乔布斯 设计_乔布斯说过

乔布斯 设计

乔布斯 设计

Most likely you’ve heard by now about Steve Job’s open letter about why their mobile devices do not support Flash, and why they don’t intend on changing that. Everyone and their mother has an opinion about it, but I still couldn’t resist posting a few quick thoughts I had while reading it.

到目前为止,您很可能已经听说过史蒂夫·乔布(Steve Job)的公开信,信中提到他们的移动设备为什么不支持Flash,以及为什么他们不打算更改Flash。 每个人和他们的母亲对此都有意见,但是我仍然忍不住发表一些我在阅读它时的简短想法。

五十步笑百步 (The Pot Calling the Kettle Black)

I generally really like Apple products. They really know how to polish up a beautiful user experience, probably better than any other company I know of. So while I wouldn’t go so far as to call myself a fanboi, I will say that I drool heavily over most of their devices. Yet despite my generally positive view towards Apple, even I have to admit I found it funny when Jobs was calling out Flash for being “100% proprietary”. It’s true of course, but Apple has little room to talk.

我通常非常喜欢Apple产品。 他们真的知道如何改善美好的用户体验,这可能比我所知道的任何其他公司都要好。 因此,尽管我不敢称自己为fanboi,但我会说我在他们的大多数设备上都流口水。 尽管我对苹果公司普遍持积极态度,但即使我不得不承认,乔布斯号召Flash为“ 100%专有”时,我还是觉得很有趣。 当然是对的,但是苹果几乎没有话语权。

What made the point even funnier was how he said in one paragraph that Apple believes “that all standards pertaining to the web should be open”, and two paragraphs later, talks about Apple’s support for the H.264 format, a proprietary codec they chose to support over the open OGG.


总的来说,他是对的 (In General, He’s Right)

For the most part, I agree with him. Flash isn’t as essential as Adobe would like you to believe. Many very, very big names have gotten on board with supporting HTML5 video which contradicts Adobe’s claim that users of Apple mobile devices will go without video. Furthermore, the fact that Apple’s mobile devices use WebKit means that there are some very cool HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript features that developers can make use of to make their mobile web applications run smoothly while providing a high level of interactivity that used to be only possible via Flash.

在很大程度上,我同意他的看法。 Flash并不像Adobe希望的那样重要。 许多 非常 非常知名的公司都支持HTML5视频,这与Adobe声称苹果移动设备用户将没有视频的说法背道而驰。 此外,Apple的移动设备使用WebKit的事实意味着开发人员可以利用一些非常酷HTML5,CSS3和Javascript功能使他们的移动Web应用程序平稳运行,同时提供以前只能实现的高水平交互性通过Flash。

Honestly — I think Flash is a tool that, while very useful for a while, is becoming less and less necessary and is inching towards becoming obsolete (and cue the rabid Flash fan base in 3….2….1). The new capabilities that HTML5 and CSS3 provide us with make it possible to provide interactive experiences that were once unimaginable without the help of Flash, and to do so with openly available technologies.

坦率地说-我认为Flash是一种工具,虽然在一段时间内非常有用,但变得越来越少了,并且正逐渐变得过时(并提示3….2….1中狂热的Flash粉丝群)。 HTML5和CSS3为我们提供的新功能使得无需Flash即可提供曾经无法想象的交互式体验,并且可以使用公开可用的技术来实现。

对他有好处 (Good For Him)

Finally — I just wanted to state that I found it refreshing to see a company so openly address their critics. It shows us that even though Apple may be getting bigger and bigger, and even though they have demonstrated some Orwellian traits, they’re not entirely out of touch with the development community and are in fact listening.

最后,我只是想说,看到一家公司如此公开地向批评家致意,我感到很振奋。 它向我们表明,尽管苹果公司可能会变得越来越大,即使它们表现出了一些奥威尔式的特征,但它们与开发社区并没有完全脱节,而是在倾听。

翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2010/04/jobs-has-spoken/

乔布斯 设计





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