FreeRTOS 教程指南 学习笔记 第七章 资源管理

FreeRTOS 教程指南 学习笔记 第七章 资源管理



  1. 访问外设请考虑以下场景,其中两个任务试图写入液晶显示器(LCD)。
    1.1 任务A执行并开始将字符串“Hello world”写入LCD。
    1.2 任务A在输出字符串“Hello w”后被任务B抢占。
    1.3 任务B在进入阻塞状态之前将“Abort, Retry, Fail?”写入LCD。
    1.4 任务A从它被抢占的点开始继续,并完成其字符串的其余字符-“orld”的输出。液晶显示器现在显示损坏的字符串 “Hello wAbort, Retry, Fail?orld”。
  2. 读取、修改、写入操作
    2.1 任务A将PORTA的值加载到一个寄存器中——操作的读取部分。
    2.2 任务A在完成修改之前,被任务B抢占,并执行了同样修改和写入操作。
    2.3 任务B更新PORTA的值,然后进入已阻止的状态。
    2.4 任务A从它被抢占的点开始继续。它修改了保存在寄存器中的PORTA的副本,然后将此值更新回PORTA。
/* The C code being compiled. */
 PORTA |= 0x01; 
 /* The assembly code produced when the C code is compiled. */
 LOAD 	R1,[#PORTA] ; 	Read a value from PORTA into R1
 MOVE 	R2,#0x01 ; 		Move the absolute constant 1 into R2
 OR 	R1,R2 ; 		Bitwise OR R1 (PORTA) with R2 (constant 1)
 STORE 	R1,[#PORTA] ; 	Store the new value back to PORTA


  1. 非原子访问变量
  2. 函数重入
    每个任务都维护自己的栈和自己的一组处理器(硬件)寄存器值(任务栈和任务寄存器)。如果一个函数不访问 除 任务栈或任务寄存器 以外 的任何数据,那么该函数是重入的,线程安全的。清单112是一个可重入式函数的示例。清单113是一个不可重入的函数的示例。
//Listing 112. An example of a reentrant function
/* A parameter is passed into the function. This will either be passed on the stack, or in a processor register. Either way is safe as each task or interrupt that calls the function maintains its own stack and its own set of register values, so each task or interrupt that calls the function will have its own copy of lVar1. */
long lAddOneHundred( long lVar1 )
	/* This function scope variable will also be allocated to the stack or a register, depending on the compiler and optimization level. Each task or interrupt that calls this function will have its own copy of lVar2. */
	long lVar2;
 	lVar2 = lVar1 + 100;
 	return lVar2;

//Listing 113. An example of a function that is not reentrant
/* In this case lVar1 is a global variable, so every task that callslNonsenseFunction will access he same single copy of the variable. */
long lVar1;
long lNonsenseFunction( void )
	/* lState is static, so is not allocated on the stack. Each task that calls this function will access the same single copy of the variable. */
	static long lState = 0;
	long lReturn;
 	switch( lState )
 		case 0 : lReturn = lVar1 + 10;
 			lState = 1;
 		case 1 : lReturn = lVar1 + 20;
 			lState = 0;


  • 何时和为什么资源管理和控制是必要的。
  • 什么是一个关键的部分。
  • 相互排斥的意思。
  • 挂起调度程序意味着什么。
  • 如何使用互斥锁。
  • 如何创建和使用一个叫“守门人”的任务。
  • 什么是优先级反转,以及优先级继承如何可以减少(但不是消除)其影响。




//Listing 114. Using a critical section to guard access to a register
/* Ensure access to the PORTA register cannot be interrupted by placing it within a critical section. Enter the critical section. */
/* A switch to another task cannot occur between the call to taskENTER_CRITICAL() and the call to taskEXIT_CRITICAL(). Interrupts may still execute on FreeRTOS ports that allow interrupt nesting, but only interrupts whose logical priority is above the value assigned to the onfigMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY constant – and thoseinterrupts are not permitted to call FreeRTOS API functions. */ 
PORTA |= 0x01;
/* Access to PORTA has finished, so it is safe to exit the critical section. */


