


Jeff Atwood has one of his best posts in months that was inspired by Alastair Rankine's post "Blogging Horror" explaining why he's unsubscribed from Jeff's blog. I too, have been less compelled to read Jeff's blog lately, but he's an excellent writer and he's consistent, so I read it at least a few times a week. Kudos to Jeff for keeping up the pace and for inspiring conversation.

杰夫·阿特伍德(Jeff Atwood )是他几个月最好的帖子之一,其灵感来自Alastair Rankine的帖子“ Blogging Horror该帖子解释了为什么他未订阅Jeff的博客。 我也没有那么近来被强迫阅读Jeff的博客,但是他是一位出色的作家,而且他始终如一,所以我每周至少阅读几次。 感谢Jeff保持步伐并激发对话。

Alastair says:


"In other words, Atwood seems to be setting himself up as an authority figure on software development and, well, I have some issues with this."

“换句话说, Atwood似乎已将自己设置为软件开发的权威人物,而且,对此我有一些问题。”

This is something I've struggled with as I've been blogging. I mean, it's just a blog. Look at my first post. Once while presenting in the Midwest a gentleman asked me a question along the lines of "how did you get so good?"

我一直在写博客,这是我一直在努力的事情。 我的意思是,这只是一个博客。 看看我的第一篇文章。 有一次,在中西部演讲时,一位绅士问我一个问题:“你如何变得如此好?”

I said, "What gave you that idea? Don't mistake loud with good. Start writing and talking, you can be loud, too."


I like what Dave Winer said that Jeff quoted:

我喜欢杰夫( Dave Winer)所说的话:

"Blogging is an amateur activity. It's users writing about what they do, not professionals writing about what users do."


I'm definitely not an authority figure on software development. I'll go so far as to put words in the mouth of Martin Fowler (we'll see if he comments), but from my interactions with him, I'd venture to say he wouldn't consider himself an authority either. He's a traveler on the path, as are we. He thinks, shares, asks good questions and starts interesting conversations. What more could one ask from a member of the community?

我绝对不是软件开发方面的权威人物。 我会尽量在马丁·福勒( Martin Fowler)的嘴里放话(我们看看他是否发表评论),但是从与他的互动中,我敢说他也不会认为自己是权威。 和我们一样,他是旅途中的旅行者。 他思考,分享,提出好问题并开始有趣的对话。 社区成员还可以要求什么?

We're all just learning together. I started blogging so I could Google myself later, that's all. I taught as an adjunct professor so I could know the topics better as there is no better way to learn a thing deeply than to teach it. I worked on a few books so I could really dig deep, but I'm the first guy to say "dude, I have no idea." My brain bit-rots as yours does.

我们都在一起学习。 我开始写博客,以便以后可以自己浏览Google,仅此而已。 我以兼职教授的身份进行教学,因此我可以更好地了解这些主题,因为没有比学习它更好的方法来深入学习事物。 我写了几本书,所以我可以深入研究,但是我是第一个说“老兄,我不知道”的人。 我的大脑像你一样腐烂。

None of us (in software) really knows what we're doing. Buildings have been built for thousands of years and software has been an art/science for um, significantly less (yes, math has been around longer, but you know.) What just know what's worked for us in the past.

我们(在软件中)没有一个人真正知道我们在做什么。 建筑物已建成数千年,软件已成为一门艺术/科学,而数量却大大减少了(是的,数学的发展时间更长了,但您知道。)过去知道什么对我们有用。

There was an interesting conversation in the second ALT.NET podcast (not my show) where the folks in the conversation were disparaging Database Driven Development over Model/Domain Driven Development. It may not be pure, but it must have worked for someone or it wouldn't exist, just like the Scrummerfall Project Management Methodology. ;)

第二个ALT.NET播客中有一个有趣的对话(不是我的节目),对话中的人们嘲讽了数据库驱动的开发而不是模型/域驱动的开发。 它可能不是纯粹的,但它一定对某人有用,否则就不存在,就像Scrummerfall项目管理方法论一样。 ;)

Once years ago when working at a large NW Bank I was in a meeting with a young man who had been hired by a consulting company and had only worked at that one company. He was a "college hire" and had no experience other than "whiteboarding for money." I really don't like to get into measuring contests but I was weak in this instance. I took the bait and said "well, I like to use success as my metric, what have you shipped lately?" It was a nasty room-quieting thing to say and I'm not proud of it. But, I was really frustrated and I didn't know what it was going to take to get it across to this gentleman that we were more interested in shipping software than his brand of architecture astronomy. If you're in college, definitely ship some software or work on some open source applications to get some really good failures under your belt, before you enter the workforce.

