要引导至备用OS或恢复分区以释放托管卷上的空间,然后才能再次引导至VHD。

Can I use some other tools to do this?


There are a number of tools that do things like bcdedit in a graphical environment. I like Bellavista which I have used on Windows 7. However, do note that I did not test or run the steps above using anything but the tools in Windows.

有许多工具可以在图形环境中执行bcdedit之类的操作。 我喜欢在Windows 7上使用过的Bellavista 。但是,请注意,除了Windows中的工具外,我没有使用任何工具来测试或运行上述步骤。



Hope this helps you have fun testing Windows 8 Consumer Preview in a safe way.

希望这可以帮助您以安全的方式有趣地测试Windows 8 Consumer Preview。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/how-to-guide-to-installing-and-booting-windows-8-consumer-preview-off-a-vhd-virtual-hard-disk






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