


∙ \bullet K\quad flows:传输K中不同的数据。
∙ \bullet L\quad link:连接网络节点的L条无向边。
∙ \bullet c l c_l cl:在第 l l l条边上传输数据的最大容量。
∙ \bullet P k P_k Pk:对于不同的k flow,运输成功可选择的路path的数目。
∙ \bullet x k = ( x k , 1 , … , x k , P K ) T \mathbf{x_k}=\left(x_{k,1}, \ldots, x_{k,P_{K}}\right)^T xk=(xk,1,,xk,PK)T x k , i x_{k,i} xk,i表示对于k\quad flow,在第 i i i条路某条边分配的数据量。
给定向量 C = ( c 1 , c 2 , … , c L ) T C=\left(c_{1}, c_{2}, \ldots, c_{L}\right)^T C=(c1,c2,,cL)T,其中 c l ∈ R + , ∀ l c_l \in R^{+},\forall{l} clR+,l。定义:
R k = ( R 1 , 1 k R 1 , 2 k ⋯ R 1 , P k k R 2 , 1 k R 2 , 2 k ⋯ R 2 , P k k ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ R L , 1 k R L , 2 k ⋯ R L , P k k ) R_{k}=\left(\begin{array}{cccc} R_{1,1}^{k} & R_{1,2}^{k} & \cdots & R_{1, P_{k}}^{k} \\ R_{2,1}^{k} & R_{2,2}^{k} & \cdots & R_{2, P_{k}}^{k} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ R_{L, 1}^{k} & R_{L, 2}^{k} & \cdots & R_{L, P_{k}}^{k} \end{array}\right) Rk= R1,1kR2,1kRL,1kR1,2kR2,2kRL,2kR1,PkkR2,PkkRL,Pkk
其中 R k R_{k} Rk中的任意一个元素 ∈ { 0 , 1 } \in \{0,1\} {0,1} P = ∑ i = 1 K P i P=\sum_{i=1}^{K}P_i P=i=1KPi,定义 R ∈ R L × P R \in R^{L\times P} RRL×P,其中 R l , i k = 1 R_{l,i}^k = 1 Rl,ik=1表示运输k\quad flow时,第 i i i条路会经过第 l l l条边:
R = ( R 1 , … , R K ) R=\left(R_{1}, \ldots, R_{K}\right) R=(R1,,RK)
定义向量 x k = ( x k , 1 , x k , 2 , … , x k , P k ) T x_k=\left(x_{k,1}, x_{k,2}, \ldots, x_{k,P_{k}}\right)^T xk=(xk,1,xk,2,,xk,Pk)T,其中 x k , i ≥ 0 , ∀ k , i x_{k,i} \geq 0,\forall{k,i} xk,i0,k,i,且 x k , P k > 0 , ∀ k x_{k,P_{k}} > 0,\forall{k} xk,Pk>0,k。定义 x = ( x 1 , … , x k ) ∈ R P x = (x_1,\ldots,x_k)\in R^P x=(x1,,xk)RP。有了这些定义以后,给出Problem 1的描述:
min ⁡ X max ⁡ l R [ l ] x c l \min _{X} \max _{l} \frac{R[l] x}{c_{l}} minXmaxlclR[l]x
 s.t.  R x ≤ C ∥ x k ∥ 1 = d k x ≥ 0 \text { s.t. } Rx \leq C \\{ } \left\|x_{k}\right\|_{1}=d_{k} \\ x \geq 0  s.t. RxCxk1=dkx0
引入中间变量 t = max ⁡ l y l c l t = \max_{l}\frac{y_l}{c_l} t=maxlclyl,则可以写成下面形式:
min ⁡ t , x , α , β t \min _{t,x,\alpha,\beta} t mint,x,α,βt
 s.t.  R x + α = C , R x + β = t C , 1 T x k = d k , x ≥ 0 , α ≥ 0 , β ≥ 0 , t ≥ 0. \text { s.t. } Rx + \alpha = C,\\{ } Rx + \beta = tC, \\{ } \boldsymbol{1}^T x_k = d_k,\\ x \geq 0,\alpha \geq 0,\beta \geq 0,t \geq 0.  s.t. Rx+α=C,Rx+β=tC,1Txk=dk,x0,α0,β0,t0.
进一步修改得到 ⟶ \longrightarrow
min ⁡ t , x , α , β t , \min _{t,x,\alpha,\beta} t, mint,x,α,βt,
 s.t.  R x + α = C , t C + α − β = C , 1 T x k = d k , x ≥ 0 , α ≥ 0 , β ≥ 0 , t ≥ 0. \text { s.t. } Rx + \alpha = C,\\{ } tC + \alpha - \beta = C, \\{ } \boldsymbol{1}^T x_k = d_k,\\ x \geq 0,\alpha \geq 0,\beta \geq 0,t \geq 0.  s.t. Rx+α=C,tC+αβ=C,1Txk=dk,x0,α0,β0,t0.
∙ \bullet c ^ = ( 0 , … , 0 , 1 ) \hat{c} = (0,\ldots,0,1) c^=(0,,0,1)\
∙ \bullet x ^ = ( x , α , β , t ) T \hat{x} = (x,\alpha,\beta,t)^T x^=(x,α,β,t)T\
∙ \bullet b = ( c 1 , … , c l , c L , … , c L , d 1 , … , d K ) T b = (c_1,\ldots,c_l,c_L,\ldots,c_L,d_1,\ldots,d_K)^T b=(c1,,cl,cL,,cL,d1,,dK)T\
min ⁡ x ^ c ^ T x ^ , \min _{\hat{x}} \hat{c}^T\hat{x}, minx^c^Tx^,
 s.t.  A x ^ = b , x ^ ≥ 0. \text { s.t. } A \hat{x} = b,\\{ } \hat{x} \geq 0.  s.t. Ax^=b,x^0.
其中定义 I L I_L IL L L L阶单位矩阵, C = ( c 1 , … , c L ) T C = (c_1,\ldots,c_L)^T C=(c1,,cL)T以及 S ∈ R K × P S\in R^{K\times P} SRK×P,矩阵 S S S的第一行只有前 P 1 P_1 P1个元素为1,其余为0,第二行元素只有 P 1 + 1 , … , P 1 + P 2 P_1 + 1,\ldots,P_1 + P_2 P1+1,,P1+P2为1,其余为0,类似地,最后一行只有后面 P K P_K PK个元素为1,其余为0.由此得到下面这个系数矩阵 A A A的表达式:
A = [ R I L 0 0 0 I L − I L C S 0 0 0 ] A=\left[\begin{array}{cccc} R & I_L & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & I_L & -I_L & C \\ S & 0 & 0 & 0 \end{array}\right] A= R0SILIL00IL00C0


考虑标准的线性规划问题,其中 A ∈ R m × n , C ∈ R n , b ∈ R m A \in R^{m \times n},C \in R^{n},b \in R^{m} ARm×n,CRn,bRm
min ⁡ x C T x \min_{x} C^{T}x minxCTx
 s.t.  A x = b , \text { s.t. } Ax = b,  s.t. Ax=b,
x ≥ 0. x \geq 0. x0.
众所周知,在利用单纯形法求解线性规划的时候,从当前极点 x x x到下一个极点 x + x^{+} x+的迭代中,假设 x x x的基指标为 B B B,非基指标为 N N N,我们有
c T x + = c T x + ( C N − N T B − T C B ) T x N + c^Tx^{+}=c^Tx + (C_N - N^{T}B^{-T}C_B)^Tx_{N}^{+} cTx+=cTx+(CNNTBTCB)TxN+
由于在指标 N N N中,根据单纯形法, x + x^{+} x+只有一个元素大于0,记为 x q + x_{q}^{+} xq+,如果
( C N − N T B − T C B ) T x N + < 0 (C_N - N^{T}B^{-T}C_B)^Tx_{N}^{+} < 0 (CNNTBTCB)TxN+<0
x x x非最优点,再根据
x B + = B − 1 b − B − 1 A q x q + x_{B}^{+}=B^{-1}b-B^{-1}A_qx_{q}^{+} xB+=B1bB1Aqxq+
我们需要选取适当的 x q + x_{q}^{+} xq+,由此引出了以下几种准则。
q = a r g m i n j ∈ N ( C N − N T B − T C B ) j , ( C N − N T B − T C B ) j < 0. q = arg min_{j \in N}(C_N - N^{T}B^{-T}C_B)_j,(C_N - N^{T}B^{-T}C_B)_j < 0. q=argminjN(CNNTBTCB)j,(CNNTBTCB)j<0.
关于这个Dantzig准则,我们只选取了具体的需要修改的索引位置 q q q,但是具体的 x q + x_{q}^{+} xq+取值为多少,还需要根据来确定,具体的做法是选尽量大的 x q + x_{q}^{+} xq+,使得 x B + x_{B}^{+} xB+只有一个元素为0,其他元素均大于或等于0。
Steepest Edge 准则
q = a r g m i n j ∈ N ( C N − N T B − T C B ) j B − 1 N j , ( C N − N T B − T C B ) j < 0. q =arg min_{j \in N}\frac{(C_N - N^{T}B^{-T}C_B)_j}{B^{-1}N_j},(C_N - N^{T}B^{-T}C_B)_j < 0. q=argminjNB1Nj(CNNTBTCB)j,(CNNTBTCB)j<0.
我们可以这么理解:上面的Dantzig准则类似于最速下降法,每次迭代选取当前迭代的最优方向,但是整体来看却不见得最优,这个Steepest Edge 准则有点类似于做了一个正规化。


