IELTS-Writing Exercises: Tak1:Observing rules

Q: Some people think that children should obey rules or do what their teachers want them to do. Other people think that children controlled too much deal with problems themselves in adulthood. Discuss both views and state your own opinion.

E1:children obviously have to obey some rules at home or school.

A1:children are expected to obey different rules either at home or at school.

E2:strict discipline may be important sometimes, but i feel it may influence their abilities of coping with problems.

A2:strict discipline is sometimes important, but it would have an adverse impact on children’s problem-solving abilities.

E3:the main function of rules is to make children be responsible for their behaviors, helping them cultivate good manners since childhood.

A3:the main function of rules is to hold children accountable for their behaviour and to help them develop good behaviour patterns from a young age.

E4:children don’t know what their behaviour may cause as adults. However, they will generally realize how to get accepted in society through rules.

A4:unlike adults, children are normally not aware of the consequences of bad behaviour, and setting rules can help them realize how to behave in a socially acceptable way.

E5:for instance, children will learn how to greet others, how to ask for help politely, what to care about when eating.

A5:for example, children can learn how to greet others, make polite requests and show table manners.

E6:rules also tell them behaviour such as bullying classmates, rude speaking, cheating and interpreting teachers are not right.

A6:rules also forbid inappropriate behaviour, such as bullying, using profanity, cheating in exams and interrupting during a lesson.

E7:sometimes, rules may not have good influence on children’s growth, in case that parents making strict rules emphasizing the observance of their children.

A7:sometimes rules may not have a positive influence on children, if those parents who establish rules give priority to children’s obedience.

E8:children rely on rules so much that they have no capabilities of solving problems on their own.

A8:children will rely heavily on rules and may not be able to solve problems independently.

E9:if parents rule what their children should do every day, their children may not know how to arrange time independently and how to cope for work requirements after they grow up.

A9:if parents dictate what children should do everyday, children may not know how to manage time independently and cope with the demands of work in the future.

E10:it may be hard for them to succeed in their careers.

A10:they are unlikely to achieve success in their careers.

E11:observation to rules will limit the imagination of children, they are not able to solve problems in various ways

A11:strict rules can stifle children’s creativity and they are not able to solve problems in different ways.

E12:children dare not accomplish their minds, since they are afraid of being punished for disobeying orders.

A12:they dare not put their ideas into practice,since they are afraid of being punished if they disobey rules.

E13:if students are required to write articles in one way, they will not know the outcome of expressing their views in other ways.

A13:if they are required to abide by strict rules in essay-writing, they will not know the outcome of expressing their ideas in other ways.

E14:problems countered in works are so complicated that people with no creativity will have no solutions.

A14:the problems in the real world are complex and people cannot tackle these problems without using imagination.


Children are expected to obey different rules either at home or at school. Strict discipline is sometimes important, but I would argue that it would have an adverse impact on children’s problem-solving abilities.
The main function of rules is to Some people are strong advocates of imposing rules because rules can hold children accountable for their behaviour and to help them develop good behaviour patterns from a young age. Unlike adults, children are normally not aware of the consequences of bad behaviour, and setting rules can help them realize how to behave in a socially-acceptable way. For example, teenagers they can learn how to greet others, make polite requests and show table manners. Also, rules forbid inappropriate behaviour, such as bullying, using profanity, cheating in exams and interrupting teachers during a lesson.
By contrary, an opposing view holds that rules may not have a positive influence on children, if those parents who establish the strict rules give priority to children’s obedience. Children will rely heavily on rules and may not be able to solve problems independently. Moreover, if parents dictate what children should do every day,children may not know how to manage time on their own and cope with the demands of work in the future. They are unlikely to achieve success in their careers.
From my viewpoints, in my view, strict rules can stifle children’s creativity and they are not able to solve problems in different ways. They dare not put their ideas into practice, since they are afraid of being punished if they disobey rules. Required to abide by strict rules in essay-writing, they will not know the outcome of expressing their ideas in other ways. The problems in the real world are complex and they cannot tackle these problems without using imagination.






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