【UE4源代码分析】-007 仿UE4使用ADO进行数据库操作

【UE4源代码分析】-007 仿UE4使用ADO进行数据库操作



  UE4对数据库的支持主要使用DatabaseSupport Module。其实现文件在\Engine\Source\Runtime\DatabaseSupport\路径中,主要包括Database.h\Database.cpp,DatabaseSupport.h\DatabaseSupport.cpp四个文件,其中DatabaseSupport.h\DatabaseSupport.cpp主要用于实现数据库支持模块,具体的数据库操作都实现在Database.h\Database.cpp中。

 * Whether to compile in support for database connectivity and SQL execution.

// Only use ADO on windows, if support is enabled and not for shipping games.
// @todo clang: #import is not supported by Clang on Windows platform, but we currently need this for ADO symbol importing.  For now we disable ADO support in Clang builds.

- Windows平台;
- 不是带编辑器的发行版;
- 启用了数据库支持;
- 编译器不是CLang。(CLang编译器在windows平台上不支持#import操作,目前暂时禁用了windows平台上CLang编译时的ADO支持)。

2、UE4 ADO封装解析


图1 UE4数据库操作记录集类图


图2 UE4数据库操作数据库连接类图

2.1 基类

2.1.1 FDatabaseColumnInfo


 * This struct holds info relating to a column.  Specifically, we need to get back  
 * certain meta info from a RecordSet so we can "Get" data from it.  
struct FDatabaseColumnInfo  
    /** Default constructor **/  
    FDatabaseColumnInfo(): DataType(DBT_UNKOWN) {}  

    /** The name of the column **/  
    FString ColumnName;  

    /** This is the type of data in this column.  (e.g. so you can do GetFloat or GetInt on the column **/  
    EDataBaseUnrealTypes DataType;  

    bool operator==(const FDatabaseColumnInfo& OtherFDatabaseColumnInfo) const  
        return (ColumnName==OtherFDatabaseColumnInfo.ColumnName) && (DataType==OtherFDatabaseColumnInfo.DataType);  



2.1.2 FDataBaseRecordSet


 * Empty base class for iterating over database records returned via query. Used on platforms not supporting
 * a direct database connection.
class FDataBaseRecordSet
    // Protected functions used internally for iteration.

    /** Moves to the first record in the set. */
    virtual void MoveToFirst()
    /** Moves to the next record in the set. */
    virtual void MoveToNext()
     * Returns whether we are at the end.
     * @return true if at the end, false otherwise
    virtual bool IsAtEnd() const
        return true;


     *   Returns a count of the number of records in the record set
    virtual int32 GetRecordCount() const
        return 0;

     * Returns a string associated with the passed in field/ column for the current row.
     * @param   Column  Name of column to retrieve data for in current row
    virtual FString GetString( const TCHAR* Column ) const
        return TEXT("No database connection compiled in.");

     * Returns an integer associated with the passed in field/ column for the current row.
     * @param   Column  Name of column to retrieve data for in current row
    virtual int32 GetInt( const TCHAR* Column ) const
        return 0;

     * Returns a float associated with the passed in field/ column for the current row.
     * @param   Column  Name of column to retrieve data for in current row
    virtual float GetFloat( const TCHAR* Column ) const
        return 0;

     * Returns a int64 associated with the passed in field/ column for the current row.
     * @param   Column  Name of column to retrieve data for in current row
    virtual int64 GetBigInt( const TCHAR* Column ) const
        return 0;

      * Returns the set of column names for this Recordset.  This is useful for determining  
      * what you can actually ask the record set for without having to hard code those ahead of time.  
     virtual TArray<FDatabaseColumnInfo> GetColumnNames() const  
          TArray<FDatabaseColumnInfo> Retval;  
          return Retval;  

    /** Virtual destructor as class has virtual functions. */
    virtual ~FDataBaseRecordSet()

     * Iterator helper class based on FObjectIterator.
    class TIterator
         * Initialization constructor.
         * @param   InRecordSet     RecordSet to iterate over
        TIterator( FDataBaseRecordSet* InRecordSet )
        : RecordSet( InRecordSet )

         * operator++ used to iterate to next element.
        void operator++()

