
Import video (2)

The Wife and I travelled all over the world before we had kids (and all over the world after, actually...both boys have been on three continents) and amassed a huge pile of Video Tapes of our travels. I started with a Sony Digital 8 camera that recorded very crisp 640x480 uncompressed digital video to a standard Hi-8 tape, then "graduated" to a Mini-DV Canon camera, then most recently to a small Creative Vado HD. The Vado does 720p, but I figure next big family trip I'll talk to video prosumer Pete Brown and buy a real 1080p HD camera.

妻子和我在生小孩之前就走遍了全世界(实际上,之后……两个男孩都在三大洲),并在旅途中积累了大量录像带。 我从一台Sony Digital 8摄像机开始,该摄像机将非常清晰的640x480未压缩的数字视频记录到标准的Hi-8磁带上,然后“分级”到Mini-DV Canon摄像机,然后最新到小型Creative Vado HD 。 Vado的分辨率为720p,但我认为下一次家庭旅行很重要,我将与视频专业人士Pete Brown交谈,并购买一台真正的1080p高清摄像机。

I just rediscovered a box full of these old video tapes. There's dozens of them. I remembered that I never made (slightly more permanent) DVDs or backups of these tapes because transferring video from the Digital 8 camera in 2003-2004 was a huge hassle. I have memories of messing about with firewire cards and drivers, camera timecodes and most significantly, hard drive space and CPU speed.

我只是重新发现了一个装满这些旧录像带的盒子。 有几十个。 我记得我从未制作过DVD(或将其永久备份)或备份这些磁带,因为在2003-2004年间从Digital 8摄像机传输视频非常麻烦。 我对火线卡和驱动程序,相机时间代码以及最重要的硬盘空间和CPU速度感到困惑。

This tape-based digital video camera seems to pump out a gig of video per five minutes of tape, or about 20 gigs an hour. This was a big deal in 2004. Also, whatever machine I had 6 years ago had a lot of trouble keeping up and always dropped frames. I had to shut off services, background apps and defrag my hard drive because even the "tiniest bump in the road" meant a less-the-perfect transfer.

这种基于磁带的数码摄像机似乎每五分钟的磁带输出一小段视频,即每小时大约20演出。 2004年这是一个大问题。此外,无论我6年前使用的哪种机器,在维护时都遇到很多麻烦,并且总是掉落框架。 我不得不关闭服务,后台应用程序并整理硬盘驱动器的碎片,因为即使“道路上最细微的颠簸”也意味着传输效果不太理想。

Even though I take video with my Vado HD - which saves to an internal 8gig flash memory - I basically gave up on tape=based video after this crappy experience, and dozens of tapes got put in a box. Today, his Sony DCR-TRV330 Digital Hi-8 camera still has fantastic quality and a high-quality lens (as if 6 years is an eternity).

即使我使用自己的Vado HD拍摄视频(该视频存储到内部8gig闪存中),在经历这种糟糕的体验之后,我基本上还是放弃了基于tape =的视频,并且将数十个磁带放入一个盒子中。 如今,他的Sony DCR-TRV330 Digital Hi-8相机仍然具有出色的画质和高品质的镜头(仿佛6年是永恒的)。

This post is largely about the seamlessness of the process, much of which is due to everything working out of the box driver-wise in Windows 7, combined with the fact that computers are WAY faster now and hard drives are WAY larger. This of course, is hardly a newsflash, but I wanted to write this post because I was truly surprised at how this previously frustrating task actually became so easy that it was actually fun and more than a little rewarding.

这篇文章主要是关于过程的无缝性,这主要是由于Windows 7中所有现成的驱动程序都可以正常工作,再加上计算机现在速度更快,硬盘驱动器更大的事实。 当然,这几乎不是新闻快讯,但是我想写这篇文章,是因为我对以前令人沮丧的任务实际上变得如此容易以至于它实际上很有趣并且比一点收获感到惊讶。

在2010年从数字磁带导入视频 (Importing Video from a Digital Tape in 2010)

I didn't know what to expect, but I figured what the heck, and I just turned the camera on, put in a tape and plugged it into my Windows 7 machine via a firewire cable.

我不知道会发生什么,但是我想通了什么,我刚打开相机,放了一条胶带,然后通过火线电缆将其插入Windows 7计算机。

Surprisingly, the camera was instantly recognized and even showed up in my Devices and Printers window (lower right).


A moment after the camera showed up here, this dialog conveniently popped up:


I selected "Import the entire video" and "Import as multiple files." That last option will make multiple files if the there is more than 30 seconds of time elapsed between two cuts. This dialog and utility were included with Windows Live Photo Gallery, but they work so seamlessly, I though they were part of Windows.

我选择了“导入整个视频”和“导入为多个文件”。 如果两次切割之间的时间间隔超过30秒,则最后一个选项将制作多个文件。 该对话框和实用程序包含在Windows Live Photo Gallery中,但它们无缝地工作,尽管它们是Windows的一部分。

Then, click automatically rewound the tape (nice touch) and started capturing video. The salient point here is that I didn't have to do anything other than plug it in and click OK.

然后,单击导入...,它会自动倒带(轻触)并开始捕获视频。 这里的要点是,除了将其插入并单击“确定”外,我无需执行任何其他操作。

Import video

Machines today are so fast, I'm 20 minutes into this video, 35,000 frames and no drops. Piles of space free.

今天的机器是如此之快,这部影片距我20分钟,35,000帧且没有掉线。 成堆的自由空间。

After the files are ripped, it was a 10 minute process to put together a nice menu, name some scenes and burn the DVD with Windows DVD Maker (which apparently comes with Windows, although a free Movie Editor requires a download).

撕开文件后,需要10分钟的时间来整理一个漂亮的菜单,命名一些场景,然后使用Windows DVD Maker(显然是Windows附带的,尽管需要下载免费的Movie Editor )来刻录DVD。

This is so easy, I'm going to make DVDs of all these old video tapes, and I'll store the ripped video on my Windows Home Server.

这很容易,我将制作所有这些旧录像带的DVD,然后将翻录的视频存储在Windows Home Server上。

It's nice to revisit things that were a problem or hassle a few years back and find they they are totally solved problems today.


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