还记得Pointcast吗? 闻起来像RSS精神...

I find myself explaining Blogging, RSS, News Aggregation, Radio, etc. to a lot of folks lately.  I also have been thinking of PointCast.  At the time, somewhere I want to say around 1995(?) or so, I heard about it.  This was during the whole Push (or was it Pull :) movement, when we thought Marimba and its ilk would soon rule the world.  As with all Really Good Things, I found out about PointCast via word of mouth. 

我发现自己最近向很多人解释了Blogging,RSS,新闻聚合,广播等。 我也一直在思考PointCast。 当时,我想在1995(?)左右说些什么,我听说过。 这是在整个Push(或Pull :)运动中,当时我们认为Marimba及其同类将很快统治整个世界。 与所有Really Good Things一样,我通过口口相传找到了PointCast。

I installed it and I was FREAKING OUT.  It was glorious...You mean, I can subscribe to content-rich news and information delivered to my desktop without all the hassle of opening up multiple browsers and without the overhead of HTML and unncessary graphics?  Sign me up brotha!  Now, here I am 10 years later subscribing to content and pulling it off the 'net into Fat Client Content Aggregators.

我安装了它,然后正在向外扩展。 真是太光荣了……您是说,我可以订阅内容丰富的新闻和信息,这些信息和信息可以传递到我的桌面上,而无需打开多个浏览器的麻烦,也不需要HTML和不必要的图形的开销? 签约我吧! 现在,我在10年后订阅了内容,并将其从网络中转移到Fat Client Content Aggregator中。

什么是应用程序? (What is an Application?)

One thing that struck me is that the way we think of a applications (things on our computer that provide functionality) seems to be changing.  In the old days (at least, MY old days)...an application *was* a disk.  Stick it in, and type "Load '*',8,1".  Later, an application became a .EXE file.  Run it, and there you go.  Then it was a directory of associated files, and then it was a series of registry entries, DLLs, EXEs, all hidden behind an Icon. For my wife, Excel IS that Icon.  For me, it's a tangle of technical widgetry. 

让我震惊的一件事是,我们对应用程序(计算机上提供功能的事物)的看法似乎正在发生变化。 在过去(至少是我过去)...应用程序*是*磁盘。 贴上它,然后键入“ Load'*',8,1 ”。 后来,一个应用程序成为一个.EXE文件。 运行它,然后就可以了。 然后是一个关联文件的目录,然后是一系列隐藏在Icon后面的注册表项,DLL,EXE。 对于我的妻子,Excel是那个图标。 对我来说,这是技术小工具的纠结。

留下丰富网站摘要的50种方法 (50 Ways to Leave your Rich Site Summary)

There are hundreds of ways to view email, and there are hundreds of ways to browse the web...but all I really care about is content...documents...data.  Just as I move effortlessly between Outlook and Internet Explorer at work and Bloomba and Phoenix at home, I view RSS Feeds in any number of ways.  I use NewsGator to integrate feeds with Outlook, I use SharpReader, RSSBandit and FeedReader at home, I use Radio's News Aggregator remotely...moving seemlessly from app to app, I export and import my OPML subscription file.  I post to my Radio Weblog from Outlook and Word using NewsGator using the evolving IBlogThis Interface and XML-RPC.  I've stopped thinking about the applications, and I think only of the documents.  What I think of as Blogging is not a single app (distributed or otherwise) but a rich ecosystem of apps, an orchestra even, all working with the same basic data structures pushing and pulling them over a whole series of transports. 

有数百种查看电子邮件的方法,也有数百种浏览网络的方法...但是我真正关心的只是内容...文档...数据。 正如我在工作中的Outlook和Internet Explorer以及在家里的BloombaPhoenix之间轻松地移动一样,我以多种方式查看RSS源。 我使用NewsGator将供稿与Outlook集成在一起,我在家使用SharpReaderRSSBanditFeedReader ,我远程使用Radio的News Aggregator ...在应用程序之间无缝移动,导出和导入OPML订阅文件。 我使用不断发展的IBlogThis接口和XML-RPC,使用NewsGator从Outlook和Word发布到我的Radio Weblog。 我不再考虑应用程序,而只考虑文档。 我认为Blogging并不是一个单一的应用程序(分布式或其他),而是一个丰富的应用程序生态系统,甚至一个乐团,都使用相同的基本数据结构来推动和拉动它们在整个传输过程中的运行。

解释“ RSS现象” (Explaining the "RSS Phenomenom")

