这个两个东西虽然非常简单,在C++和JAVA当中都有清楚的解释,但是我写下这个文章,纯粹是为了初学者便于理解。Think in Java关于这个知识点的论述原文如下:,因为英文很简单我就不翻译了,只是做一点点解释。
There are two versions of each type of operator, often called the prefix and postfix versions.
Preincrement means the ++ operator appears before the variable, and post-incrementmeans the ++ operator appears after the variable. Similarly, pre-decrement means the --
operator appears before the variable, and post-decrement means the -- operator appears
after the variable. For pre-increment and pre-decrement (i.e., ++a or --a), the operation is
performed and the value is produced. For post-increment and post-decrement (i.e., a++ or
a--), the value is produced, then the operation is performed. As an example:
//: operators/AutoInc.java
// Demonstrates the ++ and -- operators.
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*;
public class AutoInc {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int i = 1;
print("i : " + i);
print("++i : " + ++i); // Pre-increment
print("i++ : " + i++); // Post-increment
print("i : " + i);
print("--i : " + --i); // Pre-decrement
print("i-- : " + i--); // Post-decrement
print("i : " + i);
} /* Output:
i : 1
++i : 2
i++ : 2
i : 3
--i : 2
i-- : 2
i : 1
print("++i : " + ++i); // Pre-increment
而print("i++ : " + i++); // Post-increment