The Structure of Positive Interpersonal Relations in Small Groups 1


The authors sought to test Homans’s proposition that small groups inevitably generate a social structure which combines subgroups ( cliques ) and a ranking system . We present a graph theoretical model of such a structure and prove that a necessary and sufficient condition for its existence is the absence of seven particular triad types . Expected frequencies of the seven triad types in random graphs are deduced from elementary probability theory , and we suggest that a reasonable operational statement of Homans’s theory is that in most groups , the seven key triads are less frequent than the random model would predict . A data pool of sociograms and sociomatrices from 427 groups was collected from diverse published and unpublished studies . Random samples of 30 school and 30 adult groups were drawn from the pool and analysed . Significant majorities of both samples showed deviations from chance in the directions predicted . As a check , 60 simulated groups with truly random relationships were analysed and found to be close to the chance expectations and quite different from the real data samples .Overall , we claim support for Homans’s theory .
In The Human Group ,George Homans presents a set of closely linked propositions about subgroup formation and ranking.In paraphrase , his argument is this:

  • 1 ) In any group the external system (loosely, the group’s environment) makes it inevitable that frequencies of interaction will be unevenly distributed among the member pairs.
  • 2 ) Because differential frequencies of interaction, interpersonal liking, and similarity in other sentiments and activities go together, pairs and larger subsets with initially higher rates of ineraction come to be increasingly differentiated from the rest of the group, forming subgroups (cliques) characterized by high rates of voluntary interaction,positive interpersonal sentiments, and normative consensus
  • 3 . Nevertheless, the members are more nearly alike in tho norms they hold-than in their conformity to these norms (p. 126) and since the closer a person’s activities come to-the norm, the higher his rank will be (p. 141), all groups develop systems of ranking.
    在 Human Group 中,George Homans 提出了一组关于子群形成和排名的紧密联系的命题,换句话说,他的论点是:

It is hard to avoid the inference that if we examine voluntary interaction and sentiments in small groups, Homans expects us to find two sorts of structures, differentiation into cliques and elaboration into ranks, and he expectsus to find them in group after group after group.Furthermore, he expects us to find both structures with the same variables.Not only do subgroup members have higher rates of interaction, but so do higher ranking members.Not only do subgroup members have higher frequencies of liking, but higher ranking persons are better liked.

These propositions are as well known as any in sociology , yet we have little systematic evidence for them .Homans himself says:
…let us be clear that it (the association between interaction and liking) is only a hypothesis, not a theorem.We have offered no proof, except what is provided by the behavior of the Bank Wiremen, and a statistician would say that a single instance is not nearly enough.Plenty of confirmatory evidence could be found in anthropological and sociological studies of small groups
This paper aims to test Honans’s structural Propositions using simple statistical models developed from graph theory and applying them to a data pool of interpersonal relations measures ( sociograms and sociomatrices ) for 427 groups . To the extent that our model is plausible , our probabilistic reasoning is valid, and our 427 groups are representative, the results provide favorable evidence for the propositions

2、A Graph Theoretical Modelwhile

Honans’s definitions are notoriously crisp , he here defines the total structure which is implied by his twin principles , We take the liberty of sketching such a model, hoping that it does justice to the original
We begin with the notion of a “positive relation” and say that person i has a positive relation to person j if he :

  • 1 ) frequently interacts with j on a voluntary basis ( formal authority is excluded from the hypotheses)
  • 2 ) expresses a positive sentiment about j
  • 3 ) would prefer to interact with j on a voluntary basis
  • 4 ) claims that j is his friend