我们考虑标准的线性规划问题,引入一个充分大的常数M,定义 C ^ = ( c 1 , … , c n , M , … , M ) , A ^ = ( A , I m ) , x ^ = ( x , x n + 1 , … , x n + m ) \hat{C} = (c_1,\ldots,c_n,M,\ldots,M),\hat{A} = (A,I_{m}),\hat{x} = (x,x_{n + 1},\ldots,x_{n + m}) C^=(c1,,cn,M,,M),A^=(A,Im),x^=(x,xn+1,,xn+m),现在考虑问题:
min ⁡ X C ^ T x ^ \min _{X} \hat{C}^{T}\hat{x} minXC^Tx^
 s.t.  A ^ x ^ = b , \text { s.t. } \hat{A}\hat{x} = b,  s.t. A^x^=b,
x ^ ≥ 0. \hat{x} \geq 0. x^0.
则对于线性规划问题,我们就有第一个初始可行点 x ^ = ( 0 , … , 0 , b 1 , … , b m ) \hat{x}=(0,\ldots,0,b1,\ldots,b_m) x^=(0,,0,b1,,bm),有了这个初始可行点以后,我们就可以根据单纯形法做迭代,得到一个形式为 ( x 1 , … , x n , 0 , … , 0 ) (x_1,\ldots,x_n,0,\ldots,0) (x1,,xn,0,,0)的解,最终得到一个原始问题的初始可行点 ( x 1 , … , x n ) (x_1,\ldots,x_n) (x1,,xn)
说明:这种方法仅限于约束项的 b ≥ 0 b \geq 0 b0的情况(这样才保证大M法在第一步是对的),这里我们需要把M选取为充分大的常数,这样就可以保证,如果原始问题有可行点,那么新问题的最优解一定是类似于 ( x 1 , … , x n , 0 , … , 0 ) (x_1,\ldots,x_n,0,\ldots,0) (x1,,xn,0,,0)的形式,在我们具体操作过程中,这个M的选取并不固定,本人做了几个实验,发现如果采取高斯分布生成 A , b , c A,b,c A,b,c,由于随机种子的不一样,有的时候M的选取会超过 1 0 20 10^{20} 1020,不过在我们这次项目中, A , b , c A,b,c A,b,c的元素相对较小,所以不会受到影响。

import numpy as np
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def Bland(s,indn):
    ind = np.where(s[:,0]<0)[0]
    q = ind[0]
    return indn[q], q

def DanzigSelect(s,indn):#indn非基索引
    q = s.argmin()
    return indn[q], q

def SteepSelect(A_n,s,indn):
    ratio = s/A_n.transpose()
    q = ratio.argmin()
    return indn[q], q
def bigM(c,A,b,piv,M):#使用大M方法求解初始基本可行解
    eps = 1e-6
    [m,n] = A.shape
    x = np.zeros([n + m,1]);x[n:,:] = b
    Ah = np.hstack([A,np.identity(m)])
    ch =  np.vstack([c,M*np.ones([m,1])])
    indb = np.arange(m + n)[n:]#初始基指标索引
    index = np.arange(0,m + n)
    indn = np.delete(index,indb)
    B = Ah[:,indb]#初始B是单位矩阵
    B_inv = B
    N = Ah[:,indn]
    iteration = 0        # determine the max iteration
    while iteration < 500:
        y = np.dot(B_inv.T, ch[indb,:])
        s = ch[indn,:] - N.T@y#C_N - N^TB^{-T}C_B
        if all(s >= 0):#说明这个就是最优解
            print('unbelievabel,the resid:%.2e, done,the epoch:%d'%(np.linalg.norm(Ah@x - b),iteration))
        if piv == 'Danzig':
            q1, q2 = DanzigSelect(s, indn)
        if piv == 'steepest-edge':
            A_re = B_inv@N
            A_n = np.linalg.norm(A_re,axis = 0,keepdims = True)
            q1, q2 = SteepSelect(A_n, s, indn)
        if piv == 'Bland':
            q1, q2 = Bland(s, indn)
        u = B_inv@Ah[:, q1:(q1+1)]   
        if all(u <= 0):#说明最优值无界
            print('Linear program is unbounded.')
        inds1 = np.where(u[:,0] > 0)[0]#找出所有大于0的索引
        inds2 = indb[inds1]#在基指标中把对应大于0的索引全找出来
        ratio = x[inds2,:]/u[inds1,:]
        x_q = min(ratio)        # a number
        p1 = inds2[ratio.argmin()]
        p2 = inds1[ratio.argmin()]
        x[indb,:] = x[indb,:]- x_q*u
        vec = np.zeros([indn.size,1])
        vec[q2,0] = x_q
        x[indn,:] = x[indn,:] + vec
        rho = (x[n:,:]**2).mean()
        if iteration%50 == 0:
            print('epoch:%d,enter basis:%d,quit basis:%d,resid:%.2e,rest err:%.2e'
                  %(iteration,q1,p1,np.linalg.norm(Ah@x - b),rho))
        if rho < eps:
            print('the end epoch:%d,rho:%.2e,the real resid:%.2e'
                  %(iteration,rho,np.linalg.norm(A@x[:n,:] - b)))
            indb = np.delete(indb,p2)
            indb = np.append(indb,q1)
            indn = np.delete(indn,q2)
            indn = np.append(indn,p1)
            B = Ah[:, indb]
            B_inv = np.linalg.inv(B)
            N = Ah[:, indn]
            iteration = iteration + 1
    return x[:n,:]