        /** Conversion to "bool" returning true if the iterator is valid. */
        FORCEINLINE explicit operator bool() const
            return !RecordSet->IsAtEnd(); 
        /** inverse of the "bool" operator */
        FORCEINLINE bool operator !() const 
            return !(bool)*this;

        // Access operators
        FORCEINLINE FDataBaseRecordSet* operator*() const
            return RecordSet;
        FORCEINLINE FDataBaseRecordSet* operator->() const
            return RecordSet;

        /** Database record set being iterated over. */
        FDataBaseRecordSet* RecordSet;
2.1.3 FDataBaseConnection


 * Empty base class for database access via executing SQL commands. Used on platforms not supporting
 * a direct database connection.
class FDataBaseConnection
    /** Virtual destructor as we have virtual functions. */
    virtual ~FDataBaseConnection() 

     * Opens a connection to the database.
     * @param   ConnectionString    Connection string passed to database layer
     * @param   RemoteConnectionIP  The IP address which the RemoteConnection should connect to
     * @param   RemoteConnectionStringOverride  The connection string which the RemoteConnection is going to utilize
     * @return  true if connection was successfully established, false otherwise
    virtual bool Open( const TCHAR* ConnectionString, const TCHAR* RemoteConnectionIP, const TCHAR* RemoteConnectionStringOverride )
        return false;

     * Closes connection to database.
    virtual void Close()

     * Executes the passed in command on the database.
     * @param CommandString     Command to execute
     * @return true if execution was successful, false otherwise
    virtual bool Execute( const TCHAR* CommandString )
        return false;

     * Executes the passed in command on the database. The caller is responsible for deleting
     * the created RecordSet.
     * @param CommandString     Command to execute
     * @param RecordSet         Reference to recordset pointer that is going to hold result
     * @return true if execution was successful, false otherwise
    virtual bool Execute( const TCHAR* CommandString, FDataBaseRecordSet*& RecordSet )
        RecordSet = nullptr;
        return false;

     * Static function creating appropriate database connection object.
     * @return  instance of platform specific database connection object
    DATABASESUPPORT_API static FDataBaseConnection* CreateObject();

2.2 派生类


2.2.1 ADO的引入


// Using import allows making use of smart pointers easily. Please post to the list if a workaround such as
// using %COMMONFILES% works to hide the localization issues and non default program file folders.
//#import "C:\Program files\Common Files\System\Ado\msado15.dll" rename("EOF", "ADOEOF")

#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4471) // a forward declaration of an unscoped enumeration must have an underlying type (int assumed)
#import "System\ADO\msado15.dll" rename("EOF", "ADOEOF") //lint !e322
#pragma warning(pop)

  一般情况下,会采用//#import "C:\Program files\Common Files\System\Ado\msado15.dll" rename("EOF", "ADOEOF")的方式,采用绝对路径的方式引入,但由于系统安装不同的原因,可能导致msado15.dll并不在C盘下,而导致运行编译出错。

2.2.2 FADODataBaseRecordSet


 * ADO implementation of database record set.
class FADODataBaseRecordSet : public FDataBaseRecordSet
    ADODB::_RecordsetPtr ADORecordSet;

    /** Moves to the first record in the set. */
    virtual void MoveToFirst()
    /** Moves to the next record in the set. */
    virtual void MoveToNext()
     * Returns whether we are at the end.
     * @return true if at the end, false otherwise
    virtual bool IsAtEnd() const
        return !!ADORecordSet->ADOEOF;


     *   Returns a count of the number of records in the record set
    virtual int32 GetRecordCount() const
        return ADORecordSet->RecordCount;

     * Returns a string associated with the passed in field/ column for the current row.
     * @param   Column  Name of column to retrieve data for in current row
    virtual FString GetString( const TCHAR* Column ) const
        return ReturnString;

     * Returns an integer associated with the passed in field/ column for the current row.
     * @param   Column  Name of column to retrieve data for in current row
    virtual int32 GetInt( const TCHAR* Column ) const
        return ReturnValue;

     * Returns a float associated with the passed in field/ column for the current row.
     * @param   Column  Name of column to retrieve data for in current row
    virtual float GetFloat( const TCHAR* Column ) const
        return ReturnValue;