几年前,当我在一家大型NW银行工作时,我正在与一个年轻人会面,这个年轻人被一家咨询公司雇用,只在那家公司工作。 他是一名“大学雇员”,除了“赚钱白板”外没有其他经验。 我真的不喜欢参加衡量比赛,但在这种情况下我很虚弱。 我上了诱饵,说:“好吧,我喜欢以成功为指标,最近发货了吗?” 说这是一个令人讨厌的房间安静的事情,我对此并不感到骄傲。 但是,我真的很沮丧,我不知道要如何传达给这位先生,我们对运输软件比对他的建筑天文学更感兴趣。 如果您正在上大学,请一定要提供一些软件或在某些开源应用程序上工作,才能在进入工作岗位之前解决一些真正的失败。

One of the things that I enjoyed so much about my recent show with Richard Campbell is that we've both being doing this for so long (15,20 years respectively) that we've go so many stories of failure. Folks are really teasing Twitter for being down all the time. People blame Rails, the blame the team, but think of what they are learning! Even better if they share it with us in detail.

我最近与理查德·坎贝尔( Richard Campbell )的演出让我感到非常高兴的一件事是,我们都已经做了这么长时间(分别为15,20年),以至于我们经历了很多失败的故事。 人们真的一直在嘲笑Twitter一直倒闭。 人们指责Rails,指责团队,但要想想他们在学什么! 如果他们与我们详细分享,那就更好了。

I respect failure a great deal. So does Jeff. Success is a good metric but failure is pretty useful as well - certainly more useful than putting MCSE, MCSD, MC*.* after your name. When I hear that someone has a lot of experience, I'm most interested in their horrible failures and how they dealt with it. My best blog posts have been pulling about success out of crap, fixing bugs, slinging code, fighting with the machine.

我非常尊重失败。 杰夫(Jeff)也是。 成功是一个很好的指标,但失败也非常有用-当然比将MCSE,MCSD,MC *。*放在您的名字后面更有用。 当我听说某人有很多经验时,我对他们的可怕失败以及他们如何处理失败最感兴趣。 我最好的博客文章一直是关于成功的废话,修复错误,添加代码,与机器作战。

Jeff says about himself:


"But I have an ace up my sleeve that most don't: what I lack in talent, I make up in intensity."


Not only am I in no way an expert in software, Microsoft or otherwise, I explicitly assume that you aren't either. I have had conversations with high level VP types at banks who have said things like "I read on this guy's blog blah blah blah, it sounds good. What do you think?" and my questions back at them are "Have you tried it? What do you think?"

我不仅不是微软或其他方面的软件专家,我还明确地假设您也不是。 我曾在银行与高级副总裁类型进行过交谈,他们说过类似的话:“我在这个人的博客上读过等等,听起来不错。您怎么看?” 我对他们的问题是:“您尝试过吗?您怎么看?”

The blogosphere is a network of trust, so certainly there are some people that I trust because they make sense and other folks think they make sense also.


Still, ultimately, it's about thinking, talking to each other, and thinking some more. The real content in any blog, this one included, is in the comments, and that's why I like you all so darn much, Dear Readers.

最终,仍然是思考,互相交谈和思考更多。 任何博客的真实内容(包括该博客内容)都在评论中,这就是为什么我非常喜欢你们大家,亲爱的读者。

If you've got experience, share it. If you don't, then do some work and fail fast so you can gain experience. Read, write, talk and test. Have fun, write code.

如果您有经验,请分享。 如果您不这样做,那么请做一些工作并快速失败,这样您就可以获取经验。 阅读,写作,交谈和测试。 玩得开心,编写代码。

"Talk is cheap, show me the code" - Linus


Related Links


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/professionalism-programming-and-punditry-and-success-as-a-metric


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