小米盒子 windows_必须在新的Windows盒子上安装的防物

小米盒子 windows

小米盒子 windows

There's nothing quite like the smell of a fresh Windows box.  After that first reboot, seeing that clean, smooth desktop brings a tear to my one good eye.  Everything is possible with a fresh Windows box.  Everything runs faster with a fresh Windows box.

没有什么像新鲜的Windows盒子的味道。 第一次重新启动后,看到干净整洁的桌面给我的一只眼带来了眼泪。 全新的Windows盒子可以实现一切。 全新的Windows框可让一切运行得更快。

Then I plug into the network and I'm immediately attacked by Popup Ads, Gator (evil), DoS attacks, Messenger Service Popups, HTTP requests for /system32/cmd.exe and clever neighbors trying to print to my printer. 

然后,我插入网络,立即受到Popup Ads,Gator(邪恶),DoS攻击,Messenger Service Popups,对/system32/cmd.exe的HTTP请求以及试图打印到我的打印机的聪明邻居的攻击。

How should we protect our fresh Windows boxes, these new fawns, just before we hurl them into the abyss?


Well, here's the first things I put on ANY Windows box.  This is the "don't leave home without 'em" list.  This is the "You're not seriously going out without your _______" list. 

好吧,这是我放在任何Windows机器上的第一件事。 这是“不要离开他们的家”的清单。 这是“没有_______您不会认真走出去”的列表。

"Anti"-Things you must install on your fresh Windows box in the 21st century


  1. Firewall


    At a minimum, enable the


    Windows XP built in firewall.  This will protect you from MSBlast (which I removed off half a dozen relative's computers).  Other folks use Tiny Personal Firewall, and others, but if you're serious (and you love your family) just buy ZoneAlarm Pro.

    Windows XP内置防火墙。 这样可以保护您免受MSBlast(我从半亲戚的计算机中删除了)的侵害。 其他人则使用Tiny Personal Firewall ,其他人则使用,但如果您是认真的人(并且爱您的家人),只需购买ZoneAlarm Pro即可

  2. Anti-Virus In the old days, (last year) you could be clever and avoid viruses.  Don't open anything, don't talk to anyone.  But now, with attachments being sent to my Mom with names like babypics.jpg.exe, I just can't trust her to be THAT clever.  Heck, I don't know if I am that clever.  I use either Panda, ETrust, or Norton...but my preference is Norton.

    反病毒在过去(去年),您可能很聪明并且可以避免病毒。 不要打开任何东西,不要与任何人交谈。 但是现在,随着附件发送给我的妈妈的名字是babypics.jpg.exe,我简直不敢相信她这么聪明。 哎呀,我不知道是否那么聪明。 我使用PandaETrustNorton ...,但我更喜欢Norton。

  3. Anti-Spyware The #1 least understood problem on PCs today, IMHO, is spyware/malware/scumware.  A friend of mine visited recently from Malaysia and brought his laptop.  He's a technical guy, and a developer, but he was complaining of weird popups and odd behavior in his browser during development.  We ran Ad-Aware and counted up 357 different components of spyware.  He had at least 20 different evil (but not viruses!) bits on his box, including CometCursor, Gator, SafeCast, Hotbar, and a particuarly evil bit of spyware that actually chained and appeared in the TCP/IP Properties and literally sniffed traffic at the protocol level.  I install Ad-Aware and run it on Startup.

    反间谍软件恕我直言,当今PC上最不了解的问题是间谍软件/恶意软件/渣cum软件。 我的一个朋友最近从马来西亚来访,带来了他的笔记本电脑。 他既是技术人员又是开发人员,但他抱怨开发期间浏览器中出现奇怪的弹出窗口和奇怪的行为。 我们运行了Ad-Aware,并统计了357种间谍软件的不同组件。 他的盒子上至少有20种不同的邪恶(但不是病毒!)位,包括CometCursor,Gator,SafeCast,Hotbar,以及实际上是链接并出现在TCP / IP属性中且实际上嗅探到流量的间谍软件,尤其是邪恶的位。协议级别。 我安装了Ad-Aware并在启动时运行它。

  4. Anti-SpamEveryone has their favorite, but I recommend SpamNet, it's like Napster for getting rid of Spam.  When you block a spam message with SpamNet you are "voting" for that message as Spam.  The more people vote, the more accurate SpamNet gets.  It's at least 99% with VERY few false positives, since actual humans are involved.  On the server-side for a Spam solution, I'm going to check out SPAMSoap.  I'll just change the MX record on my mail server, and mail will route through SPAMSoap first, then to me.  It appears to be a nice, cheap way for me to protect all my hanselman.com users.

    反垃圾邮件每个人都有自己的最爱,但我推荐SpamNet ,就像Napster摆脱了垃圾邮件一样。 当您使用SpamNet阻止垃圾邮件时,您是对该邮件“垃圾邮件”进行“投票”。 投票人数越多,SpamNet越准确。 至少有99%的假阳性很少,因为涉及到实际的人。 在服务器端的Spam解决方案中,我将检查SPAMSoap 。 我只需要在邮件服务器上更改MX记录,邮件就会先通过SPAMSoap路由,然后再路由给我。 对于我来说,保护我的所有hanselman.com用户似乎是一种不错的廉价方式。

If you're not running these particular tools, make sure you are at least running something to address these issues.  And seriously, run Ad-Aware if you haven't.  You'll be surprised.

如果您没有运行这些特定工​​具,请确保至少运行某些工具来解决这些问题。 如果没有,请认真运行Ad-Aware。 您会感到惊讶。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/antithings-you-must-install-on-your-fresh-windows-box

小米盒子 windows

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