def simplex(c,A,b,piv,M):
    eps = 1e-6
    [m,n] = A.shape
    x = bigM(c,A,b,piv,M)
    if np.linalg.norm(A@x - b) > eps or (any(x < 0) and min(x) < -eps):
        print('the init solution error')
        return 0
        print('the init solution come on')
    indb = []
    geq = np.where(x > 0)[0]
    eq = np.where(x <= 0)[0]
    indb = np.append(indb,geq)
    if indb.size == m:
    elif indb.size < m:
        er = m - indb.size
        print('basic need:%d'%(er))
        ra = np.random.choice(eq,er,replace = False)
        indb = np.append(indb,ra)
        return 0
    index = np.arange(0,n)
    indb = indb.astype('int32')
    indn = np.delete(index,indb)
    B = A[:,indb]
    B_inv = np.linalg.inv(B)
    N = A[:,indn]
    iteration = 0        # determine the max iteration
    while iteration < 2000:
        y = np.dot(B_inv.T, c[indb,:])
        s = c[indn,:] - N.T@y#C_N - N^TB^{-T}C_B
        value = (c*x).sum()
        if all(s >= 0) or (any(s < 0) and min(s) > -eps):#说明这个就是最优解
            print('the end epoch:%d,resid:%.2e,opt val:%.2e'
                  %(iteration,np.linalg.norm(A@x - b),value))
        if piv == 'Danzig':
            q1, q2 = DanzigSelect(s, indn)
        if piv == 'steepest-edge':
            A_re = B_inv@N
            A_n = np.linalg.norm(A_re,axis = 0,keepdims = True)
            q1, q2 = SteepSelect(A_n, s, indn)
        if piv == 'Bland':
            q1, q2 = Bland(s, indn)
        u = B_inv@A[:, q1:(q1+1)]   
        if all(u <= 0):#说明最优值无界
            print('Linear program is unbounded.')
        inds1 = np.where(u[:,0] > 0)[0]#找出所有大于0的索引
        inds2 = indb[inds1]#在基指标中把对应大于0的索引全找出来
        ratio = x[inds2,:]/u[inds1,:]
        x_q = min(ratio)        # a number
        p1 = inds2[ratio.argmin()]
        p2 = inds1[ratio.argmin()]
        x[indb,:] = x[indb,:]- x_q*u
        vec = np.zeros([indn.size,1])
        vec[q2,0] = x_q
        x[indn,:] = x[indn,:] + vec
        res = np.linalg.norm(A@x - b)
        if res > eps:
            print('blow up,epoch:%d,resid:%.2e'%(iteration,res))
        if iteration%100 == 0:
            print('epoch:%d,enter basis:%d,quit basis:%d,resid:%.2e,opt val:%.2e'
        indb = np.delete(indb,p2)
        indb = np.append(indb,q1)
        indn = np.delete(indn,q2)
        indn = np.append(indn,p1)
        B = A[:, indb]
        B_inv = invB(B_inv,p2,u)
        N = A[:, indn]
        iteration = iteration + 1
    return x

L1 = 100
P1 = 200
k = 5
p = 0.02


R = np.random.binomial(1,p,[L1,P1])#二项分布,生成[L1,P1]行数组,元素全是0或1
d = np.random.gamma(2,2,[k,1])*1#gamma分布,
u = np.random.gamma(2,2,[L1,1])*3+20
s = P1 - k
ind = np.random.randint(0,k,s)#随机抽取0到K之间的整数
S = np.zeros((k,s))
for i in range(s):
    j = ind[i]
    S[j,i] = 1
S = np.hstack((np.identity(k),S))

n = P1+2*L1+1       #364
m = 2*L1+k          #196

# construct the vector c, only the last element is 1
c = np.zeros((n,1))
c[-1,0] = 1

print(c.shape, c[-1,0])

# construct the matrix A
S1 = np.hstack((R,np.zeros((L1,L1)),np.identity(L1),np.zeros((L1,1))))
S2 = np.hstack((np.zeros((L1,P1)),-np.identity(L1),np.identity(L1),u))
S3 = np.hstack((S,np.zeros((k,(2*L1+1)))))
A = np.vstack((S1,S2,S3))

b = np.vstack((u,u,d))
piv = 'Bland'

M = 1e6
x = bigM(c,A,b,piv,M)
#x = simplex(c,A,b,piv,M)



简单介绍一下两阶段法的做法,和上面提到的大M法相比,两阶段法最大的优势就是不需要选择超参数M。仍然以标准的线性规划问题举例,我们的求解过程分成两个阶段进行。下面考虑第一个阶段,其中 y = ( y 1 , … , y m ) y = (y_1,\ldots,y_m) y=(y1,,ym)
min ⁡ x , y ∑ i = 1 m y i \min_{x,y} \sum_{i = 1}^m y_i minx,yi=1myi
 s.t.  A x + I m y = b , \text { s.t. } Ax + I_m y = b,  s.t. Ax+Imy=b,
x , y ≥ 0. x,y \geq 0. x,y0.
第一种情况:问题的最优解 ( x , y ) (x,y) (x,y)的基指标包含人工变量 y y y的指标,此时说明原始线性规划退化,这个时候需要做一些替换,不断把包含 y y y的基指标替换出来,然后得到初始可行解。
第二种情况:问题的最优解 ( x , y ) (x,y) (x,y)的基指标不包含人工变量 y y y的指标,此时说明我们可以直接把 x x x作为一个初始可行解来使用。

import numpy as np

def Bland(s,indn):
    ind = np.where(s[:,0]<0)[0]
    q = ind[0]
    return indn[q], q

def DanzigSelect(s,indn):#indn非基索引
    q = s.argmin()
    return indn[q], q

def SteepSelect(A_n,s,indn):
    ratio = s/A_n.transpose()
    q = ratio.argmin()
    return indn[q], q
def invB(B_inv,p,u):
    Bv = B_inv.copy()
    Bv[p,:] = Bv[p,:]/u[p,0]
    m = u.size
    ind = []
    for i in range(m):
        if i == p:
            Bv[i,:] = Bv[i,:] - u[i,0]*Bv[p,:]
    Bv = Bv[ind,:]
    return Bv
def stage_one(A,b,piv):#使用大M方法求解初始基本可行解
    eps = 1e-6
    [m,n] = A.shape
    x = np.zeros([n + m,1]);x[n:,:] = b
    Ah = np.hstack([A,np.identity(m)])
    ch =  np.zeros([n + m,1]);ch[n:,:] = np.ones([m,1])
    indb = np.arange(m + n)[n:]#初始基指标索引
    index = np.arange(0,m + n)
    indn = np.delete(index,indb)
    B = Ah[:,indb]#初始B是单位矩阵
    B_inv = B
    N = Ah[:,indn]
    iteration = 0        # determine the max iteration
    while iteration < 1000:
        y = np.dot(B_inv.T, ch[indb,:])
        s = ch[indn,:] - N.T@y#C_N - N^TB^{-T}C_B
        if all(s >= 0):#说明这个就是最优解
            print('unbelievabel,the resid:%.2e, done,the epoch:%d'%(np.linalg.norm(Ah@x - b),iteration))
        if piv == 'Danzig':
            q1, q2 = DanzigSelect(s, indn)
        if piv == 'steepest-edge':
            A_re = B_inv@N
            A_n = np.linalg.norm(A_re,axis = 0,keepdims = True)
            q1, q2 = SteepSelect(A_n, s, indn)
        if piv == 'Bland':
            q1, q2 = Bland(s, indn)
        u = B_inv@Ah[:, q1:(q1+1)]   
        if all(u <= 0):#说明最优值无界
            print('Linear program is unbounded.')
        inds1 = np.where(u[:,0] > 0)[0]#找出所有大于0的索引
        inds2 = indb[inds1]#在基指标中把对应大于0的索引全找出来
        ratio = x[inds2,:]/u[inds1,:]
        x_q = min(ratio)        # a number
        p1 = inds2[ratio.argmin()]
        p2 = inds1[ratio.argmin()]
        x[indb,:] = x[indb,:]- x_q*u
        vec = np.zeros([indn.size,1])
        vec[q2,0] = x_q
        x[indn,:] = x[indn,:] + vec
        aug = np.linalg.norm(Ah@x - b)
        if aug > eps:
            print('blow up,epoch:%d,aug resid:%.2e'%(iteration,aug))
        value = x[n:,:].sum()
        if iteration%100 == 0:
            print('epoch:%d,enter basis:%d,quit basis:%d,resid:%.2e,opt val:%.2e'
        if value < eps:
            print('the end epoch:%d,opt val:%.2e,the real resid:%.2e'
                  %(iteration,value,np.linalg.norm(A@x[:n,:] - b)))
            indb = np.delete(indb,p2)
            indb = np.append(indb,q1)
            indn = np.delete(indn,q2)
            indn = np.append(indn,p1)
            B = Ah[:, indb]
            B_inv = invB(B_inv,p2,u)
            N = Ah[:, indn]
            iteration = iteration + 1
    return x[:n,:]

