
/** CC_PROPERTY_READONLY is used to declare a protected variable.
 We can use getter to read the variable.
 @param varType : the type of variable.
 @param varName : variable name.
 @param funName : "get + funName" is the name of the getter.
 @warning : The getter is a public virtual function, you should rewrite it first.
 The variables and methods declared after CC_PROPERTY_READONLY are all public.
 If you need protected or private, please declare.
#define CC_PROPERTY_READONLY(varType, varName, funName)\
protected: varType varName;\
public: virtual varType get##funName(void);

#define CC_PROPERTY_READONLY_PASS_BY_REF(varType, varName, funName)\
protected: varType varName;\
public: virtual const varType& get##funName(void);

/** CC_PROPERTY is used to declare a protected variable.
 We can use getter to read the variable, and use the setter to change the variable.
 @param varType : the type of variable.
 @param varName : variable name.
 @param funName : "get + funName" is the name of the getter.
 "set + funName" is the name of the setter.
 @warning : The getter and setter are public virtual functions, you should rewrite them first.
 The variables and methods declared after CC_PROPERTY are all public.
 If you need protected or private, please declare.
#define CC_PROPERTY(varType, varName, funName)\
protected: varType varName;\
public: virtual varType get##funName(void);\
public: virtual void set##funName(varType var);

#define CC_PROPERTY_PASS_BY_REF(varType, varName, funName)\
protected: varType varName;\
public: virtual const varType& get##funName(void);\
public: virtual void set##funName(const varType& var);

/** CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY is used to declare a protected variable.
 We can use getter to read the variable.
 @param varType : the type of variable.
 @param varName : variable name.
 @param funName : "get + funName" is the name of the getter.
 @warning : The getter is a public inline function.
 The variables and methods declared after CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY are all public.
 If you need protected or private, please declare.
#define CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY(varType, varName, funName)\
protected: varType varName;\
public: virtual varType get##funName(void) const { return varName; }

#define CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY_PASS_BY_REF(varType, varName, funName)\
protected: varType varName;\
public: virtual const varType& get##funName(void) const { return varName; }

/** CC_SYNTHESIZE is used to declare a protected variable.
 We can use getter to read the variable, and use the setter to change the variable.
 @param varType : the type of variable.
 @param varName : variable name.
 @param funName : "get + funName" is the name of the getter.
 "set + funName" is the name of the setter.
 @warning : The getter and setter are public  inline functions.
 The variables and methods declared after CC_SYNTHESIZE are all public.
 If you need protected or private, please declare.
#define CC_SYNTHESIZE(varType, varName, funName)\
protected: varType varName;\
public: virtual varType get##funName(void) const { return varName; }\
public: virtual void set##funName(varType var){ varName = var; }

#define CC_SYNTHESIZE_PASS_BY_REF(varType, varName, funName)\
protected: varType varName;\
public: virtual const varType& get##funName(void) const { return varName; }\
public: virtual void set##funName(const varType& var){ varName = var; }

#define CC_SYNTHESIZE_RETAIN(varType, varName, funName)    \
private: varType varName; \
public: virtual varType get##funName(void) const { return varName; } \
public: virtual void set##funName(varType var)   \
{ \
    if (varName != var) \
    { \
        CC_SAFE_RETAIN(var); \
        CC_SAFE_RELEASE(varName); \
        varName = var; \
    } \

#define CC_SAFE_DELETE(p)            do { if(p) { delete (p); (p) = 0; } } while(0)
#define CC_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(p)     do { if(p) { delete[] (p); (p) = 0; } } while(0)
#define CC_SAFE_FREE(p)                do { if(p) { free(p); (p) = 0; } } while(0)
#define CC_SAFE_RELEASE(p)            do { if(p) { (p)->release(); } } while(0)
#define CC_SAFE_RELEASE_NULL(p)        do { if(p) { (p)->release(); (p) = 0; } } while(0)
#define CC_SAFE_RETAIN(p)            do { if(p) { (p)->retain(); } } while(0)
#define CC_BREAK_IF(cond)            if(cond) break

#define __CCLOGWITHFUNCTION(s, ...) \
    CCLog("%s : %s",__FUNCTION__, CCString::createWithFormat(s, ##__VA_ARGS__)->getCString())

// cocos2d debug
#if !defined(COCOS2D_DEBUG) || COCOS2D_DEBUG == 0
#define CCLOG(...)       do {} while (0)
#define CCLOGINFO(...)   do {} while (0)
#define CCLOGERROR(...)  do {} while (0)
#define CCLOGWARN(...)   do {} while (0)

#elif COCOS2D_DEBUG == 1
#define CCLOG(format, ...)      cocos2d::CCLog(format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define CCLOGERROR(format,...)  cocos2d::CCLog(format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define CCLOGINFO(format,...)   do {} while (0)

#elif COCOS2D_DEBUG > 1
#define CCLOG(format, ...)      cocos2d::CCLog(format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define CCLOGERROR(format,...)  cocos2d::CCLog(format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define CCLOGINFO(format,...)   cocos2d::CCLog(format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#endif // COCOS2D_DEBUG

// Lua engine debug
#if !defined(COCOS2D_DEBUG) || COCOS2D_DEBUG == 0 || CC_LUA_ENGINE_DEBUG == 0
#define LUALOG(...)
#define LUALOG(format, ...)     cocos2d::CCLog(format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#endif // Lua engine debug

 * only certain compilers support __attribute__((deprecated))
#if defined(__GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__ >= 4) || ((__GNUC__ == 3) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1)))
    #define CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE __attribute__((deprecated))
#elif _MSC_VER >= 1400 //vs 2005 or higher
#define CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE __declspec(deprecated) 

评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


