

采用Hebden,More-Sorensen(MS)和二维子空间算法求解Wood function, Extended Powell singular function,Trigonometric function。我们需要比较不同信赖域算法的作用以及信赖域算法和线搜索型方法的比较。我们的数值结果需要包括函数的最优值,如果条件允许的话还需要提供最优点,函数调用次数和迭代次数以及程序的运行结果,如果结果不满足条件,那么需要分析出现这种情况的可能原因。终止条件是 ∥ f ( X k + 1 ) − f ( X k ) ∥ < 1 0 − 8 \parallel f(X_{k+1}) - f(X_{k}) \parallel < 10^{-8} f(Xk+1)f(Xk)<108
Wood function
{ f 1 ( x ) = 10 ( x 2 − x 1 2 ) , f 2 ( x ) = 1 − x 1 , f 3 ( x ) = 9 0 1 2 ( x 4 − x 3 2 ) , f 4 ( x ) = 1 − x 3 , f 5 ( x ) = 1 0 1 2 ( x 2 + x 4 − 2 ) , f 6 ( x ) = 1 0 − 1 2 ( x 2 − x 4 ) . x i n i t = ( − 3 , − 1 , − 3 , − 1 ) , f = 0 , a t ( 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ) \left \{ \begin{array}{r l} f_{1}(x) = 10(x_2 - x_{1}^{2}),\\ f_{2}(x) = 1 - x_{1},\\ f_{3}(x) = 90^{\frac{1}{2}}(x_4 - x_{3}^{2}),\\ f_{4}(x) = 1 - x_3 ,\\ f_{5}(x) = 10^{\frac{1}{2}}(x_2 + x_4 - 2),\\ f_{6}(x) = 10^{-\frac{1}{2}}(x_2 - x_4).\\ \\ x_{init} = (-3,-1,-3,-1),\\ f = 0,\quad at \quad(1,1,1,1) \end{array} \right. f1(x)=10(x2x12),f2(x)=1x1,f3(x)=9021(x4x32),f4(x)=1x3,f5(x)=1021(x2+x42),f6(x)=1021(x2x4).xinit=(3,1,3,1),f=0,at(1,1,1,1)
Extended Powell singular function
{ n v a r i a b l e , n i s a m u l t i p l e o f 4 , f 4 l − 3 ( x ) = x 4 l − 3 + 10 x l − 2 , f 4 l − 2 ( x ) = 5 1 2 ( x 4 l − 1 − x 4 l ) , f 4 l − 1 ( x ) = ( x 4 l − 2 − 2 x 4 l − 1 ) 2 , f 4 l ( x ) = 1 0 1 2 ( x 4 l − 3 − x 4 l ) 2 . x i n i t = ( ξ J ) , ξ 4 J − 3 = 3 , ξ 4 J − 2 = − 1 , ξ 4 J − 1 = 0 , ξ 4 J = 1 , f = 0 a t x i n i t . \left \{ \begin{array}{r l} n \quad variable,n \quad is \quad a \quad multiple \quad of \quad 4,\\ f_{4l-3}(x) = x_{4l-3} + 10x_{l-2},\\ f_{4l-2}(x) = 5^{\frac{1}{2}}(x_{4l-1} - x_{4l}),\\ f_{4l-1}(x) = (x_{4l-2} - 2x_{4l-1})^{2},\\ f_{4l}(x) = 10^{\frac{1}{2}}(x_{4l-3} - x_{4l})^2 .\\ \\ x_{init} = (\xi_{J}),\\ \xi_{4J-3} = 3,\xi_{4J-2} = -1,\xi_{4J-1} = 0,\xi_{4J} = 1,\\ f = 0\quad at \quad x_{init}. \end{array} \right. nvariable,nisamultipleof4,f4l3(x)=x4l3+10xl2,f4l2(x)=521(x4l1x4l),f4l1(x)=(x4l22x4l1)2,f4l(x)=1021(x4l3x4l)2.xinit=(ξJ),ξ4J3=3,ξ4J2=1,ξ4J1=0,ξ4J=1,f=0atxinit.
Trigonometric function
{ n v a r i a b l e , f i ( x ) = n + i ( 1 − c o s ( x i ) ) − s i n ( x i ) − ∑ j n c o s ( x j ) , x i n i t = ( 1 n , 1 n , … , 1 n ) , f = 0. \left \{ \begin{array}{r l} n \quad variable,\\ f_{i}(x) = n + i(1 - cos(x_i)) - sin(x_i) - \sum_{j}^{n} cos(x_j),\\ x_{init} = (\frac{1}{n},\frac{1}{n},\ldots,\frac{1}{n}),\\ f = 0. \end{array} \right. nvariable,fi(x)=n+i(1cos(xi))sin(xi)jncos(xj),xinit=(n1,n1,,n1),f=0.


