学以致用——Java源码——使用接口及多态处理应付账款(发票及员工工资)(Accounts Payable System Modification)




类图如下,其中,除SalariedEmpolyee外,HourlyEmployee, ComissionEmployee也继承了Employee类。另外,BasePlusComissionEmployee继承ComissionEmployee。


Invoices and Employees processed polymorphically:



part number: 01234 (seat)

quantity: 2

price per item: $375.00

payment due: $750.00



part number: 56789 (tire)

quantity: 4

price per item: $79.95

payment due: $319.80


salaried employee: John Smith

social security number: 111-11-1111

weekly salary: $800.00

payment due: $800.00


hourly employee: Lisa Barnes

social security number: 888-88-8888

hourly wage: $40.00; hours worked: 50.00

payment due: $2,200.00


commission employee: Andrew Brown

social security number: 999-99-9999

gross sales: $100,000.00; commission rate: 0.08

payment due: $8,000.00


base-salaried commission employee: Andy Jobs

social security number: 666-66-6666

gross sales: $100,000.00; commission rate: 0.08; base salary: $600.00

payment due: $8,600.00

new base salary with 10% increase is: $660.00


1. 测试类

//Java How to Program, Exercise 10.15: Accounts Payable System Modification
//by pandenghuang@163.com
 * 10.15 (Accounts Payable System Modification) In this exercise, we modify the
 * accounts payable application of Figs. 10.11–10.15 to include the complete
 * functionality of the payroll application of Figs. 10.4–10.9. The application
 * should still process two Invoice objects, but now should process one object
 * of each of the four Employee subclasses. If the object currently being
 * processed is a Base- PlusCommissionEmployee, the application should increase
 * the BasePlusCommissionEmployee’s base salary by 10%. Finally, the application
 * should output the payment amount for each object. Complete the following
 * steps to create the new application: a) Modify classes HourlyEmployee (Fig.
 * 10.6) and CommissionEmployee (Fig. 10.7) to place them in the Payable
 * hierarchy as subclasses of the version of Employee (Fig. 10.13) that
 * implements Payable. [Hint: Change the name of method earnings to
 * getPaymentAmount in each subclass so that the class satisfies its inherited
 * contract with interface Payable.] b) Modify class BasePlusCommissionEmployee
 * (Fig. 10.8) such that it extends the version of class CommissionEmployee
 * created in part (a). c) Modify PayableInterfaceTest (Fig. 10.15) to
 * polymorphically process two Invoices, one SalariedEmployee, one
 * HourlyEmployee, one CommissionEmployee and one Base- PlusCommissionEmployee.
 * First output a String representation of each Payable object. Next, if an
 * object is a BasePlusCommissionEmployee, increase its base salary by 10%.
 * Finally, output the payment amount for each Payable object.
 * @author Pandenghuang@163.com
 * @Date Jan 7, 2019, 2:07:26 PM
public class PayableInterfaceTest 
   public static void main(String[] args)
      // create four-element Payable array
      Payable[] payableObjects = new Payable[6];
      // populate array with objects that implement Payable
      payableObjects[0] = new Invoice("01234", "seat", 2, 375.00);
      payableObjects[1] = new Invoice("56789", "tire", 4, 79.95);
      payableObjects[2] = 
         new SalariedEmployee("John", "Smith", "111-11-1111", 800.00);
      payableObjects[3] = 
         new HourlyEmployee("Lisa", "Barnes", "888-88-8888", 40,50);
      payableObjects[4] = 
    	         new CommissionEmployee("Andrew", "Brown", "999-99-9999", 100000,0.08);
      payableObjects[5] = 
    	         new BasePlusCommissionEmployee("Andy", "Jobs", "666-66-6666", 100000.0,0.08,600.0);

         "Invoices and Employees processed polymorphically:"); 

      // generically process each element in array payableObjects
      for (Payable currentPayable : payableObjects)

         // output currentPayable and its appropriate payment amount
         System.out.printf("%n%s %n%s: $%,.2f%n", 
            currentPayable.toString(), // could invoke implicitly
            "payment due", currentPayable.getPaymentAmount()); 
         // determine whether element is a BasePlusCommissionEmployee
         if (currentPayable instanceof BasePlusCommissionEmployee) 
            // downcast Employee reference to 
            // BasePlusCommissionEmployee reference
            BasePlusCommissionEmployee employee = 
               (BasePlusCommissionEmployee) currentPayable;

            employee.setBaseSalary(1.10 * employee.getBaseSalary());