     * Returns an int64 associated with the passed in field/ column for the current row.
     * @param   Column  Name of column to retrieve data for in current row
    virtual int64 GetBigInt( const TCHAR* Column ) const
        return ReturnValue;

     * Returns the set of column names for this Recordset.  This is useful for determining  
     * what you can actually ask the record set for without having to hard code those ahead of time.  
    virtual TArray<FDatabaseColumnInfo> GetColumnNames() const
        return Retval;  

     * Constructor, used to associate ADO record set with this class.
     * @param InADORecordSet    ADO record set to use
    FADODataBaseRecordSet( ADODB::_RecordsetPtr InADORecordSet )
    :   ADORecordSet( InADORecordSet )

    /** Destructor, cleaning up ADO record set. */
    virtual ~FADODataBaseRecordSet()
        if(ADORecordSet && (ADORecordSet->State & ADODB::adStateOpen))
            // We're using smart pointers so all we need to do is close and assign NULL.

        ADORecordSet = NULL;
2.2.3 FADODataBaseConnection


 * Data base connection class using ADO C++ interface to communicate with SQL server.
class FADODataBaseConnection : public FDataBaseConnection
    /** ADO database connection object. */
    ADODB::_ConnectionPtr DataBaseConnection;

    /** Constructor, initializing all member variables. */
        DataBaseConnection = NULL;

    /** Destructor, tearing down connection. */
    virtual ~FADODataBaseConnection()

     * Opens a connection to the database.
     * @param   ConnectionString    Connection string passed to database layer
     * @param   RemoteConnectionIP  The IP address which the RemoteConnection should connect to
     * @param   RemoteConnectionStringOverride  The connection string which the RemoteConnection is going to utilize
     * @return  true if connection was successfully established, false otherwise
    virtual bool Open( const TCHAR* ConnectionString, const TCHAR* RemoteConnectionIP, const TCHAR* RemoteConnectionStringOverride )
        return true;

     * Closes connection to database.
    virtual void Close()

     * Executes the passed in command on the database.
     * @param CommandString     Command to execute
     * @return true if execution was successful, false otherwise
    virtual bool Execute( const TCHAR* CommandString )
        return true;

     * Executes the passed in command on the database. The caller is responsible for deleting
     * the created RecordSet.
     * @param CommandString     Command to execute
     * @param RecordSet         Reference to recordset pointer that is going to hold result
     * @return true if execution was successful, false otherwise
    virtual bool Execute( const TCHAR* CommandString, FDataBaseRecordSet*& RecordSet )
        return RecordSet != NULL;



  正如在第2节中所表明的,可以参考UE4 ADO操作数据库的方式对ADO进行封装,只要解决在无UE4代码的情况下替代FString和TARRY两个类即可。



图3 数据库表结构


图4 6条数据记录


FDataBaseConnection* pConn = new FADODataBaseConnection;
    bool hr = pConn->Open(L"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=DatabaseFromUE4.mdb", NULL, NULL);
    if (hr)
        FDataBaseRecordSet* pRes = NULL;
        pConn->Execute(L"SELECT * FROM usernameS", pRes);
        if (pRes)
            int nCount = pRes->GetRecordCount();
            CString strInfo;
            strInfo.Format(L"表中有%d条记录,名字分别是:", nCount);
            FDataBaseRecordSet::TIterator itor(pRes);
            while (itor)
                CString temp = itor->GetString(L"username");
                TRACE(L"%s\n", temp);
                strInfo = strInfo + L" " + temp;
        delete pRes;
        pRes = NULL;
    delete pConn;
    pConn = NULL;


图5 程序运行界面






#pragma once
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <vector>
* Enums for Database types.  Each Database has their own set of DB types and
enum EDataBaseUnrealTypes

* This struct holds info relating to a column.  Specifically, we need to get back
* certain meta info from a RecordSet so we can "Get" data from it.
struct FDatabaseColumnInfo
    /** Default constructor **/
    FDatabaseColumnInfo() : DataType(DBT_UNKOWN) {}

    /** The name of the column **/
    CString ColumnName;

    /** This is the type of data in this column.  (e.g. so you can do GetFloat or GetInt on the column **/
    EDataBaseUnrealTypes DataType;

    bool operator==(const FDatabaseColumnInfo& OtherFDatabaseColumnInfo) const
        return (ColumnName == OtherFDatabaseColumnInfo.ColumnName) && (DataType == OtherFDatabaseColumnInfo.DataType);


* Empty base class for iterating over database records returned via query. Used on platforms not supporting
* a direct database connection.
class FDataBaseRecordSet
    // Protected functions used internally for iteration.

