




Welcome to the second assignment of Week 2. You are going to use word vector representations to build an Emojifier.

Have you ever wanted to make your text messages more expressive? Your emojifier app will help you do that. So rather than writing "Congratulations on the promotion! Lets get coffee and talk. Love you!" the emojifier can automatically turn this into "Congratulations on the promotion! 👍 Lets get coffee and talk. ☕️ Love you! ❤️"

You will implement a model which inputs a sentence (such as "Let's go see the baseball game tonight!") and finds the most appropriate emoji to be used with this sentence (⚾️). In many emoji interfaces, you need to remember that ❤️ is the "heart" symbol rather than the "love" symbol. But using word vectors, you'll see that even if your training set explicitly relates only a few words to a particular emoji, your algorithm will be able to generalize and associate words in the test set to the same emoji even if those words don't even appear in the training set. This allows you to build an accurate classifier mapping from sentences to emojis, even using a small training set.

In this exercise, you'll start with a baseline model (Emojifier-V1) using word embeddings, then build a more sophisticated model (Emojifier-V2) that further incorporates an LSTM.

Lets get started! Run the following cell to load the package you are going to use.


1 - Baseline model: Emojifier-V1(基础模型,V1版)

1.1 - Dataset EMOJISET(数据集)

Let's start by building a simple baseline classifier.

You have a tiny dataset (X, Y) where:

  • X contains 127 sentences (strings)
  • Y contains a integer label between 0 and 4 corresponding to an emoji for each sentence


1.2 - Overview of the Emojifier-V1(基础模型概要)

In this part, you are going to implement a baseline model called "Emojifier-v1".


1.3 - Implementing Emojifier-V1(基础模型的实现)

As shown in Figure (2), the first step is to convert an input sentence into the word vector representation, which then get averaged together. Similar to the previous exercise, we will use pretrained 50-dimensional GloVe embeddings. Run the following cell to load the word_to_vec_map, which contains all the vector representations.

1.4 - Examining test set performance(基础版本性能测试)

Random guessing would have had 20% accuracy given that there are 5 classes. This is pretty good performance after training on only 127 examples.

In the training set, the algorithm saw the sentence "I love you" with the label ❤️. You can check however that the word "adore" does not appear in the training set. Nonetheless, lets see what happens if you write "I adore you."


What you should remember from this part:
- Even with a 127 training examples, you can get a reasonably good model for Emojifying. This is due to the generalization power word vectors gives you.
- Emojify-V1 will perform poorly on sentences such as *"This movie is not good and not enjoyable"* because it doesn't understand combinations of words--it just averages all the words' embedding vectors together, without paying attention to the ordering of words. You will build a better algorithm in the next part.


2 - Emojifier-V2: Using LSTMs in Keras:(使用Keras LSTM模型构建增强版本)

Let's build an LSTM model that takes as input word sequences. This model will be able to take word ordering into account. Emojifier-V2 will continue to use pre-trained word embeddings to represent words, but will feed them into an LSTM, whose job it is to predict the most appropriate emoji.


2.1 - Overview of the model(模型概要)

Here is the Emojifier-v2 you will implement:

2.2 Keras and mini-batching(Keras及mini-batch)

In this exercise, we want to train Keras using mini-batches. However, most deep learning frameworks require that all sequences in the same mini-batch have the same length. This is what allows vectorization to work: If you had a 3-word sentence and a 4-word sentence, then the computations needed for them are different (one takes 3 steps of an LSTM, one takes 4 steps) so it's just not possible to do them both at the same time.

The common solution to this is to use padding. Specifically, set a maximum sequence length, and pad all sequences to the same length. For example, of the maximum sequence length is 20, we could pad every sentence with "0"s so that each input sentence is of length 20. Thus, a sentence "i love you" would be represented as (𝑒𝑖,𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒,𝑒𝑦𝑜𝑢,0⃗ ,0⃗ ,…,0⃗ )(ei,elove,eyou,0→,0→,…,0→). In this example, any sentences longer than 20 words would have to be truncated. One simple way to choose the maximum sequence length is to just pick the length of the longest sentence in the training set.

2.3 - The Embedding layer(嵌入层)

In Keras, the embedding matrix is represented as a "layer", and maps positive integers (indices corresponding to words) into dense vectors of fixed size (the embedding vectors). It can be trained or initialized with a pretrained embedding. In this part, you will learn how to create an Embedding() layer in Keras, initialize it with the GloVe 50-dimensional vectors loaded earlier in the notebook. Because our training set is quite small, we will not update the word embeddings but will instead leave their values fixed. But in the code below, we'll show you how Keras allows you to either train or leave fixed this layer.

The Embedding() layer takes an integer matrix of size (batch size, max input length) as input. This corresponds to sentences converted into lists of indices (integers), as shown in the figure below.


2.3 Building the Emojifier-V2(构建第二版模型)

Lets now build the Emojifier-V2 model. You will do so using the embedding layer you have built, and feed its output to an LSTM network.


You have completed this notebook! ❤️❤️❤️

What you should remember:
- If you have an NLP task where the training set is small, using word embeddings can help your algorithm significantly. Word embeddings allow your model to work on words in the test set that may not even have appeared in your training set.
- Training sequence models in Keras (and in most other deep learning frameworks) requires a few important details:
- To use mini-batches, the sequences need to be padded so that all the examples in a mini-batch have the same length.
- An `Embedding()` layer can be initialized with pretrained values. These values can be either fixed or trained further on your dataset. If however your labeled dataset is small, it's usually not worth trying to train a large pre-trained set of embeddings.
- `LSTM()` has a flag called `return_sequences` to decide if you would like to return every hidden states or only the last one.
- You can use `Dropout()` right after `LSTM()` to regularize your network.



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