               "new base salary with 10%% increase is: $%,.2f",

   } // end main
} // end class PayableInterfaceTest

2. 实体类


// Fig. 10.11: Payable.java
// Payable interface declaration.

public interface Payable 
   double getPaymentAmount(); // calculate payment; no implementation

2) Invoice类

// Fig. 10.12: Invoice.java
// Invoice class that implements Payable.

public class Invoice implements Payable
   private final String partNumber; 
   private final String partDescription;
   private int quantity;
   private double pricePerItem;

   // constructor
   public Invoice(String partNumber, String partDescription, int quantity,
      double pricePerItem)
      if (quantity < 0) // validate quantity
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Quantity must be >= 0");

      if (pricePerItem < 0.0) // validate pricePerItem
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Price per item must be >= 0");

      this.quantity = quantity;
      this.partNumber = partNumber;
      this.partDescription = partDescription;
      this.pricePerItem = pricePerItem;
   } // end constructor

   // get part number
   public String getPartNumber()
      return partNumber; // should validate

   // get description
   public String getPartDescription()
      return partDescription;

   // set quantity
   public void setQuantity(int quantity)
      if (quantity < 0) // validate quantity
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Quantity must be >= 0");

      this.quantity = quantity;

   // get quantity
   public int getQuantity()
      return quantity;

   // set price per item
   public void setPricePerItem(double pricePerItem)
      if (pricePerItem < 0.0) // validate pricePerItem
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Price per item must be >= 0");

      this.pricePerItem = pricePerItem;

   // get price per item
   public double getPricePerItem()
      return pricePerItem;

   // return String representation of Invoice object
   public String toString()
      return String.format("%s: %n%s: %s (%s) %n%s: %d %n%s: $%,.2f", 
         "invoice", "part number", getPartNumber(), getPartDescription(), 
         "quantity", getQuantity(), "price per item", getPricePerItem());

   // method required to carry out contract with interface Payable     
   public double getPaymentAmount()                                    
      return getQuantity() * getPricePerItem(); // calculate total cost
} // end class Invoice

3). Employee类

// Fig. 10.13: Employee.java
// Employee abstract superclass that implements Payable.

public abstract class Employee implements Payable
   private final String firstName;
   private final String lastName;
   private final String socialSecurityNumber;

   // constructor
   public Employee(String firstName, String lastName, 
      String socialSecurityNumber)
      this.firstName = firstName;
      this.lastName = lastName;
      this.socialSecurityNumber = socialSecurityNumber;

   // return first name
   public String getFirstName()
      return firstName;

   // return last name
   public String getLastName()
      return lastName;

   // return social security number
   public String getSocialSecurityNumber()
      return socialSecurityNumber;

   // return String representation of Employee object
   public String toString()
      return String.format("%s %s%nsocial security number: %s", 
         getFirstName(), getLastName(), getSocialSecurityNumber());

   // Note: We do not implement Payable method getPaymentAmount here so 
   // this class must be declared abstract to avoid a compilation error.
} // end abstract class Employee

4). SalariedEmployee类

// Fig. 10.14: SalariedEmployee.java
// SalariedEmployee class that implements interface Payable.
// method getPaymentAmount.
public class SalariedEmployee extends Employee 
   private double weeklySalary;

   // constructor
   public SalariedEmployee(String firstName, String lastName, 
      String socialSecurityNumber, double weeklySalary)
      super(firstName, lastName, socialSecurityNumber); 

      if (weeklySalary < 0.0)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Weekly salary must be >= 0.0");

      this.weeklySalary = weeklySalary;

   // set salary
   public void setWeeklySalary(double weeklySalary)
      if (weeklySalary < 0.0)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Weekly salary must be >= 0.0");

      this.weeklySalary = weeklySalary;

   // return salary
   public double getWeeklySalary()
      return weeklySalary;

   // calculate earnings; implement interface Payable method that was
   // abstract in superclass Employee                                
   public double getPaymentAmount()                                  
      return getWeeklySalary();                                      

   // return String representation of SalariedEmployee object   
   public String toString()                                     
      return String.format("salaried employee: %s%n%s: $%,.2f",
         super.toString(), "weekly salary", getWeeklySalary());
} // end class SalariedEmployee

5). HourlyEmployee类

// Fig. 10.6: HourlyEmployee.java
// HourlyEmployee class extends Employee.

public class HourlyEmployee extends Employee 
   private double wage; // wage per hour
   private double hours; // hours worked for week