For the uninitiated, the barrier to entry seems quite high.  Most users can spell XML but are not used to asking their browser for much more than HTML or files.  The moderately technical grok it pretty quickly and it's a pretty dense, terse conversation that goes something like this:

对于初学者来说,进入壁垒似乎很高。 大多数用户可以拼写XML,但不习惯向他们的浏览器索要比HTML或文件更多的内容。 中等技术水平的人很快就发现了它,并且对话非常密集,简短,如下所示:

 "So, what's all this talk about RSS and blogging?"
 "Remember PointCast?"
 "Oh, man, yeah...old school..."
 "It's like that, except the data format is an XML InfoSet called RSS (Rich Site Summary), the content and news is completely decentralized, sites inter-link and reference each other, posts can be tracked, replies can pingback the author, and the content spreads like a virus. Of course, since RSS is XML, you can do whatever you want with it and read it anyway you want.  Within certain verticals, like .NET or Web Services the signal-to-noise radio is ridiculously high."

“那么,关于RSS和博客的所有谈论是什么?” “还记得PointCast吗?” “哦,伙计,是的...老派……” “就像那样,除了数据格式是称为RSS(丰富站点摘要)的XML InfoSet,内容和新闻完全去中心化,站点之间相互链接和引用,可以跟踪帖子,回复可以对作者进行回信,以及内容像病毒一样传播,当然,由于RSS是XML,因此您可以随心所欲地阅读并随时阅读它。在某些垂直领域(如.NET或Web服务)中,信噪比无线电高得离谱。”

 "Sweet, how do I get hooked up?"


 "Google for it."




But for the non-technical (like the lady on the flight to Newark today) the conversations usually go something like this:


 "So what's this whole Weblog thing about?"
 "Basically it's your own syndicated news column that you write as often as the spirit moves you. Except there's no newspaper organization, no syndicate, no editors, often no audience.  Just as newspaper columnists do, often you'll find yourself posting comments or editorials on what they've said."

“那么整个Weblog到底是关于什么的?” “基本上,这是您自己的辛迪加新闻专栏,您会随精神的变化而不断地写。除了没有报纸组织,没有辛迪加,没有编辑,通常没有听众。就像报纸专栏作家所做的那样,通常您会发现自己发表评论或评论他们所说的话。”

 "So this is just like newsgroups or forums?"


 "It's as as much like USENET as scrawls on a random bathroom wall are like the New York Times.  Sometimes it seems that USENET has nearly as much spam as email.  Newsgroups are like yelling Fire! in a crowded theater; Blogs are more like focused messages in a bottle...you may send out hundreds before anyone connects but more often than not, you'll find a community, a niche, and pass content around.  Mostly you write for yourself and perhaps for the sense that someone may be on the other shore reading your dispatches.  But, if noone sends a bottle back, it's no worry."


 "So I need to keep bookmarks and visit all these sites to keep up?  Seems like a lot of work."


 "Well, you might want to use an special Reader that will let you subscribe and receive a summary for each site you're interested in.  There are tiny orange icons on most sites that point to an URL you can subscribe to.  That URL will contain just the content, without all the extranous formatting."


 "Wow...how do I get this on my computer?"


...and so on...


UI范式在压力下吱吱作响 (The UI Paradigm creaks under the strain)

There really are no new ideas, eh?  Just spins on old ones...I have no conclusion yet, but just as MSFT and the DOJ had trouble putting their finger on how IE is integrated with the shell (easy for the technies: "It's just HTML Rendering as a shared service the OS provides"; harder for the legal guys and folks without a context around Computer Science) I think that it's going to be increasingly difficult for Joe User to keep track of all this functionality.  Whether we are able is beside the point...I see users truly beseiged with Tray Icons (you know you have relatives like this) and they lack either the sophistication, interest, or both to use or remove them.  Personally I have enough crap in my start menu to fill my 1400x1060 screen...arguably only 30% of the icons represent applications, the rest are just flotsam. 

真的没有新想法,是吗? 只是旋转旧的...我还没有结论,但是就像MSFT和DOJ难以将IE集成到外壳上一样(技术人员很容易:“这只是HTML渲染作为共享服务, OS提供了“;没有计算机科学方面的知识,对于法务人员和人们来说就更难了。)我认为,Joe User跟踪所有这些功能将越来越困难。 我们是否能够解决问题……我看到用户确实被托盘图标所迷住了(您知道您有这样的亲戚),他们缺乏使用或删除它们的技巧,兴趣或两者兼而有之。 就我个人而言,我的开始菜单中有很多废话可以填满我的1400x1060屏幕……可以说只有30%的图标代表应用程序,其余的只是flotsam。

It's time for a new user interface paradigm...I haven't seen Lornhorn and Avalon, but I hope it's more than just another sidebar or toolbar.  The Window metaphor and Windows 95-style start menu along with my cluttered desktop are creaking under the strain of information.  I've got over a million pixels in front of my face and they aren't working hard enough for me. 

