

STM32 单片机启动流程中介绍了SP和PC寄存器,



Cortex‐M3 拥有两个堆栈指针,然而它们是banked,因此任一时刻只能使用其中的一个。



堆栈指针的最低两位永远是 0,这意味着堆栈总是 4 字节对齐的。 在 ARM 编程领域中,凡是打断程序顺序执行的事件,都被称为异常(exception)。除了外部中断外,当有指令执行了“非法操作”,或者访问被禁的内存区间,因各种错误产生的 fault,以及不可屏蔽中断发生时,都会打断程序的执行,这些情况统称为异常。在不严格的上下文中,异常与中断也可以混用。另外,程序代码也可以主动请求进入异常状态的(常用于系统调用)。


  1. 可以将用户应用程序的堆栈与特权级/操作系统内核(kernel)的堆栈分开,阻止用户程序访问内核的堆栈,消除了内核数据被破坏的可能。(举个例子,windos系统下,一个软件卡死并不会使整个windos操作系统卡死)
  2. 可以使RTOS实现任务间“可抢占的系统调用”,大幅提高实时性能(中断前使用PSP,进入中断服务函数后会自动使用MSP,在中断中修改PSP值,退出中断服务函数后SP会自动切换到PSP,而PSP的值在中断中修改过,退出中断时会根据新的PSP, POP出PC寄存器及其他寄存器值,从而完成任务切换)




  • 在特权级线程模式下写CONTROL[1]
  • 在中断服务函数结束时修改LR寄存器(R14),下图为LR寄存器低四位所代表的含义





static void prvPortStartFirstTask( void )
    __asm volatile (
        " ldr r0, =0xE000ED08 	\n"/* Use the NVIC offset register to locate the stack. */
        " ldr r0, [r0] 			\n"
        " ldr r0, [r0] 			\n"
        " msr msp, r0			\n"/* Set the msp back to the start of the stack. */
        " cpsie i				\n"/* Globally enable interrupts. */
        " cpsie f				\n"
        " dsb					\n"
        " isb					\n"
        " svc 0					\n"/* 触发SVC异常,在SVC中断服务函数中启动第一个任务. */
        " nop					\n"
        " .ltorg				\n"

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SVC中断服务函数-- vPortSVCHandler()也是一个汇编函数,主要干了两件事,恢复任务现场(也就是将任务栈中保存的寄存器值POP到对应寄存器);将MSP切换为PSP;汇编语句具体含义可以对照M3权威指南中第四章指令集自行翻译。

void vPortSVCHandler( void )
    __asm volatile (
        "	ldr	r3, pxCurrentTCBConst2		\n"/* Restore the context. */
        "	ldr r1, [r3]					\n"/* Use pxCurrentTCBConst to get the pxCurrentTCB address. */
        "	ldr r0, [r1]					\n"/* The first item in pxCurrentTCB is the task top of stack. */
        "	ldmia r0!, {r4-r11}				\n"/* 将R4-R11的值从栈中弹出到对应寄存器,其他寄存器编译器会自动弹出 */
        "	msr psp, r0						\n"/* Restore the task stack pointer. */
        "	isb								\n"
        "	mov r0, #0 						\n"
        "	msr	basepri, r0					\n"
        "	orr r14, #0xd					\n"/* 返回线程模式,并使用线程堆栈(SP从MSP切换到PSP) */
        "	bx r14							\n"
        "									\n"
        "	.align 4						\n"
        "pxCurrentTCBConst2: .word pxCurrentTCB				\n"