    /** Moves to the first record in the set. */
    virtual void MoveToFirst()
    /** Moves to the next record in the set. */
    virtual void MoveToNext()
    * Returns whether we are at the end.
    * @return true if at the end, false otherwise
    virtual bool IsAtEnd() const
        return true;


    *   Returns a count of the number of records in the record set
    virtual int GetRecordCount() const
        return 0;

    * Returns a string associated with the passed in field/ column for the current row.
    * @param    Column  Name of column to retrieve data for in current row
    virtual CString GetString(const TCHAR* Column) const
        return TEXT("No database connection compiled in.");

    * Returns an integer associated with the passed in field/ column for the current row.
    * @param    Column  Name of column to retrieve data for in current row
    virtual int GetInt(const TCHAR* Column) const
        return 0;

    * Returns a float associated with the passed in field/ column for the current row.
    * @param    Column  Name of column to retrieve data for in current row
    virtual float GetFloat(const TCHAR* Column) const
        return 0;

    * Returns a int64 associated with the passed in field/ column for the current row.
    * @param    Column  Name of column to retrieve data for in current row
    virtual LONG64 GetBigInt(const TCHAR* Column) const
        return 0;

    * Returns the set of column names for this Recordset.  This is useful for determining
    * what you can actually ask the record set for without having to hard code those ahead of time.
    virtual std::vector<FDatabaseColumnInfo> GetColumnNames() const
        std::vector<FDatabaseColumnInfo> Retval;
        return Retval;

    /** Virtual destructor as class has virtual functions. */
    virtual ~FDataBaseRecordSet()

    * Iterator helper class based on FObjectIterator.
    class TIterator
        * Initialization constructor.
        * @param    InRecordSet     RecordSet to iterate over
        TIterator(FDataBaseRecordSet* InRecordSet)
            : RecordSet(InRecordSet)

        * operator++ used to iterate to next element.
        void operator++()

        /** Conversion to "bool" returning true if the iterator is valid. */
        FORCEINLINE explicit operator bool() const
            return !RecordSet->IsAtEnd();
        /** inverse of the "bool" operator */
        FORCEINLINE bool operator !() const
            return !(bool)*this;

        // Access operators
        FORCEINLINE FDataBaseRecordSet* operator*() const
            return RecordSet;
        FORCEINLINE FDataBaseRecordSet* operator->() const
            return RecordSet;

        /** Database record set being iterated over. */
        FDataBaseRecordSet* RecordSet;

* Empty base class for database access via executing SQL commands. Used on platforms not supporting
* a direct database connection.
class FDataBaseConnection
    /** Virtual destructor as we have virtual functions. */
    virtual ~FDataBaseConnection()

    * Opens a connection to the database.
    * @param    ConnectionString    Connection string passed to database layer
    * @param   RemoteConnectionIP  The IP address which the RemoteConnection should connect to
    * @param   RemoteConnectionStringOverride  The connection string which the RemoteConnection is going to utilize
    * @return   true if connection was successfully established, false otherwise
    virtual bool Open(const TCHAR* ConnectionString, const TCHAR* RemoteConnectionIP, const TCHAR* RemoteConnectionStringOverride)
        return false;

    * Closes connection to database.
    virtual void Close()

    * Executes the passed in command on the database.
    * @param CommandString      Command to execute
    * @return true if execution was successful, false otherwise
    virtual bool Execute(const TCHAR* CommandString)
        return false;

    * Executes the passed in command on the database. The caller is responsible for deleting
    * the created RecordSet.
    * @param CommandString      Command to execute
    * @param RecordSet          Reference to recordset pointer that is going to hold result
    * @return true if execution was successful, false otherwise
    virtual bool Execute(const TCHAR* CommandString, FDataBaseRecordSet*& RecordSet)
        RecordSet = nullptr;
        return false;

