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原创 Cannot ping the Host IP from VM virtual machine ubuntu

【代码】Cannot ping the Host IP from VM virtual machine ubuntu。

2023-02-16 12:58:58 179

原创 this exceeds GitHub‘s file size limit of 100.00 MB

【代码】emote: error: File "path_of_your_large_file" is 327.40 MB;

2023-01-13 01:59:26 634

原创 Recommend to use Foxglove Studio to repalce the rviz

https://foxglove.dev/ is reall a good tool to observe and dianostic the ros bag. I love it when first use it. Performance is much better than rviz.

2023-01-12 02:58:15 274

原创 error: ‘ class xxx ’ has no member named ‘ xxxx ’ in nix-build

【代码】error: ‘ class xxx ’ has no member named ‘ xxxx ’ in nix-build。

2023-01-12 02:51:51 998

原创 Fix the nix-shell error “build inpt /nix/store/xxxx does not exist“

Once this issue happens, mostly just because of the folder /nix/store/xxxx is removed unexpectedly. The solution is simple to just create this folder by calling:sudo mkdir /nix/store/xxxx

2023-01-07 09:38:11 267

原创 Fast way to filter a file line by line and save as new format in a new file

awk -F"," '{ if ($1 == "solar/string") {print "{asset_id:\" "$2,"\", \"pitch\":20, \"anchors\": { \"points\": [{\"lat\":" $7,",\lon\":" $8, ", \"alt\": 0 },{\"lat\":" $10,",\"lon\":" $11",\"alt\":0 }]}, \"asset_definition\":{\"panel_size\":{\"height\": 1.3

2022-11-18 13:02:28 243

原创 Solution“error: path ‘/nix/store/649ynkb218n5gjgp8bndbbm970ln1587-cachix-1.0.1‘ does not exist“

【代码】Solution"error: path '/nix/store/649ynkb218n5gjgp8bndbbm970ln1587-cachix-1.0.1' does not exist"

2022-10-23 07:58:55 383

原创 actionlib::SimpleActionClient< ActionSpec >::SimpleActionClient() spin_thread = true crashes node

【代码】actionlib::SimpleActionClient< ActionSpec >::SimpleActionClient() spin_thread = true crashes node。crash, Program terminated with signal SIGABRT, Aborted. exit code -6, exit code -11

2022-10-07 04:11:43 687

原创 Steps to core dump the call stack of crashed ROS node

【代码】Steps to core dump the call stack of crashed ROS node。backtrace" or "bt" command

2022-10-05 05:03:58 657

原创 error: ‘const class std::shared_ptr<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> >‘ has no member named ‘__ge

error: 'const class std::shared_ptr' has no member named '__getMD5Sum'

2022-09-16 01:51:15 2173

原创 fatal error: Eigen/Geometry: No such file or directory 6 | #include <Eigen/Geometry>

fatal error: Eigen/Core: No such file or directory

2022-09-16 01:35:24 526

原创 By not providing “Findxxx-flight-algorithms.cmake“ in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked C

By not providing "Findxxx-flight-algorithms.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "air-flight-algorithms", but CMake did not find one. Could not find a package configuration file ...

2022-05-02 11:35:02 2653

原创 Easy way to fix the corrupt of Python in Ubuntu 18.04

Always to get the error when trying to install any application:/var/lib/dpkg/info/python3-software-properties.postinst: py3compile: not foundThe reason is the default installed python was corrupted or manually removed the python in bin and lib folder.

2021-10-19 04:39:15 151

原创 add_subdirectory given source “tests“ which is not an existing directory

In nix-shell, to build an project which just added new tests folder for the unit test, but failed to build. The root cause is that this new added folder "tests" need to be added in the Makefile before buid, just as below screenshot shows "unit-test"...

