Yocto - Project Quick Build


这篇简短的文档将向您介绍使用 Yocto 项目构建典型镜像的过程。本文还介绍了如何为特定硬件配置构建。您将使用 Yocto Project 构建一个名为 Poky 的参考嵌入式操作系统。


This short document steps you through the process for a typical image build using the Yocto Project. The document also introduces how to configure a build for specific hardware. You will use Yocto Project to build a reference embedded OS called Poky.


  • 本文中的示例假定您使用的是运行最新 Ubuntu Linux 发行版的原生 Linux 系统。如果你想使用 Yocto Project 来构建镜像(构建主机)的机器不是本地 Linux 系统,你仍然可以通过使用 CROss PlatformS (CROPS) 和设置 Poky 容器来执行这些步骤。更多信息,请参阅《Yocto 项目开发任务手册》中的 "设置使用 CROss PlatformS (CROPS)" 章节。

  • 您可以使用第 2 版 Windows Subsystem For Linux (WSL 2) 来设置使用 Windows 10 或更高版本、Windows Server 2019 或更高版本的构建主机。更多信息,请参阅《Yocto 项目开发任务手册》中的 "设置使用 Windows Linux 子系统(WSL 2)"部分。


* The examples in this paper assume you are using a native Linux system running a recent Ubuntu Linux distribution. If the machine you want to use Yocto Project on to build an image (Build Host) is not a native Linux system, you can still perform these steps by using CROss PlatformS (CROPS) and setting up a Poky container. See the Setting Up to Use CROss PlatformS (CROPS) section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual for more information.

* You may use version 2 of Windows Subsystem For Linux (WSL 2) to set up a build host using Windows 10 or later, Windows Server 2019 or later. See the Setting Up to Use Windows Subsystem For Linux (WSL 2) section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual for more information.

如果您想了解有关 Yocto 项目的更多概念或背景信息,请参阅《Yocto 项目概述和概念手册》。

If you want more conceptual or background information on the Yocto Project, see the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual.

Compatible Linux Distribution (兼容的 Linux 发行版)


  • 至少 90 Gbytes 的可用磁盘空间,当然更多空间有助于运行多个构建,并通过重复使用构建工件来提高性能。

  • 至少 8 Gbytes 内存,但强烈建议使用具有尽可能多内存和 CPU 内核的现代构建主机,以最大限度地提高构建性能。

  • 运行受支持的 Linux 发行版(即 Fedora、openSUSE、CentOS、Debian 或 Ubuntu 的最新版本)。有关支持 Yocto 项目的 Linux 发行版列表,请参阅《Yocto 项目参考手册》中的 "支持的 Linux 发行版 "部分。有关准备构建主机的详细信息,请参阅《Yocto 项目开发任务手册》中的 "准备构建主机 "部分。

  • Git 或更高版本

    tar 1.28 或更高版本

    Python 3.8.0 或更高版本。

    gcc 8.0 或更高版本

    GNU make 4.0 或更高版本

Make sure your Build Host meets the following requirements:

* At least 90 Gbytes of free disk space, though much more will help to run multiple builds and increase performance by reusing build artifacts.

* At least 8 Gbytes of RAM, though a modern modern build host with as much RAM and as many CPU cores as possible is strongly recommended to maximize build performance.

* Runs a supported Linux distribution (i.e. recent releases of Fedora, openSUSE, CentOS, Debian, or Ubuntu). For a list of Linux distributions that support the Yocto Project, see the Supported Linux Distributions section in the Yocto Project Reference Manual. For detailed information on preparing your build host, see the Preparing the Build Host section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.

    * Git or greater

    * tar 1.28 or greater

    * Python 3.8.0 or greater.

    * gcc 8.0 or greater.

    * GNU make 4.0 or greater

如果你的构建主机不符合上述三个版本要求中的任何一个,你可以采取措施准备系统,以便仍然可以使用 Yocto 项目。有关信息,请参阅《Yocto 项目参考手册》中的 "所需的 Git、tar、Python、make 和 gcc 版本 "部分。

If your build host does not meet any of these three listed version requirements, you can take steps to prepare the system so that you can still use the Yocto Project. See the Required Git, tar, Python, make and gcc Versions section in the Yocto Project Reference Manual for information.