{ q k ( d ) = f k + g k T d + 1 2 d T G k d , γ k = f ( x k + d ) − f ( x k ) q ( d ) − q ( 0 ) . \left \{ \begin{array}{r l} q_{k}(d) = f_{k} + g_{k}^{T}d + \frac{1}{2}d^{T}G_{k}d,\\ \gamma_{k} = \frac{f(x_k + d) - f(x_k)}{q(d)-q(0)}. \end{array} \right. {qk(d)=fk+gkTd+21dTGkd,γk=q(d)q(0)f(xk+d)f(xk).

1:给定初始点 X 0 , δ 0 > 0 X_0,\delta_0 > 0 X0,δ0>0,k = 0;
2:是否满足条件梯度为0(当k=0时),是否有 ∥ f ( X k + 1 ) − f ( X k ) ∥ < 1 0 − 8 \parallel f(X_{k+1}) - f(X_{k}) \parallel < 10^{-8} f(Xk+1)f(Xk)<108。(当 k > 0 k > 0 k>0);
3:求解子问题,给出下一个迭代点的方向 d k d_k dk
4:计算 γ k \gamma_k γk,若 γ k ≤ 0.25 , δ k + 1 = δ k 4 \gamma_k \leq 0.25,\delta_{k+1} = \frac{\delta_k}{4} γk0.25,δk+1=4δk;若 γ k ≥ 0.25 \gamma_k \geq 0.25 γk0.25并且 ∥ d k ∥ = δ k \parallel d_k \parallel = \delta_k dk=δk,则 δ k + 1 = 2 δ k \delta_{k+1} = 2\delta_k δk+1=2δk;否则 δ k + 1 = δ k \delta_{k+1} = \delta_k δk+1=δk
5:若 γ k ≤ 0 \gamma_k \leq 0 γk0,则 x k + 1 = x k x_{k+1}=x_k xk+1=xk,否则 x k + 1 = x k + d k x_{k+1}=x_k + d_k xk+1=xk+dk k = k + 1 k = k+1 k=k+1,转步2。

## Hebden
考虑方程 ( G k + ν I ) d = g k (G_k + \nu I)d = g_{k} (Gk+νI)d=gk,我们知道 d = d ( ν ) d=d(\nu) d=d(ν),下面简要描述Hebden算法的过程:\par
首先,如果 ∥ d ( 0 ) ∥ ≤ δ k \parallel d(0) \parallel \leq \delta_{k} d(0)δk,则 d k = d ( 0 ) d_k = d(0) dk=d(0),否则的话,我们需要寻找一个 ν \nu ν,使得 ∥ d ( ν ) ∥ = δ k \parallel d(\nu) \parallel = \delta_k d(ν)=δk,根据这个思想我们定义一个函数: φ ( ν ) = ∥ d ( ν ) ∥ − δ k \varphi (\nu) = \parallel d(\nu) \parallel - \delta_k φ(ν)=d(ν)δk,也就是说我们需要求出 φ ( ν ) \varphi(\nu) φ(ν)的零点。为了节约篇幅我们直接给出零点的迭代公式,第j步迭代的公式为:

ν j + 1 = ν j − ( φ ( ν j ) + δ k ) ∗ φ ( ν j ) φ ′ ( ν j ) δ k \nu_{j+1}=\nu_j - \frac{(\varphi(\nu_j) + \delta_k)*\varphi(\nu_j)}{\varphi^{'}(\nu_j)\delta_k} νj+1=νjφ(νj)δk(φ(νj)+δk)φ(νj)
求出 ν \nu ν以后,代入方程\把对应的方向求解出来即可。
这里修改函数 φ \varphi φ的定义为 φ ( ν ) = 1 δ k − 1 ∥ d ( ν ) ∥ \varphi(\nu)=\frac{1}{\delta_k} - \frac{1}{\parallel d(\nu) \parallel} φ(ν)=δk1d(ν)1,,第j步迭代的公式为:

