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原创 单调队列入门——POJ - 2823,HDU - 3530,HDU - 2430

单调队列入门——POJ - 2823,HDU - 3530,HDU - 2430

2017-03-31 22:00:11 562

原创 Division Game UVA - 11859 (Nim)题解

Division Game UVA - 11859 (Nim)题解

2017-03-30 09:09:30 499

原创 Berzerk CodeForces - 787C (BFS)题解

Berzerk CodeForces - 787C (BFS)题解

2017-03-24 14:30:45 1618

原创 菜肴制作 HYSBZ - 4010(拓扑排序) 题解

菜肴制作 HYSBZ - 4010(拓扑排序) 题解

2017-03-23 11:32:54 396

原创 Network HDU - 3078 (LCA)题解

Network HDU - 3078 (LCA)题解

2017-03-23 11:25:57 458

原创 降雨量 HYSBZ - 1067 题解

降雨量 HYSBZ - 1067 题解

2017-03-21 22:44:46 369

原创 Quad Tiling POJ - 3420 (矩阵快速幂)题解

Quad Tiling POJ - 3420 (矩阵快速幂)题解

2017-03-21 22:42:36 362

原创 codevs 1001 舒适的路线(并查集) 题解

codevs 1001 舒适的路线(并查集) 题解

2017-03-21 11:57:20 389

原创 Connections between cities HDU - 2874 (LCA)题解

Connections between cities HDU - 2874 (LCA)题解

2017-03-21 11:46:09 410

原创 [翻译]Differential Evolution – A Simple and Efficient Heuristic for Global Optimization over Continuou

[翻译]Differential Evolution – A Simple and Efficient Heuristic for Global Optimization over Continuou

2017-03-21 10:50:14 2362

原创 LCA_最近公共祖先(离线)入门——POJ - 1330,HDU - 2586

LCA_最近公共祖先(离线)入门——POJ - 1330,HDU - 2586

2017-03-19 15:06:38 978

原创 Bear and Friendship Condition CodeForces - 771A(图论,并查集)题解

Bear and Friendship Condition CodeForces - 771A(图论,并查集)题解

2017-03-19 14:39:03 680

原创 Acme Corporation UVA - 11613 (最小费用最大流)题解

Acme Corporation UVA - 11613 (最小费用最大流)题解

2017-03-16 09:36:57 491

原创 Friendship POJ - 1815(网络流) 题解

In modern society, each person has his own friends. Since all the people are very busy, they communicate with each other only by phone. You can assume that people A can keep in touch with people B, onl

2017-03-16 09:26:49 588

原创 50 years, 50 colors HDU - 1498 (最小点覆盖) 题解

50 years, 50 colors HDU - 1498 (最小点覆盖) 题解

2017-03-12 19:44:36 331

原创 聪聪和可可 HYSBZ - 1415(图,概率dp) 题解

聪聪和可可 HYSBZ - 1415(图,概率dp) 题解

2017-03-11 20:53:34 253

原创 GCD - Extreme (II) UVA - 11426 (数论,gcd,欧拉函数)题解

GCD - Extreme (II) UVA - 11426 (数论,gcd,欧拉函数)题解

2017-03-11 19:34:12 269

原创 Sunscreen POJ - 3614 (贪心)题解

Sunscreen POJ - 3614 (贪心)题解

2017-03-11 19:14:07 392

原创 Exploring Pyramids UVALive - 3516 题解

Exploring Pyramids UVALive - 3516 题解

2017-03-11 11:26:18 336

原创 Ingenuous Cubrency UVA - 11137 题解

Ingenuous Cubrency UVA - 11137 题解

2017-03-11 11:17:41 457

原创 Cheerleaders UVA - 11806(容斥原理)题解

Cheerleaders UVA - 11806(容斥原理)题解

2017-03-11 11:06:18 341

原创 Investigating Div-Sum Property UVA - 11361(数位DP) 题解

Investigating Div-Sum Property UVA - 11361(数位DP) 题解

2017-03-11 10:55:40 310

原创 <差分约束>


2017-03-07 20:00:45 229

原创 Ideal Path UVA - 1599(字典序最小的最短路)题解

Ideal Path UVA - 1599(字典序最小的最短路)题解

2017-03-05 19:13:58 400

原创 2-SAT入门——UVALive - 3211

2-SAT入门——UVALive - 3211

2017-03-04 20:27:43 454

原创 强连通分量入门——UVA - 11324

强连通分量入门——UVA - 11324

2017-03-04 20:08:59 254

原创 双连通分量入门——UVALive - 5135

双连通分量入门——UVALive - 5135

2017-03-04 19:53:53 284

原创 Road Construction POJ - 3352 (边双连通分量)题解

Road Construction POJ - 3352 (边双连通分量)题解

2017-03-03 23:20:39 355

原创 Caocao's Bridges HDU - 4738 (割边)题解

Caocao's Bridges HDU - 4738 (割边)题解

2017-03-03 23:06:28 410

原创 Round Numbers POJ - 3252 (数位DP)题解

Round Numbers POJ - 3252 (数位DP)题解

2017-03-03 22:55:53 290

原创 K Smallest Sums UVA - 11997(优先队列) 题解

K Smallest Sums UVA - 11997(优先队列) 题解

2017-03-02 19:33:16 308



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