Obama to Sign Massive Economic Stimulus Bill into Law


U.S. President Barack Obama is scheduled to sign the $787 billion economic stimulus plan into law at a ceremony in the western city of Denver, Colorado on Tuesday. Mr. Obama calls it a "major milestone on the road to recovery" for the U.S. economy, while critics insist it is too expensive and will create fewer jobs than proponents insist. 

美国总统Barack Obama确定在周二西部城市丹佛, 科罗拉多州的庆典上把签署了约7870亿美元的经济刺激计划. Obama称它是美国经济”复兴道路上的重大里程碑”. 批评者则坚持说这个计划花费太大,创造的职位会比支持者所声称的少.

The bill, which includes government spending and tax cuts intended to help push the U.S. economy out of recession, is the president's first big legislative victory since taking office last month.


Congress, which is controlled by Mr. Obama's Democratic Party, approved the plan on Friday, with legislators voting mostly along party lines. The Senate passed the plan with only three minority Republicans voting in favor of the bill. The plan received no Republican support in the House of Representatives. 


During a radio address on Saturday, President Obama said the tax cuts and domestic spending projects will create millions of jobs and spur economic growth. 


"It will save or create more than 3.5 million jobs over the next two years, ignite spending by businesses and consumers alike, and lay a new foundation for our lasting economic growth and prosperity," said Mr. Obama.


The following day, White House senior adviser David Axelrod cautioned on the Fox News Sunday television program that, while there will be signs of economic activity very quickly, it could be next year before improvement shows up in government reports - particularly with respect to the nation's 7.6 percent unemployment rate.

第二天,白宫高级顾问David Axelrod在《Fox News Sunday》电视节目中警告说,虽然这将发出经济活动快速运行的信号,但可能到明年政府报告时也不会有什么进展,特别是顾虑到全国约7.6%的失业率。

"The president has said it [i.e., the economy] is likely to get worse before it gets better. It is true that, without this program, it could be much, much worse," said Axelrod. "And, so, I don't expect the arrow [i.e., jobless number] to bend down by the end of the year. But I do expect the rise in unemployment to be retarded by the things that were done this week."

“总统说经济可能会在复苏前变差.这是事实,没了这个计划,经济将会差上许多.” Axelrod.表示,”那么,就是,我并不预期失业数字会在年末的时候降下来.但是我猜测,失业人数的上升趋势将会被这周所做的事情所减缓.

Moody's Economy.com chief economist Mark Zandi who also appeared on Fox News Sunday said President Obama's contention that the stimulus plan will create or save 3.5 million jobs is optimistic.

Moody's Economy.com首席经济学家Mark Zandi也出席了《Fox News Sunday》,他表示总统Obama的经济刺激计划将回创造或挽救大约350万个职位的观点是乐观的.

"It will make a difference. It's a good plan and I think it will help the economy. By my estimate, it will add two to 2.5 million jobs - more than would be the case without stimulus by the end of 2010," said Zandi. "That translates into a lower unemployment rate of about a point to a 1.50 percent. So it is meaningful. But I don't think it's enough. The economy is in a very difficult situation. The difficulties require a larger package. And I think a year from now, we will be talking about stimulus again, yes."

“它会产生作用.我觉得它是一个很棒的计划,并且将会刺激经济.在我看来,它会增加大约250万个职位.将会在2010年低比假设没有刺激计划作用下的多. “Zandi表示.”它将转化为更低的失业率,大约可以去到约1.5%的水平.所以,它是非常有意义的.但我不觉得这就足够了.当今的经济处于一个非常糟糕的情况.这个困难的情况需要更大的刺激方案.我觉得,今后一年内,我们将会再次谈论到经济刺激计划.是的.”

The bill still has strong critics, including Senate Banking Committee Republican Lindsey Graham who spoke Sunday on ABC television's This Week program. 

这个计划会引来许多评论家.这其中包括Senate Banking Committee的共和党成员Lindsey Graham.他在周日的《This Week》电视节目中发表了讲话.

"Eleven percent of the money in this bill hits [i.e., will be spent] in 2009. Most of the money in this bill is in entitlement spending. It's not going to create jobs. Twenty-seven percent of this bill is now tax cuts. That's down significantly," said Graham. "Now, those tax cuts, most of them, only $3 billion, goes to small business. Seventy-five percent of the people in this country work for small business. Of the $787 billion bill, $3 billion is directed to small businesspeople. I think we missed the mark a long way. We increased new government. We did not increase new jobs."

这个计划中11%的钱将会被浪费.大部分的资金将会用于权利开销.而不是创造岗位.27%的资金用于减税.这个下降值得我们关注.” Graham说现在,那些减税,大部分,只有约30亿会用于小型的商业交易.7870亿的计划,只有30亿直接投资于商人.我觉得,我们一直以来都找不到重心.我们壮大了政府,却没有创造出更多的职位.

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