ν j + 1 = ν j − φ ( ν ) φ ′ ( ν ) \nu_{j+1}=\nu_j - \frac{\varphi(\nu)}{\varphi^{'}(\nu)} νj+1=νjφ(ν)φ(ν)
G k G_k Gk正定的时候,求解

min ⁡ d q ( d )  s.t.  ∥ d ∥ ≤ δ , p ∈ span ⁡ [ g , G − 1 g ] \min _{d} q(d) \quad \text { s.t. }\|d\| \leq \delta, p \in \operatorname{span}\left[g, G^{-1} g\right] mindq(d) s.t. dδ,pspan[g,G1g]
G k G_k Gk不正定的时候,
min ⁡ d q ( d )  s.t.  ∥ d ∥ ≤ δ , p ∈ span ⁡ [ g , ( G + ν I ) − 1 g ] \min _{d} q(d) \quad \text { s.t. }\|d\| \leq \delta, p \in \operatorname{span}\left[g, (G + \nu I)^{-1} g\right] mindq(d) s.t. dδ,pspan[g,(G+νI)1g]
其中 ν ∈ ( − λ n , − 2 λ n ) \nu \in (-\lambda_n,-2\lambda_n) ν(λn,2λn) λ n \lambda_n λn G k G_{k} Gk最小的特征值。


Extended Powell singular function
Trigonometric function
Wood function
关于这个函数,本人发现如果选取初始点 X 0 = ( − 3 , − 1 , − 3 , − 1 ) T X_0 = (-3,-1,-3,-1)^T X0=(3,1,3,1)T,上面使用的信赖域方法全都不可用,针对这个问题,本人尝试换一个初始点,采用np.random.randn函数生成一个随机点来开始迭代,这个时候会得到正确的解,下面这个表格展示的就是针对随机初始点的结果。另外就是关于线搜索方法求解,即使使用随机初始点,线搜索仍然没有收敛到精确解,反而在几步之内就停止迭代,经过本人调试发现线搜索的迭代过程中没有找到正确的步长,导致后面迭代基本不动,这里说明线搜索过程还需要进一步完善。如果修改代码使得线搜索能够找到合适的步长就变成下一个需要解决的问题。
四种方法得到最后的收敛解分别是: ( 0.999997150.999994281.000002851.00000572 ) T (0.99999715 0.99999428 1.00000285 1.00000572)^T (0.999997150.999994281.000002851.00000572)T,
( 0.999997150.999994281.000002851.00000572 ) T (0.99999715 0.99999428 1.00000285 1.00000572)^T (0.999997150.999994281.000002851.00000572)T,
( 0.999997150.999994281.000002851.00000572 ) T (0.99999715 0.99999428 1.00000285 1.00000572)^T (0.999997150.999994281.000002851.00000572)T,
( 0.466528390.039486521.394356131.64631839 ) T (0.46652839 0.03948652 1.39435613 1.64631839)^T (0.466528390.039486521.394356131.64631839)T