def stage_two(c,A,b,piv,L,P,K):
    eps = 1e-6
    [m,n] = A.shape
    x = stage_one(A,b,piv)
    if np.linalg.norm(A@x - b) > eps or (any(x < 0) and min(x) < -eps):
        print('the init solution error')
        return 0
        print('the init solution come on')
    geq = np.where(x > eps)[0]
    eq = np.where(x == 0)[0]
    #eeq = np.where(any(x > 0 and x < eps))[0]
    if geq.size < m:
        er = m - geq.size
        ra = np.random.choice(eq.size,er)
        indb = np.append(geq,eq[ra])
    elif geq.size > m:
        return 0
        indb = geq
    index = np.arange(0,n)
    indn = np.delete(index,indb)
    B = A[:,indb]
    B_inv = np.linalg.inv(B)
    N = A[:,indn]
    iteration = 0        # determine the max iteration
    while iteration < 2000:
        y = np.dot(B_inv.T, c[indb,:])
        s = c[indn,:] - N.T@y#C_N - N^TB^{-T}C_B
        value = (c*x).sum()
        if all(s >= 0) or (any(s < 0) and min(s) > -eps):#说明这个就是最优解
            print('the end epoch:%d,resid:%.2e,opt val:%.2e'
                  %(iteration,np.linalg.norm(A@x - b),value))
        if piv == 'Danzig':
            q1, q2 = DanzigSelect(s, indn)
        if piv == 'steepest-edge':
            A_re = B_inv@N
            A_n = np.linalg.norm(A_re,axis = 0,keepdims = True)
            q1, q2 = SteepSelect(A_n, s, indn)
        if piv == 'Bland':
            q1, q2 = Bland(s, indn)
        u = B_inv@A[:, q1:(q1+1)]   
        if all(u <= 0):#说明最优值无界
            print('Linear program is unbounded.')
        inds1 = np.where(u[:,0] > 0)[0]#找出所有大于0的索引
        inds2 = indb[inds1]#在基指标中把对应大于0的索引全找出来
        ratio = x[inds2,:]/u[inds1,:]
        x_q = min(ratio)        # a number
        p1 = inds2[ratio.argmin()]
        p2 = inds1[ratio.argmin()]
        x[indb,:] = x[indb,:]- x_q*u
        vec = np.zeros([indn.size,1])
        vec[q2,0] = x_q
        x[indn,:] = x[indn,:] + vec
        res = np.linalg.norm(A@x - b)
        if res > eps:
            print('blow up,epoch:%d,resid:%.2e'%(iteration,res))
        if iteration%100 == 0:
            print('epoch:%d,enter basis:%d,quit basis:%d,resid:%.2e,opt val:%.2e'
        indb = np.delete(indb,p2)
        indb = np.append(indb,q1)
        indn = np.delete(indn,q2)
        indn = np.append(indn,p1)
        B = A[:, indb]
        B_inv = invB(B_inv,p2,u)
        N = A[:, indn]
        iteration = iteration + 1
    return x

L = 64
P = 128
K = 30
p = 0.02


# seed 1 with 512,1024, Danzig beats steepest
# seed 1 with 256, 512 steepest beats Danzig

R = np.random.binomial(1,p,[L,P])#二项分布,生成[L1,P1]行数组,元素全是0或1
d = np.random.gamma(2,2,[K,1])*1#gamma分布,
u = np.random.gamma(2,2,[L,1])*3+20
s = P - K
ind = np.random.randint(0,K,s)#随机抽取0到K之间的整数
S = np.zeros((K,s))
for i in range(s):
    j = ind[i]
    S[j,i] = 1
S = np.hstack((np.identity(K),S))

L = R.shape[0];P = R.shape[1];K = S.shape[0]
m = 2*L + K;n = P + 2*L + 1
row1 = np.hstack([R,np.identity(L),np.zeros([L,L]),np.zeros([L,1])])
row2 = np.hstack([np.zeros([L,P]),np.identity(L),-np.identity(L),u])
row3 = np.hstack([S,np.zeros([K,2*L + 1])])
A = np.vstack([row1,row2,row3])
b = np.vstack([u,u,d])
c = np.zeros([n,1]);c[-1,0] = 1.0
#piv = 'Bland'
piv = 'Danzig'
x = stage_two(c,A,b,piv,L,P,K)

print(all(x >= 0))
geq = np.where(x > 0)[0]
eq = np.where(x == 0)[0]
leq = np.where(x < 0)[0]
print('the nagetive value:')



min ⁡ x , y ∑ i = 1 K + L z i ,  s.t.  S x = d , R x + y = C , x ≥ 0. \begin{array}{cl} \min _{x,y} & \sum_{i = 1}^{K + L} z_i, \\ \text { s.t. } & Sx = d,\\{ } & Rx + y = C,\\{ }& x \geq 0. \end{array} minx,y s.t. i=1K+LziSx=d,Rx+y=C,x0.
利用两阶段法的第一个阶段来求解第一个子问题\ref{sub1},不妨记为 ( x , y ) = ( x 1 : P , x P : P + L ) (x,y)=(x_{1:P},x_{P:P + L}) (x,y)=(x1:P,xP:P+L)。\
然后我们定义一个变量 t t t,定义后续给出。现在我们定义第二个子问题: x P : P + L − x + t C = C x_{P:P+L} - x + tC=C xP:P+Lx+tC=C
求解第二个子问题我们得到的解记为 x P + L : P + 2 L x_{P+L:P+2L} xP+L:P+2L,很容易看出 x P + L : P + 2 L = x P : P + L + ( t − 1 ) C x_{P+L:P+2L}=x_{P:P+L} + (t-1)C xP+L:P+2L=xP:P+L+(t1)C。最终我们得到第一个初始可行解为:
∙ \bullet x = ( x 1 : P , x P : P + L , x P + L : P + 2 L , t ) x = (x_{1:P},x_{P:P+L},x_{P+L:P+2L},t) x=(x1:P,xP:P+L,xP+L:P+2L,t)
根据上面求解过程,我们知道 x 1 : P ≥ 0 , x P : P + L ≥ 0 x_{1:P} \geq 0,x_{P:P+L} \geq 0 x1:P0xP:P+L0,并且元素为0 的个数至少是 P − K P - K PK。如果元素为0的个数是 P − K + 1 P - K + 1 PK+1,我们选取合适的 t ≥ 0 t \geq 0 t0,则会有 x ≥ 0 x \geq 0 x0,此时得到的解非0元素的个数至少是 P + 1 − K = m − n P + 1 - K = m - n P+1K=mn,那么这个就可以作为我们的初始可行解。\par
如果元素为0的个数恰好是 P − K P - K PK,我们可以选取合适的 t ≥ 0 t \geq 0 t0,这里选择 t = 1 − min ⁡ 0 ≤ j ≤ L − 1 x P : P + j C j t = 1 - \min_{0 \leq j \leq L-1}\frac{x_{P:P+j}}{C_j} t=1min0jL1CjxP:P+j,这个其实还原为原始问题就是 t = 1 − min ⁡ 0 ≤ j ≤ L − 1 α C j t = 1 - \min_{0 \leq j \leq L-1}\frac{\alpha}{C_j} t=1min0jL1Cjα,由于 R x + α = C Rx+\alpha=C Rx+α=C,很明显有 t ≥ 0 t \geq 0 t0,使得 x P + L : P + 2 L x_{P+L:P+2L} xP+L:P+2L恰好只有一个元素是0,其余都大于0,经过这个过程,得到的解非0元素的个数至少是 P + 1 − K = n − m P + 1 - K = n - m P+1K=nm,那么也得到初始可行解
在得到初始可行解以后,我们需要做一个判断,如果初始可行解 x 0 x_0 x0存在 m m m个元素大于0,其余元素为0,那么我们就可以得到相应的基指标。如果初始可行解 x 0 x_0 x0大于0的元素个数小于 m m m,那么我们需要把那些大于0元素的索引取出来,然后再根据适当的原则选取差额索引数目放入得到基指标。
在具体的代码实现中,我们可以有上述提到的两种准则可以使用,这里需要求解基矩阵 B B B的逆矩阵,这个我们也做了相应的处理。在给定上一次迭代使用的基矩阵我们记为 B 1 B_1 B1,假设 B 1 = ( A 1 , … , A p − 1 , A p , A p + 1 , … , A m ) B_1 = (A_{1},\ldots,A_{p-1},A_{p},A_{p+1},\ldots,A_{m}) B1=(A1,,Ap1,Ap,Ap+1,,Am)和对应的逆矩阵 B 1 − 1 B_1^{-1} B11前提下,新的基矩阵 B 2 = ( A 1 , … , A p − 1 , A p + 1 , … , A m , A q ) B_2 = (A_{1},\ldots,A_{p-1},A_{p+1},\ldots,A_{m},A_q) B2=(A1,,Ap1,Ap+1,,Am,Aq),则我们有 B 1 − 1 B 2 = ( e 1 , … , e p − 1 , e p + 1 , … , e m , B 1 − 1 A q ) B_1^{-1}B_2 = (e_1,\ldots,e_{p-1},e_{p+1},\ldots,e_m,B_1^{-1}A_q) B11B2=(e1,,ep1,ep+1,,em,B11Aq),此时我们可以在 B 1 − 1 B_1^{-1} B11的基础上做初等变换得到新矩阵 B 2 B_2 B2的逆矩阵。