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void xPortPendSVHandler( void )
    /* This is a naked function. */
__asm <span class="token keyword">volatile</span>
<span class="token punctuation">(</span>
<span class="token comment">/**************************第一部分保存现场****************************/</span>
    <span class="token string">"	mrs r0, psp							\n"</span>
    <span class="token string">"	isb									\n"</span>
    <span class="token string">"										\n"</span>
    <span class="token string">"	ldr	r3, pxCurrentTCBConst			\n"</span><span class="token comment">/* R3指向pxCurrentTCBConst,pxCurrentTCBConst指向当前任务控制块 */</span>
    <span class="token string">"	ldr	r2, [r3]						\n"</span>
    <span class="token string">"										\n"</span>
    <span class="token string">"	stmdb r0!, {r4-r11}					\n"</span><span class="token comment">/* 保存现场,将R4-R11的值压入栈中. */</span>
    <span class="token string">"	str r0, [r2]						\n"</span><span class="token comment">/* 由于上面将R4-R11压入栈中,栈顶PSP也会随之改变,这里将新的栈顶PSP存入任务控制块 */</span>
    <span class="token string">"										\n"</span>
    <span class="token string">"	stmdb sp!, {r3, r14}				\n"</span><span class="token comment">/* 将R3入栈,后面还要用的R3,但是后面会调用 vTaskSwitchContext函数,防止vTaskSwitchContext中修改了R3的值 */</span>
<span class="token comment">/*******************第二部分找到当前就绪任务中优先级最高的****************/</span>
    <span class="token string">"	mov r0, %0							\n"</span>
    <span class="token string">"	msr basepri, r0						\n"</span><span class="token comment">/* 关中断 进入临界区 要修改pxCurrentTCBConst */</span>
    <span class="token string">"	bl vTaskSwitchContext				\n"</span><span class="token comment">/* 查找就绪任务中优先级最高的任务 把pxCurrentTCBConst指向该任务控制块 */</span>
    <span class="token string">"	mov r0, #0							\n"</span>
    <span class="token string">"	msr basepri, r0						\n"</span><span class="token comment">/* 开中断 */</span>
<span class="token comment">/**************************第三部分恢复现场****************************/</span>
    <span class="token string">"	ldmia sp!, {r3, r14}				\n"</span>
    <span class="token string">"										\n"</span><span class="token comment">/* 将R3从栈中取出,R3指向pxCurrentTCBConst,但此时pxCurrentTCBConst可能已经在vTaskSwitchContext中修改过了 */</span>
    <span class="token string">"	ldr r1, [r3]						\n"</span>
    <span class="token string">"	ldr r0, [r1]						\n"</span>
    <span class="token string">"	ldmia r0!, {r4-r11}					\n"</span><span class="token comment">/* 从栈中POP出R4-R11 */</span>
    <span class="token string">"	msr psp, r0							\n"</span><span class="token comment">/* 更新psp */</span>
    <span class="token string">"	isb									\n"</span>
    <span class="token string">"	bx r14								\n"</span>
    <span class="token string">"										\n"</span>
    <span class="token string">"	.align 4							\n"</span>
    <span class="token string">"pxCurrentTCBConst: .word pxCurrentTCB	\n"</span>
    <span class="token operator">::</span><span class="token string">"i"</span> <span class="token punctuation">(</span> configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY <span class="token punctuation">)</span>
<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>


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  1. 保存现场

    进入中断服务函数前,xPSR, PC, LR, R12以及R3‐R0由硬件自动压入适当的堆栈中,而R4-R11就需要我们自行编写代码进行入栈。


  1. 找到当前就绪任务中优先级最高的



  1. 恢复现场
    和保存现场一样,从中断服务函数中退出时,堆栈会自动弹出恢复xPSR, PC, LR, R12以及R3‐R0寄存器的值。R4-R11需要在退出中断服务函数前自行编写代码恢复。







typedef struct tskTaskControlBlock       /* The old naming convention is used to prevent breaking kernel aware debuggers. */
    volatile StackType_t * pxTopOfStack; /*< 指向任务的栈顶.任务之间切换需要用到 */
<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">if</span> <span class="token expression"><span class="token punctuation">(</span> portUSING_MPU_WRAPPERS <span class="token operator">==</span> <span class="token number">1</span> <span class="token punctuation">)</span></span></span>
    xMPU_SETTINGS xMPUSettings<span class="token punctuation">;</span> <span class="token comment">/*&lt; 使用MPU时需要用到. */</span>
<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">endif</span></span>

ListItem_t xStateListItem<span class="token punctuation">;</span>                  <span class="token comment">/*&lt; 状态链表节点,可以将该节点挂在不同状态(就绪、堵塞、挂起)链表中 */</span>
ListItem_t xEventListItem<span class="token punctuation">;</span>                  <span class="token comment">/*&lt; 链表节点,可以将该节点挂在不同队列链表中,实现队列堵塞等功能 */</span>
UBaseType_t uxPriority<span class="token punctuation">;</span>                     <span class="token comment">/*&lt; 任务优先级 */</span>
StackType_t <span class="token operator">*</span> pxStack<span class="token punctuation">;</span>                      <span class="token comment">/*&lt; 指向任务栈起始位置 */</span>
<span class="token keyword">char</span> pcTaskName<span class="token punctuation">[</span> configMAX_TASK_NAME_LEN <span class="token punctuation">]</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span> <span class="token comment">/*&lt; 任务名字. */</span>

<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">if</span> <span class="token expression"><span class="token punctuation">(</span> <span class="token punctuation">(</span> portSTACK_GROWTH <span class="token operator">&gt;</span> <span class="token number">0</span> <span class="token punctuation">)</span> <span class="token operator">||</span> <span class="token punctuation">(</span> configRECORD_STACK_HIGH_ADDRESS <span class="token operator">==</span> <span class="token number">1</span> <span class="token punctuation">)</span> <span class="token punctuation">)</span></span></span>
    StackType_t <span class="token operator">*</span> pxEndOfStack<span class="token punctuation">;</span> <span class="token comment">/*&lt; Points to the highest valid address for the stack. */</span>
<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">endif</span></span>

<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">if</span> <span class="token expression"><span class="token punctuation">(</span> portCRITICAL_NESTING_IN_TCB <span class="token operator">==</span> <span class="token number">1</span> <span class="token punctuation">)</span></span></span>
    UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting<span class="token punctuation">;</span> <span class="token comment">/*&lt; Holds the critical section nesting depth for ports that do not maintain their own count in the port layer. */</span>
<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">endif</span></span>

