
作者在博客中分享了自己使用Vista RC1版本遇到的问题,包括频繁的蓝屏错误(主要归咎于ATI的ati2evxx.exe),设备驱动不兼容(如打印机和硬盘驱动器),软件故障(如Flash视频播放、Windows Defender和Nero),以及系统备份和恢复的困扰。尽管面临诸多挑战,作者仍然对Vista保持期待,但对系统的稳定性表示担忧。


UPDATE: My bluescreens, while they appear to be in Win32k.sys, are actually in ATI's ati2evxx.exe. It's apparently the most common blue screen in RC1. Those naughty device drviers! Fortunately, it's been fixed in the latest ATI driver coming soon to a Windows Update near you. If this BSOD stops with this new build then my reliability numbers will go up greatly! Things are looking up.

更新:尽管我的蓝屏似乎位于Win32k.sys中,但实际上位于ATI的ati2evxx.exe中。 这显然是RC1中最常见的蓝屏。 那些顽皮的设备狂人! 幸运的是,最新的ATI驱动程序已将其固定在您附近的Windows Update中。 如果此BSOD停止使用此新版本,则我的可靠性数字将大大提高! 事情正在好转。

Crap crap crap. My totally-stable-for-four-years machine is now blue screening daily under Vista. This is getting irritating.

废话废话。 我的四年完全稳定的机器现在每天在Vista下进行蓝屏检查。 这很烦人。

Disclaimer: I'm pissed, so I'm blogging in frustration. I'm still stoked about Vista, I'm just not stoked about the new computer I'm going to have to buy if I can't get this one to work.

免责声明:我很生气,所以我沮丧地写博客。 我仍然对Vista感到困惑,只是对如果我无法使这台计算机正常工作而不得不购买的新计算机不感兴趣。

Notice my declining stability in the Reliability and Performance Monitor in the image at right? This isn't looking good and it's only been 10 days. Sigh. That's what I get for being an early adopter of RC1 Beta4.

注意右图中我在可靠性和性能监视器中下降的稳定性吗? 看起来不好,只有10天了。 叹。 这就是我成为 RC1 Beta4的早期采用者所得到的。

This is very frustrating.  My guts tells me that this is a race condition in the menu handler of Win32k.sys, but that was supposed to have been fixed year ago.

这非常令人沮丧。 我的胆量告诉我,这是Win32k.sys菜单处理程序中的一种竞争情况,但是应该是在一年前解决的

I don't like being afraid of my own machine.


Stuff doesn't work anymore that I love:


  • FinePrint - The printing subsystem has totally changed. Perhaps I need to reinstall?

    FinePrint-打印子系统已完全更改。 也许我需要重新安装?

  • Canon PIXMA MP500 - I'm unable to share this printer to any other machines in the house.

    佳能PIXMA MP500-我无法将此打印机与家中的其他任何机器共享。

  • 200 GIG Firewire - My WDC 200GIG Firewire just disappears. sbp2port.sys says, huh? Then the drive is gone for hours. Then, later, it'll show up.

    200 GIG火线-我的WDC 200GIG火线消失了。 sbp2port.sys说,是吧? 然后驱动器消失了几个小时。 然后,它将显示出来。

  • 200 GIG USB - My Maxtor 200GIG USB plugs into my main USB2 Root Hub and Vista proclaims "Your Unknown Devices is ready to be used." It works plugged into my Dell Monitor (which is recognized as "Generic PnP Monitor" by the way.

    200 GIG USB-我的迈拓200GIG USB插入我的主USB2根集线器,Vista宣称“您的未知设备已准备就绪,可以使用。” 它可以插入我的Dell Monitor(顺便被称为“通用PnP Monitor”)中。

  • Video - Flash Videos don't play. Well, that's not true, they start, play 5 seconds, and then stop, never to start again. Windows Media Player (WMV, MPG, AVI) videos only play on the Primary Monitor. On the secondary monitor they play at 5fps. Same with Media Center. It's totally unusable on the second monitor.

    视频-Flash视频无法播放。 好吧,那是不对的,他们开始,玩了5秒钟,然后停了下来,再也不会开始了。 Windows Media Player(WMV,MPG,AVI)视频仅在主监视器上播放。 在辅助监视器上,它们以5fps的速度播放。 与Media Center相同。 在第二台显示器上完全无法使用。

  • Nero - Nero doesn't work, but to Vista's credit, it did warn me ahead of time, so I uninstalled it.

    Nero- Nero不起作用,但值得称赞的是Vista,它确实提前警告了我,因此我将其卸载了。

  • IE7 - It keep getting into a state where the Menu Bar is showing, and I can't click in the address bar. I click in the bar and it flashes like it WANTS to select itself, then the Menu Bar flashes, then I'm left with focus on the page. I'm unable to navigate unless I Ctrl-O to get to a new page.

    IE7-它一直进入显示菜单栏的状态,而我无法单击地址栏。 我单击栏中的,它会像想要选择的一样闪烁,然后菜单栏闪烁,然后我将注意力集中在页面上。 除非按Ctrl-O才能进入新页面,否则无法导航。

  • IOMEGA REV Drive - Looks like a regular CDR and the system tries to format it like one and chaos ensues. The drive - my primary backup media - is useless under Vista so far. Here's a screenshot about how much Iomega cares. Even kinder support from their "Gurus" on their forums. Here's what their moderator said: "We currently do not have any released drivers for Windows Vista, It is still unclear if we will need to release new drivers when Vista is finished. At this time we do not have any support for beta versions of Windows Vista. However apon official release of Vista you can expect any driver updates assuming they are required." Hm, this milk is bad. Maybe it'll be better later!


