微软“ Video Kinect”聊天评论-大屏幕上的视频聊天,好与坏

Video Kinect Call

I use Video Chat all the time. Like ALL the time. If you check out the Remote Work section of my blog you'll find dozens of posts about optimizing your video chat experience. Living in rural Oregon and wrking remotely for Microsoft, as well as my job as a community-focused open source individual means that I'm skyping or video calling people much of the week.

我一直都在使用视频聊天。 一直喜欢。 如果您查看我博客的“远程工作”部分,您会发现许多关于优化视频聊天体验的帖子。 生活在俄勒冈州的农村地区并为Microsoft远程工作,以及我作为一个以社区为中心的开源人员的工作,这意味着我一周中的大部分时间都在空谈或视频聊天。

I have a Cisco Umi for work, and I use HiDef video cameras and Skype for talking to folks during the day. However, I'm always trying to find out the best way to talk to The Wife and Kids when I'm on the road. I wrote an article a while back called Skyping the Wife: Foolproof Video Conferencing with Your Family While on the Road where I setup auto-answer for Skype so my wife wouldn't have to do anything. However, Skype seems to have removed or hidden the auto-answer feature lately as they are constantly moving their features and options around. Plus, whenever I call home with Skype my wife has to drag out the laptop and with its camera's small field of view I usually just end up seeing the tops of the boy's heads. It's a hassle.

我有一个工作的Cisco Umi ,并且白天使用HiDef摄像机和Skype与人们聊天。 但是,当我在旅途中时,我总是试图找到与The Wife and Kids交谈的最佳方式。 不久前,我写了一篇文章,名为《 Skyping the Wife:与家人进行万无一失的视频会议》,在旅途中,我为Skype设置了自动应答功能,因此我的妻子无需做任何事情。 但是,由于他们不断地移动其功能和选项,Skype最近似乎已删除或隐藏了自动应答功能。 另外,每当我与Skype打电话回家时,我的妻子都必须将笔记本电脑拖出,并且相机的视野很小,通常我只能看到男孩头顶。 麻烦了

A few weeks ago I saw on Twitter that my Xbox 360 with Kinect supports Video Chat using an app called Video Kinect. Apparently this is already installed when you setup your Kinect so you probably have it already!

几周前,我在Twitter上看到我的带有Kinect的Xbox 360支持使用名为Video Kinect的应用程序进行视频聊天。 显然,当您设置Kinect时已经安装了它,因此您可能已经拥有了!

Video Kinect is effectively a Windows Live Messenger client. You can chat other Kinect/Xbox Live folks, but you can also chat or receive calls from anyone on your Live Messenger list of friends. One you log in to Messenger (be sure to save your password) you will see avatars for Xbox folks and Live Messenger icons (no faces, sadly) for Windows people.

Video Kinect实际上是Windows Live Messenger客户端。 您可以与Kinect / Xbox Live的其他人聊天,但也可以与Live Messenger朋友列表中的任何人聊天或接听电话。 您登录Messenger时(一定要保存密码),您将看到Xbox人物的化身和Windows用户的Live Messenger图标(遗憾的是没有面Kong)。

Video Kinect Friends List

You can call from any of these screens, using your controller or your hands via Kinect.


Video Kinect contact list

First thing you should do, IMHO, is turn off the AutoZoom feature. It uses a Digital Zoom to artificially pan/zoom to the face of the person speaking. It's very disjointed, inconsistent but more importantly, it doesn't allow you to really appreciate the wide field of view that the Kinect camera gives you. It's massive and you can see the whole room...this reason alone is why I think Video Kinect will be THE way I talk to the family when travelling. Especially when the kids are running around.

您应该做的第一件事,恕我直言,关闭自动缩放功能。 它使用数字缩放功能来人工平移/缩放讲话人的脸部。 它非常分散,不一致,但更重要的是,它不允许您真正欣赏Kinect相机为您提供的广阔视野。 它很大,您可以看到整个房间……仅此一个原因就是我认为Video Kinect将成为我旅行时与家人交谈的方式。 特别是当孩子们到处乱跑时。

Video Kinect options

The resolution of the Kinect is 640x480 which is pretty darn good. It looks fabulous from my laptop on the receiving side. See the pic below.

