Writing and Optimizing ARM Assembly Code 《ARM...》Chapter-6


  1. Instruction scheduling
  2. Register allocation
  3. Conditional execution

我们讲述的优化技巧是用于ARM汇编的,Thumb汇编没有特定的讲解,因为ARM汇编在32-bit bus上总是有更好的性能。

6-1 Writing Assembly Code

6-2 Profiling and Cycle Counting

A profiler is a tool that measures the proportion of time or processing cycles spent in each subroutine.
A cycle counter measures the number of cycles taken by a specific routine.

6-3 Instruction Scheduling

条件指令,在条件不满足的时候需要one cycle,满足时适用于以下准则:

  1. ALU操作如加减和逻辑操作耗费one cycle(包含带立即数的移位)。使用特定寄存器的移位,增加one cycle。写入pc的指令增加two cycle。
  2. Load instructions that load N 32-bit words,例如LDR and LDM需要N cycles to issue, 最后加载的word结果在接下来的一个cycle中无法获得的。如果指令加载pc需要额外耗费two cycles
  3. Load instructions that load 16-bit or 8-bit data such as LDRB,LDRSB,LDRH,LDRSH take one cycle to issue, 加载的结果在接下来two cycles是无法获得的.
  4. Branch instructions take three cycles
  5. Store instructions that store N values take N cycles.STM处理单独数值需要two cycles.
  6. multiply instructions对于second operand的不同需要不同数目的cycles


  1. Fetch
  2. Decode:将那些与input operands相关且在接下来步骤中无法获得的banked register的值读取出来。
  3. ALU:执行指令,不同的指令在该阶段消耗不同的cycles。
  4. LS1:是load或者store指令的时候load or store数据,如果不是则该阶段无效
  5. LS2:如果是byte or haldword load instruction则Extract(取出)and zero- or sign-extend the data;如果不是,该阶段无效。

figure 6.1
如果一条指令需要前一个指令的结果,但是暂时获得不了,处理器就会stalls。这种情况被称作a pipeline hazard or pipeline interlock.




 ADD r0, r0, r1
 ADD r0, r0, r2

2.One-cycle interlock caused by load use.

 LDR r1, [r2, #4]
 LDR r0, r0, r1

figure 6.2
在cycle3 中ADD和LDR中间的间隙又被称为:pipeline bubble

3.This example shows a one-cycle interlock caused by delayed load use.

LDRB r1, [r2, #1]
ADD  r0, r0, r2
EOR  r0, r0, r1

figure 6.3
如图,当EOR在ALU-stage的时候,LDRB还处于LS2阶段,因此r1并没有加载好,所以要多等待one cycle。你会发现ADD对于时间没有任何影响,不管有没有ADD指令,该例子必须要经过four cycles。

4.Pipeline flush caused by a branch.

    MOV r1, #1
    B   case1
    AND r0, r0, r1
    EOR r2, r2, r3
    SUB r0, r0, r1

figure 6.4
当执行B之后,core会flush pipeline—case1中的SUB指令会进入fetch-stage,因此B的完成需要3 cycles。

6.3.1-Scheduling of load instructions

load指令在编译过的代码里出现频率很高,大约指令的1/3.因此,仔细的scheduling of load instrcutions减少pipeline stalls的发生能够提升性能。由于C的alias问题(section 5.6)限制了编译器的优化能力。编译器不能移动在store instrcution前移动load instruction,除非确定两个指针没有指向相同的地址。

assembly code
从代码中我们可以看出SUB在LDRB之后,因为r2的值在LDRB完成之前无法确定,因此,pipeline will stall two cycles。
1. Preloading
2. Unrolling

Loading Scheduling by Preloading

该段代码从11 cycles下降到9 cycles。提升到1.22倍的速度。


Loading Scheduling by Unrolling

这种方法比你想象中提升的性能还要多,在ARM9TDMI中从11-cycles下降到7-cycles,提升到1.57倍的速度性能。缺点是提升了一倍的代码空间。此外,字符串在RAM的尾部,超出范围的读取会产生data abort,并且在非常短小的string中性能会降低:stacking lr造成了过度的额外函数调用 。



  • ARM Core使用pipeline结构,Pipeline会延迟特定指令结果的获得。当你使用了使用该结果的指令,处理器会插入stall cycles直到取得了结果。
  • Load and multiply instructions have delayed results in many implementations. See Appendix D for the cycle timings and delay for your specific ARM processor core.
  • You have two software methods available to remove interlocks following load instructions: You can preload so that loop i loads the data for loop i + 1, or you can unroll the loop and interleave the code for loops i and i + 1.

