回顾与比较:Microsoft LifeCam Cinema HD和VX-7000在Skype和Live Messenger中具有高质量视频...

I've owned just about every Microsoft LifeCam there Microsoft makes. My first was the LifeCam NX-6000 and I've been upgrading ever since.

我几乎拥有Microsoft生产的每个Microsoft LifeCam 。 我的第一个是LifeCam NX-6000 ,从那时起我就一直在升级。

I have been using a VX-7000 for the last year and it's a fine webcam. Best I've used, really, until now. I just picked up a LifeCam Cinema HD on Interwebs for ~US$60.

去年我一直在使用VX-7000,这是一个不错的网络摄像头。 直到现在,我一直使用的最好的。 我刚刚在Interwebs上花了60美元购买了LifeCam Cinema HD

First, a quick disclaimer. While I work for Microsoft, I don't know anyone in this group and in this instance, I'm just a dude with a credit card and a camera. Any speculation here is mine and any mistakes are mine.

首先,快速免责声明。 当我在Microsoft工作时,我在这个小组中不认识任何人,在这种情况下,我只是一个拥有信用卡和照相机的家伙。 这里的任何猜测都是我的,任何错误都是我的。

Ok, this is a really tiny camera. I think it was the barrel-shape of the glass lens mounted on the base but I pictured this thing as huge. It's not. It's petite. It feels nice as well. It feels well engineered, not cheap. It also has a nice little feat of engineering on the USB cable - a cable tie that actually works! Miracle of miracles.

好的,这是一个非常小的相机。 我认为这是安装在底座上的玻璃镜筒的镜筒形状,但我认为这东西很大。 不是。 娇小感觉也不错。 感觉设计精良,不便宜。 在USB电缆上,它还有一个很好的工程技术壮举-一条实际上起作用的电缆扎带! 奇迹的奇迹。

Here it is mounted next to my existing LifeCam VX-7000 for size reference:

在这里,它安装在我现有的LifeCam VX-7000旁边,以供参考:

The VX-7000 has a 2.0 Megapixel Sensor with a maximum video size of 640x480. I called my friend using Office Communicator and did a standard video call and had him take a screenshot. The cameras were mounted next to each other.

VX-7000具有2.0百万像素传感器,最大视频尺寸为640x480。 我使用Office Communicator打电话给我的朋友,并进行了标准的视频通话,然后让他拍摄了屏幕截图。 摄像机彼此相邻安装。


The older webcam is on the left and the newer Cinema HD is on the right. Default settings were used with both cameras. Both calls are effectively 640x480 calls as there's no built-in 1280x720p HD in Office Communicator (yet, I assume.) However, it's clear that the contrast of the Cinema HD is far superior and oddly, it's just clearer. People have said they feel like it's HD, even though it's not in this example. This camera is fantastic in low light.

左侧是较旧的网络摄像头,右侧是较新的Cinema HD。 两台相机均使用默认设置。 由于Office Communicator中没有内置的1280x720p HD,所以这两个调用实际上都是640x480调用(我想,是的。)但是,很明显,Cinema HD的对比度要好得多,而且很奇怪,它更清晰。 人们已经说过,即使本例中没有,它也感觉像是高清。 在低光下,这款相机非常棒。

It's a 16:9 camera, and it has a nice wide field of view. Notice you can see my closet in the picture at right.

这是16:9的相机,视野开阔。 请注意,您可以在右侧的图片中看到我的壁橱。

视频比较 (The Video Comparison)

Here's a HiDef Video of the LifeCam Cinema HD. You can visit the Vimeo site directly and download the WMV if you want to get the REALLY high def file.

这是LifeCam Cinema HDHiDef视频。 如果要获取REAL高清文件,可以直接访问Vimeo网站并下载WMV。

Here's the older 640x480 LifeCam VX-7000 as a comparison.

作为比较,这是较旧的640x480 LifeCam VX-7000

坏人 (The Bad)

You really need a fast machine at the higher resolutions, like true 720p HD. This is to be expected, but if you're doing to record 1280x720p you're going to need a multi-core machine (basically a machine that's newer than 3 years old). That doesn't make the camera useless for regular video calls, but it is something to think about if you're getting this primarily for its HD abilities.

您确实需要一台分辨率更高的快速机器,例如真正的720p HD。 这是预料之中的,但是如果您要录制1280x720p,则将需要一台多核计算机(基本上是3年前的计算机)。 这不会使相机无法用于常规的视频通话,但是如果您主要因为其高清功能而获得这款相机,则需要考虑一下。

That said, it's still fantastic at 480p and my laptop handles it fine. I suspect that this camera will just get better as software comes out to really utilize its abilities.

也就是说,480p还是很棒,我的笔记本电脑可以很好地处理它。 我怀疑这款相机会随着软件的出现真正变得更好地发挥其功能而变得更好。

获得高质量的视频 (Getting HIGH quality video)

Force Skype HQ Video

It's a webcam, so it works in any Webcam enabled applications, but as for the higher resolutions, it's a bit tricky.


There's no checkbox inside Skype or any formal "we support HQ or HD and here's how." The same is true, so far, for Windows Live Messenger. People need great cameras for quality images, great bandwidth to pump the frames and fast computers to compress the outgoing video. If any one of these things doesn't work out then everyone loses, so I suspect it's easier for now to punt and wait. However, I'm convinced that HD video chat is coming. I'll dig in and report back.