void vPrintString( const char *pcString )
 	/* Write the string to stdout, using a critical section as a crude method of  mutual exclusion. */
 		printf( "%s", pcString );
 		fflush( stdout );


void vAnInterruptServiceRoutine( void )
	/* Declare a variable in which the return value from taskENTER_CRITICAL_FROM_ISR() will be saved. */
	UBaseType_t uxSavedInterruptStatus;
 	/* This part of the ISR can be interrupted by any higher priority interrupt. */
 	/* Use taskENTER_CRITICAL_FROM_ISR() to protect a region of this ISR. Save the  value returned from taskENTER_CRITICAL_FROM_ISR() so it can be passed into the  matching call to taskEXIT_CRITICAL_FROM_ISR(). */
 	uxSavedInterruptStatus = taskENTER_CRITICAL_FROM_ISR();
 	/* This part of the ISR is between the call to taskENTER_CRITICAL_FROM_ISR() and  taskEXIT_CRITICAL_FROM_ISR(), so can only be interrupted by interrupts that have  a priority above that set by the configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY constant. */
 	/* Exit the critical section again by calling taskEXIT_CRITICAL_FROM_ISR(),  passing in the value returned by the matching call to  taskENTER_CRITICAL_FROM_ISR(). */
 	taskEXIT_CRITICAL_FROM_ISR( uxSavedInterruptStatus );
 	/* This part of the ISR can be interrupted by any higher priority interrupt. */




The vTaskSuspendAll() API Function
//Listing 117. The vTaskSuspendAll() API function prototype
void vTaskSuspendAll( void );

当调度程序挂起时,不能调用FreeRTOS API函数。

The xTaskResumeAll() API Function
//Listing 118. The xTaskResumeAll() API function prototype
BaseType_t xTaskResumeAll( void );


//Listing 119. The implementation of vPrintString()
void vPrintString( const char *pcString )
 	/* Write the string to stdout, suspending the scheduler as a method of mutual
 exclusion. */
 		printf( "%s", pcString );
 		fflush( stdout );


互斥锁是一种特殊类型的二进制信号量,用于控制对在两个或多个任务之间共享的资源的访问。MUTEX这个词源于“MUTual EXclusion”。configUSE_MUTEXES必须在FreeRTOSConfig.h中设置为1,才能可用。

  • 用于互斥的信号量必须总是返回。
  • 用于同步的信号量通常被丢弃而不返回。


The xSemaphoreCreateMutex() API Function


//Listing 120. The xSemaphoreCreateMutex() API function prototype
SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreCreateMutex( void );
Example 20. Rewriting vPrintString() to use a semaphore


//Listing 121. The implementation of prvNewPrintString()
static void prvNewPrintString( const char *pcString )
 	/* The mutex is created before the scheduler is started, so already exists by the  time this task executes. 
 	Attempt to take the mutex, blocking indefinitely to wait for the mutex if it is  not available straight away. The call to xSemaphoreTake() will only return when  the mutex has been successfully obtained, so there is no need to check the function return value. If any other delay period was used then the code must  check that xSemaphoreTake() returns pdTRUE before accessing the shared resource  (which in this case is standard out). As noted earlier in this book, indefinite  time outs are not recommended for production code. */
 	xSemaphoreTake( xMutex, portMAX_DELAY );
 		/* The following line will only execute once the mutex has been successfully  obtained. Standard out can be accessed freely now as only one task can have  the mutex at any one time. */
 		printf( "%s", pcString );
 		fflush( stdout );
 		/* The mutex MUST be given back! */
 	xSemaphoreGive( xMutex );

static void prvPrintTask( void *pvParameters )
	char *pcStringToPrint;
	const TickType_t xMaxBlockTimeTicks = 0x20;
 	/* Two instances of this task are created. The string printed by the task is passed into the task using the task’s parameter. The parameter is cast to the required type. */
 	pcStringToPrint = ( char * ) pvParameters;
 	for( ;; )
 		/* Print out the string using the newly defined function. */
 		prvNewPrintString( pcStringToPrint );
 		/* Wait a pseudo random time. Note that rand() is not necessarily reentrant,  but in this case it does not really matter as the code does not care what  value is returned. In a more secure application a version of rand() that is  known to be reentrant should be used - or calls to rand() should be protected  using a critical section. */
 		vTaskDelay( ( rand() % xMaxBlockTimeTicks ) );

