3GPP TS 29244-g30 中英文对照 | 5.22.3 With one PFCP association per SMF and UPF


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5.22.3 With one PFCP association per SMF and UPF 每个SMF和UPF具有一个PFCP关联

If multiple PFCP associations are setup between an UPF and the SMFs in an SMF set, the following applies:


1)Each SMF in the SMF set shall establish its own PFCP association with the UPF and shall provide the Node ID IE set to an FQDN or IP address of the SMF and the SMF Set ID IE set to an FQDN representing the SMF set. All SMFs of an SMF set shall indicate the same SMF Set ID.

The SMF shall indicate that it supports the MPAS feature (Multiple PFCP Associations to the SMFs in an SMF set) in the CP Function Features IE (see clause 8.2.58); this indicates to the UPF that the PFCP sessions established with this PFCP association can be successively controlled by different SMFs of the same SMF set according to the procedure defined in this clause.

The SMF may also provide a list of alternative IP addresses of PFCP entities pertaining to the same SMF in the PFCP Association Setup Request message.

1)SMF集合中的每个SMF应与UPF建立自己的PFCP偶联,并应将Node ID IE集合提供给SMF的FQDN或IP地址,并将SMF Set ID IE集合提供给代表SMF集合的FQDN。一个SMF集合的所有SMF应表示相同的SMF Set ID。SMF应表明其支持CP Function Features IE中的MPAS特性;这向UPF表明,用该PFCP偶联建立的PFCP会话可以由同一SMF集的不同SMF连续控制。SMF还可以在PFCP Association Setup Request消息中提供与同一SMF相关的PFCP实体的备选IP地址的列表。

The UPF and SMF shall identify the PFCP association by the Node ID of the SMF and UPF respectively.


Likewise, when an SMF is added or removed from the SMF set, this SMF shall establish or tear down its PFCP association with the UPF.


2)When establishing a PFCP session, the SEID that the SMF assigns in the CP F-SEID of the PFCP Session Establishment Request may be unique or not within the SMF set. However the assigned CP F-SEID shall be unique within the SMF set.

2)当建立PFCP会话时,SMF在PFCP Session Establishment Request的CP F-SEID中分配的SEID可以是唯一的或者不在SMF集合内。但是,指定的CP F-SEID在SMF集合中应是唯一的。

NOTE 1: The UPF does not (need to) know whether the SEID in the CP F-SEID is uniquely assigned in the SMF set or not. The SMF and the UPF identifies the PFCP session by its own CP F-SEID and UP F-SEID respectively.

注意1:UPF不(不需要)知道CP F-SEID中的SEID是否在SMF集中唯一分配。 SMF和UPF分别通过其自己的CP F-SEID和UP F-SEID标识PFCP会话。

3)Any SMF in the SMF set may issue requests to modify or delete the PFCP session. When the SMF controlling a PFCP session changes, the SMF that takes over the control of the PFCP session shall provide its own Node ID and may provide a new CP F-SEID.

3)SMF集合中的任何SMF都可以发出修改或删除PFCP会话的请求。当控制PFCP会话的SMF改变时,接管PFCP会话控制的SMF应提供其自己的Node ID并且可以提供新的CP F-SEID。

The UPF shall allow the PFCP session modification or deletion request to come from any other PFCP association from the same SMF set.


4)At any time, an SMF may update a PFCP session by including the CP F-SEID with the IPv4 or IPv6 address of a new SMF and/or a new SEID assigned by the new SMF in a PFCP Session Modification Request.

4)在任何时候,SMF可以通过在PFCP Session Modification Request中包括具有新SMF的IPv4或IPv6地址的CP F-SEID和/或新SMF分配的新SEID来更新PFCP会话。

5)An SMF may redirect a UPF initiated PFCP session related request to another PFCP entity pertaining to the same SMF or to a different SMF in the SMF set by rejecting the request with the cause "Redirection Requested" and with the IP address of the new entity to contact. When sending the redirected request to another PFCP entity pertaining to the same SMF or to the new SMF, the UPF shall set a null SEID in the header of the PFCP request and include the CP F-SEID assigned by the previous SMF in the request.

5)SMF可以将UPF发起的PFCP会话相关请求重定向到属于同一SMF的另一个PFCP实体或SMF集中的另一个SMF,方法是拒绝该请求,原因是“Redirection Requested”和要联系的新实体的IP地址。当将重定向的请求发送到另一个与同一SMF或新SMF有关的PFCP实体时,UPF应在PFCP请求的头中设置一个空SEID,并在请求中包括由先前SMF分配的CP F-SEID。

Alternatively, an SMF may forward the UPF request to another PFCP entity pertaining to the same SMF or another SMF in the SMF set; the new PFCP entity or the new SMF answers to the UPF, including the CP F-SEID IE with the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the new entity respectively and the same or a modified SEID, and optionally including the N4-u F-TEID that the UPF shall use for sending data towards the new entity.

或者,SMF可以将UPF请求转发给与SMF中的同一SMF或另一SMF相关的另一PFCP实体;新PFCP实体或新SMF应答UPF,包括分别具有新实体的IPv4或IPv6地址的CP F-SEID IE和相同或修改的SEID,并且可选地包括UPF用于向新实体发送数据的N4-u F-TEID。

NOTE 2: This allows to address cases where a different SMF would have been reselected in the 5GC for the PFCP session, e.g. by an AMF.


6)The UPF shall initiate PFCP session related requests (e.g. PFCP Session Report Request) towards another PFCP entity pertaining to the same SMF or to another SMF in the SMF set with which the UPF has established associations with the same SMF Set ID, if the IP address included in the CP F-SEID assigned to the PFCP session is not responsive, heartbeat failure towards IP address of the CP F-SEID assigned to the PFCP session, or if the UPF receives a GTP-U Error Indication from the SMF over the N4-u tunnel assigned to the N4 session for data forwarding.

6)如果分配给PFCP会话的CP F-SEID中包含的IP地址没有响应,则UPF应向另一个PFCP实体发起PFCP会话相关请求,该请求涉及同一SMF或UPF与同一SMF Set ID建立偶联的SMF集合中的另一个SMF,向分配给PFCP会话的CP F-SEID的IP地址发送心跳故障,或者如果UPF通过分配给N4会话用于数据转发的N4-U隧道从SMF接收到GTP-U Error Indication

When sending the request to the new entity, the UPF shall set a null SEID in the header of the PFCP request and include the CP F-SEID assigned by the previous SMF in the request.

当向新实体发送请求时,UPF应在PFCP请求的头中设置一个空SEID,并在请求中包含前一个SMF分配的CP F-SEID。

7)The UPF shall not trigger the restoration procedures specified in 3GPP TS 23.527 [40] for a PFCP session that can be controlled by different SMFs of an SMF set when a heartbeat failure is detected. Restoration procedures shall be triggered only if heartbeat procedures fail with all of the SMFs in the SMF set (i.e. the SMFs with which the UPF has established associations with the same SMF Set ID).


8)If an SMF or UPF fails, the peer PFCP node that detects that error shall remove the PFCP association locally.


9)A UPF supporting the MPAS feature shall support F-TEID allocation and UE IP address/prefix allocation in the UP function (see clauses 5.5 and 5.21).

9)支持MPAS特性的UPF应在UP功能中支持F-TEID分配和UE IP地址/前缀分配。





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