import numpy as np
import time
def Bland(s,indn):
    ind = np.where(s[:,0]<0)[0]
    q = ind[0]
    return indn[q], q

def DanzigSelect(s,indn):#indn非基索引
    q = s.argmin()
    return indn[q], q

def SteepSelect(A_n,s,indn):
    ratio = s/A_n.transpose()
    q = ratio.argmin()
    return indn[q], q
def invB(B_inv,p,u):
    Bv = B_inv.copy()
    Bv[p,:] = Bv[p,:]/u[p,0]
    m = u.size
    ind = []
    for i in range(m):
        if i == p:
            Bv[i,:] = Bv[i,:] - u[i,0]*Bv[p,:]
    Bv = Bv[ind,:]
    return Bv
def stage_one(A,b):#使用大M方法求解初始基本可行解
    eps = 1e-6
    [m,n] = A.shape
    x = np.zeros([n + m,1]);x[n:,:] = b
    Ah = np.hstack([A,np.identity(m)])
    ch =  np.zeros([n + m,1]);ch[n:,:] = np.ones([m,1])
    indb = np.arange(m + n)[n:]#初始基指标索引
    index = np.arange(0,m + n)
    indn = np.delete(index,indb)
    B = Ah[:,indb]#初始B是单位矩阵
    B_inv = B
    N = Ah[:,indn]
    iteration = 0        # determine the max iteration
    while iteration < 1000:
        y = np.dot(B_inv.T, ch[indb,:])
        s = ch[indn,:] - N.T@y#C_N - N^TB^{-T}C_B
        if all(s >= 0):#说明这个就是最优解
            print('unbelievabel,the resid:%.2e, done,the epoch:%d'%(np.linalg.norm(Ah@x - b),iteration))
        z = np.random.rand(1)
        if (z >= 0 and z <= 1/3):
            q1, q2 = DanzigSelect(s, indn)
        elif (z >= 1/3 and z <= 2/3):
            A_re = B_inv@N
            A_n = np.linalg.norm(A_re,axis = 0,keepdims = True)
            q1, q2 = SteepSelect(A_n, s, indn)
            q1, q2 = Bland(s, indn)
        u = B_inv@Ah[:, q1:(q1+1)]   
        if all(u <= 0):#说明最优值无界
            print('Linear program is unbounded.')
        inds1 = np.where(u[:,0] > 0)[0]#找出所有大于0的索引
        inds2 = indb[inds1]#在基指标中把对应大于0的索引全找出来
        ratio = x[inds2,:]/u[inds1,:]
        x_q = min(ratio)        # a number
        p1 = inds2[ratio.argmin()]
        p2 = inds1[ratio.argmin()]
        x[indb,:] = x[indb,:]- x_q*u
        vec = np.zeros([indn.size,1])
        vec[q2,0] = x_q
        x[indn,:] = x[indn,:] + vec
        aug = np.linalg.norm(Ah@x - b)
        if aug > eps:
            print('blow up,epoch:%d,aug resid:%.2e'%(iteration,aug))
        value = x[n:,:].sum()
        if iteration%100 == 0:
            print('epoch:%d,enter basis:%d,quit basis:%d,resid:%.2e,opt val:%.2e'
        if value < eps and all(s) >= 0:
            print('the end epoch:%d,opt val:%.2e,the real resid:%.2e'
                  %(iteration,value,np.linalg.norm(A@x[:n,:] - b)))
            indb = np.delete(indb,p2)
            indb = np.append(indb,q1)
            indn = np.delete(indn,q2)
            indn = np.append(indn,p1)
            B = Ah[:, indb]
            B_inv = invB(B_inv,p2,u)
            N = Ah[:, indn]
            iteration = iteration + 1
    return x[:n]
def MCF(A,b,L,P,K):
    S = A[2*L:,:P]
    R = A[:L,:P]
    indb = []
    [m,n] = A.shape
    u = b[:L,:];d = b[2*L:,:]
    A1 = np.hstack([S,np.zeros([K,L])])
    A2 = np.hstack([R,np.identity(L)])
    Ar = np.vstack([A1,A2])
    br = np.vstack([d,u])
    x = np.zeros([n,1])
    x[:P + L,:] = stage_one(Ar,br)
    geq = np.where(x[:P + L,:] > 0)[0]
    indb = np.append(indb,geq)
    #print(indb.size,K + L)
    if geq.size < K + L:
        radio = min(x[P:P + L,:]/u)
        M = 1.0 - radio# + 1e-2
        geq3 = np.arange(P + L,P + 2*L)
        indb = np.append(indb,geq3)
        if indb.size == K + 2*L - 1:
            er = K + 2*L - 1 - indb.size
            index = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(0,P + L),geq)
            ra = np.random.choice(index,er,replace = False)
            indb = np.append(indb,ra)
        radio = min(x[P:P + L,:]/u)
        ind = np.argmin(x[P:P + L,:]/u) + P + L
        geq3 = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(P + L,P + 2*L),ind)
        indb = np.append(indb,geq3)
        M = 1 - radio
    x[-1,0] = M
    indb = np.append(indb,P + 2*L)
    for i in range(L):
        x[P + L + i,0] = x[P + i,0] + (M - 1)*u[i,0]
    return x,indb
def stage_two(c,A,b,L,P,K):
    eps = 1e-6
    [m,n] = A.shape
    x,indb = MCF(A,b,L,P,K)
    if np.linalg.norm(A@x - b) > eps or (any(x < 0) and min(x) < -eps):
        print('the init solution error')
        return 0
        print('the init solution come on')
    indb = indb.astype('int32')
    index = np.arange(0,n)
    indn = np.delete(index,indb)
    B = A[:,indb]
    B_inv = np.linalg.inv(B)
    N = A[:,indn]
    iteration = 0        # determine the max iteration
    while iteration < 3000:
        y = np.dot(B_inv.T, c[indb,:])
        s = c[indn,:] - N.T@y#C_N - N^TB^{-T}C_B
        value = (c*x).sum()
        if all(s >= 0) or (any(s < 0) and min(s) > -eps):#说明这个就是最优解
            print('the end epoch:%d,resid:%.2e,opt val:%.2e'
                  %(iteration,np.linalg.norm(A@x - b),value))
        z = np.random.rand(1)
        if (z >= 0 and z <= 1/3):
            q1, q2 = DanzigSelect(s, indn)
        elif (z >= 1/3 and z <= 2/3):
            A_re = B_inv@N
            A_n = np.linalg.norm(A_re,axis = 0,keepdims = True)
            q1, q2 = SteepSelect(A_n, s, indn)
            q1, q2 = Bland(s, indn)
        u = B_inv@A[:, q1:(q1+1)]   
        if all(u <= 0):#说明最优值无界
            print('Linear program is unbounded.')
        inds1 = np.where(u[:,0] > 0)[0]#找出所有大于0的索引
        inds2 = indb[inds1]#在基指标中把对应大于0的索引全找出来
        ratio = x[inds2,:]/u[inds1,:]
        x_q = min(ratio)        # a number
        p1 = inds2[ratio.argmin()]
        p2 = inds1[ratio.argmin()]
        x[indb,:] = x[indb,:]- x_q*u
        vec = np.zeros([indn.size,1])
        vec[q2,0] = x_q
        x[indn,:] = x[indn,:] + vec
        res = np.linalg.norm(A@x - b)
        if res > eps:
            print('blow up,epoch:%d,resid:%.2e'%(iteration,res))
        if iteration%100 == 0:
            print('epoch:%d,enter basis:%d,quit basis:%d,resid:%.2e,opt val:%.2e'
        indb = np.delete(indb,p2)
        indb = np.append(indb,q1)
        indn = np.delete(indn,q2)
        indn = np.append(indn,p1)
        B = A[:, indb]
        B_inv = invB(B_inv,p2,u)
        N = A[:, indn]
        iteration = iteration + 1
    return x