int main( void )
 	/* Before a semaphore is used it must be explicitly created. In this example a  mutex type semaphore is created. */
 	xMutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
 	/* Check the semaphore was created successfully before creating the tasks. */
 	if( xMutex != NULL )
 		/* Create two instances of the tasks that write to stdout. The string they  write is passed in to the task as the task’s parameter. The tasks are  created at different priorities so some pre-emption will occur. */
 		xTaskCreate( prvPrintTask, "Print1", 1000, 
 					"Task 1 ***************************************\r\n", 1, NULL );
 		xTaskCreate( prvPrintTask, "Print2", 1000, 
 					"Task 2 ---------------------------------------\r\n", 2, NULL );
 		/* Start the scheduler so the created tasks start executing. */
 	/* If all is well then main() will never reach here as the scheduler will now be  running the tasks. If main() does reach here then it is likely that there was  insufficient heap memory available for the idle task to be created. Chapter 2 provides more information on heap memory management. */
 	for( ;; );








  1. 任务A执行并成功获取互斥X。
  2. 任务A被任务抢占 B。
  3. 任务B在尝试获取互斥X之前成功获取互斥Y,但互斥X被任务A保留,因此X对任务B不可用。任务B选择进入“总是”状态,等待互斥X释放。
  4. 任务A继续执行。它试图获取互斥锁Y,但互斥锁Y被任务B持有,因此Y对任务A不可用。任务A选择进入阻塞状态,等待互斥锁Y被释放。




  1. 任务已成功获得互斥锁。
  2. 当保持互斥锁时,该任务调用一个库函数。
  3. 库函数的实现尝试使用相同的互斥锁,并进入阻塞状态,等待互斥锁成为可用状态。


  • 标准互斥体是使用xSemaphoreCreateMutex()创建的。递归互斥是使用xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex()创建的。这两个API函数具有相同的原型。
  • 标准互斥锁是使用xSemaphoreTake()“take”的。递归互斥使用xSemaphoreTakeRecursive()“take”。这两个API函数具有相同的原型。
  • 标准的互变量是使用xSemaphoreGive()来“give”的。递归互斥使用xSemaphoreGiveRecursive()来“give”。这两个API函数具有相同的原型。
/* Recursive mutexes are variables of type SemaphoreHandle_t. */
SemaphoreHandle_t xRecursiveMutex;
/* The implementation of a task that creates and uses a recursive mutex. */
void vTaskFunction( void *pvParameters )
	const TickType_t xMaxBlock20ms = pdMS_TO_TICKS( 20 );
 	/* Before a recursive mutex is used it must be explicitly created. */
 	xRecursiveMutex = xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex();
 	/* Check the semaphore was created successfully. configASSERT() is described in  section 11.2. */
 	configASSERT( xRecursiveMutex );
 	/* As per most tasks, this task is implemented as an infinite loop. */
 	for( ;; )
 		/* ... */
 		/* Take the recursive mutex. */
 		if( xSemaphoreTakeRecursive( xRecursiveMutex, xMaxBlock20ms ) == pdPASS )
 			/* The recursive mutex was successfully obtained. The task can now access  the resource the mutex is protecting. At this point the recursive call  count (which is the number of nested calls to xSemaphoreTakeRecursive()) is 1, as the recursive mutex has only been taken once. */
 			/* While it already holds the recursive mutex, the task takes the mutex  again. In a real application, this is only likely to occur inside a sub-function called by this task, as there is no practical reason to knowingly  take the same mutex more than once. The calling task is already the mutex  holder, so the second call to xSemaphoreTakeRecursive() does nothing more  than increment the recursive call count to 2. */
 			xSemaphoreTakeRecursive( xRecursiveMutex, xMaxBlock20ms );
 			/* ... */
			/* The task returns the mutex after it has finished accessing the resource  the mutex is protecting. At this point the recursive call count is 2, so  the first call to xSemaphoreGiveRecursive() does not return the mutex.  Instead, it simply decrements the recursive call count back to 1. */
 			xSemaphoreGiveRecursive( xRecursiveMutex );
 			/* The next call to xSemaphoreGiveRecursive() decrements the recursive call  count to 0, so this time the recursive mutex is returned.*/
 			xSemaphoreGiveRecursive( xRecursiveMutex );
 			/* Now one call to xSemaphoreGiveRecursive() has been executed for every proceeding call to xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(), so the task is no longer the  mutex holder. 


