工程师 - keyboard wedge介绍

A keyboard wedge can be either a software program or an inserted hardware device that translates digital signals from a barcode reader or magnetic strip reader ( MSR ) into keyboard strokes for a computer. The software form of a keyboard wedge intercepts the dignal signals from the reader when they arrive at the computer and instantly translates them into keyboard strokes. The hardware form of a keyboard wedge inserts the translation device between the reader and the keyboard. Data sent through a wedge appears as if it was typed into the computer, while the keyboard itself remains fully functional. Because a computer using a keyboard wedge can't tell the difference between data that is entered by a scanning device, or data that is entered by keyboard typing, a wedge can be used to easily add barcode reading capability to an existing computer without modifying software applications.
This technology is commonly used with barcode scanners, magnetic stripe readers, and other input devices that need to send data to the computer in a way that the computer's applications can easily process without needing specialized software drivers.
如今,PS/2 端口连接已极为罕见,但在使用时,通常是在所谓的 "键盘楔形 "接口中用于条形码扫描仪。简单地说,就是条形码扫描仪的电缆末端有一个 Y 形分叉,PS/2 键盘连接到一端,另一端连接到 POS 计算机。这样,条形码扫描仪和键盘就可以使用同一个 PS/2 端口。如今,许多计算机不再有 PS/2 端口。
PS/2 port connections are extremely rare today, but when they are used, they are generally used for a barcode scanner in what is called a "keyboard wedge" interface. This simply means the barcode scanner's cable has a Y split at the end and a PS/2 keyboard is connected to one end and the other end is connected to the POS computer. This allows (wedges) both the barcode scanner and keyboard to use the same PS/2 port. Many computers today no longer have a PS/2 port.  
Key features of a keyboard wedge include:
1. 即插即用:无需额外软件即可轻松安装。
2. 兼容性强: 可与几乎所有接受键盘输入的应用程序配合使用。
3. 多功能性: 可与条形码扫描仪、RFID 阅读器等各种输入设备配合使用。
4. 数据传输: 以按键形式将数据直接传输到计算机的活动应用程序中。
1. Plug-and-Play: It allows for easy installation without needing additional software.
2. Compatibility: Works with virtually any application that accepts keyboard input.
3. Versatility: Can be used with various input devices like barcode scanners, RFID readers, and more.
4. Data Transmission: Transmits data directly into the computer’s active application as keystrokes.
How Keyboard Wedges Work
1. 硬件键盘楔: 这是一种插在键盘和计算机之间的物理设备。它可从外部设备(如条形码扫描仪)截取数据,并将其发送到计算机,就像从键盘上敲击键盘一样。
2. 软件键盘楔: 这是一个安装在计算机上的程序,可从输入设备捕获数据并模拟按键。该软件在后台运行,将输入数据转换为键盘事件。
1. Hardware Keyboard Wedge: This is a physical device that plugs between the keyboard and the computer. It intercepts the data from an external device (e.g., a barcode scanner) and sends it to the computer as if it were keystrokes from the keyboard.
2. Software Keyboard Wedge: This is a program installed on the computer that captures data from an input device and emulates keystrokes. This software runs in the background and translates the input data into keyboard events.
Components of a Hardware Keyboard Wedge
* 连接器: 楔形设备通常有一个 USB 或 PS/2 连接器,可插入计算机的键盘端口。
* 输入端口: 连接外部设备(如条形码扫描仪)的端口。
* 处理器: 内部处理器解释来自外部设备的数据,并将其转换为按键数据。
* 输出到计算机: 然后,楔通过键盘端口将按键数据发送到计算机。
* Connector: The wedge device usually has a USB or PS/2 connector that plugs into the computer's keyboard port.
* Input Port: A port where the external device (like a barcode scanner) is connected.
* Processor: The internal processor interprets the data from the external device and converts it into keystroke data.
* Output to Computer: The wedge then sends the keystroke data to the computer through the keyboard port.
Applications and Benefits
* 零售和销售点 (POS): 快速扫描产品条形码,将项目信息输入系统,加快结账流程。
* 库存管理: 在库存盘点或更新库存记录时有效输入商品数据。
* 访问控制: 读取员工徽章,准许或拒绝进入安全区域,无需专门软件。
* 数据输入: 简化在接受键盘输入的应用程序中输入大量数据的过程。
* Retail and Point of Sale (POS): Quickly scans product barcodes to enter item information into the system, speeding up the checkout process.
* Inventory Management: Efficiently inputs item data during stock takes or when updating inventory records.
* Access Control: Reads employee badges to grant or deny access to secure areas without needing specialized software.
* Data Entry: Streamlines the process of entering large amounts of data into applications that accept keyboard input.
Examples of Devices Using Keyboard Wedge Technology
1. 条形码扫描器
    * Honeywell Voyager 1202g: 无线条形码扫描仪,可通过 USB 键盘楔连接,将扫描数据直接输入应用程序。
    * Symbol LS2208: 常用的手持式扫描仪,可使用 USB 或 PS/2 键盘楔电缆连接。
2. 磁条阅读器
    * MagTek 迷你刷卡器: 通过 USB 连接读取磁条卡并以按键形式输出数据。
    * IDTech MiniMag II:通过 USB 或 PS/2 连接的紧凑型磁条阅读器,使用键盘楔技术输入数据。
3. RFID 阅读器
    * Thinkify USB+ 键盘楔: RFID 阅读器,通过 USB 连接,使用键盘楔软件以击键方式发送标签数据。
    * RFIDeas pcProx Plus: 读取 RFID 徽章,并通过 USB 连接将数据作为键盘输入发送。
1. Barcode Scanners
    * Honeywell Voyager 1202g: A wireless barcode scanner that can connect via a USB keyboard wedge to input scanned data directly into applications.
    * Symbol LS2208: A popular handheld scanner that can connect using a USB or PS/2 keyboard wedge cable.
2. Magnetic Stripe Readers
    * MagTek Mini Swipe Reader: Reads magnetic stripe cards and outputs the data as keystrokes via a USB connection.
    * IDTech MiniMag II: A compact magnetic stripe reader that connects via USB or PS/2 and uses keyboard wedge technology to input data.
3. RFID Readers
    * Thinkify USB+ Keyboard Wedge: An RFID reader that connects via USB and uses keyboard wedge software to send tag data as keystrokes.
    * RFIDeas pcProx Plus: Reads RFID badges and sends the data as keyboard input through a USB connection.
Implementation Example
设想一家零售店使用通过键盘楔连接的条形码扫描仪。收银员扫描商品时,扫描仪会将条形码数据发送到键盘楔。键盘楔会将这些数据转换为按键,并直接输入 POS 软件,在屏幕上显示产品详情和价格,就像收银员手动输入一样。
Imagine a retail store that uses a barcode scanner connected via a keyboard wedge. When a cashier scans an item, the scanner sends the barcode data to the keyboard wedge. The wedge converts this data into keystrokes and inputs it directly into the POS software, displaying the product details and price on the screen as if the cashier had typed it manually.




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