#L1 = 128
L1 = 64
P1 = 1024
k = 50
p = 0.02


# seed 1 with 512,1024, Danzig beats steepest
# seed 1 with 256, 512 steepest beats Danzig

R = np.random.binomial(1,p,[L1,P1])#二项分布,生成[L1,P1]行数组,元素全是0或1
d = np.random.gamma(2,2,[k,1])*1#gamma分布,
u = np.random.gamma(2,2,[L1,1])*3+20
s = P1 - k
ind = np.random.randint(0,k,s)#随机抽取0到K之间的整数
S = np.zeros((k,s))
for i in range(s):
    j = ind[i]
    S[j,i] = 1
S = np.hstack((np.identity(k),S))
n = P1+2*L1+1       #364
m = 2*L1+k          #196

# construct the vector c, only the last element is 1
c = np.zeros((n,1))
c[-1,0] = 1

# construct the matrix A
S1 = np.hstack((R,np.identity(L1),np.zeros((L1,L1)),np.zeros((L1,1))))
S2 = np.hstack((np.zeros((L1,P1)),np.identity(L1),-np.identity(L1),u))
S3 = np.hstack((S,np.zeros((k,(2*L1+1)))))
A = np.vstack((S1,S2,S3))

b = np.vstack((u,u,d))

L = R.shape[0];P = R.shape[1];K = S.shape[0]
m = 2*L + K;n = P + 2*L + 1
row1 = np.hstack([R,np.identity(L),np.zeros([L,L]),np.zeros([L,1])])
row2 = np.hstack([np.zeros([L,P]),np.identity(L),-np.identity(L),u])
row3 = np.hstack([S,np.zeros([K,2*L + 1])])
A = np.vstack([row1,row2,row3])
b = np.vstack([u,u,d])
c = np.zeros([n,1]);c[-1,0] = 1.0
#piv = 'Bland'
#piv = 'Danzig'

st = time.time()
x = stage_two(c,A,b,L,P,K)
ela = time.time() - st

print(all(x >= 0),': use time:%.2f'%(ela))
geq = np.where(x > 0)[0]
eq = np.where(x == 0)[0]
leq = np.where(x < 0)[0]
print('geq num:%d,eq num:%d,leq num:%d, m=%d,n=%d'%(geq.size,eq.size,leq.size,m,n))
print('the nagetive element:')


import numpy as np
import time
def Bland(s,indn):
    ind = np.where(s[:,0]<0)[0]
    q = ind[0]
    return indn[q], q

def DanzigSelect(s,indn):#indn非基索引
    q = s.argmin()
    return indn[q], q

def SteepSelect(A_n,s,indn):
    ratio = s/A_n.transpose()
    q = ratio.argmin()
    return indn[q], q
def invB(B_inv,p,u):
    Bv = B_inv.copy()
    Bv[p,:] = Bv[p,:]/u[p,0]
    m = u.size
    ind = []
    for i in range(m):
        if i == p:
            Bv[i,:] = Bv[i,:] - u[i,0]*Bv[p,:]
    Bv = Bv[ind,:]
    return Bv
def stage_one(A,b,piv):#使用大M方法求解初始基本可行解
    eps = 1e-6
    [m,n] = A.shape
    x = np.zeros([n + m,1]);x[n:,:] = b
    Ah = np.hstack([A,np.identity(m)])
    ch =  np.zeros([n + m,1]);ch[n:,:] = np.ones([m,1])
    indb = np.arange(m + n)[n:]#初始基指标索引
    index = np.arange(0,m + n)
    indn = np.delete(index,indb)
    B = Ah[:,indb]#初始B是单位矩阵
    B_inv = B
    N = Ah[:,indn]
    iteration = 0        # determine the max iteration
    while iteration < 1000:
        y = np.dot(B_inv.T, ch[indb,:])
        s = ch[indn,:] - N.T@y#C_N - N^TB^{-T}C_B
        if all(s >= 0):#说明这个就是最优解
            print('unbelievabel,the resid:%.2e, done,the epoch:%d'%(np.linalg.norm(Ah@x - b),iteration))
        if piv == 'Danzig':
            q1, q2 = DanzigSelect(s, indn)
        if piv == 'steepest-edge':
            A_re = B_inv@N
            A_n = np.linalg.norm(A_re,axis = 0,keepdims = True)
            q1, q2 = SteepSelect(A_n, s, indn)
        if piv == 'Bland':
            q1, q2 = Bland(s, indn)
        u = B_inv@Ah[:, q1:(q1+1)]   
        if all(u <= 0):#说明最优值无界
            print('Linear program is unbounded.')
        inds1 = np.where(u[:,0] > 0)[0]#找出所有大于0的索引
        inds2 = indb[inds1]#在基指标中把对应大于0的索引全找出来
        ratio = x[inds2,:]/u[inds1,:]
        x_q = min(ratio)        # a number
        p1 = inds2[ratio.argmin()]
        p2 = inds1[ratio.argmin()]
        x[indb,:] = x[indb,:]- x_q*u
        vec = np.zeros([indn.size,1])
        vec[q2,0] = x_q
        x[indn,:] = x[indn,:] + vec
        aug = np.linalg.norm(Ah@x - b)
        if aug > eps:
            print('blow up,epoch:%d,aug resid:%.2e'%(iteration,aug))
        value = x[n:,:].sum()
        if iteration%100 == 0:
            print('epoch:%d,enter basis:%d,quit basis:%d,resid:%.2e,opt val:%.2e'
        if value < eps and all(s) >= 0:
            print('the end epoch:%d,opt val:%.2e,the real resid:%.2e'
                  %(iteration,value,np.linalg.norm(A@x[:n,:] - b)))
            indb = np.delete(indb,p2)
            indb = np.append(indb,q1)
            indn = np.delete(indn,q2)
            indn = np.append(indn,p1)
            B = Ah[:, indb]
            B_inv = invB(B_inv,p2,u)
            N = Ah[:, indn]
            iteration = iteration + 1
    return x[:n]
def MCF(A,b,L,P,K):
    S = A[2*L:,:P]
    R = A[:L,:P]
    indb = []
    [m,n] = A.shape
    u = b[:L,:];d = b[2*L:,:]
    A1 = np.hstack([S,np.zeros([K,L])])
    A2 = np.hstack([R,np.identity(L)])
    Ar = np.vstack([A1,A2])
    br = np.vstack([d,u])
    x = np.zeros([n,1])
    x[:P + L,:] = stage_one(Ar,br,piv = 'Bland')
    geq = np.where(x[:P + L,:] > 0)[0]
    indb = np.append(indb,geq)
    #print(indb.size,K + L)
    if geq.size < K + L:
        radio = min(x[P:P + L,:]/u)
        M = 1.0 - radio# + 1e-2
        geq3 = np.arange(P + L,P + 2*L)
        indb = np.append(indb,geq3)
        if indb.size == K + 2*L - 1:
            er = K + 2*L - 1 - indb.size
            index = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(0,P + L),geq)
            ra = np.random.choice(index,er,replace = False)
            indb = np.append(indb,ra)
        radio = min(x[P:P + L,:]/u)
        ind = np.argmin(x[P:P + L,:]/u) + P + L
        geq3 = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(P + L,P + 2*L),ind)
        indb = np.append(indb,geq3)
        M = 1 - radio
    x[-1,0] = M
    indb = np.append(indb,P + 2*L)
    for i in range(L):
        x[P + L + i,0] = x[P + i,0] + (M - 1)*u[i,0]
    return x,indb
def stage_two(c,A,b,piv,L,P,K):
    eps = 1e-6
    [m,n] = A.shape
    x,indb = MCF(A,b,L,P,K)
    if np.linalg.norm(A@x - b) > eps or (any(x < 0) and min(x) < -eps):
        print('the init solution error')
        return 0
        print('the init solution come on')
    indb = indb.astype('int32')
    index = np.arange(0,n)
    indn = np.delete(index,indb)
    B = A[:,indb]
    B_inv = np.linalg.inv(B)
    N = A[:,indn]
    iteration = 0        # determine the max iteration
    while iteration < 2000:
        y = np.dot(B_inv.T, c[indb,:])
        s = c[indn,:] - N.T@y#C_N - N^TB^{-T}C_B
        value = (c*x).sum()
        if all(s >= 0) or (any(s < 0) and min(s) > -eps):#说明这个就是最优解
            print('the end epoch:%d,resid:%.2e,opt val:%.2e'
                  %(iteration,np.linalg.norm(A@x - b),value))
        if piv == 'Danzig':
            q1, q2 = DanzigSelect(s, indn)
        if piv == 'steepest-edge':
            A_re = B_inv@N
            A_n = np.linalg.norm(A_re,axis = 0,keepdims = True)
            q1, q2 = SteepSelect(A_n, s, indn)
        if piv == 'Bland':
            q1, q2 = Bland(s, indn)
        u = B_inv@A[:, q1:(q1+1)]   
        if all(u <= 0):#说明最优值无界
            print('Linear program is unbounded.')
        inds1 = np.where(u[:,0] > 0)[0]#找出所有大于0的索引
        inds2 = indb[inds1]#在基指标中把对应大于0的索引全找出来
        ratio = x[inds2,:]/u[inds1,:]
        x_q = min(ratio)        # a number
        p1 = inds2[ratio.argmin()]
        p2 = inds1[ratio.argmin()]
        x[indb,:] = x[indb,:]- x_q*u
        vec = np.zeros([indn.size,1])
        vec[q2,0] = x_q
        x[indn,:] = x[indn,:] + vec
        res = np.linalg.norm(A@x - b)
        if res > eps:
            print('blow up,epoch:%d,resid:%.2e'%(iteration,res))
        if iteration%100 == 0:
            print('epoch:%d,enter basis:%d,quit basis:%d,resid:%.2e,opt val:%.2e'
        indb = np.delete(indb,p2)
        indb = np.append(indb,q1)
        indn = np.delete(indn,q2)
        indn = np.append(indn,p1)
        B = A[:, indb]
        B_inv = invB(B_inv,p2,u)
        N = A[:, indn]
        iteration = iteration + 1
    return x