Note that the opposite of a positive relation , nonpositive maybe neutral ( indifferent ) or negative ( dislikes ,avoids , etc . ) Note further that positive relationships are not defined as symmetrical . If i has a positive relation to j , j may or may not reciprocate at . There are three logical possibilities which we will call M for mutual positive relations ,A for asymmetric relations in which there is a positive relation i to j or j to i but not both , and N for mutual non-positive relations . In graphs , we nay draw then as follows
M : i ↔ j     A : i → j ∣ i ← j     N : i ↭ j M: i \leftrightarrow j \space\space\space A:i \rightarrow j | i \leftarrow j \space\space\space N: i \leftrightsquigarrow j M:ij   A:ijij   N:ij
Having granted that pair relations may be symmetric or asymmetric , we should now turn to the triads produced by all possible combinations of members taken three at a time . The logical heart of our model will consist of a set of propositions about these triads.However, our discussion will be clearer, though less rigorous, if we skip ahead to the sort of group structure which is implied by our yet unstated triad propositions.
We begin by treating a group’s ranking structure as a series of ordered levels, which is another way of saying that there may be more people than status distinctions in the group.It is useful to think of the levels as stories in a building, in the sense that people on a given floor do not differ in level, any two persons on different floors are unambiguously ordered by level , and the stories form a complete order
The building analogy is useful , but misleading in one important sense . while floors and ceilings mark the levels in a building , in structural theory we seek to generate features from the pattern of pair relations themselves .indeed one may think of social structure as those characteristics of a group which may be deduced from the characteristics of pair relations within the group . This leads us to one of the main ideas of the model :
Relations of the sort we have called A are assumed to connect persons in different levels.while M and N relations are assumed to connect persons in the same level.Further we assume that in pairs connected by A relations the recipient of the positive relationship is in the higher level
用建筑类比是有用的,但在一项重要意义上是有误导性的。虽然地板和天花板标志着建筑的层级,在结构理论中,我们试图从成对关系本身的模式中产生特征。实际上有人可能会将社会结构视为一个群体的特征,这些特征可以从群体内成对关系的特征中推断出来。这导致我们得出该模型的一个主要思想:我们称之为 A型 的那种关系被假定为将不同层级的人联系起来。而假设 M型 和 N型关系连接同一层级的人员。进一步,我们假设A型对关系中,积极关系的接受者处于更高层次
we are claiming that if you and I like each other or if neither of us likes the other we are probably in the same status level in our group , but if I like you and you do not like me , you are probably in a different and higher level.We may think of such A relations as “admiration” and summarize the whole business with the slogan,“admiration flows up levels.”
The second major idea of the model is that within a level there may be disjoint subsets of people ( cliques or subgroups). analogous to people in different rooms on a floor of a buliding : Again , these must be defined relationally , All itra-level relationships , of course , must be type M or type N if all A relations lie between levels , which leads us to thesececond main idea of the model : M relations are assumed to connect persons in the same clique within a level . N relations are assumed to connect persons in different cliques with a level . Using our building analogy we advance the slogan " N relations make partitions.“
该模型的第二个主要思想是,在某个层级中,可能存在不相交的人群(团或子群),如同一楼层不同房间的人:同样,这些关系必须以关系的方式定义,当然,如果所有A型关系都位于不同层级之间,则层内关系必须是类型N或类型N,这导致我们得出模型的第二个主要思想:假设M型关系在一个层级内连接同一个团的人。假设N型关系连接同一个层级种不同团的人。使用我们的建筑类比,我们提出了口号“N 型关系进行分区”。

Putting both ideas together , the heart of the model is the notion that in small groups the members tend to be divided into levels by the pattern of their A relations and within levels they tend to be divided into cliques by the pattern of their M and N relations , Figure 1 puts the idea in rough schematic form :

Remembering that we have not yet stated any principles which guarantee that such a strueture must emerge and be consistent ,let us examine Figure 1 . We see that it has three levels and five cliques , though the number of cliques and levels is not fixed by the model . within each clique all relationships are of the M type , where cliques differ in level there are always A relationships with the arrows pointing up , and between cliques at the same level there are N relationships . We further note that the top level has only one clique , which is to say that all cliques are assumed to lie within a level but it is not assumed that every level has a clique , None of the levels in figure 1 has more than two cliques , but this is simply because the diagram would be too cluttered .