Kinect的分辨率为640x480,非常不错。 从接收方的笔记本电脑看,它看起来很棒。 请参见下面的图片。

The audio is excellent as well, surprisingly so. I can hear and see everything that's going on in the TV room which is fantastic with active kids.

音频也非常好,令人惊讶的是。 我可以在电视室听到并看到正在发生的一切,这对于活跃的孩子来说真是太棒了。

善良 (The Good)

The Kinect has a great webcam. Good resolution and easy to see.

Kinect具有出色的网络摄像头。 分辨率好,易于查看。

It's on the big screen and using the big stereo. The kids, ahem, connect more with the large system than the laptop. Daddy's actual size on the flat screen.

它在大屏幕上并使用大立体声。 孩子们,哎呀,与大型系统的连接比笔记本电脑更多。 爸爸在平面屏幕上的实际尺寸。

坏人 (The Bad)

Either Video Kinect, the codec, or the camera sucks for quick quick action. I see only blurs when the kids are running around. Not sure if this is hardware or software, but it's pointed and reproducible. It's not a deal breaker, but it's clear that they've optimized for the "sit and chat" scenario, not the "watch the kids go insane" scenario. Surprisingly the latter is the 80% in my 80/20 world.

Video Kinect,编解码器或相机都无法快速动作。 当孩子们跑来跑去时,我只会看到模糊。 不知道这是硬件还是软件,但是它是针对性和可复制的。 这不是破坏交易的方法,但是很明显,他们已经针对“坐下聊天”场景进行了优化,而不是针对“看着孩子们发疯”的场景进行了优化。 令人惊讶的是,后者是我80/20世界中的80%。

There's no option for FullScreen with PIP. Your local image is the same size as the remote one. At leas make this an option. It's weird.

带有PIP的FullScreen没有选项。 您的本地映像与远程映像的大小相同。 至少可以选择此选项。 有点奇怪。

Answering a call ON the Xbox is ridiculously hard. My wife was unable to do it and it takes too many button pushes. You have to press the center Guide button, then down to select the call notification from an Inbox that comes in like a game invite. "Friend wants to Video Kinect with you..." And all this must happen in (it seems) less than 30 seconds. I called and called and the wife just couldn't do it. This means that all our calls have to be originated by her. When she calls me, I just click Answer in Windows Live Messenger. She also found it too hard to log in, so I just keep it logged in at home as me and I log in as her when remote. I asked some friends and over half said they do the same. It's a common scenario that they (the Powers That Be) aren't optimizing for.

在Xbox上接听电话非常困难。 我的妻子无法做到这一点,并且需要太多的按键操作。 您必须按中心的“指南”按钮,然后向下按以从像游戏邀请一样出现的收件箱中选择呼叫通知。 “朋友想和您一起视频Kinect ...”而且所有这一切都必须在不到30秒的时间内完成。 我打来电话,老婆却做不到。 这意味着我们所有的呼叫都必须由她发起。 当她给我打电话时,我只需在Windows Live Messenger中单击“应答”即可。 她还发现登录太困难,因此我只是在家里保持登录状态,而在远程时以她的身份登录。 我问了一些朋友,超过一半的人说他们也这样做。 他们(潜在的力量)没有针对其进行优化的常见情况。

愿望清单 (The Wish List)

  • Fullscreen

  • Easier or auto-answer

  • Easier to launch Kinect

  • Better framerate

  • Skype support


Still, it's pretty sweet, and since I don't have Skype TV and my Umi is in my office, for me Video Kinect plus Live Messenger is the best solution for travelers calling kids back home today.

尽管如此,它还是很不错的,而且由于我没有Skype电视,而我的Umi在我的办公室里,因此对于我来说,Video Kinect加上Live Messenger是今天将孩子带回家的旅行者的最佳解决方案。

相关链接 (Related Links)

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/microsoft-video-kinect-chat-review-video-chat-on-the-big-screen-the-good-and-the-bad





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