    * Static function creating appropriate database connection object.
    * @return   instance of platform specific database connection object
    static FDataBaseConnection* CreateObject()
        return new FDataBaseConnection();

// Using import allows making use of smart pointers easily. Please post to the list if a workaround such as
// using %COMMONFILES% works to hide the localization issues and non default program file folders.
//#import "C:\Program files\Common Files\System\Ado\msado15.dll" rename("EOF", "ADOEOF")

#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4471) // a forward declaration of an unscoped enumeration must have an underlying type (int assumed)
#import "C:\Program files\Common Files\System\ADO\msado15.dll" rename("EOF", "ADOEOF") //lint !e322
#pragma warning(pop)

FADODataBaseRecordSet implementation.

* ADO implementation of database record set.
class FADODataBaseRecordSet : public FDataBaseRecordSet
    ADODB::_RecordsetPtr ADORecordSet;

    /** Moves to the first record in the set. */
    virtual void MoveToFirst()
        if (!ADORecordSet->BOF || !ADORecordSet->ADOEOF)
    /** Moves to the next record in the set. */
    virtual void MoveToNext()
        if (!ADORecordSet->ADOEOF)
    * Returns whether we are at the end.
    * @return true if at the end, false otherwise
    virtual bool IsAtEnd() const
        return !!ADORecordSet->ADOEOF;


    *   Returns a count of the number of records in the record set
    virtual int GetRecordCount() const
        return ADORecordSet->RecordCount;

    * Returns a string associated with the passed in field/ column for the current row.
    * @param    Column  Name of column to retrieve data for in current row
    virtual CString GetString(const TCHAR* Column) const
        CString ReturnString;

        // Retrieve specified column field value for selected row.
        _variant_t Value = ADORecordSet->GetCollect(Column);
        // Check variant type for validity and cast to specified type. _variant_t has overloaded cast operators.
        if (Value.vt != VT_NULL)
            ReturnString = (TCHAR*)_bstr_t(Value);
        // Unknown column.
            ReturnString = TEXT("Unknown Column");

        return ReturnString;

    * Returns an integer associated with the passed in field/ column for the current row.
    * @param    Column  Name of column to retrieve data for in current row
    virtual int GetInt(const TCHAR* Column) const
        int ReturnValue = 0;

        // Retrieve specified column field value for selected row.
        _variant_t Value = ADORecordSet->GetCollect(Column);
        // Check variant type for validity and cast to specified type. _variant_t has overloaded cast operators.
        if (Value.vt != VT_NULL)
            ReturnValue = (int)Value;
        return ReturnValue;

    * Returns a float associated with the passed in field/ column for the current row.
    * @param    Column  Name of column to retrieve data for in current row
    virtual float GetFloat(const TCHAR* Column) const
        float ReturnValue = 0;

        // Retrieve specified column field value for selected row.
        _variant_t Value = ADORecordSet->GetCollect(Column);
        // Check variant type for validity and cast to specified type. _variant_t has overloaded cast operators.
        if (Value.vt != VT_NULL)
            ReturnValue = (float)Value;

        return ReturnValue;

    * Returns an int64 associated with the passed in field/ column for the current row.
    * @param    Column  Name of column to retrieve data for in current row
    virtual LONG64 GetBigInt(const TCHAR* Column) const
        LONG64 ReturnValue = 0;

        // Retrieve specified column field value for selected row.
        _variant_t Value = ADORecordSet->GetCollect(Column);
        // Check variant type for validity and cast to specified type. _variant_t has overloaded cast operators.
        if (Value.vt != VT_NULL)
            ReturnValue = (LONG64)Value;

        return ReturnValue;

    * Returns the set of column names for this Recordset.  This is useful for determining
    * what you can actually ask the record set for without having to hard code those ahead of time.
    virtual std::vector<FDatabaseColumnInfo> GetColumnNames() const
        std::vector<FDatabaseColumnInfo> Retval;

        if (!ADORecordSet->BOF || !ADORecordSet->ADOEOF)

            for (int i = 0; i < ADORecordSet->Fields->Count; ++i)
                _bstr_t bstrName = ADORecordSet->Fields->Item[i]->Name;
                _variant_t varValue = ADORecordSet->Fields->Item[i]->Value;
                ADODB::DataTypeEnum DataType = ADORecordSet->Fields->Item[i]->Type;