import numpy as np
import time

def FF(X):
    n = X.shape[1]
    x0 = X[:,0:n:4];x1 = X[:,1:n:4]
    x2 = X[:,2:n:4];x3 = X[:,3:n:4]
    return ((x0 + 10*x1)**2 + 5*(x2 - x3)**2 + (x1 - 2*x2)**4 + 10*(x0 - x3)**4).sum()
def GG(X):
    n = X.shape[1]
    x0 = X[:,0:n:4];x1 = X[:,1:n:4]
    x2 = X[:,2:n:4];x3 = X[:,3:n:4]
    vec = np.zeros_like(X)
    vec[:,0:n:4] = 2*(x0 + 10*x1) + 40*(x0 - x3)**3
    vec[:,1:n:4] = 20*(x0 + 10*x1) + 4*(x1 - 2*x2)**3
    vec[:,2:n:4] = 10*(x2 - x3) - 8*(x1 - 2*x2)**3
    vec[:,3:n:4] = -10*(x2 - x3) - 40*(x0 - x3)**3
    return vec
def HH(X):
    n = X.shape[1]
    x0 = X[:,0:n:4];x1 = X[:,1:n:4]
    x2 = X[:,2:n:4];x3 = X[:,3:n:4]
    diag = np.zeros(n)
    diag[0:n:4] = 2 + 120*(x0 - x3)**2;diag[1:n:4] = 200 + 12*(x1 - 2*x2)**2
    diag[2:n:4] = 10 + 48*(x1 - 2*x2)**2;diag[3:n:4] = 10 + 120*(x0 - x3)**2
    xie1 = np.zeros(n - 1);xie3 = np.zeros(n - 3)
    xie1[0:n - 1:4] = 20;xie1[1:n - 1:4] = -24*(x1 - 2*x2)**2;xie1[2:n - 1:4] = - 10
    xie3[0:n - 3:4] = -120*(x0  - x3)**2
    return np.diag(diag,0) + np.diag(xie1,1) + np.diag(xie1,-1) + np.diag(xie3,3) + np.diag(xie3,-3)
def gold(FF,GG,d,X):
    rho = 0.3
    am = 0;aM = 1;al = 0.5*(am + aM)
    for i in range(100):
        rig1 = FF(X) + rho*al*GG(X)@d.T
        rig2 = FF(X) + (1 - rho)*al*GG(X)@d.T
        lef = FF(X + al*d)
        if lef <= rig1:
            if lef >= rig2:
                am = al
                al = am + 0.618*(aM - am)
            aM = al
            al = am + 0.618*(aM - am)
    al_k = al
    return al_k,2*(i + 1)
def QQ(X,d):#d:[n,1]
    return GG(X)@d + 0.5*d.T@HH(X)@d
def CG(A,b):#只能求解对称正定矩阵
    x = np.zeros_like(b)
    eps = 1e-5
    k = 0
    r = b - A@x;rho = r.T@r
    p = np.zeros_like(r)
    while (np.sqrt(rho) > eps*np.linalg.norm(b)) and (k < 20*b.shape[0]):
        k = k + 1
        if k == 1:
            p = r
            beta = rho/rho_h;p = r + beta*p
        w = A@p;alpha = rho/(p.T@w);x = x + alpha*p
        r = r - alpha*w;rho_h = rho;rho = r.T@r
    return x
def nubest(delta,HH,GG,X,N):#针对Hebden方法求解nu
    n = X.shape[1]
    d = CG(HH(X),-GG(X).T)
    k = 0
    nu = 0
    while (np.linalg.norm(d) > delta) and (k < N):
        k = k + 1
        d = CG(HH(X) + nu*np.eye(n,n),-GG(X).T)#[n,1]
        d_ = CG(HH(X) + nu*np.eye(n,n),- d)#[n,1]
        nu = nu - (np.linalg.norm(d) - delta)*np.linalg.norm(d)**2/(delta*(d*d_).sum())
    return nu
def nuMS(delta,HH,GG,X,N):#针对MS方法求解nu
    n = X.shape[1]
    d = CG(HH(X),-GG(X).T)
    k = 0
    nu = 0
    while (np.linalg.norm(d) > delta) and (k < N):
        k = k + 1
        d = CG(HH(X) + nu*np.eye(n,n),-GG(X).T)#[n,1]
        d_ = CG(HH(X) + nu*np.eye(n,n),- d)#[n,1]
        nu = nu + (delta - np.linalg.norm(d))*np.linalg.norm(d)**2/(delta*(d*d_).sum())
    return nu
def solution(FF,GG,HH,X,N,mode):
    tic = time.time()
    X_new = X.copy()
    n = X.shape[1]
    delta = 10
    fun_iter = 0
    if mode == 'Hebden':
        for k in range(N):
            nu = nubest(delta,HH,GG,X,2*n)
            d = CG(HH(X) + nu*np.eye(n,n),-GG(X).T)
            gama = (FF(X + d.T) - FF(X)).sum()/(QQ(X,d).sum())
            fun_iter += 2
            if gama <= 0.25:
                delta = 0.25*delta
                if gama >= 0.75 and abs(np.linalg.norm(d) - delta) < 1e-5:
                    delta = 2*delta
                    delta = 1.0*delta
            if gama > 0:
                X_new = X + d.T
                X_new = X
            #print('gama = %.4f,delta=%.4e,d=%.4e,fenzi = %.4f'%(gama,delta,np.linalg.norm(d),FF(X) - FF(X + d.T)))
            if gama > 0 and abs(FF(X_new) - FF(X)) < 1e-8:
                X = X_new
            if k%20 == 0:
                print('the iteration:%d,gama = %.4f,fenzi = %.4f'%(k,gama,FF(X) - FF(X + d.T)))
        ela = time.time() - tic
        print('the end iteration:%d,the grad_2 = %.5e,the time:%.3f,number:%d'
              %(k + 1,np.linalg.norm(GG(X_new)),ela,fun_iter))