   // constructor
   public HourlyEmployee(String firstName, String lastName,
      String socialSecurityNumber, double wage, double hours)
      super(firstName, lastName, socialSecurityNumber);

      if (wage < 0.0) // validate wage
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Hourly wage must be >= 0.0");

      if ((hours < 0.0) || (hours > 168.0)) // validate hours
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Hours worked must be >= 0.0 and <= 168.0");

      this.wage = wage;
      this.hours = hours;

   // set wage
   public void setWage(double wage)
      if (wage < 0.0) // validate wage
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Hourly wage must be >= 0.0");

      this.wage = wage;

   // return wage
   public double getWage()
      return wage;

   // set hours worked
   public void setHours(double hours)
      if ((hours < 0.0) || (hours > 168.0)) // validate hours
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Hours worked must be >= 0.0 and <= 168.0");

      this.hours = hours;

   // return hours worked
   public double getHours()
      return hours;

   // calculate earnings; override abstract method earnings in Employee
   public double getPaymentAmount()                                            
      if (getHours() <= 40) // no overtime                           
         return getWage() * getHours();                                
         return 40 * getWage() + (getHours() - 40) * getWage() * 1.5;

   // return String representation of HourlyEmployee object              
   public String toString()                                              
      return String.format("hourly employee: %s%n%s: $%,.2f; %s: %,.2f",
         super.toString(), "hourly wage", getWage(),                     
         "hours worked", getHours());                                   
} // end class HourlyEmployee


public class CommissionEmployee extends Employee 
   private double grossSales; // gross weekly sales
   private double commissionRate; // commission percentage

   // constructor
   public CommissionEmployee(String firstName, String lastName,
      String socialSecurityNumber,  double grossSales, 
      double commissionRate)
      super(firstName, lastName,socialSecurityNumber);

      if (commissionRate <= 0.0 || commissionRate >= 1.0) // validate 
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Commission rate must be > 0.0 and < 1.0");

      if (grossSales < 0.0) // validate
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Gross sales must be >= 0.0");

      this.grossSales = grossSales;
      this.commissionRate = commissionRate;

   // set gross sales amount
   public void setGrossSales(double grossSales)
      if (grossSales < 0.0) // validate
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Gross sales must be >= 0.0");

      this.grossSales = grossSales;

   // return gross sales amount
   public double getGrossSales()
      return grossSales;

   // set commission rate
   public void setCommissionRate(double commissionRate)
      if (commissionRate <= 0.0 || commissionRate >= 1.0) // validate
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Commission rate must be > 0.0 and < 1.0");

      this.commissionRate = commissionRate;

   // return commission rate
   public double getCommissionRate()
      return commissionRate;

   // calculate earnings; override abstract method earnings in Employee
   public double getPaymentAmount()                                            
      return getCommissionRate() * getGrossSales();                    

   // return String representation of CommissionEmployee object
   public String toString()                                    
      return String.format("%s: %s%n%s: $%,.2f; %s: %.2f",    
         "commission employee", super.toString(),              
         "gross sales", getGrossSales(),                       
         "commission rate", getCommissionRate());             
} // end class CommissionEmployee

. 7) BasePlusComissionEmployee类

// Fig. 10.8: BasePlusCommissionEmployee.java
// BasePlusCommissionEmployee class extends CommissionEmployee.

public class BasePlusCommissionEmployee extends CommissionEmployee 
   private double baseSalary; // base salary per week

   // constructor
   public BasePlusCommissionEmployee(String firstName, String lastName, 
      String socialSecurityNumber,  double grossSales,
      double commissionRate, double baseSalary)
      super(firstName, lastName, socialSecurityNumber, 
         grossSales, commissionRate);

      if (baseSalary < 0.0) // validate baseSalary                  
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Base salary must be >= 0.0");
      this.baseSalary = baseSalary;                

   // set base salary
   public void setBaseSalary(double baseSalary)
      if (baseSalary < 0.0) // validate baseSalary                  
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Base salary must be >= 0.0");
      this.baseSalary = baseSalary;                

   // return base salary
   public double getBaseSalary()
      return baseSalary;

   // calculate earnings; override method earnings in CommissionEmployee
   public double getPaymentAmount()                                             
      return getBaseSalary() + super.getPaymentAmount();                        

   // return String representation of BasePlusCommissionEmployee object
   public String toString()                                            
      return String.format("%s %s; %s: $%,.2f",                       
         "base-salaried", super.toString(),                            
         "base salary", getBaseSalary());                             
} // end class BasePlusCommissionEmployee


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  • 2
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  • 0




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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