Build Host Packages (构建主机软件包)

您必须在构建主机上安装必要的主机软件包。以下命令将安装基于 Ubuntu 发行版的主机软件包:

You must install essential host packages on your build host. The following command installs the host packages based on an Ubuntu distribution:

$ sudo apt install gawk wget git diffstat unzip texinfo gcc build-essential chrpath socat cpio python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect xz-utils debianutils iputils-ping python3-git python3-jinja2 libegl1-mesa libsdl1.2-dev python3-subunit mesa-common-dev zstd liblz4-tool file locales libacl1

$ sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8


有关所有受支持 Linux 发行版的主机软件包要求,请参阅《Yocto 项目参考手册》中的 "构建主机所需软件包 "部分。


For host package requirements on all supported Linux distributions, see the Required Packages for the Build Host section in the Yocto Project Reference Manual.

Use Git to Clone Poky 

完成机器设置操作后,您需要在构建主机上获取 Poky 仓库的副本。使用以下命令克隆 Poky 仓库。

Once you complete the setup instructions for your machine, you need to get a copy of the Poky repository on your build host. Use the following commands to clone the Poky repository.

$ git clone git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky

Cloning into 'poky'...

remote: Counting

objects: 432160, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100%

(102056/102056), done. remote: Total 432160 (delta 323116), reused

432037 (delta 323000) Receiving objects: 100% (432160/432160), 153.81 MiB | 8.54 MiB/s, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (323116/323116), done.

Checking connectivity... done.

进入 Releases wiki 页面,选择与最新稳定版或长期支持版相对应的版本代号(如 nanbield)。 (Releases - Yocto Project)

然后移动到 poky 目录,查看现有分支:

Go to Releases wiki page, and choose a release codename (such as nanbield), corresponding to either the latest stable release or a Long Term Support release.

Then move to the poky directory and take a look at existing branches:

$ cd poky

$ git branch -a




remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
















在本例中,请查看基于 Nanbield 版本的 nanbield 分支:

For this example, check out the nanbield branch based on the Nanbield release:

$ git checkout -t origin/nanbield -b my-nanbield

Branch 'my-nanbield' set up to track remote branch 'nanbield' from 'origin'.

Switched to a new branch 'my-nanbield'

前面的 Git 签出命令创建了一个名为 my-nanbield 的本地分支。该分支中的文件与 nanbield 发布分支中的版本库文件完全一致。


The previous Git checkout command creates a local branch named my-nanbield. The files available to you in that branch exactly match the repository’s files in the nanbield release branch.

Note that you can regularly type the following command in the same directory to keep your local files in sync with the release branch:

$ git pull

有关访问 Yocto Project 相关软件源的更多选项和信息,请参阅《Yocto Project 开发任务手册》中的 "查找 Yocto Project 源文件 "部分。

For more options and information about accessing Yocto Project related repositories, see the Locating Yocto Project Source Files section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.

Building Your Image (构建你的镜像)

使用以下步骤构建映像。构建过程将从源代码创建整个 Linux 发行版,包括工具链。


  • 如果您在防火墙后工作,且您的构建主机未设置代理,则在获取源代码时可能会遇到构建过程问题(如获取失败或 Git 失败)。

  • 如果不知道代理设置,请查阅本地网络基础设施资源并获取相关信息。检查网络浏览器设置也是一个很好的起点。最后,你可以在 Yocto 项目 Wiki 的 "在网络代理后面工作 "页面找到更多信息。

Use the following steps to build your image. The build process creates an entire Linux distribution, including the toolchain, from source.


* If you are working behind a firewall and your build host is not set up for proxies, you could encounter problems with the build process when fetching source code (e.g. fetcher failures or Git failures).

* If you do not know your proxy settings, consult your local network infrastructure resources and get that information. A good starting point could also be to check your web browser settings. Finally, you can find more information on the “Working Behind a Network Proxy” page of the Yocto Project Wiki.