现在该是一个新的用户界面范例了……我还没有看到Lornhorn和Avalon,但是我希望它不只是另一个侧边栏或工具栏。 在信息的压力下,Window隐喻和Windows 95风格的开始菜单以及我凌乱的桌面变得格格不入。 我的脸前方有超过一百万个像素,它们对我来说还不够用。

今天未完成的结论和未解决的问题: (Today's unfinished conclusions and unanswered questions:)
  • What's happening is bigger than the phrase "document-centric" and new thinking is required


    What's happening is bigger than the phrase "document-centric" and new thinking is required(Remember that from the Office 97 Marketecture?)

    发生的事情比短语“以文档为中心”还重要,并且需要新的思维(还记得来自Office 97 Marketecture的想法吗?)

  • I think in terms of "My Stuff" and while "My Documents" was clever, I have too many folders and no way to QUICKLY search them


    I think in terms of "My Stuff" and while "My Documents" was clever, I have too many folders and no way to QUICKLY search them (My Documents, My eBooks, My Webs, My Virtual Machines, My Wallpapers, My Library, My Music, My Videos, My Received Files, My io documents, to name a few. It's worth noting that I didn't create these; they have be created through the last 6 months of entropy caused by frequent application use.  IMHO, there's not enough quick indexing going on...I should be able to Full Text Index everything and search the whole drive < 1 second from the Shell, rather than from the Indexing Service Query Form.)

    我认为就“我的资料”而言,尽管“我的文档”很聪明,但是我的文件夹太多,无法快速搜索它们(“我的文档”,“我的电子书”,“我的网站”,“我的虚拟机”,“我的壁纸”,“我的媒体库”,“我的音乐,我的视频,我收到的文件,我的io文档等等,值得注意的是,我没有创建这些文件;它们是在由于频繁使用应用程序而导致的最近6个月的熵中创建的。没有足够的快速索引进行操作...我应该能够对所有内容进行全文索引并从Shell而不是从Indexing Service查询表中搜索整个驱动​​器,不到1秒。)

  • Get me to my content and data quickly


    Get me to my content and data quickly(I'm starting to prefer the Radio News Aggregrator "One Long Page" style over the Folder Heirarchy metaphor)

    快速了解我的内容和数据(相对于“文件夹层次结构”隐喻,我开始更喜欢Radio News Aggregrator“一个长页面”样式)

  • How will applications be sold if they are simply a member of an orchestra?  No user will spend $10 five times in order to foster a great RSS reading environment.If MSFT purchased NewsGator and included its functionality in Outlook, would other RSS readers go the way of Lotus Organizer, crushed under Office's gilded fist?

    如果只是乐队的一员,如何出售应用程序? 没有用户愿意花五倍的钱来打造一个出色的RSS阅读环境。如果MSFT购买NewsGator并将其功能包含在Outlook中,那么MSFT会花5美元,其他RSS阅读器会取代Lotus Organizer吗?

  • I'm envisioning a full-screen, small-font, very dense RSS aggregration workspace (much more dense than Outlook Today) perhaps ala The Brain...I'll need hunt around and perhaps write this if I can't find it...maybe I can pull from Danny Ayer's IdeaGraph?

    我正在构想一个全屏,小字体,非常密集的RSS聚集工作区(比Outlook今天要稠密得多),也许是The Brain ...如果我找不到它,我需要四处寻找并编写这个...也许我可以摆脱Danny Ayer的IdeaGraph

  • Is it simply a matter of evolution?  If RSS has evolved to a reasonable state, then will this sudden explosive mutation of RSS Readers and News Aggregators be resolved by natural selection?  Should I just concern myself with the data and let the apps fall where they may?

    这仅仅是进化问题吗? 如果RSS已经发展到一个合理的状态,那么RSS阅读器和新闻聚合器的突然爆炸突变是否可以通过自然选择解决? 我应该只关心自己的数据,而让这些应用程序落在它们可能的位置吗?
  • It may be time to apply some of neat things about PointCast to RSS News Aggregation...remember the PointCast Screen Saver?


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/remember-pointcast-smells-like-rss-spirit





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