2021-10-15 12:35:36 3108

原创 获取nix git.json中 rev 和 sha256 的方法

{"url": "ssh://git@github.com/xxx/xxx-ros.git","rev": "45ffc223ce4dbb08ab69d233b739cd919ddaeexx","sha256": "0b1l7269wjl4z6j4ry3dyh5lw92hnjprlygfj4j4ylx2aydxbxxx","private": true,"fetchSubmodules": false,"branch": "xxx/transition_xxx_related_cha

2021-07-15 02:01:00 476

原创 Nix 表达式语言 介绍

近期在解决Nix包管理框架上一些问题,顺便整理一下关于Nix函数表达式语言的一些基础,本文涵盖 Nix 表达式语言的语法、语义、类型、编译、工具和库。

2021-06-11 03:19:47 2263

原创 修改Chrome地址输入时的链接自动输入提示 (For Mac)

1. Using the DB Brower for SQLite, install itbrew install --cask db-browser-for-sqlit

2021-05-29 01:35:10 261

原创 uint32 yyyymmdd hhmmss 整形GMT时间 转化为ISO8601格式

#define _XOPEN_SOURCE#include <iostream>#include <iomanip>struct GlobalTime final{ uint32_t gpsDate; uint32_t gpsTime;};// Output the time GMT data time as ISO8601 format. The format is as follows: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss Zinline ...

2021-05-28 09:50:30 504

原创 ROS waitForMessage 有时会超时,获取rtk topic 失败问题的解决

在使用DJI OSDK ROS 的基础上进行应用开发时,遇到一个问题,当无人机飞离地面90米左右时,在采用waitForMessage获取最新的RTK_POSITION_AND_DRONE_YAW topic时,偶发性的出现超时的问题。问题出现的环境:1. 系统 DJI M300 + Livox (IP: + Xavier (IP: WIFI router 提供局域网 连接Xavier 和 地面 Laptop进行通讯。3. X...

2021-05-07 09:44:45 1848 1

原创 SSH login display the XWindow

Answer: You can fix the “cannot open display” error by following the xhost procedure mentioned in this article.Allow clients to connect from any host using xhost+Execute the following command to disable the access control, by which you can allow cli...

2021-04-16 11:51:28 147

原创 DJI OSDK “D-Bus not built with -rdynamic so unable to print a backtrace“

When running the "rosrun dji_osdk_ros camera_stream_node"Got below error:dbus[10854]: arguments to dbus_message_new_method_call() were incorrect, assertion "path != NULL" failed in file ../../../dbus/dbus-message.c line 1362.This is normally a bug in.

2021-04-16 05:30:42 1672 1

原创 2021-04-13

ROS catkin_make error "Could not find a package configuration file provided by "rospy_message_converter""Could not find a package configuration file provided by "rospy_message_converter" with any of the following names: rospy_message_converterC.

2021-04-13 13:56:33 287

原创 The way to connect Android Studio / XCode to DJI Smart Controller to deploy the app

1. First step to enable the smart controller develop mode Goto settings -> About remote controller -> System Version Tap on System Version for serveral times, it will notify your are developer mode now.2. In the settings list, you could see...

2021-03-26 08:38:43 167

原创 MQTT 在MacOS上的安装与使用简介

MQTT是 Message Queuing Telemetry Transport,消息队列遥测传输。是IBM开发的IOT 轻量级消息订阅和发布的协议。学习对MQTT的理解,可以选用已实现这个协议的broker,比如Mosquitto.这里介绍Mosquitto的安装与使用1. 安装 homebrewcurl -fsSL -o install.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh.

2021-02-26 16:32:28 1215

原创 c++ new features since c++11

1. auto two examples of usage: a. shorter the code. std::map<std::string, std::vector<int>> map; for(auto it = begin(map); it != end(map); ++it) { } b. return type of functiontemplate <typename T1, typename ...

2021-02-08 13:55:51 118

原创 undefined reference to pthread_create

./libcurl.a(libcurl_la-curl_thread.o): In function 'Curl_thread_create' : curl_threads.c:(.text+0x7c):undefined reference to 'pthread_create'...collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status.Searched a lot, and finally fixed my problem by adding "-lpthre

2020-06-17 13:47:49 304

转载 Git分支管理策略


2014-05-08 10:29:52 840

原创 Transport (VMDB) error -14: Pipe connection has been broken – OS X Fusion 5

To fix above this issue: There are two ways alternatively:Solution 1:Just close the VMWare Fusion and restart the machine. This issue can be resolved. Solution 2:If it is not con