1,初始化构建环境: 在 poky 目录中运行 oe-init-build-env 环境设置脚本,在构建主机上定义 Yocto Project 的构建环境。

1, Initialize the Build Environment: From within the poky directory, run the oe-init-build-env environment setup script to define Yocto Project’s build environment on your build host.

$ cd poky

$ source oe-init-build-env

You had no conf/local.conf file. This configuration file has therefore been

created for you with some default values. You may wish to edit it to, for

example, select a different MACHINE (target hardware). See conf/local.conf

for more information as common configuration options are commented.

You had no conf/bblayers.conf file. This configuration file has therefore

been created for you with some default values. To add additional metadata

layers into your configuration please add entries to conf/bblayers.conf.

The Yocto Project has extensive documentation about OE including a reference

manual which can be found at:


For more information about OpenEmbedded see their website:


### Shell environment set up for builds. ###

You can now run 'bitbake <target>'

Common targets are:







You can also run generated QEMU images with a command like 'runqemu qemux86-64'

Other commonly useful commands are:

- 'devtool' and 'recipetool' handle common recipe tasks

- 'bitbake-layers' handles common layer tasks

- 'oe-pkgdata-util' handles common target package tasks

其他方面,脚本还会创建构建目录,本例中的构建目录位于源代码目录中。脚本运行后,当前工作目录将被设置为 "构建目录"。之后,当编译完成时,编译目录将包含编译过程中创建的所有文件。

Among other things, the script creates the Build Directory, which is build in this case and is located in the Source Directory. After the script runs, your current working directory is set to the Build Directory. Later, when the build completes, the Build Directory contains all the files created during the build.

2,检查本地配置文件:设置联编环境时,联编目录的 conf 子目录中会出现一个名为 local.conf 的本地配置文件。在本例中,默认设置是为适合仿真的 qemux86 目标机构建。使用的软件包管理器设置为 RPM 软件包管理器。

2, Examine Your Local Configuration File: When you set up the build environment, a local configuration file named local.conf becomes available in a conf subdirectory of the Build Directory. For this example, the defaults are set to build for a qemux86 target, which is suitable for emulation. The package manager used is set to the RPM package manager.



要使用此类镜像,请在构建目录下的 conf/local.conf 文件中取消注释以下几行:


You can significantly speed up your build and guard against fetcher failures by using Shared State Cache mirrors and enabling Hash Equivalence. This way, you can use pre-built artifacts rather than building them. This is relevant only when your network and the server that you use can download these artifacts faster than you would be able to build them.

To use such mirrors, uncomment the below lines in your conf/local.conf file in the Build Directory:

BB_HASHSERVE_UPSTREAM = "hashserv.yocto.io:8687"

SSTATE_MIRRORS ?= "file://.* http://cdn.jsdelivr.net/yocto/sstate/all/PATH;downloadfilename=PATH"



3,开始构建: 继续执行以下命令,为目标(本例中为 core-image-sato)构建操作系统镜像:

3, Start the Build: Continue with the following command to build an OS image for the target, which is core-image-sato in this example:

有关使用 bitbake 命令的信息,请参阅《Yocto 项目概述和概念手册》中的 BitBake 章节,或《BitBake 用户手册》中的 BitBake 命令。

$ bitbake core-image-sato

For information on using the bitbake command, see the BitBake section in the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual, or see The BitBake Command in the BitBake User Manual.

4,使用 QEMU 模拟镜像:构建好特定镜像后,就可以启动 QEMU,它是 Yocto 项目随附的快速 EMUlator:

4, Simulate Your Image Using QEMU: Once this particular image is built, you can start QEMU, which is a Quick EMUlator that ships with the Yocto Project:

$ runqemu qemux86-64

如果想了解运行 QEMU 的更多信息,请参阅《Yocto 项目开发任务手册》中的 "使用快速 EMUlator (QEMU)" 章节。

If you want to learn more about running QEMU, see the Using the Quick EMUlator (QEMU) chapter in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.

5,退出 QEMU:单击关机图标或在唤起 QEMU 的 QEMU 记录窗口中键入 Ctrl-C 即可退出 QEMU。

5, Exit QEMU: Exit QEMU by either clicking on the shutdown icon or by typing Ctrl-C in the QEMU transcript window from which you evoked QEMU.