Skype内没有任何复选框,也没有任何正式的“我们支持总部或高清,这就是方法”。 到目前为止,对于Windows Live Messenger也是如此。 人们需要优质的相机来获取高质量的图像,巨大的带宽来抽送帧以及快速的计算机来压缩传出的视频。 如果其中任何一项都不奏效,那么所有人都会输,所以我怀疑现在更容易下注和等待。 但是,我坚信高清视频聊天即将到来。 我会深入研究并报告。

Skype has been very quiet about what they call HQ Video calls, basically 640x480. For a while there was a thing called the HQ Video Hack which consisted of opening up a config file and forcing it to 640x480. There's even an 3rd party application (with source) that says it'll modify the Skype config file and enable HQ Video for you.

Skype对于他们所谓的HQ视频通话一直非常安静,基本上是640x480。 有一段时间,有一种叫做HQ Video Hack的东西,它包括打开配置文件并将其强制为640x480。 甚至还有一个第三方应用程序(带有源代码)说它将修改Skype配置文件并为您启用HQ Video

That said, on my QUAD proc machine, I was able to use the 3rd party editor above and force Skype 4 to do 800x600 and 1280x720. Of course, it was clearer when I stopped moving, but still pretty good. Thanks to Jeff for taking the screenshots. Skype took up TWO of my FOUR cores and worked them to 100%. It was unquestionably the local "squishing" of the outgoing video. My machine is fast, but with things like real-time HD video compression you can't have a fast enough machine, unless someone starts using the video card to do it...;)

就是说,在我的QUAD proc机器上,我能够使用上面的第3方编辑器并强制Skype 4执行800x600和1280x720。 当然,当我停止移动时,情况会更清楚,但仍然很好。 感谢Jeff抓取了屏幕截图。 Skype占用了我的四个核心中的两个,并将它们工作到100%。 毫无疑问,这是传出视频的本地“压缩”。 我的机器运行速度很快,但是使用实时高清视频压缩之类的设备就无法拥有足够快的速度,除非有人开始使用视频卡来运行它…;)

In tests between Jeff and I we found that while we GREATLY prefer the 16:9 widescreen experience, that the difference in real clarity between 4:3 800x600 and 16:9 1280x720 was minimal, but the lag between audio and video for the true HD resolutions was at least a half second. This was so irritating as to be intolerable.

Jeff和我之间进行的测试中,我们发现虽然我们更喜欢16:9宽屏体验,但4:3 800x600和16:9 1280x720之间的真实清晰度差异很小,但真正高清的音视频之间却存在差距决议至少是半秒。 这太令人讨厌了,令人无法忍受。

We found through experimentation that a 16:9 resolution of 960x544 was ideal. It gave us a buttery smooth frame-rate with the benefits of the widescreen aspect ratio and wider field of view. This worked great with Skype.

通过实验我们发现960x54416:9分辨率是理想的 它具有宽屏纵横比和更宽视野的优势,为我们提供了黄油般平滑的帧速率。 这在Skype上效果很好。

Here's some imagery of our tests. Note, these were all screenshots taken on Jeff's remote machine with video sent from my machine.

这是我们测试的一些图像。 请注意,这些都是在Jeff的远程计算机上从我的计算机发送的视频截取的屏幕截图。

This is 800x600 via Skype:


This is 1280x720 via Skype:


Here's the same calls with the advanced Technical Info turned on showing the resolutions of each call .


I tried also with Windows Live Messenger, and cool enough it didn't require any hacks or funny business to get 640x480. As soon as I switched into Full Screen while taking to Brad Wilson there was a "You are now watching High Quality Video" overlay in the corner and everything just "got clear." So, Live Messenger is setup for 640x480 out of the box already.

我也尝试过使用Windows Live Messenger ,并且足够酷,它不需要任何黑客或有趣的生意就可以得到640x480。 在转到Brad Wilson时进入全屏模式后,拐角处出现了“您现在正在观看高质量视频”,一切都“变得清晰”。 因此,Live Messenger已设置为640x480。

I haven't figured out how to hack 720p HD support into Live Messenger like I did into Skype. I can only assume they'll enable 1280x720 at some point in the future. This is speculation, but it'd be a pretty obvious thing to do.

我还没有想像如何像对Skype一样向Live Messenger破解720p HD支持。 我只能假设他们将来会启用1280x720。 这是推测,但这是一件很明显的事情。

Here's a 640x480 call in Full Screen mode in the current version of Windows Live Messenger. Apparently I chew on my tongue a lot.

这是当前版本的Windows Live Messenger中全屏模式下的640x480调用。 显然我咬了很多舌头。

结论 (The Conclusion)

While the software vendors aren't officially ready for a true Hi-Def video call and it'll likely require Quad-Proc PCs on both sides, it's coming, and this is the camera to use. Until that day, I'll still be rocking DVD quality 480p video calls.

尽管软件供应商尚未正式准备好进行真正的Hi-Def视频通话,并且可能需要在两边都使用Quad-Proc PC,但它即将到来,这就是要使用的相机。 直到那一天,我仍然会摇晃DVD品质的480p视频通话。

Honestly. A 1280x720p Hi-Def WebCam for US$60? Seriously. Really. You know what you're getting for Christmas from me. Until The Next Big Thing comes along, there ARE no other webcams.

老实说售价为60美元的1280x720p高清网络摄像头? 说真的真。 你知道我圣诞节要买什么。 在“下一件大事”出现之前,没有其他网络摄像头。

Related Links


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/review-and-comparison-microsoft-lifecam-cinema-hd-and-vx7000-with-high-quality-video-in-skype-and-live-messenger





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