<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">if</span> <span class="token expression"><span class="token punctuation">(</span> configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY <span class="token operator">==</span> <span class="token number">1</span> <span class="token punctuation">)</span></span></span>
    UBaseType_t uxTCBNumber<span class="token punctuation">;</span>  <span class="token comment">/*&lt; Stores a number that increments each time a TCB is created.  It allows debuggers to determine when a task has been deleted and then recreated. */</span>
    UBaseType_t uxTaskNumber<span class="token punctuation">;</span> <span class="token comment">/*&lt; Stores a number specifically for use by third party trace code. */</span>
<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">endif</span></span>

<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">if</span> <span class="token expression"><span class="token punctuation">(</span> configUSE_MUTEXES <span class="token operator">==</span> <span class="token number">1</span> <span class="token punctuation">)</span></span></span>
    UBaseType_t uxBasePriority<span class="token punctuation">;</span> <span class="token comment">/*&lt; The priority last assigned to the task - used by the priority inheritance mechanism. */</span>
    UBaseType_t uxMutexesHeld<span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">endif</span></span>

<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">if</span> <span class="token expression"><span class="token punctuation">(</span> configUSE_APPLICATION_TASK_TAG <span class="token operator">==</span> <span class="token number">1</span> <span class="token punctuation">)</span></span></span>
    TaskHookFunction_t pxTaskTag<span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">endif</span></span>

<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">if</span> <span class="token expression"><span class="token punctuation">(</span> configNUM_THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE_POINTERS <span class="token operator">&gt;</span> <span class="token number">0</span> <span class="token punctuation">)</span></span></span>
    <span class="token keyword">void</span> <span class="token operator">*</span> pvThreadLocalStoragePointers<span class="token punctuation">[</span> configNUM_THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE_POINTERS <span class="token punctuation">]</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">endif</span></span>

<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">if</span> <span class="token expression"><span class="token punctuation">(</span> configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS <span class="token operator">==</span> <span class="token number">1</span> <span class="token punctuation">)</span></span></span>
    <span class="token class-name">uint32_t</span> ulRunTimeCounter<span class="token punctuation">;</span> <span class="token comment">/*&lt; Stores the amount of time the task has spent in the Running state. */</span>
<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">endif</span></span>

<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">if</span> <span class="token expression"><span class="token punctuation">(</span> configUSE_NEWLIB_REENTRANT <span class="token operator">==</span> <span class="token number">1</span> <span class="token punctuation">)</span></span></span>

    <span class="token comment">/* Allocate a Newlib reent structure that is specific to this task.
     * Note Newlib support has been included by popular demand, but is not
     * used by the FreeRTOS maintainers themselves.  FreeRTOS is not
     * responsible for resulting newlib operation.  User must be familiar with
     * newlib and must provide system-wide implementations of the necessary
     * stubs. Be warned that (at the time of writing) the current newlib design
     * implements a system-wide malloc() that must be provided with locks.
     * See the third party link
     * for additional information. */</span>
    <span class="token keyword">struct</span>  <span class="token class-name">_reent</span> xNewLib_reent<span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">endif</span></span>

<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">if</span> <span class="token expression"><span class="token punctuation">(</span> configUSE_TASK_NOTIFICATIONS <span class="token operator">==</span> <span class="token number">1</span> <span class="token punctuation">)</span></span></span>
    <span class="token keyword">volatile</span> <span class="token class-name">uint32_t</span> ulNotifiedValue<span class="token punctuation">[</span> configTASK_NOTIFICATION_ARRAY_ENTRIES <span class="token punctuation">]</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
    <span class="token keyword">volatile</span> <span class="token class-name">uint8_t</span> ucNotifyState<span class="token punctuation">[</span> configTASK_NOTIFICATION_ARRAY_ENTRIES <span class="token punctuation">]</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">endif</span></span>

<span class="token comment">/* See the comments in FreeRTOS.h with the definition of
<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">if</span> <span class="token expression"><span class="token punctuation">(</span> tskSTATIC_AND_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_POSSIBLE <span class="token operator">!=</span> <span class="token number">0</span> <span class="token punctuation">)</span> </span><span class="token comment">/*lint !e731 !e9029 Macro has been consolidated for readability reasons. */</span></span>
    <span class="token class-name">uint8_t</span> ucStaticallyAllocated<span class="token punctuation">;</span>                     <span class="token comment">/*&lt; Set to pdTRUE if the task is a statically allocated to ensure no attempt is made to free the memory. */</span>
<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">endif</span></span>

<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">if</span> <span class="token expression"><span class="token punctuation">(</span> INCLUDE_xTaskAbortDelay <span class="token operator">==</span> <span class="token number">1</span> <span class="token punctuation">)</span></span></span>
    <span class="token class-name">uint8_t</span> ucDelayAborted<span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">endif</span></span>

<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">if</span> <span class="token expression"><span class="token punctuation">(</span> configUSE_POSIX_ERRNO <span class="token operator">==</span> <span class="token number">1</span> <span class="token punctuation">)</span></span></span>
    <span class="token keyword">int</span> iTaskErrno<span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token macro property"><span class="token directive-hash">#</span><span class="token directive keyword">endif</span></span>

} tskTCB;

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