Customizing Your Build for Specific Hardware ( 为指定硬件定制构建)

到目前为止,你所做的只是快速构建了一个仅适用于仿真的映像。本节将向你展示如何通过在 Yocto Project 开发环境中添加硬件层来定制特定硬件的构建。

一般来说,层是包含相关指令集和配置的资源库,这些指令集和配置会告诉 Yocto Project 要做什么。将相关元数据隔离到功能特定的层中有利于模块化开发,并使层元数据的重用更加容易。

So far, all you have done is quickly built an image suitable for emulation only. This section shows you how to customize your build for specific hardware by adding a hardware layer into the Yocto Project development environment.

In general, layers are repositories that contain related sets of instructions and configurations that tell the Yocto Project what to do. Isolating related metadata into functionally specific layers facilitates modular development and makes it easier to reuse the layer metadata.


按照惯例,层名称以字符串 "meta-"开头。


By convention, layer names start with the string “meta-“.


  1. 查找层: 有许多硬件层可用。Yocto Project 源代码库中有许多硬件层。本例添加了meta-altera硬件层。

  2. 克隆层: 使用 Git 在你的机器上复制一个硬件层。你可以将该副本放在之前创建的 Poky 仓库副本的顶层:

Follow these steps to add a hardware layer:

1. Find a Layer: Many hardware layers are available. The Yocto Project Source Repositories has many hardware layers. This example adds the meta-altera hardware layer.

2. Clone the Layer: Use Git to make a local copy of the layer on your machine. You can put the copy in the top level of the copy of the Poky repository created earlier:

$ cd poky

$ git clone https://github.com/kraj/meta-altera.git

Cloning into 'meta-altera'...

remote: Counting objects: 25170, done.

remote: Compressing objects: 100% (350/350), done.

remote: Total 25170 (delta 645), reused 719 (delta 538), pack-reused 24219

Receiving objects: 100% (25170/25170), 41.02 MiB | 1.64 MiB/s, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (13385/13385), done.

Checking connectivity... done.

硬件层现在可以在构建主机上的 Poky 参考资源库中作为 meta-altera 与其他层一起使用,其中包含支持英特尔旗下 Altera 硬件所需的所有元数据。


建议每个 Yocto 项目版本的层都有一个分支。请确保签出支持你正在使用的 Yocto 项目版本的层分支。

The hardware layer is now available next to other layers inside the Poky reference repository on your build host as meta-altera and contains all the metadata needed to support hardware from Altera, which is owned by Intel.


It is recommended for layers to have a branch per Yocto Project release. Please make sure to checkout the layer branch supporting the Yocto Project release you’re using.

  1. 改配置,为特定机器构建: local.conf 文件中的 MACHINE 变量指定了用于编译的机器。在本例中,将 MACHINE 变量设置为 cyclone5。使用这些配置:https://github.com/kraj/meta-altera/blob/master/conf/machine/cyclone5.conf


有关配置编译的更多信息,请参阅前面的 "检查本地配置文件 "步骤。

3. Change the Configuration to Build for a Specific Machine: The MACHINE variable in the local.conf file specifies the machine for the build. For this example, set the MACHINE variable to cyclone5. These configurations are used: https://github.com/kraj/meta-altera/blob/master/conf/machine/cyclone5.conf.


See the “Examine Your Local Configuration File” step earlier for more information on configuring the build.

  1. 将层添加到层配置文件中:在构建过程中使用层之前,必须将其添加到 bblayers.conf 文件中,该文件位于构建目录 conf 目录中。

使用 bitbake-layers add-layer 命令将层添加到配置文件中:

4. Add Your Layer to the Layer Configuration File: Before you can use a layer during a build, you must add it to your bblayers.conf file, which is found in the Build Directory conf directory.

Use the bitbake-layers add-layer command to add the layer to the configuration file:

$ cd poky/build

$ bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-altera

NOTE: Starting bitbake server...

Parsing recipes: 100% |##################################################################| Time: 0:00:32

Parsing of 918 .bb files complete (0 cached, 918 parsed). 1401 targets,

123 skipped, 0 masked, 0 errors.