L1 = 128
P1 = 1024
k = 50
p = 0.02


# seed 1 with 512,1024, Danzig beats steepest
# seed 1 with 256, 512 steepest beats Danzig

R = np.random.binomial(1,p,[L1,P1])#二项分布,生成[L1,P1]行数组,元素全是0或1
d = np.random.gamma(2,2,[k,1])*1#gamma分布,
u = np.random.gamma(2,2,[L1,1])*3+20
s = P1 - k
ind = np.random.randint(0,k,s)#随机抽取0到K之间的整数
S = np.zeros((k,s))
for i in range(s):
    j = ind[i]
    S[j,i] = 1
S = np.hstack((np.identity(k),S))
n = P1+2*L1+1       #364
m = 2*L1+k          #196

# construct the vector c, only the last element is 1
c = np.zeros((n,1))
c[-1,0] = 1

# construct the matrix A
S1 = np.hstack((R,np.identity(L1),np.zeros((L1,L1)),np.zeros((L1,1))))
S2 = np.hstack((np.zeros((L1,P1)),np.identity(L1),-np.identity(L1),u))
S3 = np.hstack((S,np.zeros((k,(2*L1+1)))))
A = np.vstack((S1,S2,S3))

b = np.vstack((u,u,d))

L = R.shape[0];P = R.shape[1];K = S.shape[0]
m = 2*L + K;n = P + 2*L + 1
row1 = np.hstack([R,np.identity(L),np.zeros([L,L]),np.zeros([L,1])])
row2 = np.hstack([np.zeros([L,P]),np.identity(L),-np.identity(L),u])
row3 = np.hstack([S,np.zeros([K,2*L + 1])])
A = np.vstack([row1,row2,row3])
b = np.vstack([u,u,d])
c = np.zeros([n,1]);c[-1,0] = 1.0
#piv = 'Bland'
piv = 'Danzig'

st = time.time()
x = stage_two(c,A,b,piv,L,P,K)
ela = time.time() - st

print(all(x >= 0),': use time:%.2f'%(ela))
geq = np.where(x > 0)[0]
eq = np.where(x == 0)[0]
leq = np.where(x < 0)[0]
print('geq num:%d,eq num:%d,leq num:%d, m=%d,n=%d'%(geq.size,eq.size,leq.size,m,n))
print('the nagetive element:')




import numpy as np
import time
def Bland(s,indn):
    ind = np.where(s[:,0]<0)[0]
    q = ind[0]
    return indn[q], q