    IOMEGA REV驱动器-看起来像常规的CDR,系统会尝试对其进行格式化,然后出现混乱。 到目前为止,该驱动器-我的主要备份媒体-在Vista上已无用。 这是有关Iomega关心多少的屏幕截图。 他们的论坛中的“专家”甚至提供了更亲切的支持。 他们的主持人是这样说的:“我们目前还没有Windows Vista的任何已发布的驱动程序,尚不清楚是否在Vista结束后是否需要发布新的驱动程序。目前,我们不支持Windows Beta版本Vista。但是,如果Vista正式发布,则可以在需要驱动程序更新的情况下期待它们。” 嗯,这牛奶不好。 也许以后会更好!

  • Virtual PC - There's a known problem with the Network Drivers for VPC under Vista, but the supposed solution of just reinstalling those drivers from the Network Control Panel succeeds, then Virtual PC doesn't work anyway.

    虚拟PC- Vista下的VPC网络驱动程序存在一个已知问题,但是仅从网络控制面板重新安装这些驱动程序的假定解决方案成功了,因此虚拟PC仍然无法正常工作。

  • Windows Defender - Literally 75% of the items in my startup are marked "Not yet classified" and I have no way in the Defender UI to give it the equivalent of the "chill" command.

    Windows Defender-从字面上看,我启动时75%的项目被标记为“尚未分类”,并且在Defender UI中我没有办法给它等同于“ chill”命令。

  • Windows Security - The security control panel insists that I have no Anti-Virus software even though eTrust has been running on my system for 4 years and was recognized under XP.


  • Aero - Programs here and there will cause a scary, heart-stopping black screen and monitor flicker as the entire system switches into Basic Mode because one program can't handle Aero (I smell a Windows Theming Denial of Service Attack here somewhere) and then gets stuck in Basic Mode long after the offending app has left.

    Aero-整个系统切换到“基本模式”时,由于一个程序无法处理Aero(我在这里闻到了“ Windows主题拒绝服务攻击”的气味),因此,此处和那里的程序将导致可怕的,令人心碎的黑屏并监视监视器闪烁违规应用程序离开后很长时间便陷入了“基本模式”

  • Diskeeper - The greatest defragmenter ever just disappears every once in a while. Poof. Not sure what it was working on at the time, or if that file was important.

    Diskeeper-最伟大的碎片整理程序曾经偶尔消失一次。 of 不知道当时正在做什么,或者该文件是否重要。

  • Windows Backup/Image Backup - I started getting concerned, so I tried to backup my stuff. First I did a Windows Image Backup and that ended up on I:\WindowsImageBackup\scottpc\Backup 2006-09-18 082147. Then I wanted to just backup some music files. Not only couldn't I select just those directories, but the system insists on backing up my C: Drive again, except this time it's to I:\SCOTTPC\Backup Set 2006-09-18 215943. Note the directory is one up now. Apparently I can't have both file backups and image backups on the same drive without this confusion. One other interesting note, the system teases me with the .VHD extension it puts on the Image Backups, but I suspect it's not a Virtual PC Hard Drive.

    Windows备份/图像备份-我开始担心,因此尝试备份我的东西。 首先,我进行了Windows映像备份,最终在I:\ WindowsImageBackup \ scottpc \ Backup 2006-09-18 082147上进行了备份。然后,我只想备份一些音乐文件。 我不仅不能只选择那些目录,而且系统坚持要再次备份我的C:驱动器,除了这次是到I:\ SCOTTPC \ Backup Set 2006-09-18215943。请注意,目录现在是一个。 显然,如果没有这种困惑,我无法在同一驱动器上同时拥有文件备份和映像备份。 另一个有趣的注意事项是,该系统使用映像备份上的.VHD扩展名来逗我,但我怀疑它不是Virtual PC Hard Drive。

    Here's a fun little screenshot as the backup fails:


  • TrueCrypt - Kind of works. You have to right click on the actual EXE itself (not the Start Menu Link) and "Run as Administrator." Not sure why the User Access Control just requires another click, rather than entering one's password again.

    TrueCrypt-作品种类。 您必须右键单击实际的EXE本身(而不是“开始”菜单链接),然后单击“以管理员身份运行”。 不确定为什么用户访问控制只需要单击一下,而不是再次输入密码。

  • Microsoft Intellitype Keyboard and Mouse - Um, wha? You'd think that support for every Microsoft Keyboard and Mouse would be built in, but nope. Both these had to go before I installed. For some reason now my USB keyboard doesn't work in the text-based Vista pre-boot screens though it worked in the Windows XP pre-boot (F8) screens.

    Microsoft Intellitype键盘和鼠标-嗯? 您可能会认为将内置对每个Microsoft键盘和鼠标的支持,但是不会。 在我安装之前,这两个都必须走。 由于某种原因,尽管我的USB键盘可以在Windows XP的预引导(F8)屏幕中使用,但在基于文本的Vista的预引导屏幕中仍无法使用。

Why doesn't the team just come to my house and hang out? Am I just really, seriously, using computers in a way that isn't appropriate or is not supported? Should pave this machine? I really don't think so.

为什么团队不只是来我家闲逛? 我是否真的真的认真地以不适当或不受支持的方式使用计算机? 应该铺这台机器吗? 我真的不这么认为。

Eh, it's beta. What can you do? Vista, why has thou forsaken me?

嗯,是beta。 你能做什么? Vista,您为什么抛弃了我?

Feel free to WinDBG.exe around if you like that kind of thing:


File Attachment: vistabugcheckwindbganalysis1.txt (5 KB)

文件附件:vistabugcheckwindbganalysis1.txt(5 KB)

File Attachment: Mini091806-01.dmp (136 KB) (it's NOT a zip, just change the extension to .dmp)

文件附件:Mini091806-01.dmp(136 KB) (这不是zip,只需将扩展名更改为.dmp)







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