6-4 Register Allocation

符合ATPCS的应用程序必须保存寄存器r4~r11的值。ATPCS也规定了stack必须要是eight-bytes aligned。本节讲解如何最好地给变量分配寄存器,以及如何使用超过14个变量,和如何充分利用14个可获得寄存器。

6.4.1-Allocating variables to Register Numbers


* Argument register。ATPCS规定function前四个参数分别对应于r0~r3,超过4个参数则存放到stack中。返回值必须放入r0中。
* Registers used in a load or store multiple。如LDM,STM操作了一系列连续增加的寄存器编号。如果r0,r1同时在register list中,processor将会使用较低的地址load和store r0,然后才是r1.
* Load and store double word。操作连续的寄存器,如Rd, Rd+1。而且Rd必须是偶数的。

6.4.2-Using More Than 14 Local Variables


6.4.3-Making the most of available Registers

6-10 Summary

For the best performance in an application you will need to write optimized assembly routines. It is only worth optimizing the key routines that the performance depends on.You can find these using a profiling or cycle counting tool,such as the ARMulator simulator from ARM.

This chapter covered examples and useful techniques for optimizing ARM assembly.
Here are the key ideas:
■ Schedule code so that you do not incur processor interlocks or stalls. Use Appendix D to see how quickly an instruction result is available. Concentrate particularly on load and multiply instructions, which often take a long time to produce results.
■ Hold as much data in the 14 available general-purpose registers as you can. Sometimes it is possible to pack several data items in a single register. Avoid stacking data in the innermost loop.
■ For small if statements, use conditional data processing operations rather than conditional branches.
■ Use unrolled loops that count down to zero for the maximum loop performance.
■ For packing and unpacking bit-packed data, use 32-bit register buffers to increase efficiency and reduce memory data bandwidth.
■ Use branch tables and hash functions to implement efficient switch statements.
■ To handle unaligned data efficiently, use multiple routines. Optimize each routine for a particular alignment of the input and output arrays. Select between the routines at run time.