                FDatabaseColumnInfo NewInfo;
                NewInfo.ColumnName = CString((TCHAR*)_bstr_t(bstrName));

                // from http://www.w3schools.com/ado/prop_field_type.asp#datatypeenum  
                switch (DataType)
                case ADODB::adInteger:
                case ADODB::adBigInt:
                    NewInfo.DataType = DBT_INT;
                case ADODB::adSingle:
                case ADODB::adDouble:
                    NewInfo.DataType = DBT_FLOAT;

                case ADODB::adWChar:
                case ADODB::adVarWChar:
                    NewInfo.DataType = DBT_STRING;

                    NewInfo.DataType = DBT_UNKOWN;


        return Retval;

    * Constructor, used to associate ADO record set with this class.
    * @param InADORecordSet ADO record set to use
    FADODataBaseRecordSet(ADODB::_RecordsetPtr InADORecordSet)
        : ADORecordSet(InADORecordSet)

    /** Destructor, cleaning up ADO record set. */
    virtual ~FADODataBaseRecordSet()
        if (ADORecordSet && (ADORecordSet->State & ADODB::adStateOpen))
            // We're using smart pointers so all we need to do is close and assign NULL.

        ADORecordSet = NULL;

FADODataBaseConnection implementation.

* Data base connection class using ADO C++ interface to communicate with SQL server.
class FADODataBaseConnection : public FDataBaseConnection
    /** ADO database connection object. */
    ADODB::_ConnectionPtr DataBaseConnection;

    /** Constructor, initializing all member variables. */
        DataBaseConnection = NULL;

    /** Destructor, tearing down connection. */
    virtual ~FADODataBaseConnection()

    * Opens a connection to the database.
    * @param    ConnectionString    Connection string passed to database layer
    * @param   RemoteConnectionIP  The IP address which the RemoteConnection should connect to
    * @param   RemoteConnectionStringOverride  The connection string which the RemoteConnection is going to utilize
    * @return   true if connection was successfully established, false otherwise
    virtual bool Open(const TCHAR* ConnectionString, const TCHAR* RemoteConnectionIP, const TCHAR* RemoteConnectionStringOverride)
        if (!::AfxOleInit())
            return false;

        // Create instance of DB connection object.
        HRESULT hr = DataBaseConnection.CreateInstance(__uuidof(ADODB::Connection));
        if (FAILED(hr))
            throw _com_error(hr);

        // Open the connection. Operation is synchronous.
        DataBaseConnection->Open(ConnectionString, TEXT(""), TEXT(""), ADODB::adConnectUnspecified);

        return true;

    * Closes connection to database.
    virtual void Close()
        // Close database connection if exists and free smart pointer.
        if (DataBaseConnection && (DataBaseConnection->State & ADODB::adStateOpen))


        DataBaseConnection = NULL;

    * Executes the passed in command on the database.
    * @param CommandString      Command to execute
    * @return true if execution was successful, false otherwise
    virtual bool Execute(const TCHAR* CommandString)
        // Execute command, passing in optimization to tell DB to not return records.
        DataBaseConnection->Execute(CommandString, NULL, ADODB::adExecuteNoRecords);

        return true;

    * Executes the passed in command on the database. The caller is responsible for deleting
    * the created RecordSet.
    * @param CommandString      Command to execute
    * @param RecordSet          Reference to recordset pointer that is going to hold result
    * @return true if execution was successful, false otherwise
    virtual bool Execute(const TCHAR* CommandString, FDataBaseRecordSet*& RecordSet)
        // Initialize return value.
        RecordSet = NULL;

        // Create instance of record set.
        ADODB::_RecordsetPtr ADORecordSet = NULL;

        // Execute the passed in command on the record set. The recordset returned will be in open state so you can call Get* on it directly.
        ADORecordSet->Open(CommandString, _variant_t((IDispatch *)DataBaseConnection), ADODB::adOpenStatic, ADODB::adLockReadOnly, ADODB::adCmdText);

        // Create record set from returned data.
        RecordSet = new FADODataBaseRecordSet(ADORecordSet);

        return RecordSet != NULL;

评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


