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转载 C++ 类的静态成员及静态成员函数

对象与对象之间的成员变量是相互独立的。要想共用数据,则需要使用静态成员和静态方法。 只要在类中声明静态成员变量,即使不定义对象,也可以为静态成员变量分配空间,进而可以使用静态成员变量。(因为静态成员变量在对象创建之前就已经被分配了内存空间) 静态成员变量虽然在类中,但它并不是随对象的建立而分配空间的,也不是随对象的撤销而释放(一般的成员在对象建立时会分配空间,在对象撤销时会释放)。静态成员变量...

2019-03-05 22:02:06 192

原创 C++11中emplace_back和 push_back 的区别

c++开发中我们会经常用到插入操作对stl的各种容器进行操作,比如vector,map,set等。在引入右值引用,转移构造函数,转移复制运算符之前,通常使用push_back()向容器中加入一个右值元素(临时对象)时,首先会调用构造函数构造这个临时对象,然后需要调用拷贝构造函数将这个临时对象放入容器中。原来的临时变量释放。这样造成的问题就是临时变量申请资源的浪费。 引入了右值引用,转移构造函...

2019-03-02 10:52:09 444

原创 make_heap,pop_heap,push_heap

一、概念 堆可以看做一个完全二叉树,同时该完全二叉树满足双亲结点大于等于孩子结点(大顶堆),或者双亲结点小于等于孩子结点(小顶堆)。 make_heap: 时间复杂度为O(N) push_heap: 时间复杂度为O(logN) pop_heap: 时间复杂度为O(logN) sort_heap: 时间复杂度为O(NlogN) 二、代码 // range heap example #...

2019-03-01 10:08:19 750


实现机器人底盘与上层ROS通信协议功能,成功接收机器人底盘里程计,IMU, 电压等传感器信息。并实现将里程计和IMU通过发布话题方式发布到ROS中,方便系统其他节点订阅使用。



URG雷达驱动软件,通过ROS工程编译,通过运行roslaunch urg_node urg_lidar.launch,便可发布/scan消息


Visual-Inertial Monocular SLAM with Map Reuse.pdf

Abstract— In recent years there have been excellent results in Visual-Inertial Odometry techniques, which aim to compute the incremental motion of the sensor with high accuracy and robustness. However these approaches lack the capability to close loops, and trajectory estimation accumulates drift even if the sensor is continually revisiting the same place. In this work we present a novel tightly-coupled Visual-Inertial Simultaneous Localization and Mapping system that is able to close loops and reuse its map to achieve zero-drift localization in already mapped areas. While our approach can be applied to any camera configuration, we address here the most general problem of a monocular camera, with its well-known scale ambiguity. We also propose a novel IMU initialization method, which computes the scale, the gravity direction, the velocity, and gyroscope and accelerometer biases, in a few seconds with high accuracy. We test our system in the 11 sequences of a recent micro-aerial vehicle public dataset achieving a typical scale factor error of 1% and centimeter precision. We compare to the state-of-the-art in visual-inertial odometry in sequences with revisiting, proving the better accuracy of our method due to map reuse and no drift accumulation.


Robust Visual Inertial Odometry Using a Direct EKF-Based Approach.pdf

Abstract— In this paper, we present a monocular visual-inertial odometry algorithm which, by directly using pixel intensity errors of image patches, achieves accurate tracking performance while exhibiting a very high level of robustness. After detection, the tracking of the multilevel patch features is closely coupled to the underlying extended Kalman filter (EKF) by directly using the intensity errors as innovation term during the update step. We follow a purely robocentric approach where the location of 3D landmarks are always estimated with respect to the current camera pose. Furthermore, we decompose landmark positions into a bearing vector and a distance parametrization whereby we employ a minimal representation of differences on a corresponding σ-Algebra in order to achieve better consistency and to improve the computational performance. Due to the robocentric, inverse- distance landmark parametrization, the framework does not require any initialization procedure, leading to a truly power-up-and-go state estimation system. The presented approach is successfully evaluated in a set of highly dynamic hand-held experiments as well as directly employed in the control loop of a multirotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).


Keyframe-Based Visual-Inertial Odometry Using Nonlinear Optimization.pdf

Combining visual and inertial measurements has become popular in mobile robotics, since the two sensing modalities offer complementary characteristics that make them the ideal choice for accurate Visual-Inertial Odometry or Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). While historically the problem has been addressed with filtering, advancements in visual estimation suggest that non-linear optimization offers superior accuracy, while still tractable in complexity thanks to the sparsity of the underlying problem. Taking inspiration from these findings, we formulate a rigorously probabilistic cost function that combines reprojection errors of landmarks and inertial terms. The problem is kept tractable and thus ensuring real-time operation by limiting the optimization to a bounded window of keyframes through marginalization. Keyframes may be spaced in time by arbitrary intervals, while still related by linearized inertial terms. We present evaluation results on complementary datasets recorded with our custom-built stereo visual-inertial hardware that accurately synchronizes accelerometer and gyroscope measurements with imagery. A comparison of both a stereo and monocular version of our algorithm with and without online extrinsics estimation is shown with respect to ground truth. Furthermore, we compare the performance to an implementation of a state-of-the-art stochasic cloning sliding-window filter. This competititve reference implementation performs tightly-coupled filtering-based visual-inertial odometry. While our approach declaredly demands more computation, we show its superior performance in terms of accuracy.


Efficient Sparse Pose Adjustment for 2D Mapping.pdf

Pose graphs have become a popular representation for solving the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) problem. A pose graph is a set of robot poses connected by nonlinear constraints obtained from observations of features common to nearby poses. Optimizing large pose graphs has been a bottle



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