有关添加图层的更多信息,请参阅 "使用 bitbake-layers 脚本添加层 "部分。

You can find more information on adding layers in the Adding a Layer Using the bitbake-layers Script section.

完成这些步骤后,您的 Yocto Project 开发环境中就添加了 meta-altera 层,并将其配置为在 cyclone5 机器上构建。


前面的步骤仅供演示。如果您尝试为 cyclone5 机器构建镜像,请阅读 Altera README。

Completing these steps has added the meta-altera layer to your Yocto Project development environment and configured it to build for the cyclone5 machine.


The previous steps are for demonstration purposes only. If you were to attempt to build an image for the cyclone5 machine, you should read the Altera README.

Creating Your Own General Layer (创建你的通用层)

也许你有需要隔离的应用程序或特定行为集。您可以使用 bitbake-layers create-layer 命令创建自己的通用层。该工具通过设置一个包含 layer.conf 配置文件的子目录、一个包含 example.bb 配方的 recipes-example 子目录、一个许可文件和一个 README 来自动创建层。

以下命令将运行该工具,在 poky 目录中创建名为 meta-mylayer 的图层:

Maybe you have an application or specific set of behaviors you need to isolate. You can create your own general layer using the bitbake-layers create-layer command. The tool automates layer creation by setting up a subdirectory with a layer.conf configuration file, a recipes-example subdirectory that contains an example.bb recipe, a licensing file, and a README.

The following commands run the tool to create a layer named meta-mylayer in the poky directory:

$ cd poky

$ bitbake-layers create-layer meta-mylayer

NOTE: Starting bitbake server...

Add your new layer with 'bitbake-layers add-layer meta-mylayer'

有关层以及如何创建层的更多信息,请参阅《Yocto 项目开发任务手册》中的 "使用 bitbake-layers 脚本创建常规层 "一节。

For more information on layers and how to create them, see the Creating a General Layer Using the bitbake-layers Script section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.

Where To Go Next (下一步)

既然你已经体验过使用 Yocto 项目,你可能会问自己 "现在怎么办?Yocto 项目有许多信息来源,包括网站、维基页面和用户手册:

Now that you have experienced using the Yocto Project, you might be asking yourself “What now?”. The Yocto Project has many sources of information including the website, wiki pages, and user manuals:

  • 网站: Yocto 项目网站提供背景信息、最新版本、重大新闻、完整的开发文档,以及丰富的 Yocto 项目开发社区。

    The Yocto Project

  • Yocto 项目维基: Yocto 项目维基提供了更多信息,包括 Yocto 项目的下一步计划、发布信息、项目规划和 QA 信息。

    Yocto Project

  • Yocto 项目邮件列表: 相关邮件列表为讨论、补丁提交和公告提供了一个论坛。有多个按主题分组的邮件列表。有关 Yocto 项目邮件列表的完整列表,请参阅《Yocto 项目参考手册》中的邮件列表部分。

* Website: The Yocto Project Website provides background information, the latest builds, breaking news, full development documentation, and access to a rich Yocto Project Development Community into which you can tap.

* Video Seminar: The Introduction to the Yocto Project and BitBake, Part 1 and Introduction to the Yocto Project and BitBake, Part 2 videos offer a video seminar introducing you to the most important aspects of developing a custom embedded Linux distribution with the Yocto Project.

* Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual: The Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual is a great place to start to learn about the Yocto Project. This manual introduces you to the Yocto Project and its development environment. The manual also provides conceptual information for various aspects of the Yocto Project.

* Yocto Project Wiki: The Yocto Project Wiki provides additional information on where to go next when ramping up with the Yocto Project, release information, project planning, and QA information.

* Yocto Project Mailing Lists: Related mailing lists provide a forum for discussion, patch submission and announcements. There are several mailing lists grouped by topic. See the Mailing lists section in the Yocto Project Reference Manual for a complete list of Yocto Project mailing lists.

* Comprehensive List of Links and Other Documentation: The Links and Related Documentation section in the Yocto Project Reference Manual provides a comprehensive list of all related links and other user documentation.

Original from:

Yocto Project Quick Build — The Yocto Project ® 4.3.999 documentation

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