Let us now ask whether Figure 1 is a plausible translation of Honans’s ideas .Considering cliques ( subgroups ) first , Homans defines them as follows :
If we say that individuals A,B,C,D,E… form a group, this will mean that at least in the following circumstances hold.Within a given period of time, A interacts more often with B,C,D,E, than he does with M,N,L,O, P… whom we choose to consider outsiders or members of other groups.B also interacts more often with A,C,D,E, than he does with outsiders, and so on for the other members of the group.
如果我们说个人 A,B,C,D,E… 组成一个群体,这将意味着至少在以下情况下成立。在给定的时间段内,A 与B,C,D,E 的互动比他与 M,N,L,O, P…的互动频率更高,我们选择将 M,N,L,O, P视为局外人或其他群体的成员。 B 与 A、C、D、E 的互动也比他与外人的互动频率更高,以此类推,适用于该组的其他成员。
In other words cliques are subsets of individuals with higher rates of positive relationships among themselves than with outsiders.This, of course, is the definition of cliques in the theory of structural balance and clusterability. our cliques have this property since each pair wthin a clique has two positive relationships , while each inter-clique has either one positive relationship ( if i and j are in different levels ) or none ( if i and j are in the same level ) .
Because Homans nowhere gives a formal definition of ranking, it is harder to say that our version fits his second principle.However, the model has two properties which seem natural for a ranking
First , people in higher levels receive more positive relations , Consider person i in level i and person j in some lower level j . Mr . j receives positive relations from everyone in level l,l-1 plus anyone in his own clique in level j.Lofty Mr. i , however , receives all of these plus relations from everyone in lavel j whether or not they are in j’s own clique , plus some from everyone in levels which might occur above j and below i , Plus those from anyone in i’s own clique .
In the limiting case where i and j are the only members of adjacent levels , i still receives one more positive relation than j , the one from j to i , which is not , by definition ,reciprocated . Thus , in general , if two persons differ in level ,the one in the higher level will receive more positive relations.This property is not only consistent with Homans’s statement that leaders are more popular , but when interpreted in terms of interaction , it squares with his proposition , " the higher a man’s social rank, the larger will be the number of persons that originate interaction for him.Men that are not highly valued must seek others rather than be sought by them“
second , positive relations are transitive . If i has a positive relation to j and j has a psoitive relation to k , then i will always have a positive relationship to k.The proof is simple,but tedious , and will not be presented in detail .One takes all the possible triads permitted under the triad propositions to be stated later , examines the six possible three-step paths in each ( e . g , i to j to k , i to k to j,j to i to k…) . and sees that there are none in which the first two are positive and the third non-positive .

since differential popularity and transitivity are the most common definitions of ranking systems , we feel that the model has some plausibility .
We have not , however , successfully reflected every structural proposition in The Human Group . There is at least one near miss and one clear difference of opinion.
The near miss is the claim that all cliques are ranked. In our model , the cliques are partially ordered(e . g . in Figure 1,the partial ordering is 1 > ( 2 , 3 ) > ( 4 , 5 ) 1>(2,3)>(4,5) 1>(2,3)>(4,5)> ),but cliques within a level are not ordered .
The difference of opinion is worth some discussion .Homans states:
the more nearly equal in social rank a number of men are, the more frequently they will interact with one another…if a person does originate interaction for a person of higher rank, a tendency will exist for him to do so with the member of his own subgroup who is nearest him in rank

In a group with three or more levels,this proposition implies N relationships between persons whose levels are not adjacent (Mr. Low seeks out Mr. Middle who seeks out Mr. High, but Messrs. High and Low do not seek out each other).Our model does not allow this.It does imply that the very highest rates of positive relations will be in the same level(intra- clique relations), but so will the lowest(inter-clique relations)。
在具有三个或更多层次的群体中,这个命题暗示了层次不相邻的人之间的 N 种关系(Low 先生寻找 Middle 先生,Middle 先生寻找 High 先生,但 High 和 Low 不相互寻找)。我们的模型不允许这样做。这确实意味着最高的积极关系等级将处于同一水平(团内关系),但最低的(团内关系)也是如此。

similarly , Homans implies that if i directs a positive relation to someone above him in rank , it will not go to everyone in that rank , while our model implies that everyone directs positive relations to everyone in every rank above him . The issue is of some interest because Homans uses it to argue , in effect , that interaction ( and thus presumably sentiments ) tend toward the structure graph theorists call a " tree from a point" ,most common structural model for formal organizations .
Homans does go on to soften his proposition by saying that it is less true of smaller groups And those in less severe environments. The question is an empirical one and the reader who concerned about it should watch carefully in the data analysis for the results on what will be called " 0-2-1-b " triads . For now , we merely note that our model assumes groups so small or in such benign environments that positive relations do not “go through channels" .
Me end our preliminary discussion of the model by noting its logical ties to some other models . It can be shown that by varying our assumptions about the presence of M , A , and N relations,the model can be changed into other well known structures .
1 ) It all pair relations are symmetrical , M or N , the structure consists of a single level and is equivalent to clusterability or structural balance .
2 ) If all pair relations are antisymmetrical , A , the structure consists of as many levels as people , all cliques are size one , and it is a transitive tournament
3 ) If all pair relations are M or A,there is only one clique at each level and the structure is what Hempel calls a “quasi-series.”
2)如果所有的对关系都是反对称的,A型,该结构人与层级一样多,所有的团都大小为1,并且它是一个传递竞赛图(transitive tournament,每对顶点之间都有一条边相连的有向图称为竞赛图)。

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