2013-11-08 10:48:04 34946

原创 进阶之中,不断摸索的培训之法

自04年参加工作以来,多就职于外企,接触过较为正规的培训,在被培训与培训中(如员工培训,校园宣讲,招聘等),和我个人参与的学生实训工作中,积累了一些有关培训方面的想法,愿与您分享: 首先,对受众的认识和分类:1. 学习能强,技术实力强,知识面广2. 学习好,技术实力薄弱,知识面广3. 学习好,有动手能力,知识面想要扩充4. 学习能力中等,技术实力中等,但是夜郎自大 

2013-10-26 12:04:54 1155

原创 Window/Dialog style could not be loaded.

I got this error when loading my site: my case, the root cause is that I set the mime type for .ipa = application/octet-stream and .plist=text/xml at two places, which

2013-10-25 14:40:57 2410

转载 Setup https server with a self SSL certificate for testing.

Copy part of content from below url: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_7be3b4570100sqi0.html

2013-10-25 14:17:49 1288

原创 Cannot connect to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx when downloading iOS app by OTA

The previous worked site, but now does not work for the downloading of ipa file by OTA.  The error is "Cannot connect to" when downloading from iPad.After setting below Mime Type

2013-10-24 16:14:50 1576

原创 Cannot find the dll error in my IIS server.

In my C# web project, a ESLibrary.dll file was included to provide a calculation service.  But when I come to this page where the library is called.  It always pops error that this dll file cannot fou

2013-10-23 20:04:31 997

转载 Building iOS Apps for Enterprise Deployment

Followed below document to generate my Enterprise certificate and provision profiles for both development and distribution, which is good to share: Overview This document describes the steps nee

2013-10-22 11:00:21 1501

转载 Detecting a mobile browser in ASP.NET

A good document on how to detecting a mobile browser, which saved me a lot of time.

2013-10-22 10:46:35 722

转载 How to Set Up SSL on IIS 7

IntroductionThe steps for configuring Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for a site are the same in IIS 7 and above and IIS 6.0, and include the following:Get an appropriate certificate. Create an HTTPS

2013-10-22 10:12:23 2166

转载 IIS 无法启动错误:"指定的网络名格式无效"

WIN7 IIS 里面的站点就无法启动了, 一启动就出现 “指定的网络名格式无效”这与以前系统绑定IP有关.只要把以前的IIS配置文件中与绑定有关的数据修改回来就可以用了 命令行绑定到某IP: httpcfg set iplisten -i即命令使用IIS的只监听指定的IP及端口查看绑定: httpcfg query iplisten

2013-10-21 15:48:15 5616

原创 'The NIB data is invalid.' foruncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException'

'The NIB data is invalid.' for uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException'

2013-10-21 15:05:37 1629 1

转载 25个增强iOS应用程序性能的提示和技巧

在开发iOS应用程序时,让程序具有良好的性能是非常关键的。这也是用户所期望的,如果你的程序运行迟钝或缓慢,会招致用户的差评。然而由于iOS设备的局限性,有时候要想获得良好的性能,是很困难的。在开发过程中,有许多事项需要记住,并且关于性能影响很容易就忘记。 本文收集了25个关于可以提升程序性能的提示和技巧,把性能优化技巧分为3个不同的等级:初级、中级和高级 初级

2013-08-27 17:52:21 1140

转载 How To Use NSOperations and NSOperationQueues

How To Use NSOperations and NSOperationQueues读过的很好的关于下载优化的文章:This is a blog post by Soheil Moayedi Azarpour, an independent iOS developer. You can also find him on Google+.Everyone has had t

2013-08-27 17:32:32 1830

httpcfg command

I used it for fixing the IIS starting error.



c# 图形,字符串打印程序。对于不懂c#打印的同学,希望有所帮助。DataSet



MCTS 培训资料 The .NET Framework is an integral Microsoft Windows component designed to support next-generation applications and services. Many fundamentals of the .NET Framework will be familiar to developers who have worked in other object-oriented development environments; however, the .NET Framework also includes many unique elements that will be new to even the most experienced developers. This chapter provides an overview of .NET Framework programming, including knowledge required for every other chapter in this book.



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