Chapter 9 Morphological Image Processing
1.imdialte: dilate image
Eg:D=imdialte(A,B) '结构元B膨胀图像A’
2.imerode: erode image
Eg:D=imerode(A,B) ‘结构元B腐蚀图像A’
Others: imopen,imclose
3.strel: construct the element with avariety sizes and shapes
Eg: se=strel (‘diamond’,R) ‘需要指定钻石型的半径R’
4.bwhitmiss: Binary hit-miss operation
Eg: C=bwhitmiss(A,B1,B2) %这里没弄懂
5.bwmorph: Morphologicaloperations on binary images.
Eg: g=bwmorph(f,’thin’,2)
6.bwlabel: Label connectedcomponents in 2-D binary image.
Eg: [L,num]=bwlabel(f,conn)
7.imfill: Fill image regions and holes.