
2010-12-19 wcdj

从听毛毛老师的口语课,到喜欢听Blue,Backstreet Boys,Lene Marlin的英文歌曲;
从起初常说的“Don't be shy, just try”,到最后常说的“Practice makes perfect”;
从新华书店买的沛沛英语,到喜欢看每期的Action English和Outlook English;
从超市买的空白loose-leaf books,到摘抄满满的English notes;
从学校的English Corner,到我创建的小小英语角;

Rome wasn't built in a day, so it will go on ...



My View on University Ranking

1、 当今社会,高校排名很流行
2、 个人看法不同
3、 我自己的观点



For those university students-to-be, choosing their ideal school is never an easy job, but luckily, different authorities come up with the university ranking to help. Top students shall choose the top schools high on th list and vice versa.

Complicated issue becomes easy numerical comparison, yet the real problem stays there, can the numerical ranking tell you the status quo of these universities? Are these "authorities" producing the ranking authoritative enough to make the judgements?  Let's take a serious look at the issue before we jump to the conclusion whether university ranking is good or bad.

We have to admit that because of historical reasons, most of the 1950s-1960s parents were denied higher education and this cruel fact makes them even more eager to give their children high education even though they have no idea of what university education is all about. The ranking helps them to make decisions based on their simple idea of better ranking means better jobs in future, and therefore better income. It is pathetic that they interpret knowlegde and wisdom in such a way yet it is even more pathetic that there are so-claimed well-educated people making up all the ranking and get the ranking published to mislead them.



Nowadays, university and college ranking has become increasingly popular throught the nation. According to the survey conducted by China Daily, an estimated 85% universities are closely concerned about the ranking. In other words, we cannot fail to notice the obvious trend that university ranking has become a social focus, triggering a wide concerns across the nation, especially rom on and off school campus.

A host of individuals are divided over this issue about university ranking. An army of folks deem that we are supposed to be concerned about the ranking because the ranking is the sole standard of measuring the school's comprehensive level, plus, when choosing the university for their kids, a growing number of parents take the ranking into account. However, others maintain that it's not a wise and rational idea to view the university ranking as the only standard, put it another way, we should not over-value the ranking. The ranking is the outward style of the university.

On my personal level, however, ranking matters much to a university, but enhancing the teaching and comprehensive quality is on the top of university's priority, ranging from the faculty to teaching methods to teaching instruments and so forth. Only in these ways can we build up fast-paced and flagship university smoothly.


It is a not-uncommon social phenomenon that the university rankings are especially prevalent in our country. For example, universities are measured by scale, academic achievements or the number of papers published in famous magazines.

As to this issue, opinions vary from person to person. Some people hold that university ranking dramatically promotes the development of university in various fields. But others maintain that university ranking also leads to some undesirable consequences such as academic fraud even to deceive people.

As far as I am concerned, every coin has two sides. On one hand, university ranking does encourage the development and growth of colleges. Such growth — the grand libraries, splendid stadiums and fruitful academic achievements, has caught the attention of the world. We're impressed by these signs of our education's tour to the 21st century. On the other hand, we have to pay attention to an unexpected phenomenon that some people have ignored the objectivity of university ranking. Take South University of Science and Technology of China for an example, this university occupies the second position in some university rankings. In those rankings, it is superior to Peking University and Tsinghua University. In a word, we should inspire the advantages of university and abandon its disadvantages.


1. There is no denying that you ___________(越仔细越好) in dealing with this matter.
分析:考查“再……也不为过”,即 can never be too / can not be too + adj.
应填:can never be too careful / can not be too careful

2. Only when I reached my thirties __________________________ (我才意识到读书是不能被忽视的)
分析:考查“部分倒装”。当only when置于句首时,主句用部分倒装,将助动词置于主语前面并注意时态一致。
应填:did I realize / realise that reading cannot be neglected 或 did I realize / realise that reading is unignorable

3. Much ___________________ (使研究人员感到惊讶),the outcome of the experiment was far better than they had expected.
分析:考查固定搭配。to one's surprise,使……惊讶的是……。
应填:to the researchers' surprise

4. Oh, my, I can't find my key; __________________________(我一定是把它放在哪儿了)。
分析:考查对过去事情的肯定的猜测,即must have + 过去分词,leave与put都有放置的意思,但leave强调遗忘在……,较之put,leave更贴合题意。
应填:I must have left / put it somewhere.

5. I ________________________(宁愿加入你们去做义工)than go to the beach for a holiday.
分析:考查“宁愿……也不愿……”,因题干中已存在“than go”的结构,只能使用“would rather do than do”。
应填:would rather join you as a volunteer







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