    if mode == 'erwei':
        for k in range(N):
            if min(np.linalg.eig(HH(X))[0]) > 0:
                nu = 0
                nu = nubest(delta,HH,GG,X,2*n)
            if np.linalg.norm(CG(HH(X) + nu*np.eye(n,n),-GG(X).T)) <= delta:
                d = CG(HH(X) + nu*np.eye(n,n),-GG(X).T)
                d_old = -GG(X).T*GG(X)@GG(X).T/(GG(X)@(HH(X) + nu*np.eye(n,n))@GG(X).T)
                x = d_old;y = CG(HH(X) + nu*np.eye(n,n),-GG(X).T) - d_old
                if np.linalg.norm(d_old) >= delta:
                    d = d_old*delta/np.linalg.norm(d_old)
                    beta = (- x.T@y + np.sqrt(delta*y.T@y))/(y.T@y)
                    d = x + beta*y
            gama = (FF(X + d.T) - FF(X)).sum()/(QQ(X,d).sum())
            fun_iter += 2
            if gama <= 0.25:
                delta = 0.25*delta
                if gama >= 0.75 and abs(np.linalg.norm(d) - delta) < 1e-5:
                    delta = 2*delta
                    delta = 1.0*delta
            if gama > 0:
                X_new = X + d.T
                X_new = X
            #print('gama = %.4f,delta=%.4e,d=%.4e,fenzi = %.4f'%(gama,delta,np.linalg.norm(d),FF(X) - FF(X + d.T)))
            if gama > 0 and abs(FF(X_new) - FF(X)) < 1e-8:
                X = X_new
            if k%20 == 0:
                print('the iteration:%d,gama = %.4f,fenzi = %.4f'%(k,gama,FF(X) - FF(X + d.T)))
        ela = time.time() - tic
        print('the end iteration:%d,the grad_2 = %.5e,the time:%.3f,number:%d'
              %(k + 1,np.linalg.norm(GG(X_new)),ela,fun_iter))
    if mode == 'MS':
        for k in range(N):
            nu = nuMS(delta,HH,GG,X,2*n)
            d = CG(HH(X) + nu*np.eye(n,n),-GG(X).T)
            gama = (FF(X + d.T) - FF(X)).sum()/(QQ(X,d).sum())
            fun_iter += 2
            if gama <= 0.25:
                delta = 0.25*delta
                if gama >= 0.75 and abs(np.linalg.norm(d) - delta) < 1e-5:
                    delta = 2*delta
                    delta = 1.0*delta
            if gama > 0:
                X_new = X + d.T
                X_new = X
            #print('gama = %.4f,delta=%.4e,d=%.4e,fenzi = %.4f'%(gama,delta,np.linalg.norm(d),FF(X) - FF(X + d.T)))
            if gama > 0 and abs(FF(X_new) - FF(X)) < 1e-8:
                X = X_new
            if k%20 == 0:
                print('the iteration:%d,gama = %.4f,fenzi = %.4f'%(k,gama,FF(X) - FF(X + d.T)))
        ela = time.time() - tic
        print('the end iteration:%d,the grad_2 = %.5e,the time:%.3f,number:%d'
              %(k + 1,np.linalg.norm(GG(X_new)),ela,fun_iter))
    if mode == 'newton':
        for k in range(N):
            d = CG(HH(X),-GG(X).T).T
            al,ite = gold(FF,GG,d,X)
            X_new = X + al*d
            fun_iter += 2
            fun_iter += ite
            if abs(FF(X_new) - FF(X)) < 1e-8:
                X = X_new
            if k%20 == 0:
                print('the iteration:%d'%(k))
        ela = time.time() - tic
        print('the end iteration:%d,the grad_2 = %.5e,the time:%.3f,number:%d'
              %(k + 1,np.linalg.norm(GG(X_new)),ela,fun_iter))
    return X_new
n = 100
X = np.zeros([1,n])
for i in range(int(n/4)):
    X[:,4*i] = 3.0
    X[:,4*i + 1] = -1
    X[:,4*i + 3] = 1
N = 300
MODE = ['Hebden','erwei','MS','newton']
for mode in MODE:
    X_new = solution(FF,GG,HH,X,N,mode)
    print('the mode=%s,the value = %.5e'%(mode,FF(X_new)))
