一、查看feature的t-code: pe03
二、Persons Responsible for Features 【feature的责任人】
Unlike schemas and personnel calculation rules, where a single responsible person is defined for maintenance, you can assign two responsible persons to a feature.
与 schema和PCR只能定义一个负责人不同,一个feature可以定一个两个责任人
One person is assigned responsibility for maintaining the Feature Structure while another is assigned responsibility for the feature as a whole, including the following.
其中一个人用于负责维护 feature的结构,另外一个人则可进行下面的维护
- 指定feature可被哪些国家所使用
- 维护feature的决策树
- 维护feature的文档
You can specify whether assigned users are the only persons allowed to make changes to their respective parts of the feature.
【respective -- adj. 分别的,各自的】
这个功能,可以在上图所示界面中,勾选 Change only by person responsible来实现。
Note that changes to the structure of a feature can also necessitate changes to the coding of the programs that read it. Users responsible for changing structures must have the authority and technical ability to be able to maintain dictionaries and make program changes.
【necessitate - vt. 使成为需要,必须;迫使】