def DanzigSelect(s,indn):#indn非基索引
    q = s.argmin()
    return indn[q], q

def SteepSelect(A_n,s,indn):
    ratio = s/A_n.transpose()
    q = ratio.argmin()
    return indn[q], q
def invB(B_inv,p,u):
    Bv = B_inv.copy()
    Bv[p,:] = Bv[p,:]/u[p,0]
    m = u.size
    ind = []
    for i in range(m):
        if i == p:
            Bv[i,:] = Bv[i,:] - u[i,0]*Bv[p,:]
    Bv = Bv[ind,:]
    return Bv
def stage_one(A,b,piv):#使用大M方法求解初始基本可行解
    eps = 1e-6
    [m,n] = A.shape
    x = np.zeros([n + m,1]);x[n:,:] = b
    Ah = np.hstack([A,np.identity(m)])
    ch =  np.zeros([n + m,1]);ch[n:,:] = np.ones([m,1])
    indb = np.arange(m + n)[n:]#初始基指标索引
    index = np.arange(0,m + n)
    indn = np.delete(index,indb)
    B = Ah[:,indb]#初始B是单位矩阵
    B_inv = B
    N = Ah[:,indn]
    iteration = 0        # determine the max iteration
    while iteration < 1000:
        y = np.dot(B_inv.T, ch[indb,:])
        s = ch[indn,:] - N.T@y#C_N - N^TB^{-T}C_B
        if all(s >= 0):#说明这个就是最优解
            print('unbelievabel,the resid:%.2e, done,the epoch:%d'%(np.linalg.norm(Ah@x - b),iteration))
        if piv == 'Danzig':
            q1, q2 = DanzigSelect(s, indn)
        if piv == 'steepest-edge':
            A_re = B_inv@N
            A_n = np.linalg.norm(A_re,axis = 0,keepdims = True)
            q1, q2 = SteepSelect(A_n, s, indn)
        if piv == 'Bland':
            q1, q2 = Bland(s, indn)
        u = B_inv@Ah[:, q1:(q1+1)]   
        if all(u <= 0):#说明最优值无界
            print('Linear program is unbounded.')
        inds1 = np.where(u[:,0] > 0)[0]#找出所有大于0的索引
        inds2 = indb[inds1]#在基指标中把对应大于0的索引全找出来
        ratio = x[inds2,:]/u[inds1,:]
        x_q = min(ratio)        # a number
        p1 = inds2[ratio.argmin()]
        p2 = inds1[ratio.argmin()]
        x[indb,:] = x[indb,:]- x_q*u
        vec = np.zeros([indn.size,1])
        vec[q2,0] = x_q
        x[indn,:] = x[indn,:] + vec
        aug = np.linalg.norm(Ah@x - b)
        if aug > eps:
            print('blow up,epoch:%d,aug resid:%.2e'%(iteration,aug))
        value = x[n:,:].sum()
        if iteration%100 == 0:
            print('epoch:%d,enter basis:%d,quit basis:%d,resid:%.2e,opt val:%.2e'
        if value < eps:
            print('the end epoch:%d,opt val:%.2e,the real resid:%.2e'
                  %(iteration,value,np.linalg.norm(A@x[:n,:] - b)))
            indb = np.delete(indb,p2)
            indb = np.append(indb,q1)
            indn = np.delete(indn,q2)
            indn = np.append(indn,p1)
            B = Ah[:, indb]
            B_inv = invB(B_inv,p2,u)
            N = Ah[:, indn]
            iteration = iteration + 1
    return x[:n,:]
def MCF(A,b,L,P,K):
    S = A[2*L:,:P]
    R = A[:L,:P]
    indb = []
    [m,n] = A.shape
    u = b[:L,:];d = b[2*L:,:]
    A1 = np.hstack([S,np.zeros([K,L])])
    A2 = np.hstack([R,np.identity(L)])
    Ar = np.vstack([A1,A2])
    br = np.vstack([d,u])
    x = np.zeros([n,1])
    x[:P + L,:] = stage_one(Ar,br,piv = 'Bland')
    geq = np.where(x[:P + L,:] > 0)[0]
    indb = np.append(indb,geq)
    #print(indb.size,K + L)
    if geq.size < K + L:
        radio = min(x[P:P + L,:]/u)
        M = 1.0 - radio# + 1e-2
        geq3 = np.arange(P + L,P + 2*L)
        indb = np.append(indb,geq3)
        if indb.size == K + 2*L - 1:
            er = K + 2*L - 1 - indb.size
            index = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(0,P + L),geq)
            ra = np.random.choice(index,er,replace = False)
            indb = np.append(indb,ra)
        radio = min(x[P:P + L,:]/u)
        ind = np.argmin(x[P:P + L,:]/u) + P + L
        geq3 = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(P + L,P + 2*L),ind)
        indb = np.append(indb,geq3)
        M = 1 - radio
    x[-1,0] = M
    indb = np.append(indb,P + 2*L)
    for i in range(L):
        x[P + L + i,0] = x[P + i,0] + (M - 1)*u[i,0]
    return x,indb
def stage_two(c,A,b,L,P,K):
    eps = 1e-6
    [m,n] = A.shape
    x,indb = MCF(A,b,L,P,K)
    if np.linalg.norm(A@x - b) > eps or (any(x < 0) and min(x) < -eps):
        print('the init solution error')
        return 0
        print('the init solution come on')
    indb = indb.astype('int32')
    index = np.arange(0,n)
    indn = np.delete(index,indb)
    B = A[:,indb]
    B_inv = np.linalg.inv(B)
    N = A[:,indn]
    iteration = 0        # determine the max iteration
    value = 0
    while iteration < 2000:
        y = np.dot(B_inv.T, c[indb,:])
        s = c[indn,:] - N.T@y#C_N - N^TB^{-T}C_B
        if all(s >= 0) or (any(s < 0) and min(s) > -eps):#说明这个就是最优解
            print('the end epoch:%d,resid:%.2e,opt val:%.2e'
                  %(iteration,np.linalg.norm(A@x - b),value))
        xd = x.copy()
        xs = x.copy()
        xb = x.copy()
        allx = []
        allq = []
        allp = []
        allu = []
        allval = []
        q1, q2 = DanzigSelect(s, indn)
        u = B_inv@A[:, q1:(q1+1)]
        inds1 = np.where(u[:,0] > 0)[0]#找出所有大于0的索引
        inds2 = indb[inds1]#在基指标中把对应大于0的索引全找出来
        ratio = xd[inds2,:]/u[inds1,:]
        x_q = min(ratio)        # a number
        p1 = inds2[ratio.argmin()]
        p2 = inds1[ratio.argmin()]
        xd[indb,:] = xd[indb,:]- x_q*u
        vec = np.zeros([indn.size,1])
        vec[q2,0] = x_q
        xd[indn,:] = xd[indn,:] + vec
        val = (c*xd).sum()
        A_re = B_inv@N
        A_n = np.linalg.norm(A_re,axis = 0,keepdims = True)
        q1, q2 = SteepSelect(A_n, s, indn)
        u = B_inv@A[:, q1:(q1+1)]
        inds1 = np.where(u[:,0] > 0)[0]#找出所有大于0的索引
        inds2 = indb[inds1]#在基指标中把对应大于0的索引全找出来
        ratio = xs[inds2,:]/u[inds1,:]
        x_q = min(ratio)        # a number
        p1 = inds2[ratio.argmin()]
        p2 = inds1[ratio.argmin()]
        xs[indb,:] = xs[indb,:]- x_q*u
        vec = np.zeros([indn.size,1])
        vec[q2,0] = x_q
        xs[indn,:] = xs[indn,:] + vec
        val = (c*xs).sum()
        q1, q2 = Bland(s, indn)
        u = B_inv@A[:, q1:(q1+1)]
        inds1 = np.where(u[:,0] > 0)[0]#找出所有大于0的索引
        inds2 = indb[inds1]#在基指标中把对应大于0的索引全找出来
        ratio = xb[inds2,:]/u[inds1,:]
        x_q = min(ratio)        # a number
        p1 = inds2[ratio.argmin()]
        p2 = inds1[ratio.argmin()]
        xb[indb,:] = xb[indb,:]- x_q*u
        vec = np.zeros([indn.size,1])
        vec[q2,0] = x_q
        xb[indn,:] = xb[indn,:] + vec
        val = (c*xb).sum()
        mind = np.argmin(allval)
        u = allu[mind]
        x = allx[mind]
        value = allval[mind]
        q1,q2 = allq[2*mind],allq[2*mind + 1]
        p1,p2 = allp[2*mind],allp[2*mind + 1]
        if all(u <= 0):#说明最优值无界
            print('Linear program is unbounded.')
        res = np.linalg.norm(A@x - b)
        if res > eps:
            print('blow up,epoch:%d,resid:%.2e'%(iteration,res))
        if iteration%100 == 0:
            print('epoch:%d,enter basis:%d,quit basis:%d,resid:%.2e,opt val:%.2e'
        indb = np.delete(indb,p2)
        indb = np.append(indb,q1)
        indn = np.delete(indn,q2)
        indn = np.append(indn,p1)
        B = A[:, indb]
        B_inv = invB(B_inv,p2,u)
        N = A[:, indn]
        iteration = iteration + 1
    return x

L1 = 128
P1 = 1024
k = 50
p = 0.02


# seed 1 with 512,1024, Danzig beats steepest
# seed 1 with 256, 512 steepest beats Danzig

R = np.random.binomial(1,p,[L1,P1])#二项分布,生成[L1,P1]行数组,元素全是0或1
d = np.random.gamma(2,2,[k,1])*1#gamma分布,
u = np.random.gamma(2,2,[L1,1])*3+20
s = P1 - k
ind = np.random.randint(0,k,s)#随机抽取0到K之间的整数
S = np.zeros((k,s))
for i in range(s):
    j = ind[i]
    S[j,i] = 1
S = np.hstack((np.identity(k),S))
n = P1+2*L1+1       #364
m = 2*L1+k          #196

# construct the vector c, only the last element is 1
c = np.zeros((n,1))
c[-1,0] = 1

# construct the matrix A
S1 = np.hstack((R,np.identity(L1),np.zeros((L1,L1)),np.zeros((L1,1))))
S2 = np.hstack((np.zeros((L1,P1)),np.identity(L1),-np.identity(L1),u))
S3 = np.hstack((S,np.zeros((k,(2*L1+1)))))
A = np.vstack((S1,S2,S3))

b = np.vstack((u,u,d))

L = R.shape[0];P = R.shape[1];K = S.shape[0]
m = 2*L + K;n = P + 2*L + 1
row1 = np.hstack([R,np.identity(L),np.zeros([L,L]),np.zeros([L,1])])
row2 = np.hstack([np.zeros([L,P]),np.identity(L),-np.identity(L),u])
row3 = np.hstack([S,np.zeros([K,2*L + 1])])
A = np.vstack([row1,row2,row3])
b = np.vstack([u,u,d])
c = np.zeros([n,1]);c[-1,0] = 1.0

st = time.time()
x = stage_two(c,A,b,L,P,K)
ela = time.time() - st

print(all(x >= 0),': use time:%.2f'%(ela))
geq = np.where(x > 0)[0]
eq = np.where(x == 0)[0]
leq = np.where(x < 0)[0]
print('geq num:%d,eq num:%d,leq num:%d, m=%d,n=%d'%(geq.size,eq.size,leq.size,m,n))
print('the nagetive element:')

  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 打赏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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