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信赖方法是一类求解无约束最优化问题优化算法。下面是一个MATLAB代码示例,用于实现信赖方法: ```matlab function [x, fval, exitflag] = trustregion(fun, x0, options) % TRUSTREGION Trust region method for unconstrained optimization % [X, FVAL, EXITFLAG] = TRUSTREGION(FUN, X0, OPTIONS) finds the minimum % point X of the function FUN starting from the point X0 using trust % region method. FUN is a function handle to the objective function that % accepts a vector input X and returns a scalar objective function value % F. X0 is the initial point and OPTIONS is a structure created using the % OPTIMSET function. The field names in the OPTIONS structure correspond % to parameter names for the TRUSTREGION function. Default values for % parameters not specified in OPTIONS are: % OPTIONS.tol = 1e-6; % OPTIONS.maxIter = 1000; % OPTIONS.maxFunEvals = Inf; % OPTIONS.radius = 1; % OPTIONS.eta = 0.1; % OPTIONS.verbose = false; % % X is the solution found by TRUSTREGION, FVAL is the objective function % value at X, and EXITFLAG is an integer identifying the reason for % termination: % 1 - Function converged to a solution X satisfying the tolerance % criterion. % 0 - Maximum number of iterations or function evaluations reached. % % Example: % fun = @(x) (x(1)-1)^2 + (x(2)-2.5)^2; % x0 = [0 0]; % options = optimset('tol', 1e-8, 'maxIter', 500); % [x, fval, exitflag] = trustregion(fun, x0, options); % % References: % [1] Nocedal, J., & Wright, S. J. (2006). Numerical optimization % (2nd ed.). Springer. % Set default options if not specified by user defaultOptions.tol = 1e-6; defaultOptions.maxIter = 1000; defaultOptions.maxFunEvals = Inf; defaultOptions.radius = 1; defaultOptions.eta = 0.1; defaultOptions.verbose = false; if nargin < 3 options = defaultOptions; else % Fill in missing values of options with defaults optionNames = fieldnames(defaultOptions); for i = 1:length(optionNames) if ~isfield(options, optionNames{i}) options.(optionNames{i}) = defaultOptions.(optionNames{i}); end end end % Initialize variables x = x0; fval = fun(x); grad = gradient(fun, x); Hess = hessian(fun, x); iter = 0; funEvals = 1; % Main loop while true % Compute the Cauchy point [pk, mk] = cauchy(fun, x, grad, Hess, options.radius); % Compute the actual reduction actualReduction = fval - fun(x + pk); % Compute the predicted reduction predictedReduction = -mk + fun(x); % Compute the ratio of actual to predicted reduction rho = actualReduction / predictedReduction; % Update the trust region radius if rho < 0.25 options.radius = options.radius / 4; elseif rho > 0.75 && abs(norm(pk) - options.radius) < options.tol options.radius = min(2 * options.radius, options.maxRadius); end % Update x and fval if the predicted reduction is good if rho > options.eta x = x + pk; fval = fun(x); grad = gradient(fun, x); Hess = hessian(fun, x); funEvals = funEvals + 1; end % Check termination criteria iter = iter + 1; if norm(grad) < options.tol || iter >= options.maxIter || ... funEvals >= options.maxFunEvals break; end % Output iteration information if verbose option is true if options.verbose fprintf('Iteration %d: fval = %g, radius = %g, norm(grad) = %g\n', ... iter, fval, options.radius, norm(grad)); end end % Set exit flag based on termination reason if norm(grad) < options.tol exitflag = 1; else exitflag = 0; end end function [pk, mk] = cauchy(fun, x, grad, Hess, radius) % Compute the Cauchy point for trust region method g = grad(:); H = Hess(:); alpha = norm(g)^3 / (radius * g' * H * g); pk = -alpha * min(radius, norm(g)) * g; mk = fun(x) + g' * pk + 0.5 * pk' * Hess * pk; end function grad = gradient(fun, x) % Compute the gradient of the objective function using central difference n = length(x); grad = zeros(n, 1); h = 1e-6; for i = 1:n xplus = x; xplus(i) = x(i) + h; xminus = x; xminus(i) = x(i) - h; grad(i) = (fun(xplus) - fun(xminus)) / (2 * h); end end function Hess = hessian(fun, x) % Compute the Hessian of the objective function using central difference n = length(x); Hess = zeros(n, n); h = 1e-6; for i = 1:n xplus = x; xplus(i) = x(i) + h; xminus = x; xminus(i) = x(i) - h; gradplus = gradient(fun, xplus); gradminus = gradient(fun, xminus); Hess(:, i) = (gradplus - gradminus) / (2 * h); end end ``` 上述代码实现了信赖方法的主循环,以及计算梯度、海森矩阵和 Cauchy 点的函数。要使用此代码,您需要提供一个函数句柄 `fun`,该函数计算目标函数值,一个初始点 `x0`,以及一个选项结构 `options`,该结构包含有关算法的各种参数设置。请注意,此代码使用中心差分来估计梯度和海森矩阵,因此可能不适用于计算资源受限的问题




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