在图68所示的场景中,当互斥锁可用时,FreeRTOS调度器就并不会立即使Task 1进入正在运行的状态,因为:

  1. 任务1和任务2具有相同的优先级,所以除非任务2进入阻塞状态,否则不应该切换到任务1,直到下一次时间片(假设configUSE_TIME_SLICING在FreeRTOSConfig.h中设置为1)。
  2. 如果一个任务在紧密循环中使用互斥锁,并且每次任务“give”互斥锁时都会发生上下文切换,那么该任务只会在很短的时间内处于运行状态。如果两个或更多的任务在一个紧密的循环中使用相同的互斥锁,那么在任务之间的快速切换将会浪费处理时间。


//Listing 125. A task that uses a mutex in a tight loop
/* The implementation of a task that uses a mutex in a tight loop. The task creates a text string in a local buffer, then writes the string to a display. Access to the display is protected by a mutex. */
void vATask( void *pvParameter )
	extern SemaphoreHandle_t xMutex;
	char cTextBuffer[ 128 ];
 	for( ;; )
 		/* Generate the text string – this is a fast operation. */
 		vGenerateTextInALocalBuffer( cTextBuffer );
 		/* Obtain the mutex that is protecting access to the display. */
 		xSemaphoreTake( xMutex, portMAX_DELAY );
 		/* Write the generated text to the display – this is a slow operation. */
 		vCopyTextToFrameBuffer( cTextBuffer );
 		/* The text has been written to the display, so return the mutex. */
 		xSemaphoreGive( xMutex );


//Listing 126. Ensuring tasks that use a mutex in a loop receive a more equal amount of processing time, while also ensuring processing time is not wasted by switching between tasks too rapidly
void vFunction( void *pvParameter )
	extern SemaphoreHandle_t xMutex;
	char cTextBuffer[ 128 ];
	TickType_t xTimeAtWhichMutexWasTaken;
 	for( ;; )
 		/* Generate the text string – this is a fast operation. */
 		vGenerateTextInALocalBuffer( cTextBuffer );
 		/* Obtain the mutex that is protecting access to the display. */
 		xSemaphoreTake( xMutex, portMAX_DELAY );
 		/* Record the time at which the mutex was taken. */
 		xTimeAtWhichMutexWasTaken = xTaskGetTickCount();
 		/* Write the generated text to the display – this is a slow operation. */
 		vCopyTextToFrameBuffer( cTextBuffer );
 		/* The text has been written to the display, so return the mutex. */
 		xSemaphoreGive( xMutex );
 		/* If taskYIELD() was called on each iteration then this task would only ever  remain in the Running state for a short period of time, and processing time  would be wasted by rapidly switching between tasks. Therefore, only call  taskYIELD() if the tick count changed while the mutex was held. */
 		if( xTaskGetTickCount() != xTimeAtWhichMutexWasTaken )



Example 21. Re-writing vPrintString() to use a gatekeeper task


  1. 在FreeRTOSConfig.h中将configUSE_TICK_HOOK设置为1。
  2. 使用清单127中所示的确切函数名和原型,提供回调函数的实现。
//Listing 127. The name and prototype for a tick hook function
void vApplicationTickHook( void );

回调函数在滴答中断的上下文中执行,因此必须保持非常短,必须只使用适量的栈空间,并且不能调用任何不以“FromISR()”结尾的FreeRTOS API函数。
调度程序总是在滴答回调函数之后立即执行,因此从滴答回调中调用的中断安全FreeRTOS API函数不需要使用其pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken参数,并且该参数可以设置为NULL。