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2) Who uses ARM? Currently ARM CPU is licensed and produced by more than 100 companies and is the dominant CPU chip in both cell phones and tablets. Given its RISC architecture and powerful 32-bit instructions set, it can be used for both 8-bit and 32-bit embedded products. The ARM corp. has already defined the 64-bit instruction extension and for that reason many Laptop and Server manufactures are planning to introduce ARM-based Laptop and Servers. 3) Who will use our textbook? The primary audience of our textbook on ARM (ARM Assembly Language Programming & Architecture by Mazidi & Naimi) is undergraduate engineering students in Electrical and Computer Engineering departments. It can also be used by practicing engineers who need to move away from 8- and 16-bit legacy chips such as the 8051, AVR, PIC and HCS08/12 family of microcontrollers to ARM. Designers of the x86-based systems wanting to design ARM-based products can also benefit from this textbook. Table of Contents Chapter 1: The History of ARM and Microcontrollers Chapter 2: ARM Architecture and Assembly Language Programming Chapter 3: Arithmetic and Logic Instructions and Programs Chapter 4: Branch, Call, and Looping in ARM Chapter 5: Signed Numbers and IEEE 754 Floating Point Chapter 6: ARM Memory Map, Memory Access, and Stack Chapter 7: ARM Pipeline and CPU Evolution Appendix A: ARM Cortex-M3 Instruction Description Appendix B: ARM Assembler Directives Appendix C: Macros Appendix D: Flowcharts and Pseudocode Appendix E: Passing Arguments into Functions Appendix F: ASCII Codes
Here are some possible ways to optimize the previous code: 1. Vectorize the calculations: Instead of using nested loops to compute the responsibility matrix, we can use vectorized operations to speed up the computation. For example, we can use broadcasting to compute the Euclidean distance between each pair of points in a matrix form. Similarly, we can use matrix multiplication to compute the weighted sums of the point clouds. ```python def em_for_alignment(xs: np.ndarray, ys: np.ndarray, num_iter: int = 10) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ The em algorithm for aligning two point clouds based on affine transformation :param xs: a set of points with size (N, D), N is the number of samples, D is the dimension of points :param ys: a set of points with size (M, D), M is the number of samples, D is the dimension of points :param num_iter: the number of EM iterations :return: ys_new: the aligned points: ys_new = ys @ affine + translation responsibility: the responsibility matrix P=[p(y_m | x_n)] with size (N, M), whose elements indicating the correspondence between the points """ # initialize the affine matrix and translation vector affine = np.eye(xs.shape[1]) translation = np.zeros(xs.shape[1]) # initialize the responsibility matrix responsibility = np.zeros((xs.shape[0], ys.shape[0])) for i in range(num_iter): # E-step: compute the responsibility matrix diff = xs[:, np.newaxis, :] - ys[np.newaxis, :, :] sq_dist = np.sum(diff ** 2, axis=-1) responsibility = np.exp(-0.5 * sq_dist) / (2 * np.pi) ** (xs.shape[1] / 2) responsibility /= np.sum(responsibility, axis=1, keepdims=True) # M-step: update the affine matrix and translation vector xs_weighted = responsibility.T @ xs ys_weighted = responsibility.T @ ys affine, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(xs_weighted, ys_weighted, rcond=None) translation = np.mean(ys, axis=0) - np.mean(xs @ affine, axis=0) # compute the aligned points ys_new = ys @ affine + translation return ys_new, responsibility ``` 2. Use the Kabsch algorithm: Instead of using the weighted least squares solution to update the affine matrix, we can use the Kabsch algorithm, which is a more efficient and numerically stable method for finding the optimal rigid transformation between two point clouds. The Kabsch algorithm consists of three steps: centering the point clouds, computing the covariance matrix, and finding the optimal rotation matrix. ```python def em_for_alignment(xs: np.ndarray, ys: np.ndarray, num_iter: int = 10) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ The em algorithm for aligning two point clouds based on affine transformation :param xs: a set of points with size (N, D), N is the number of samples, D is the dimension of points :param ys: a set of points with size (M, D), M is the number of samples, D is the dimension of points :param num_iter: the number of EM iterations :return: ys_new: the aligned points: ys_new = ys @ affine + translation responsibility: the responsibility matrix P=[p(y_m | x_n)] with size (N, M), whose elements indicating the correspondence between the points """ # center the point clouds xs_centered = xs - np.mean(xs, axis=0) ys_centered = ys - np.mean(ys, axis=0) # initialize the affine matrix and translation vector affine = np.eye(xs.shape[1]) translation = np.zeros(xs.shape[1]) # initialize the responsibility matrix responsibility = np.zeros((xs.shape[0], ys.shape[0])) for i in range(num_iter): # E-step: compute the responsibility matrix diff = xs_centered[:, np.newaxis, :] - ys_centered[np.newaxis, :, :] sq_dist = np.sum(diff ** 2, axis=-1) responsibility = np.exp(-0.5 * sq_dist) / (2 * np.pi) ** (xs.shape[1] / 2) responsibility /= np.sum(responsibility, axis=1, keepdims=True) # M-step: update the affine matrix and translation vector cov = xs_centered.T @ responsibility @ ys_centered u, _, vh = np.linalg.svd(cov) r = vh.T @ u.T t = np.mean(ys, axis=0) - np.mean(xs @ r, axis=0) affine = np.hstack((r, t[:, np.newaxis])) # compute the aligned points ys_new = ys @ affine[:, :-1] + affine[:, -1] return ys_new, responsibility ``` The Kabsch algorithm is more efficient than the weighted least squares solution, especially when the point clouds are high-dimensional or noisy. However, it only works for rigid transformations, i.e., rotations and translations. If the transformation between the point clouds is not rigid, we need to use a more general method, such as the Procrustes analysis or the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm.


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