//Listing 128. The gatekeeper task
static void prvStdioGatekeeperTask( void *pvParameters )
	char *pcMessageToPrint;
 	/* This is the only task that is allowed to write to standard out. Any other task wanting to write a string to the output does not access standard out directly, but instead sends the string to this task. As only this task accesses  standard out there are no mutual exclusion or serialization issues to consider  within the implementation of the task itself. */
 	for( ;; )
 		/* Wait for a message to arrive. An indefinite block time is specified so  there is no need to check the return value – the function will only return  when a message has been successfully received. */
 		xQueueReceive( xPrintQueue, &pcMessageToPrint, portMAX_DELAY );
 		/* Output the received string. */
 		printf( "%s", pcMessageToPrint );
 		fflush( stdout );
 		/* Loop back to wait for the next message. */

//Listing 129. The print task implementation for Example 21
static void prvPrintTask( void *pvParameters )
	int iIndexToString;
	const TickType_t xMaxBlockTimeTicks = 0x20;
 	/* Two instances of this task are created. The task parameter is used to pass an index into an array of strings into the task. Cast this to the required type. */
 	iIndexToString = ( int ) pvParameters;
 	for( ;; )
 		/* Print out the string, not directly, but instead by passing a pointer to the string to the gatekeeper task via a queue. The queue is created before  the scheduler is started so will already exist by the time this task executes for the first time. A block time is not specified because there should  always be space in the queue. */
 		xQueueSendToBack( xPrintQueue, &( pcStringsToPrint[ iIndexToString ] ), 0 );
 		/* Wait a pseudo random time. Note that rand() is not necessarily reentrant, but in this case it does not really matter as the code does not care what  value is returned. In a more secure application a version of rand() that is  known to be reentrant should be used - or calls to rand() should be protected  using a critical section. */
 		vTaskDelay( ( rand() % xMaxBlockTimeTicks ) );

//Listing 130. The tick hook implementation
void vApplicationTickHook( void )
	static int iCount = 0;
 	/* Print out a message every 200 ticks. The message is not written out directly, 
 but sent to the gatekeeper task. */
 	if( iCount >= 200 )
 		/* As xQueueSendToFrontFromISR() is being called from the tick hook, it is 
 not necessary to use the xHigherPriorityTaskWoken parameter (the third 
 parameter), and the parameter is set to NULL. */
 		xQueueSendToFrontFromISR( xPrintQueue, 
								 &( pcStringsToPrint[ 2 ] ), 
 								NULL );
 	/* Reset the count ready to print out the string again in 200 ticks time. */
 	iCount = 0;

//Listing 131. The implementation of main() for Example 21
/* Define the strings that the tasks and interrupt will print out via the 
gatekeeper. */
static char *pcStringsToPrint[] =
 	"Task 1 ****************************************************\r\n",
 	"Task 2 ----------------------------------------------------\r\n",
 	"Message printed from the tick hook interrupt ##############\r\n"
/* Declare a variable of type QueueHandle_t. The queue is used to send messages 
from the print tasks and the tick interrupt to the gatekeeper task. */
QueueHandle_t xPrintQueue;
int main( void )
 	/* Before a queue is used it must be explicitly created. The queue is created to hold a maximum of 5 character pointers. */
 	xPrintQueue = xQueueCreate( 5, sizeof( char * ) );
 	/* Check the queue was created successfully. */
 	if( xPrintQueue != NULL )
 		/* Create two instances of the tasks that send messages to the gatekeeper. The index to the string the task uses is passed to the task via the task parameter (the 4th parameter to xTaskCreate()). The tasks are created at  different priorities so the higher priority task will occasionally preempt the lower priority task. */
 		xTaskCreate( prvPrintTask, "Print1", 1000, ( void * ) 0, 1, NULL );
 		xTaskCreate( prvPrintTask, "Print2", 1000, ( void * ) 1, 2, NULL );
 		/* Create the gatekeeper task. This is the only task that is permitted to directly access standard out. */
 		xTaskCreate( prvStdioGatekeeperTask, "Gatekeeper", 1000, NULL, 0, NULL );
 		/* Start the scheduler so the created tasks start executing. */
 	/* If all is well then main() will never reach here as the scheduler will now be  running the tasks. If main() does reach here then it is likely that there was  insufficient heap memory available for the idle task to be created. Chapter 2 provides more information on heap memory management. */
 	for( ;; );






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